Dinosaur Island Totally Liquid Playthrough Review

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hey welcome at live games I'm Anthony and I'm Francis but today we're going to play dinosaur island totally liquid liquid all right awesome so dinosaur island is a game designed by Jonathan Gilmore Brian Lewis for panda source games we are gonna be placing workers rolling a lot of dice laying a lot of tiles down so all kinds of things happening in this game we are playing with the totally liquid expansion yep like you said this expansion will make the game 1 to 5 players and should play in about 90 to 120 minutes we will be playing a short a short game right game short game which is probably something takes about an hour an hour hopefully we'll keep doing over okay all right so after the break choice the table and we'll show you how please [Music] all right here we are dinosaur island totally liquid welcome to our island of dinosaurs yes well not yet dinosaur it's dinosaur and you'll understand that in a second so witness dinosaur island is our land is a worker placement dice for resources tire tires tyrol placement game where we are competing to have the best the biggest and best most exciting dinosaur theme park in the world and yes that's always bad so we're gonna jump to the table we'll show you this massive sprawling game and all the bits and pieces that we're gonna have and all the things we're gonna do and then we'll jump right into the playthrough all right cool so here's a table and you can see there's a lot of stuff going on here but it's really not as intimidated as it appears we're gonna go quickly over the set up and then sort of the turn structure you know briefly again and then Francis take you through some of the objectives and the other modules we've added on to the game and then we'll jump right in because this is going to be pretty meaty play I think mr. I like to go herbivores yeah well that's true maybe not this game but we'll say so the game is broken into five phases and each phases essentially takes place on a specific board and there's a lot of different boards out here so you've got to face one board the Phase two board the phase three board and the phase four board phase five is cleanup so we're gonna go through the game each round you just go through the phases they're pretty quick pretty straightforward phase one we're gonna do some research we're gonna get some DNA to create time sourcing some time some recipes Phase two we're gonna go to the market we're gonna be able to buy some lab upgrades we're gonna be able to buy attractions for our park and hire specialists Phase three we're gonna go to work and we're gonna put our little workers to business in the lab and they're gonna build dinosaurs they're gonna increase our security and all improve our park right and then in phase four we're actually going to start receiving guests depending on how exciting our park is and then the dinosaurs are going to test our security with their threat level and if they do beat our security they're gonna go out and start eating our guests but the guests are how we earn money right so we're playing through a short game where there's no rounds and there's no like round limit here right it's whenever the objectives are met and you can explain yeah sure so in the totally liquid expansion we actually draw five objectives for a two-player game in the base game thinking only gonna draw three for a two-player game right but I think they recommend that any time you play this game yeah it's way too way too short yeah so anyway we drew five objectives and these are kind of common objectives that are going to give us six points if we complete them at the end of a certain round we can both claim them if we both end up meeting that goal in the same round only in the same robots if one of us collects it and the other one doesn't no girl no boy so in any case we're trying to fill our timers to fill up four of these objectives so we have for example creating Dinosaurs of two different species building four attractions in your park having six dinosaurs in your park having 12 DNA and cold storage which we'll explain later and then reaching an excitement level of ten over there so having a super exciting park will also push the game along a little bit yep so in addition to the objectives we have some plot twists which change the game up a little bit every time you play so we've drawn to one is that during game setup all DNA storage limits are increased by one right so our DNA cold storage is down here essentially without going into too much detail these little black cubes show you how much you are capable of storing and the white cubes show you how much you have so well why'd our game coos Oh yours are blue yes my white cube you're looking live Lucas V yes the other than on the other ones anyway so if you if you say there's kind of like a shaded area here that's normally where your storage limit starts so this plot twists allow just actually to start with a higher capacity which just pretty cool that's really good the second plot twist that we pulled allows us to discard the items the $2 and $3 row from the market when we refresh top 2 so when we refresh the market at the end of every round typically you're only going to wipe the $2 row everything in Tooele row in this case we're wiping the $2 and a $3 of yep just a little bit finally we have two other types of cards so we have drawn here and these are also part of the total e-liquid expansion we have blueprint cards which are going to tell us how we should be building our park and we will get points at the end of the game based on how closely we meet these plans and and then second we have these PR events and these are hidden objectives it's very similar to the objectives that are out on the table except they're usually going to square you VP for doing things in your park the interesting thing about these is we've both drawn to randomly and also secretively and we're going to choose which one to score at the end of the game the catch is everybody scores that card yep so we're going to keep an eye on each other what do you put on you cheat yeah so a couple quick things before we jump in we each start with player one starts with $15 player two starts with one extra dollar and then every player after that every subsequent gets another dollar so I start with sixteen bucks right we all start with the level a threat level and a security level of one because we have one dinosaur in the park we have an excitement level of one because that one dinosaur generates one excitement you start with ten victory points each because you can go negative victory points in this game it's very easy start with four workers three scientists yep that's the setup you are player once you get the Fastpass victory we'll see so I think that you're gonna be player one and we are ready to start alright alright so first thing you normally do is roll the DNA dice yes which I've already done so that's orissa we do and let me reveal this is my favorite right so okay so we have three different values of dinosaurs plus our marine creatures which your pardon totally liquid is Mantid yeah so we've got an herbivore and that is a Stegosaurus mm-hmm a small carnivore is our velociraptor little cool nice large carnivore is the something some ice or something a source surface dinosaur fanox and then we have the if key asaurus ichthyosaurus excuse me okay all right so how this works is we have three scientists you can kind of consider them like workers and different values that we can use to play on this board only during this phase what these scientists can do is order up some dinosaur recipes so you can you have to have the level of scientist in order to gather that dinosaur recipe so like for example I would need number three scientist to go here if I wanted that large carnivore the marine creatures will always have a value on them that matches one of these three so you just coordinated with whichever one you want and those values will determine the type of dinosaur for scoring purposes so a value of one water dinosaur equals a herbivore for example right exactly yeah and then the other thing you can do with these scientists guys is take them up here and claim some dice and I don't never gonna do that just yet maybe I will I think I need to get some yeah I think I'm going to shake it three one two three one two three okay I'm gonna go big I'm gonna take my through number three scientist and go up here for example okay so what this does is it allows me to take whatever's on the die times the the scientists value so I have a number three scientists going here so I will actually get three of each of these indicated DNA that's pretty cool the other thing you'll see on these dice is that there are these little pips and those pips you'll see all across the game and they amount to the threat level so what'll happen in this dice draft up is dropping dice obviously it's optional if we end up leaving a die out here that has a pip count on it or a couple that have pip counts the highest pit count die is gonna be added to our overall threat level for the round you better believe it I'm good not good at all but I'm taking a to pepper okay so that's pretty good and I get three of the purple so one two three and one two three my move is simple I'm taking the Stegosaurus so now I just have to place him anywhere on my board every board starts with one basic dinosaur starting dinosaur and one little hat shop so you could put these anywhere else on the boar so I'm going to put stego right here that's people minding my blueprint now each each dinosaur only comes with a paddock that can store one so you have to upgrade your paddock to get more okay I will take mmm I'm gonna take the this guy if it's kiss it looks like itched makes I'm like dyslexic but it's actually Nick Thea Soros so that is a herbivore dinosaur he's not very exciting at all actually nobody wants to come see him I do not understand because he stung me through hoop which i think is really cool but it's worth a lot of points he's worth at the end of the day yes so I'm probably gonna take I'm gonna take the Velociraptor nice as well that's a good choice good choice good choice ooh yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna place him over here yeah now these dinosaurs are not in the park exhibit yeah it's just an enclosure to to build them at some other point right let's see see you need to take this okay I can't I have no more room to take that thing I'm sorry so I think you might need to get that one oh the three Pipper yeah well looks like we're gonna have a lot of threat this round wait yeah I'm maxed out on everything else that's left up there right now and I don't really want that big sarcophagus dinosaur whatever it is so um so I am actually I'm going to pass so it's the last thing that you can do on this board is to use your worker put it here and what'll happen is he actually comes back today so you don't have to put on there you'll just put them out on your work I'm a worker yep gives you some extra action so I will take these three pepper so the three purple DNA's three purple pips so there you go okay sign ends phase one that's the research so now we don't do shopping now just the shopping phase the shop what are you gonna do the market let's see what do we have so here in our rows basically it's pretty easy to see visually anything in this row is gonna be two dollars plus any other indicated cost and oh I like the rocks max that's pretty I think you need this one about the first patron that's eaten in your Park yeah very dinosaurs what I don't have any time soon I know but you might get dinosaurs name I eat your people at some point they will remember the top two rows are going to go I know it sound like that uh-uh I know we get to actions in this round but we do yeah and we take them one after each other I mean I spent $3 so here's five I'm getting two back and three and I'm gonna take Dino security okay now these come back to our board here this one does not replace these aren't like upgrades like these ones the brown ones like Mary wants us to go in my under construction area right so these are so you everybody starts the DNA refinement Dino research in a tool bench and these are the upgrades level two of these particular items so you have to cover them first and then you can never replace the top two but the tool bench you can replace the tool bench but you don't really want to do that yeah because bad yes so I'm gonna spend five bucks okay and I'm gonna buy the better tool bench oh you're sorry yep so the better tool bench is gonna allow me to upgrade my paddock capacity at a discount that's good yeah because it gets quite expensive oh that's actually really good I like that yep and then I have whatnot see I always shop like crazy I like the lawyer he's pretty cool mm-hmm but the specialist actually gives you another worker some do yes yeah the ones that are out there do yeah oh I mean yeah sorry I'm in the food stall guy the food attraction your Park scores plus two VP that's pretty good what's that this specialist the food stall CEO yeah at the end of the game each food attraction your partner scores plus PvP so big estate plan on having a lot of food yeah he's not a bad idea like if you wanted the Rex necks yeah which isn't bad man oh man to paddock or security upgrades it's the for dollar-for-dollar guy alright I think I'm gonna spend I'll spend $3 that's a 10 and I will buy create one dinosaur some upgrading my Dino research is right now I could theoretically create two dinosaurs in one round but my first dinosaur cost one worker my second will cost to this one just allows you to spend those three workers and create the resource which you really never do this I'm gonna spend five bucks and I'm gonna buy the text the Rex mechs mechs necks that's gonna go in my Park pokey it was three dollars plus two for the rough so I will put that I'll put that over here [Music] that's not a good place down here underneath the hat store okay all right so that ends the market phase now we go to work phase versus where actually we can do our actions based on what you have on the board here right so we're gonna need to do some serious securitizing because we're at a plus two so you take the highest pip die and it goes over here in the threat level right so we're gonna get an additional two threat at the end of this round so really we're three yep barring no additional dinosaurs so we okay you can kind of play this at the same time yeah I think we should walk through at least the first round so the people can see yeah that's fair they like to watch YouTube yeah this is gonna be interesting who do you're gonna do yeah um well I know two things I'm gonna do look at that what are you very good so I'm going to use my tool bench to upgrade my paddock capacity well actually I'm going to increase my security level by one uh-huh so that's gonna cost me $1 cuz I'm in the $1 zone mm-hmm and then I'm gonna take another guy and upgrade my security at no cost would you normally cost me two bucks okay so I'm gonna take a guy and I'm gonna do my better tool bench and increase upgrade a paddock uh pass screwie level by one so I will do that so I get a dollar discount on that space so I will go up for free okay I'll send another worker to the -2 dollar increase to go up to level 3 at no cost so now I have two workers yeah and I will use this guy to get three dollars I go to the bank the bank I'm going to the venture capitalists okay my VC guys yikes I've got to yeah so I'm gonna go and increase my paddock so I'm gonna buy a level two paddock which costs two dollars mm-hmm and I will increase my stego paddock to a level two so now I can hold two stegosauruses in this dagger yessir you know going big and you always put them in that same corner which is a bit weird that's the or before corner weird they thrive oh goodness gracious let's see I could I could do that as well um yeah I don't know what your panic I want to upgrade though yeah I'm gonna do it twice so I'll pay another two bucks I think I'm gonna do this my starter dinosaurs paddock buy one as well okay it's kind of a prep phase for them yeah I'm gonna do a panic upgrade as well I'm just deciding if I want to make another xeo soros eventually I want another Albert and dramas mmm they're kind of boring okay give me another give me this paddock upgrade here two dollars give me please give it to me please no that's the wrong one why because you want a water yeah you don't want a paddle yeah how cool is that like why is that not exciting to many people this is a pretty cool pool that you got going there all right so that is that is it I'm gonna get you guys back in the bank all right so you did venture capital so every action has one or more spaces on it some are unlimited so just keep that in mind as we start working so gonna work so that's phase 3 phase 4 is the park phase so now visitors are gonna come and you're gonna get as many visitors from this bag as you have excitement now we're both that excitement level once it's pretty boring we're only gonna get one visitor now there are two types of visitors the majority of the bag are paying guests or patrons right then a smaller percentage of purple maples in here are hooligans and they come in the park for free cuz they sneak in and they are first to get in line on your rides and they do not get and they do not get eaten in the United poison they are terrible so you do not want to draw a purple and neither of us did so they come and they line up at the gate huh and we get paid a dollar each regardless whether or not they're gonna get in the park now you just place them on any one of your attractions that has a space for them or in a dinosaur paddock that has that has a dinosaur so I could place them here or I could place them in my Rex mix and I have a choice in the Rex max to take either $2 or a victory point I'm gonna take the $2 nice okay and you're getting a victory point okay because you have one so you actually go up that I'm sorry you go up to 11 victory points to my 10 and that ends this so what we would also do is check the security and you should probably that first right because now if your security level is lower than your threat level the dinosaurs will start eating guests but we have a threat level of one each yes plus two for the threat die so that gives us a threat level of three we each have a security level three so we're equal to or greater than they don't break out so we're good which we kind of know going into this round already whether or not we're going to to sacrifice some guests right each guest that gets eaten is minus one victory point it's not good yes and a the paying patrons in the park first yeah so even if you don't get all your guests in the park isn't enough space they don't get eaten till later and plus you don't get victory points for them it's not like you get victory points it's a double hit it's very bad now yes it is time to pass the Fast Pass that's that's the Fast Pass so I am now player one because we are now in cleanup and player order changes based on whoever is trailing and victory points that's a thing that would be me so now I am player one yes all right and now we are gonna have to wipe the top two rows yep everything in the market is going to slide up to the very top if it can yeah let us form up as it can go so everything pushes up gets cheaper and then you just draw more I'm also gonna flip these dancers all right Brachiosaurus I like the Brachiosaurus yes that one is pretty cool it's a long neck alright the Utah Raptor and we have some more specialists coming out all of our guests if I can have your guests go back to the bag okay roll the dice all four workers go back home wow that's a cool one oh that's neat yeah I'm gonna scoop that up I bet you will that gives you an advanced DNA and two purple DNA indigo blue Dinoco blue cars never mind so that's it now we start round two okay okay so I'm playing a wine so I get to go first I'm gonna go right for the DNA okay only because I have to so this kind of stinks that's a dumb move by me I can't why because i maxed out on purple already so to me purple tips I'm not taking it that's really not work don't increase your cold storage first hmm I'm gonna take two red okay the pink happy know that red Hank oh it is hot pink on my board okay that's my DNA okay um I will take hmm and that objective you have 12 and storage 1 2 3 4 times 3 Wow I only have 1 2 1 2 3 4 you have 4 5 6 7 8 we could get a couple more I need four more mm-hmm oh I don't - I can I have the whole round to get the DNA to do this so I guess I could do that so then I might as well go for three of these purple ones boom you don't want to miss these objectives at 6 points yeah [Music] why does nobody want to come see the aquatic dinosaurs I don't know but they're worth a lot of points they're worth so many points but nobody wants to see them there yeah that's tough that is tough a threat their threat level is like so that's me it's off the charts it's crazy all right um so I the Utah Raptor is just like kind of stupid he's not very exciting either mmm I like them more like the scarier dinosaurs should be more exciting fighting you know what I mean yeah what do you think hmm yeah I can't get any more of this turn it and I wish you could cover up dinosaurs too you know oh yeah won't you place them there there in your park for good like they're pretty much there forever yeah I'm at that point you really should start breeding them just building a bunch of cages that are empty I know um all right well I guess I'll just take this one this Utahraptor okay that's pretty cool no we both got raptor don't like his name I'm gonna take the Brachiosaurus I like the Brachiosaurus a lot it's like your much land before time yep you did I did many many moons ago was that a baby Brachiosaurus is that what he was yes he was a longer your Android his best friends what I don't really okay but I don't have a triceratops Park and you don't it's name was no Sara Oh which I just realized that makes uh my turn yeah okay I'll just take this come back okay so market phase we are ready to roll so we've got some new stuff coming out Giga coaster is Jurassic world yeah that's pretty cool or world oh no whirly cups gnarly horrible um yeah yeah man this is pretty interesting so I'm gonna spend mmm $3 I don't have much $3 I'm gonna buy this lab equipment that lets me gain any two basic DNA with a worker what was that lab equipment gained two basic DNA oh nice that's how you're gonna get yours that's all get my DNA's or you could just straight up by DNA yeah you can do that it's but it's expensive money's very tight in this game right especially they'll have an exciting I know like my person a very exciting all right two books I'm gonna spend three dollars and buy this security guard three securitas so you may assign a worker to this card to treat your security level as plus one for the round that's pretty cool he's very cool and he lets me grab a worker from my pool and randomly we only have one additional threat this round so that's actually managed that well so I'm going to spend to my last two dollars and get a rent-a-cop during phase four the park phase I may capture up the two hooligans in your Park each round keep it on this card and I score one point for each hooligan at the end of the game he also comes with an additional worker so I will place a fifth worker in my pool okay um costumes it's not like a big dinosaur head or something that is pretty cool though have nine dollars it's very expensive it's five dollars just two dollars uh-huh I like Jurassic world oh you know what I actually bought the wrong one are you dead can I swap it I wanted this one and it was actually cheaper so I get a dollar back cuz that's it yeah I didn't want to oh okay did you basic no I wanted the advanced okay um costumes is like so expensive I'm going to pass into a $2.00 onto the work phase all right I'm also doing stuff do stuff alright so I'm gonna go a game one advances where my math I have some things starting about about translating math math it isn't numbers gangrene gangrene gangrene so I'm gonna spend a green a light blue and a purple walk I guess I don't know what color that is it's like a pinkish purple mm-hmm and build one stegasaurus yes love my Stegosaurus alright so when you build the dinosaur let me explain this when you build the dinosaur they go in your paddock obviously but you automatically go up the excitement level as indicated on their their pen so he goes up he drives me up to excitement but he's also gonna drive me up one threat level so right now our threat is plus one so we're at three keep that up wait I feel like I needed to listen you I said are three levels plus one just keep that in mind plus another one no just plus one for the road yeah yeah yeah got you was thinking about my move ah I was just you know building dinosaurs upgrade security I did this count of two that's free it's for me Oh what I forgot to do is when I gained my one advance DNA I actually moved up to 12 DNA before I spent it oh he did yeah cuz I had one too yep like it's he's not exciting at all this dinosaur I made stinks oh I forgot that was a great dinosaur by the way I had to take that move of great security that's DNA Crete does all right let's see care of security will do increase paddock that one so big three dollars back and then we'll do increase at no cost bring in five then create a second dinosaur cost me any two DNA for my basic mmm one two puts my excitement up one thread up one but this cost me two workers because I don't have the upgraded dinosaur research right you're done yeah I am thinking about what dinosaur I want to make they feel like I need more people my Park that's always a good name good move to get people so I feel like I need to upgrade maybe my paddock and then make a dinosaur dinosaurs okay yeah I think I can do this I've got one too so our threats only it to right now my threat isn't like it - that's correct three okay I'm gonna spend $2 and upgrade at my paddock to a land paddock double to level 2 driver for my basic alright Dino so my dinosaurs died sorry and then I will create a dinosaur and I'll make this dinosaur which is two of any I'm just two of anything and I'll pay one two and I'll take another one of these albertasaurus guys please here you go thank you and your excitement goes up one and your threat goes up one just one thank you - dinosaurs um yeah I would like to I'd like to build a Reptar but he's gonna need some DNA I need some DNA to do that advancing I can't make enough of it right now but that's okay and I'm going to use my last two and increase my security again I no cost okay that's it very good so now we go into the park face face for you get to pull two guests no hooligans so I get to pull for guests so here's two he's worth that's good into the game so cozy capture them yeah you may capture up to 200 games in your park each round okay so I'm assuming that means he goes into the park he's still yeah you still do all the same stuff you still lose the VP's I make three bucks for having three back three patron mm-hmm and you get to two bucks thank you this guy comes in first he'll go to my hat shop this guy wants to go see stego this guy is gonna go see my Gallimimus this guy's gonna go to my Rex next shop okay so I'm gonna get two points one two and two dollars because I'm taking two for my hat shop nice or my Mexican shop okay two dollars I mean two points so you get two so you are ahead of me by one turn order stays the same okay I will capture this guy now some in-game we are both above the threat because it was only plus one you're way above your smile and security yeah alright so throw your guests back in the bag okay let's clean up so we are removing the top two rows again okay whole bunch of stuff this really cycles the board I know that's why I liked that one for this game because it always seems like it's stagnant with two because we're not buying him yeah true true Wow a para swirl office ferrous offal office and a demeanor gone Dimetrodon much no there's only one he dime trade on dungeon Dimetrodon yes a little spin on its back from the original Journey to the Center of the Earth [Music] that's everything right all the cleanup workers go back yeah we are ready for the next round we are and we have let's just so create dinosaurs of two different species so even though I you don't think I didn't do the same round if but you're and it can't be you're strong yeah it doesn't rain for attractions would be these things and that's not in the same round it's just you have to clone just create that's actually good have six dinars in your parkour reaching exam level 10 so we're getting close to some of these so we get about another round or two probably two rounds at most okay alright so let's let's me well yeah alright roll them up [Music] Wow four dollars four bucks any of those special symbol dice require a level three scientist to claim to get three bucks yes to get forward Bala got a three we have two 3 pips out there that's gonna be nasty so I'm gonna go right ahead and take the yellow with the level 2 scientist no um okay got it got it guys saara finge annex he's been out there a while hasn't he yeah well he is pretty cool actually I gotta like him he's not a water dinosaur like I like the wonder ones but take him cool I like that one and he's very low threat considering what he is what he is you know I will take the four dollars with my level three signs are you kidding me why are you trying to get that I need the money I'm out I mean I could put two more in but I don't I gotta worry about making these dinosaurs you you're making a lot of dancers this time yeah I'm going for it is that because I'm a dinosaur park another Triceratops Park those reserves for Nicholas I'm maxed out on that I guess I'll take this one here only gonna give me one one uh yeah yeah well you took it with the tube which can only hold one exactly alright then I will take I'll take the three pepper okay that's one purple not that I really wanted that one but yeah yeah it'll have to do but I don't need three security what's that I don't need three more security yeah okay so now we're on the day their shop Moo the shop the shop all right what do I want to do here I mean there's some pretty good things out here mm-hmm but what I'm going to do is spend $5.00 mmm yeah so we're gonna get a security bump of - by the way D levels - uh which would put me up to five that gives me a little bit of wiggle room here all right it's five dollars is so expensive what are you gonna buy Jurassic world no one I'm not gonna spend that that's silly no you're gonna get no I don't need to do that I'm actually going to spend three dollars three dollars you need to do that I could spend two dollars then I'll do that later so I can buy some stuff here how long I don't really need any of these like upgrades which is cool but what I'll do is I'm going to spend three and buy a Dino research I need that because it's way too many workers um alright and I'm gonna spend $5.00 it's just like a lot of money and I'm gonna get this DNA refinement Center to not allows you to do multiple times okay I will spend two more dollars and do this gain any two basic DNA and I'm gonna - of this light blue and I can discard one item from the number-two row which is kind of silly because they're all going anyway mm-hmm and I've got four bucks left do I want to spend it hmm really like Jurassic world I'm out of money I can't find it that's five bucks I know I like four bucks oh not good that's actually pretty cool it is it's cheap it is only five dollars yeah that's shame yeah but I can't really afford anything else yeah it's anything else is gonna be like waster I'll take two dollars and fast all right phase three let us do some work all right I'm gonna I'm going to refine sandy upgrade my dog at a $2.00 Biscay wait I need to look at my recipes here so I need one of these and what it is it's upgraded again for two more dollars this song let's do it again the security is killing me security mm-hmm security always kills me mmm why I'm doing all this crazy scary stuff BRAC pinkish-purple daniela pinkish purple and yellow Bracke Bracke users threat level by one question our level is up to this time yep so it's actually I'm not like a for right now okay yeah I could do that hmm okay I'm just one more time Fitz do you actually we'll go ahead and make a dinosaur first so oh yeah oh right all right very well one two pink yellow I need this Raptor looking guy please oh yeah with the Raptors built-in oh cool that would be you thank you and to excitement to excitement okay about that guy uh-huh and then then I'm going to increase my security again at no cost right uh-huh cuz you're going up to right and oh wait we're going up to I really want to make that other man to the other dinosaur guy I don't know if I can do is gonna look I would need to refine again to make the ingredient that I need and then I would need to create a dinosaur you have enough workers and that if I made that other dinosaur it would put me one over one person would get eaten oh that's not a bad thing you always say that I and this is a part of the game every single time I come to this conundrum I'm like do I let somebody get eaten for six points mm-hmm and you're always like go ahead and do it yeah well then it ruins me because I lose a whole point right yep so I lose a point you lose two points basically right yeah because for the eatin and you lose a point for his because he's not gonna be able to get you to generate you something correct so you really losing two points for him right I'm gonna do it anyway oh okay should I do it we need to else her in how people get eaten right sure I say go for it oh my gosh I always do these risky moves I always force your hand by taking the objective cards and you feel hey that was every time even though I sit and analyze the whole thing after we're done alright let me take my refinement action I need a green guy and that costs me a blue and oh wait it gives me a blue two purple like you didn't even do it I can't even do it alright forget it forget it forget it here's enough sake 6 points um and do I want money or beef up my security system hey that's security upgrade is a good good upgrade that freebie it is especially now that you get to start and get expensive especially for me yeah answer sensitive Kenny's dad your expensive belt too I might as well just increase my security again don't worry about it later alright so yeah so I get six so that's three grab all the yellows [Laughter] you get four one two three four oh the hooligans aren't Bethany's I do get a point for them oh you lucky all paying guests look at this so I get six bucks and you get four that was a big taste I'm gonna grab so many more points and he's gonna go watch this Raptor and he's gonna go watch this thing I said I can't fit everybody unfortunately oh yeah I just fit everybody yeah one guy one guy waits at the gate but he still pays which I don't get like you pays but I paid for the trip right I get one too for victory points 1 2 3 4 and $2 and I get four make your points as well 1 2 3 4 keeping you 1 point a heads a hole I know I'm never playing why I've never player 1 so it's actually feels good so remember it was 2 threat oh yeah I'm at the right yeah and I'm you're way ahead again still so I was the closest I had to keep that tight I was considering making another dinosaur and that would have pushed me over yes I had some DNA left I could have done it okay all right I'm gonna refresh this guy and we will see what comes in get some good stuff that security that is security it's good free security upgrade yeah nothing do you fancy I'd say no but that's still that's great that's great though but I do need DNA to that's the trade-off right like yeah you need all this stuff yeah I wish these dinosaurs would refresh Oh tea room Oh miss do I go for it I don't know do you you know it's worth so many points I wanted to get down and he's always turn threat can we house rule this and just get rid of these what come on what's wrong with you well cuz there's like a Megalodon in there are you gonna buy the mega well so the dice are done yes everybody's reset your workers are reset the scientists are all home we are ready to start the next round alright you are first alright so let's get to the science science I would go right for this guy I knew you're gonna do I need security too yeah surely be increasing my cold storage you keep maxing out I do mm-hmm Oh Donna security came back out yeah so the diner security yeah yeah yeah that's a good one oh yeah I could probably use that the thing that would limit you because most of the security updates allow you to increase your paddock you know either or you could through the security or your paddock yeah in that case it's just security mm-hmm so it's a little bit more limiting yeah all right maybe this an upgrade each of these okay I'm gonna go for that one I'm having get her two of those each of course wait that's the purple that's purple and pink ah I don't want that what do you want blue you get a whole bunch of blue like a bunch of that'll be for blues I can only take three ya take ya swap me over to the blues please hey it off take one - I'll max blue out alright and two of each others mm-hmm and I will take the pinkish / one yep the magenta the magenta and that just gives me one all right so markets what do we want to do in the market face first yeah I know question is what do you want to do um yeah this is always tough I might as well take for two dollars the lab manager and he's going to once per round increase your cold storage limits by 1 for a single DNA typing once per ounce oh I could do that right now if I want to tell ya but oh hold on I don't really know what I want to do yeah but I do get to work for that and that's really why bowling right I think that one of the hardest parts of this game is remembering what the conversions are mmm so that you know what you need without checking the chart cuz it's very confusing I need like a any QuickBooks you do you need QuickBooks for this um how much money I even have to shop with here oh that's a fiber five six seven eight nine ten bucks someone that's really doing [Music] in any three basic DNA it's really not bad what's that gaining the DNA it's like finding it on the black market yeah kind of interesting um I can't so I will actually do that cuz I think I might need some DNA whoops do you remember was it right there what is that you're my security that stuff probably right about that I think it was there okay yeah because I was about to hit five think oh it's okay we'll check the same boot then we can um and I'm gonna get three basic DNA you bought the three and you discard one of the load the second row one of these okay so I am going to hmm I have some options here four dollars so I'm going to spend four and do the tool bench to upgrade which allow me to perform to paddock or security upgrades in any combination I have plus one what we have plus are your kind like I use because they're they're waiting they're lining up was it my turn yep exchange 1/2 DNA for 1/2 DNA of the same rarity rarity rarity oh yeah this stuff's like wagers with you yeah they're they're pricey I'm passing it into bucks I'm gonna be building so many dinosaur run oh ok whatever it's redonkulous I would have build a velociraptor actually just because they're awesome well I need any sense I think that two of those I gotta like tell people what's happening okay okay don't I mean otherwise it's just silence and me moving thank you alright so I got myself a raptor awesome - threat though boom boom that's scary and - excitement boom so that's nice and I think I'm gonna do another stay go green okay what's all right thing up one this time so it's really at like a five right now mmm-hmm okay so [Music] - - is to for security hmm - dice ours that I'm gonna gain one advanced DNA I'll take a yellow take $3 making a dinosaur cool one - Purple's a green a pink and yellow I need this guy what are you doing I just hit tube Jimmy this guy I'm sorry yeah which ones that I guess they're all kind of like this guy he's comes like t-rex oh yeah I give you a t-rex model that would be this guy yes yes is that perfect that's like the large carnivores perfect yes okay that is +3 excitement level please oh my goodness 3 uh I was a 407 ok nice try to threat +2 it just can't make I'm pretty broke as a joke you got that other one yeah this is gonna say search throw me off wait that's gonna end it that's all for ya see this is why I get crazy with this game I didn't even build my dinosaur yet I didn't not even done not even ready for this y'all not ready for this not ready for this Wow now we need to think about what I'm gonna do oh I can't really do that I need to think okay I think I think the only thing I can do now is the game is over good luck it was unintentional by the walking we do but not on and you took my my snap bracelet I did okay I'm going to upgrade my Patek capacity look at by one so move these guys out temporarily I know where they go through matically well this is happening about I'm gonna pay three dollars to upgrade my panic Capacete and then I will use my last one you're just making other dies over whoops was he up there I don't know he was somewhere up here I'm sorry no we don't get boys I'm so seek another one of these guys with the long tail okay you get this guy Thanks the best I can do he's gonna bring you up an excitement level one yeah and one threat yep and that's it that's it that's what I can do so now we do the pork face so we finished the round alright yeah yeah so I'm gonna throw a tank from the bag there goes one four five six seven eight nine ten who won worst at least take how many eight you can eat yeah high six really cool Iligan City yeah they're no good so I get 9 bucks and this guy is gonna go running line really fast well I'm sending them to the stupid stuff well my guys getting arrested after this because I have a rent-a-cop what is in my mark and he's taking up space they do usually throw him in the hat stoar no I mean like I don't have enough space we have two of them my parks too exciting no I have two outside the gate too sure just not this guy all right he probably would have actually been a better choice for me to build instead of making this a guy and I wasn't paying attention to what you were doing cuz he cost me I had to spend three workers to get those three things mm-hmm just to build this guy just to pump my excitement up three levels right but you would have also been three guys shy right so then you would have had one less victory point you know but I would have maybe I wouldn't know John those two Julio's you don't know any case is counterpoints one two three four five six seven points what are you counting my gosh you get a point for every yellow guy okay seven points 20900 23 all right then I get four one two three okay I'm going to arrest this silly hooligan in my Park these guys are going back yeah we are gonna do some end game scoring all right that is it folks let's do some scorn yeah all right so now I have truth yeah let's score it up so we're gonna do is we're gonna score dinosaurs in the park so let's let's add yourself okay so I have seven right 11 wait a minute 13 14 14 points so one two three four bless you 35 so I've got two four six seven eight nine ten twelve one two and we are tied alright so that is dinosaurs I don't have any shops worth victory points do you mean it right no all right let's do our money bless you I'm allergic to end games and game scoring so you're gonna get one point for every five dollars you have three points and money ten dollars one two three and you get two points one two I'm gonna get two more points for my hooligans because my rent-a-cop caught two of them one two we're gonna get objectives so you get 24 points one two three four ten twenty you get one two three four five six all right so that's the objectives yeah that was tough one now we get to pick our PR card which one do we want to score do you want to do that first you do you want to be blueprints first what you do blueprints that's fine so right there is my blueprint and we're just gonna score for how many squares that you covered that match the board but you have to have dinosaurs in there right no you don't just you know just the blueprint so as long as you have the right enclosure then you're good to go so how many did you match I matched six so you've got one two these dinosaur pens count as tubes laws are on the right square so one two three four for a small carnivore five six for a large carnivore so you've got six and if you match six there is a grid in the back of the book that tells you so six is worth three points one two three and I matched one two three four five six seven thanks worth five points one two three four five all right so that's blueprints so you've got a ton of points for them I give up on this game - pleasure yes sir for a PR event so we need to choose one of these but they are scored by all okay so I'm gonna choose this one I'm gonna choose one VP for every two DNA you have in cold storage okay so I get one all right you get a point I get one one two three four five six seven so I get two points three points one two three and then I have square four for each marine creature exhibit you have a new I don't have any marine creatures well yeah I have four but I but hey I don't actually have a dinosaur there so there are accounts I think it's an exhibit that's Phil okay well count it all right what does really matter I lost worse than ever this time this is a tough one ya know like last night we played I won by two points yeah but I felt like I was losing the whole time and this time I really thought I was doing a good job I tried a whole different strategy I thought about this all day and now I lost by so many more points than I've ever lost by before let's go talk about it okay all right dinosaur island no love oh yeah now you're you've just turned okay so I want to talk about this game um I want to start off by talking about experience I feel like we never we always like to try to start to do this you know in our like review portion but we never we always like cut to like the structured stuff yeah but we always have all these thoughts about stuff that's well let's go a little off let's go off script a little bit and talk experience because this game for me was like first of all we were really looking forward to it and so we got a chance to play it we're very excited about it it's fun to look at this thing challenges me in ways that like unexpectedly no other game has and I I think probably it has to do with the fact that we're playing a shorter game yes even though it's not really like a it's not like a short 30-minute game you know what I mean but I have never been able to wrap my brain around how this game works to get points like I said I I literally spent you'd normally we score like you usually win but only by a couple points and you're always like don't get frustrated because you only lost by two points or like I only beat you by two points but for me it's not about like the losing or winning it's like how well did my strategy work and in those cases it's like I didn't feel like I employed my whole strategy so I I feel like like it wasn't as satisfying even though like like I said last time I won couldn't tell you how I did it right because I really felt like I was losing the whole time yep and you usually go for like I was a joke because he always builds these like herbivore like resorts or whatever what do you call them reserves Reserve like a triceratops because it is a very quick way to get excitement up and points up without having your animal for that yes I'm like I see these awesome dinosaurs come out and I want to put them in my park like my blueprint like I want to match all those things and like build the thing and like which is funny because typically I don't get so lost in theme like that like if we play for example give you a really good example of how this relates right so when we play area control games that have like well basically just like area control I'm thinking like maybe a little bit of combat there's a game that we played that was that I specifically remember this because I won in like a couple of rounds just by meeting objectives it was like here's your objectives to finish the game and I went boom boom boom boom and you're like having so much fun defeating these like it was long it was the Greek one with like the Colossus figures and stuff yeah yeah and you're like you were bummed yeah so yeah and you like I had no idea you were that close to winning yes I was so sucked into the cuz that game is yeah so I got so sucked into the theme and just going on these adventures and killing all the things building the statues and you were like when when when game over and I was like wow and it took us I think that was another one that we had to play through like several times yeah yeah that was just to not have it be a short game and to really get the experience out of it so that everyone could see what you gave everybody had to offer so this to me feels like the flip side of that we're like first for whatever reason like I am this thing and make these parks and most of the time we play this short version of the game yeah you're like I'm gonna build an herbivore and like load up the paddocks with herbivores yep and then you win but your Park is so boring don't you you know some people like it's like it's a petting zoo it's I guess right yeah like you are all working on cool dinos while I'm like all right I just need to build six times I could do that bang for attractions not gonna happen because they just don't that's really for the short game you just don't have enough of a money engine to do that so it's a short game objective it's my 12 vehicle storage you hit that first but I felt I was close enough to be able to pull it off that route and you did yeah reach and extend a level 10 that just died don't even try for it just happened do too it was like organic just kind of pushed my excitement up so that those came at the same time creating two dinosaurs are different species again that was easy because I was going are befores and that easy to go on the board without having to get your security level very high so that's always I think like if you look at the math part is because I'm gonna talk about math in a second but like if you look at like the math e part of this like my Raptor for example is an excitement of to where your Stegosaurus is excitement of two bees the threat level one so like you can build two herbivores which for some reason are more exciting than one awesome Raptor cuz dinosaurs know there's status sources but they're just dinosaurs like people don't eat I know but I would be so playing it's like having an elephant in the zoo that's exciting right the lions are cool but not that much more excited Tigers like they just kind of laid there so it's like well but that's the thing is like I feel like it's not like from a cost perspective it does make sense in a shorter game where you're just trying to get dinosaurs on the board and that is actually that is actually a discussion in the bgg forums about why people are asking why go small carnivores because right the herbivores are just as exciting with less threat so why would you even bother getting a small carnivore and I kind of agree with that sentiment I did and I did it because of bloop and we could talk about blueprints in a minute as well but the large carnivores are definitely a bigger payout yeah and you have to kind of also keep in mind that yes the herbivores are easy to get out and generate money and points throughout the game but at endgame the small carnivores are worth more points twice as many points per dinosaur right but you've got to get enough of them on the board to make it worth the multiple yeah and that's and that was the kind of the weird thing this time too because I I did build like this big carnivore who's seven yeah which normally in the games where you're not building as many of the small carnivores you're just building herbivores and some small stuff yeah I can usually pull out those last like ten or so points where I'm trailing by because I have like two big dinosaurs out right thing you know what I mean but in this game I thought that didn't even work no you couldn't get a dolphin I tried to do this theme because I'll tell you Norma I'm gonna talk about math this is the second thing about this game it really challenges me is the I I don't want to say bookkeeping because it's not it's not really bookkeeping but it's not like there's one cost for everything so it's kind of like you know like I said even you saw me kind of go through this it's like I have this dinosaur I want to build and originally we first started playing the game I was looking at like the dinosaurs on offer and I'm like okay I'm gonna need this this this this and that advanced thing which means I'm going to need another one of those another one of those looking at my board trying to like in my head figure out where I'm gonna be and what I'm gonna need to buy and do I have enough money to buy that thing to get that which sounds a lot like what I normally like is a lot of planning but it's also in this case like that is like a lot of it's a lot of that like in your head resource yeah a computation yes which is just not my strong suit so so that's a big challenge for me too not a bad thing no it is definitely a challenge is interesting it's very very interesting and that type of in your head math on the fly is what I love it's what I do for a living I know numbers right so to me the bookkeeping of that it's just there right I think about it it's just so I just move pieces I know what I need and I've got it I can make the math work very quickly right and on the fly so for me that that piece doesn't challenge me as much yeah that's where there's kind of a that's why there's different types of games every type of mechanics of play appeal to different people right so and this is proof positive that yes the case may not not every heavy gamer you know finds every type of mechanic right easy to digest yeah it's just cuz everybody has their own strengths right in in different ways different interesting actually kind of like taught us something about ourselves as gamers to be any app or game you um you had mentioned you that like the like the whole short game versus long game thing cuz I'm like like we're playing this what I tried to do this time but I usually screw myself with is that my security level is never high enough so illed also to build the dinosaurs that I want to build so I'm always like trying to get my security up and again for some reason you always have your security up and I don't know how you do it a lot of money I was broke a few rounds yeah well this time we were kind of on par yeah but still I mean I was using a lot of workers every time to get that up but normally you know I feel like I'm trailing in security compared to the dinosaurs I have out so this time I really try to focus on my security but I was really like building a long game engine so that when the game ended it was like but my engine is ready now yeah I'm ready to start you need like another round to do just all dinosaur making yeah like I was ready it's good and so I think that like I just I kind of hunger for the longer game strategy perspective it comes with three where yes doesn't say where you like short games yeah I do yeah and we talked about this yeah right so I'm more of a short game tactician yeah now said you're more of a long game strategist and that's that's where yeah so in the longer euros that go the distance I usually fail on a lot of the long-term endgame sin objectives because I just don't look at that I get caught up in what's in front of me this game what's in front of me is short term enough that night being in game that I just go okay that I can do that in three rounds bang and I just do it yeah and I'm done so if I have to think seven or eight rounds ahead I'm too lazy to do that that's what it comes you know I'm just gonna focus on what I'm doing here so I think we again we've learned things about ourselves and what what we excel at and game right where our strengths and weaknesses are this game comes with three modes short medium and long game three different types sets of objective cards that are all the same it's just longer instead of six dinosaurs in your park it might be ten right or it could be higher depending and that really just stretches out when you can actually clean these objectives which you know equates to a few more rounds of play exactly but in the short game it cat it catches up to you very quickly quickly in the basic rules for this for the base game three objective cards it can be won in two rounds it's so quick that's just not even that's not even a game like you're literally getting out one dinosaur enclosure building a few dinosaurs and the game's over like that's not enough to really it's good to like learn the game yeah like how to play we definitely recommend that as a start to learn the game but then throw those short game cards in the box right and just go for at the minimum the medium length game to really get a feel for what this game has to offer right it does and I tell you we went with the expansion we played this we were gonna film just the base right but we we kind of felt that it was lacking something because everything was public you knew what you were going for there were no like secretive yeah I looked at the expansion and I saw that it came with the PR a module that came with the blueprint module it comes with an executives model which is a whole nother sideboard okay when you dinosaurs the whole water dinosaur thing which is cool we didn't do the executive board because it's a lot more complicated and we've kind of to see just to get filled the game if you but if you really enjoy what you see here then you definitely need the expansion if you like the fact that there's hidden objectives there's the blueprints that give you sort of a sort of guidance on how you should build your Park there just gives you something to work towards outside of just building your Park yeah when I saw that I immediately ordered the expansion and we put the film on hold the film on wholeness and we're gonna do when we get the expansion and it was the right call because I think the expansion adds enough meat to this game to bring it up an entire notch I think so too yeah for sure yep alright so we can cuz we can go through quickly some of our you know most stuff yeah yeah so we'll talk about replayability which I feel like we've kind of already touched on I mean you can see that there's just tons and tons and tons of replayability yeah especially if you don't get the strategy right away because you can play it over and over even sure you try doing like an amusement park where you're building a lot of attractions that's a medium to long game it is because you cannot do that if they're too expensive 9 bucks you're not making enough more plus 4 that's 3 $13 which now is this is the only time in the game that I've actually had $13 right to buy but that's that would be my whole market right and that's just that's too much no money to upgrade your see I'd say two more rounds of the game I'd start having excess cash to start buying these luxury items exactly what did you have your couple that you're you're doing I mean there's there's not really yeah we just have to only I'm buying now is security and that's my expense and that's and I could probably what there's now my excitements at 10 next round would have been at 15 appointed I'm making 20 bucks around that's huge that's painting so but that's we're still like two or three rounds away from yeah replayability high um wait deceptively heavier it's heavier yeah yeah heavier yeah I thought that this was gonna be more of like a mid weight analysis um this is pretty heavy yeah for different for all the reasons we've already explained to you yeah yeah yeah um fema components i yeah i love the theme i'll I wasn't sure I'd like the color scheme but I'm pretty cool with it it's very 80s vibe very nice baby easy a very Miami Vice it's like that Grand Theft Auto game nostalgia Vice City that's what it was via write that part it's right there would have loved the dinosaur a minute I do love them yeah I would have loved them more if they were made of wood Oh cuz they're plastic the tactile for me is I like wooden minis not plastic but I am sure the cost and the production yeah would have been a lot more right um but I do like the fact that they're all and this is the deluxe edition by the way so it has all these unique dinosaurs metal coins we do not have the deluxe expansion so we don't have because there are many strong sea creatures as well which is awesome but you see you don't really get a lot of those sea monsters like out onto the board anyway so very low excitement nobody wants this one see ya we're kin yep yep but yeah the the production quality on this is really nice I like the in arts and this the the base set is the deluxe that I backed on Kickstarter so this is the Kickstarter version for the second campaign with the liquid totally liquid which thinking back I should have gotten the expansion you didn't get the expansion with this I did not I should have cuz they campaign offered me there was there re release of the Kickstarter with the lik totally liquid so I could have done it I didn't so I should have alright fun factor I so fun yeah it's a fun game it's really good yeah and we think we talked to expectations yeah yeah add into your fun know it met my expectations if not exceeded them and I think it because it's heavier it exceeded that my cuz I expected I mean mid weight game that was kind of just like you know just theme tacked on to it but it actually is really good yeah it has a lot of worker placement a lot of dice resources a lot of bookkeeping that I enjoy it's so much do love the bookie be like I love to do that thinking math it just for whatever reason that's good I enjoy it so we have you yes that's why I'm here so I do I do like that I I do I like the game a lot yeah I really do I did you exceeded my expectations but my but it was uh like I said a lot heavier than I thought yeah for me but it was good it was good yeah I like it for that it's been on our shelf for far too long so we just made a point if you know what we have to do a playthrough this because I really want to play it and there you go yeah anything else I don't think so I think that's it okay so thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the playthrough we shall see you next time see ya [Music]
Channel: How It Plays by Ant Lab Games
Views: 14,241
Rating: 4.8853045 out of 5
Keywords: dinosaur island, kickstarter, board game, boardgame, tabletop, gaming, playthrough, review, bgg, jurassic park
Id: GixK5gatg6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 45sec (5205 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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