Eckhart Tolle A Course In Miracles. CHECkOUT👇👇THE POWER OF NOW Audiobook inthedescription below👇

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something perhaps the most precious thing in your life is inner peace because no matter what you get in this world without that it's not really worth that much so in any moment or situation if you can remember that then you realize that the situation is secondary yes of course you have to deal with it if it requires action but there's always something else that's more fundamental more vital because even if you achieve what you wanted but through this the action you lose inner peace it's not that helpful anymore whatever it was that you achieved what is it worth inner peace goes away is obscured through mental judgments concepts that you completely believe in so it's not something you need to find it's already in you that's the amazing thing even in the most seemingly insane person there is inside there is the core of inner peace stillness aliveness i can only use pointers and as i use the pointers hopefully you go within and see if at this moment you can realize the reality of what the words point to otherwise they are only words something in you loves that inner peace and then there's the ego in everybody unless it's dissolved already that wants else it's more important it says oh it says you won't find inner peace until you get this or that and there's always a postponement if you listen to the egoic mind it says yes i want peace but before i can get there i need this and this and this unless this and this and this i get i can't really fully go into that i it's just not can't do it now not now first jesus talked about that when he said you get people get an invitation to a wedding it's a parable people get an invitation to a wedding and they all have another excuse one says well first i need to deal with some real estate that i have and when i get that out of the way i'll come somebody else is first i need to do that first i need there's always the the excuses always start with first i need to for and one even says first i need to bury my father if and even there jesus says let the dead bury the dead quite a radical statement what he's saying that if you haven't found that dimension within yourself you are as if dead it doesn't mean it's not there in you potentially it's still there but in the meantime you are as if you were dead you're not that it's like saying let's say to use a a deficient um comparison the let's say you have a billion dollars in a swiss bank account but you don't know it so you are poor you are as if completely poor because you have no idea so you behave like a poor man you do and you ask for please give me a penny not knowing that there is a vast treasure and of course a billion dollars is absurd nothing compared to that the analogy is deficient but that's okay all analogies are let me first let me first well first i need to think about this so that it doesn't work first comes that and everything else then begins to flow with greater ease and again jesus says what you thought you needed for your happiness once you realize that the kingdom of heaven is what you want it's your first choice then everything else will be added whatever you thought you needed for your fulfillment and peace will be added you don't need it anymore but you need to choose peace first which implies you surrender to the present moment and you step out of the judgments of your mind in other words you die because the the false self lives on non-surrender and judgment and denial of the present moment it can't tolerate the present moment that's why it says first i need to look somewhere else and do something else so yes i forgot to mention that you need to die because that's what it is but what dies is is not is false anyway but as long as the false is mistaken for the real it's a little bit as if and only really if you have if you're fed up with the suffering that the usual state of consciousness the egoic syndrome has created for you then you begin to be ready to say okay fat enough i'm fed up with suffering to the ego suffering often looks like a positive thing it's a way of looking at things oh i'm so anxious at least i feel alive i must be alive because i'm anxious i have enemies so it must be i must be important i have huge problems i must be an important person with such huge problems because without my problems who would i be these are implied thought movements they're not conscious because the moment you make them conscious you see their absurdity i'd like to talk today about something people have been periodically asking me what do you think about this book so i thought i'll bring it along and tell you what i think about it but not only that we'll see because there's no point in talking about something one has to go deeper into it to know it knowledge about and true knowing the difference between that so people have been asking what do you think about the cause in miracles well here it is it's heavy paper is very thin like the bible and it's about as long as the bible some of you know it well or have gone through it or are still going through it some of you have heard of it some of you have tried to get into it but didn't like it some of you have never heard of it perhaps so it's been around for a few years came out in 76. and it is a self-study course for inner transformation i'm telling you this just very briefly you're supposed to study it by yourself some people go to groups too it's divided into three parts the long text the lessons one per day for one year 365 and the workbook for teachers which is relatively short at the end it's a incredible phenomenon it's a book that was channeled and just the same as with other spiritual writings only a small percentage of channeled works are actually quite deep just as small as anywhere else sometimes people are immediately impressed when something is channeled in other words some spirit or presence talks through you and some people the moment they say this is channeled say ah of course you always have to remember that famous saying just because they are dead doesn't mean they are smart [Laughter] so it can be at first almost very impressive if the person suddenly goes this is sean's home speaking [Laughter] good afternoon entities and then you can't question anymore so a small very small percentage of channeled works go deep and i believe course in miracles does but it certainly is not for everybody and certainly i'm not telling you oh you know have to do the course no you may we'll see the it is not for everybody not everybody needs it if presence is already transforming your life then that's where the course in miracles wants to get you basically so it's already there for you if presence is already transforming your life your relationships the way in which you experience reality it's already doing that increasing inner peace increasing freedom from externals and reactivity towards other people and external conditions if you are already experiencing that then you don't really need it you may still enjoy reading it but you don't need it if you've been following this teaching and of course something in you has drawn you here that which is real has recognized the truth and says yes so it gets and as you are here you something within your response so that's wonderful but if that is lost the moment you start dealing with people and situations and if that has happened continuously in your life it's happened to a few of a few people that this presence when they are quiet not disturbed it's beautiful they can access stillness so that's already a huge breakthrough huge breakthrough you can access stillness when you're not being challenged by anything and your mind subsides for a while because ultimately you are really always only challenged by your mind it looks like the situation but it's the it's your mind interpreting the situation that challenges you and takes you out into disturbance and so if you already can access that in moments of when you can become still and beautiful that's enormous breakthrough but it may be that despite that you very quickly lose it in this moment you relate to other human beings and you go into the usual thing as if you never heard of any spiritual teaching [Music] and only you can know that or you can ask your the people who know you [Music] if you don't know it what do you think of me old friends family members well you might not get an objective opinion there but then i would say try to apply the lessons of the course in miracles because it uses relationships as spiritual practice that's one of the main focal points of the course in miracles is using the relationships with other humans the most difficult challenge in your life in this lifetime is other humans relationship with other humans there's no doubt that that is the greatest challenge but it's also there's no doubt that it is there that you the new consciousness needs to come in and change the way in which you relate so that a different energy you put out a different energy you do not contribute to the madness of the world so you put out a different energy in relationship you dissolve conflict you are the bringer of peace and you realize that's your main priority in life in the terminology of the course in miracles you become a teacher of god teacher doesn't mean necessarily that you explain something no you live it and by living it you teach it so then that might be a helpful thing to apply the lessons every day one because the lessons are meant to be applied in everyday situations in relationships i'll give you later one or two examples or three of the lessons and what they can do applying the teaching in everyday life and that is a reflection if you want to know where you are at in your spiritual growth which is not the good term well spiritual growth is probably fine personal shrinkage spiritual growth so if you want to know where you're at in your personal shrinkage and the corresponding spiritual growth saint paul was it saint paul he talked about that he says i must diminish and christ in me must grow so something the light shines begins to shine through so the criterion so it's sometimes not easy to know where are you at in your spiritual growth and personal shrinkage is look at all the people that you relate with and both people you know intimately and people other people that gives you a reflection and the absence or lack of conflict your ability to dissolve conflict as it approaches you in the form inevitably not of cats and dogs they're okay even a barking dog that's not that's not a big challenge but a human embarking human and as that comes towards you how do your ability not to react in in the terms of the course in miracles one would say to forgive to look through the error in the other to look through the ego and it's there everywhere to look and forgive not to equate the somebody's egoic behavior with who they are that's forgiveness in the terms of course in miracles you say if it's not love that you get comes to you from another human it's a call for healing and help so it reinterprets how you would usually interpret when somebody is offensive or whatever you reinterpret that it's to change it cause message to change your perceptions you reinterpret it and you realize that this mind would say obnoxious person it really is a call for healing and help because that person is out of touch with the reality of who he or she is doesn't know the oneness of all life so that's a helpful thing and then there are many other lessons to apply to situations with other humans in daily life especially your ability to to heal situations one stumbling block for many and for some the stumbling block will be so huge that they cannot do a course in miracles even those who might need it but there are many many other ways you can apply presence the terminology it uses is limited but that's form anything in form has its limitations so the cause in miracles has certain limitations and they regard the terminology which is old-fashioned christian terminology that's one example some people that's fine they actually love because the the terms that had become perhaps to some extent lifeless or meaningless to them suddenly they see that there is a deeper meaning to all those terms like holy spirit for atonement which should be pronounced at one month and so on so some for some people that's a nice thing they can see that the what they where perhaps they're brought up is whenever they're a child there's a deeper dimension to those terms for others they say i can't stand it this i can't stand that fact that god is a he and god is the father what about the mother that's the limitation of the course in miracles it's the terminology if you can look beyond it and see what it points to is has nothing to do with male or female but the the terminology has that limitation if you can look beyond it fine it's no longer a barrier if you continuously feel an inner every time it says father god or he the female pronoun is never used once in the whole course there's no she but that doesn't mean that it excludes women it just so it's you only you can find out for yourself whether that is a barrier for you and if it's too much of a barrier if you cannot look beyond it forget it it's fine even because emergencies wouldn't say that you have to study your course in miracles it doesn't it says no this is just one of many forms that the universal curriculum takes the universal curriculum is the where we are all going but but there are many forms of the universal curriculum and there is not one form of the universal curriculum that is the right one there are many many and you will be drawn to whatever universal curriculum corresponds to your inner state and what most draws you and that's something you do with form of course you you want to go through form to reach the formless in yourself but there are certain forms to which you the form that you are drawn more than to others and and those are it can more easily take you beyond form if you try to force yourself into a form of teaching that that does not resonate with your your inner then that becomes a great hindrance or perhaps you were born into a certain form of the universal curriculum which may not correspond to what you truly will would be most helpful for you and then it would be good to find another so the universal curriculum every teaching is a take is a form of that universal curriculum but the essence of the universe curriculum is to reach the formless within yourself which is where you and god merge where you and the source of all life merge where the little me realizes it's true reality where the little ripple realizes that it is the ocean but continues to be a ripple for a little while but real but if the ripple and this is a darker taken from the course in the text if the ripple in the ocean thinks of itself as separate imagine that the ripple on the ocean the world becomes very threatening because the vastness i'm just who am i on this little short-lived thing on this vastness and all the other rebels so by enemies what do they want and the waves and if the ripple could realize by going within i am the ocean temporarily appearing as a ripple [Music] oh that's great of course i'm not going to last that long but here's a ripple but i'm eternal as the ocean what a liberation another analogy apart from the ripple course gives the analogy of the the ray of sunlight and if the little ray forgets that it is actually part of the sun because the light that comes to you from the sun is actually this it's an extension of the sun but if if the ray forgets that it is an extension of the sun and says it's its little me doesn't know where it comes from it doesn't know its source it just looks around it at other races who are you i don't like the way you look but if the if the ray could find its source oh then you can enjoy all the other rays because you know they're all the same source and then you can look at another ray through the source so you go in and then instead of looking at the other from out here you look at the other from the point of view of the source and you realize the oneness so you go you don't look like that that's two me and you you go there where we are both come from the same source and you look from there and see oh we look like two but we're actually one that's the that's the realization of oneness the greatest liberation there is and really that's again what any any spiritual teaching is designed to do for you is to take you to that realization of oneness which is nothing to do with thinking thinking creates duality you have to go beyond thinking to realize oneness cause in miracles is a teaching of oneness as our all but it does that in a very strange way it because it the most people who study it but they come from a belief in duality and so the course in miracles uses the language of duality to gradually take you to oneness it doesn't immediately use the language of oneness so it talks about god the father is with you of course ultimately god the father and you are one and god the father is also god the mother so but it it takes you by the hand to take you where you are and then gradually take you into the realization of oneness which is where the words don't are not important anymore and when you get to the third part of the workbook with the lessons it says words are beginning to be less and less important from now on and the lessons get shorter and shorter and it says the words are only the beginning what comes after the words the state you enter after the words is what matters so it takes you gradually into oneness but it can be at first confusing because the language is the language of duality which you still hear in most churches there there is another there are some other christian teachings that express duality more directly like joel goldsmith for example he is a christian version of what in india is called advaita non-duality which is the deepest truth of hinduism beyond all mythology advaita means oneness or non not two non-duality joel goldsmith is a christian version of that and ultimately causing miracles is also a christian version of that but cosmetics does not express oneness as directly it just takes you there now you might think this was channeled that probably was channeled to some monk in a remote mountain monastery in the cell or none and the strangest thing about it is that it was written in new york city and it was not written by a priest or nun or monk it was written by a woman who was a medical professor of medical psychology at columbia university and she said to herself perhaps the most unlikely person spirit could have chosen in her opinion she was she didn't understand the cause very well and certainly as she herself said she couldn't live it she was just the medium through which it came and at one point she asked the voice that she heard it started one day shortly after her colleague at the university they were constantly fighting he she and her colleague and all the other people is quite normal in most institutions constantly victory and fighting and complaining and complaining about each other and intrigues and fighting for position and so on and her colleague another professor of medical psychology said to her one day there must be another way with this and a little bit later something started inside her and she realized that perhaps this is the answer first she had visions strange visions in one she saw herself it was a kind of dream she was she saw an ancient chest and she she went in a cave and she opened this ancient chest and out of it she took an old parchment and the she started to unroll because the parchment has rolls left and right she started to unroll it to see what and he saw writing on the left but she couldn't quite decipher it and writing on the right more and more and the central panel was blank and then she heard the voice that later started to dictate the cause to her the voice said if you read what's on the left you will know the past if you read what is on the right you will know the future and then she looked again at the central panel and they just had two words that said god is. and then she rolled it back to where just the central panel was visible and she said i'm not interested in the past or future this is all i want this is what i want god is and the voice said congratulations you've made it this time [Music] this is all i want just this that was it the choice was present moment i don't want to know past and future and uh she had a few more visions and then one day she heard a voice coming inside her which said this is a cause in miracles please take notes and the and the it started with a summary of the whole course and she was writing that i'm going insane i'm going inside she was an atheist i'm going mad but she had the compulsion was strong she had to write and then it came the summary before the whole course started the summary of the whole course which by the way if you understand it that's it you can go home nothing real can be threatened nothing unreal exists herein lies the peace of god of course she didn't understand it but we do do we nothing real can be threatened nothing unreal exists herein lies the peace of god a few more things came through and the next morning she went to her office at columbia university and talked to her colleague bill and said i'm going mad i'm going insane this is what's happened to me and he said okay calm down let's see what you've written and then we'll decide if you're mad or not and she showed it to me said this doesn't look mad i would do a bit more and that's how it started and then every morning she would bring it into her office every almost every day the dictation came she was going to office lock the door he would come in they would lock the door because of course they couldn't tell anybody else and they went through it and so it took seven years and sometimes when she got interrupted in the middle of a sentence and a day or two or three days later she picked up the pen again the voice would just complete the sentence immediately so it's just quite a phenomenon [Music] i love it i actually realized yesterday when i picked it up because it came to me that i'd read somebody else had asked what do you think about it so like it came to me that i wanted to talk about it today i hadn't actually opened it for several years and it was lovely to open it again and many many years ago for when i lived in england still for a while i used the course shortly after i discovered it i used it as a medium through which to teach and so i would have little groups and workshops and sometimes spend a whole day on just one lesson read a lesson and talk about it and some people even people who didn't like the course in miracles they came and said now we understand it so it did help to have some to express it in somewhat different words i'd like to give you just a taste of and as we do that see if we can get to the very essence of it as we are here because what's the point otherwise can we get to the very essence of the course in miracles here not in 365 days from now but here okay let's see let's start with lesson one and if we can do lesson one completely you will have done the entire course any any lesson if you can do it completely it doesn't say that here but i'm telling you if you can do it completely which means live it that's the entire course in miracles you don't need to pick it up again and lesson one is a little weird well some of the others are too by the way there is the writing is varies in power and intensity to some extent but the most there are many very powerful and beautiful [Music] passages of great spiritual power and beauty in the text some extraordinary passages lesson one every lesson has a title the title of this lesson is it's always just one sentence nothing i see in this room means anything and then what you're supposed to do is look slowly around you practice applying this idea very specifically to whatever you see this table doesn't mean anything this glass doesn't mean anything this chair this carpet doesn't mean anything this hand doesn't mean anything this foot doesn't mean anything this flower doesn't mean anything then look further away it says apply to a wider range that door doesn't mean anything that light doesn't mean anything apply to anything you see says before don't try to understand what this is all about well i'll tell you what it's all about but i'm sure you know it do it no more than this is the beginning no more than twice a day preferably morning and evening not more than a minute or so this is for beginners not more than a minute or so a comfortable sense of leisure is essential as you do it use it indiscriminately don't exclude anything specific so what what is the purpose that the purpose this doesn't mean anything the purpose is to wipe the blackboard clean on which the blackball that's full of scribbles interpretations projections opinions judgments thoughts full of imagine a blackboard full of scribbles so you take this lesson and some of the subsequent lessons you take a sponge or whatever you do and you begin to wipe you it it's a voluntary relinquishing of all mental judgments and concepts all the meaning lesson two gives you a little bit further it says i've given everything i see in this room all the meaning that it has for me wiping the blackboard clean it's also an act of humility because the ego says i know and you're beginning to admit that you don't know and so that something deeper in you can come forth that had been obscured by the one who thought he or she knew lesson three says i do not understand anything i see in this room or wherever you are so you're letting go of interpretations in the next lesson you do it with your own thoughts these thoughts do not mean anything they are like the things i see in this room so you're letting go of investment in identification with thoughts so the beautiful early lessons and really if you can do lesson one completely so what did i mean by that let's try and do it completely nothing i see in this room means anything now if you do that completely what happens inside you your mind has nothing else nothing more to do you stop thinking doesn't mean anything that's so that's it there's nothing else to think about so if you could do it completely it would lead to the cessation of thinking and they would what work on what remains of you if the thinker subsides or dies what remains of you if the movement of thought subsides the essence of who you are the formless you could say the christ or the buddha nature whatever terms people have used to describe it that's what remains the unconditioned consciousness the timeless the eternal no past no future so that if if you do this lesson and and live it you're no longer imposing interpretations and you everything there's a clarity of perception as you look at things in humans a refusal to sing a act of surrender and you become innocent like a little child but there's a enormous energy there in the terms of course in miracles it would mean the power of god in you also you of course it's you're totally present the moment that happens you're totally present coz in miracle calls it it is the practice of the power of god in you this is the practice of the power of god in you the present moment of course in miracles calls the holy instant it has some wonderful passages about the power of the holy instant of the present moment they are like their meditations i'll read some very short passages and let's treat it as a deep meditation oh by the way did you know that the ego wants you dead but not itself [Laughter] [Music] oh did you know that um when the course americans use the word brother it includes sister which really brother means every other human case so we have to look beyond that limitation let's do that so it says if you believe there is a space between you and your brother you are insane wow i let i'm not going to say anything about that i'll let you not work it out but feel the truth of it because you mentally you go insane if you start work trying to work that out feel the truth of it fear is not of the present but only of the past and future which do not exist there is no fear in the present when each instant stands clear and separated from the past without its shadow reaching out into the future each instant is a clean untarnished birth in which the son of god that's you emerges from the past into the present this lesson takes no time for what is time without a past and future it has taken time to misguide you so completely but it takes no time at all to be who you are begin to practice so take this very instant now and think of it as all there is of time take this very instant now and think of it as all there is of time there's nothing there's only this instant nothing else which is the truth there's only this instant nothing can reach you here out of the past and it is here that you are completely absolved completely free and holy without condemnation from this holy instant where in holiness was born again you will go forth in time without fear and with no saints of change no sense of change with time you go back you go into time but you there is a continuous realization of the timeless within yourself the dimension of formless consciousness itself in this redeeming instant lies heaven start now to practice your little part in separating out the holy instant you will receive very specific instructions as you go along now the next sentence is important i quote it occasionally to set to learn to separate out this single second and to experience it as timeless is to begin to experience yourself as not separate to learn to separate out this single instant and experience it as timeless is to begin to experience yourself as not separate so through that intense presence the delusion of separation also subsides and you can then from there look at another human and sense the oneness beyond bodies and that that comes out of out of the presence and that is that's the sort of as i call it sometimes the sword of presence cutting through time [Applause] it is only your weakness that will depart from you in this practice for it is the practice of the power of god in you all you lose in this practice is your weakness it is the practice of the power of god in you use it but for one instant and you will never deny it again god knows you now he remembers nothing having always known you exactly as he knows you now this still uses the language of duality but it gradually takes you into the realization that you and god are one the holy instant reflects his knowing by bringing all perception out of the past thus removing the frame of reference you have built by which to judge your brothers once this is gone the holy spirit substitutes his frame of reference for it the veil that has been drawn across reality is lifted nothing has changed yet the awareness of changelessness comes swiftly as the veil of time is pushed aside the veil of time is pushed aside this is this is the primordial spiritual practice no matter where you go at the core of any spiritual system is this whether you go to buddhist meditation or wherever this is the the primordial spiritual practice and to hold that to hold that intense awareness of now or awareness of awareness consciousness of conscious being conscious of consciousness whatever you want to call it it transforms everything so beautiful meditations in here you can see how it all comes together i'm focusing here on this particular aspect the power of which really is this the center of the whole course now just to give you a taste of two lessons they kind of go together 33 and 34 you can use it as a little sample if you want to use it for the rest of the day today just as a little sample the title of the lesson is there's another way of looking at the world today's idea is an attempt to recognize that you can shift your perception of the world in both its outer and inner aspects full five minutes should be devoted in the morning and evening applications the shorter exercise periods should be as frequent as possible specific applications of today's idea should also be made immediately when any situation situation arises which tempts you to become disturbed for these applications say there is another way of looking at this any situation where there's even the slightest disturbance or irritation you use that there is another way of looking at this that's all just that remember to apply today's idea the instant you're aware of distress it may be necessary to take a minute or so to sit quietly and repeat the idea to yourself several times closing your eyes will probably help in this form of application there is another way of looking at the world the next lesson on the next day is i could see peace instead of this i could see peace instead of this search your mind for fear thoughts anxiety-provoking situations offending personalities or events or anything else about which you're harboring unloving thoughts note them all casually repeating the idea for today slowly as you watch them arise in your mind and let each one go to be replaced by the next the shorter applications are to be frequent and made whenever you feel your peace of mind is threatened in any way if a specific form of temptation arises in your awareness the exercise to take this form i could see peace in this situation instead of what i now see in it if there's depression anxiety or worry you use the idea in its original form i could see peace instead of this it's a re-interpretation of how you would habitually interpret events in the world i could see peace instead of this so hopefully you'll get one or two disturbances today because otherwise there's nothing to practice with now it is possible of course that you're already at peace to such an extent that disturbance does not arise anymore well that's even better and there's no need to practice the world will always challenge you in the form of people situations and ultimately always comes down to your mind you're ultimately only challenged by your mind disturbed by your mind you're not disturbed by the situation you're not disturbed by the situation you're disturbed by your mind really yes so that's amazing realization isn't it it's so easy to forget because the deep the conditioning is so deep seating there's nothing personal in that it's not your fault if you forget if you say that's my fault that's more illusion the conditioning is so deep seated of not realizing that ultimately it is your mind that creates your unhappiness of anxiety or fear it's so it's not what your mind says it is it's your mind [Music] so your mind says look at there look at that situation and you say no i'm going to look at you no no don't look at me look at he did it look i didn't do anything like a little child that's what children do isn't it no i didn't hear my brother does it so there's the power of [Music] awareness in you and that we are here as we sit here it grows your power of awareness just you just need to be here it grows as you sit here even though occasionally your mind will come in and say i'd rather be somewhere else and then it subsides again the presence grows as you sit here because that's the essence of our gathering its presence in the meantime a few words and concepts some of which are helpful and some of which keep your mind from doing harm while you sit here but it is an energetic process as we sit here beyond what what you listen to with your ears that's secondary there's an energetic process at work it has nothing to do with concepts towards the end of the course it says the use for words is almost over now and that's after 365 days there's almost a little paradox there because on the one hand one could say well the course gives you time [Music] to reach the timeless in yourself and that is true it is a paradox but it is addressed in in the text also it gives you time on this level here to reach the timeless but at any moment that realization can be there so it doesn't say you're not going to get there until you reach the end of the course you can get there at the very beginning already or rather realize that you're already there it's a very radical thing the course in miracles takes you to the edge and after that you jump off now we had been jumping off already takes you to the edge of the mind trying to understand mentally letting go of that also going into this beautiful state of not knowing no longer needing to impose judgments on the world go into the state of not knowing that's where any spiritual teaching comes out of that not accumulated knowledge it comes out of that openness any creative act comes out of not knowing so you need to become comfortable with that state which is also the state of course of not not thinking or not looking to thought for some ultimate answer or fulfillment or identity really what i teach is and what you get to when the course aims to take you is what is the core of all spiritual practices the the end of compulsive thinking thinking you can still use thinking if you need it but it doesn't use you anymore you are no longer the thinker your identity is no longer based in your thought activity that's the ego is gone then i am not the thinker yes thinking happens but i am not the thinker i am the vastness out of which thinking happens and into which it subsides so go to any any other teaching who by taking thought can add one cubit to his span of life i suppose in one translation by taking thought you can't do what do not take thought for the moral for the moral shall take thought for the things of itself that's the old translation in jesus do not take thought for the morrow the moral shall take thought for the things of itself only the present moment exists if the person who was taking notes when jesus was talking forget forgot to write down only the present moment exists go to any teacher advisor in india some of you are familiar with it some have never heard the word the teaching of non-duality the teachers of non-duality how can you reach the realization of non-duality by not thinking that's non-deal the moment you start thinking again you're back in duality so to realize non-duality the oneness of all life and your oneness with all life and your oneness with life itself because all life is all life forms but life itself is the unmanifested one eternal life god you'll want to realize your oneness with that there must be a cessation of birth continuous birth of forms and then there is just the ground out of which the forms come that's it that is the realization of oneness and only then when you sense it in the depths of who you are you can look upon the world with love until you can sense that love is an illusion you may try very hard to be loving okay i must be loving i must be really patient with him or but of course you can't hold that for too long i've been loving now for two hours and used and you're still behaving like that i just can't love anymore so it's only when you sense that and you can look upon the world of form and realize they're all just temporary expressions of that one that i am that's a verbalization but the knowing is beyond words and that's peace that's where you become the true teacher of god to use the terminology of the course in miracles because only then can you teach peace and only then can that power flow through you into this world that the course in miracles describes as a kind of delusion a kind of nightmarish dream a little bit like the matrix and deep down people know that there's something not quite right with the what we perceive as the world and the the dreadful things there's been people when they see this film the matrix there's been some of course it's not the real truth there's not computers that are doing it but machines that are doing it but there's some underlying truths that we're all walking around in some dreamlike state this is not this is not it that dream-like state he says we need to wake up and so people get drawn they got drawn to that movie because there's some core truths there which you says you're you're a dream walker and you need to wake up and it's wonderful when they saw the city scenes in the film and all these people walking around and then and then the protagonist is being told that they're all dreaming which is not quite true in the sense that it's shown in the film but in a deeper sense it is true so the oneness the realization of oneness comes with the that advice non-duality which came out of which is the deepest truth of hinduism where hinduism transcends all the huge mythology that they have which is interesting as long as you can't realize oneness keeps you busy and you get a few distant pointers to to wonders through stories and images oh nice very nice yeah but it's not quite there's a more direct thing there the advice they don't have the end of the vedas it means that that's going beyond that it's also beyond concepts now advice and hinduism has become fashionable in the west lately teachers are springing up every day of advice like mushrooms now some are great but many can't stop thinking and they're teaching advice from the point of view of the thinking mind and how to tell the difference very easy go and listen to an adviser teacher and if you feel a little bit sick when you leave then that's not it sick in the stomach oh i feel much worse now than before [Music] they tell you things like it's all an illusion your problems what's your problems ah it's an illusion and then they go back to their wife and say where the hell is my dinner and if you challenge him and challenge them on that they say nothing to do with me that's an illusion too krishnamurti the whole teaching of krishnamurti another beautiful expression of the universal curriculum one particular form of the universal curriculum what's he talking about can thinking get us to this realization can thinking get us let's investigate can it get us there and an hour later no it can't oh okay he practiced non-thinking frequently didn't practice it came kind of naturally that's where the teaching came from so if some of you we're all in the terms of causing miracles you are the teacher of god because you are practicing that if you become a spiritual teacher in a more formal way not the advice one well unless you have that realization not the mind the mental teacher but the true teacher you may feel that you're never quite ready to teach if you feel you're now ready to teach that's probably not it it's probably the ego but if you feel you you're not ready to teach and yet something the situation calls upon you to teach in one way or another formal or semi-formal or informal it could be simply somebody asking a question or there's a group of people little group whatever it may be or somebody says oh come and talk to us me yes well i have nothing to say that's good then come and become comfortable with not having anything to say because we don't have anything to say either but i feel uncomfortable with it but if family can become comfortable with not knowing and sit in front of a group and not thinking that i should be speaking now or i should know but just become comfortable with the state of not knowing you may find that after a minute or two you say something where it suddenly comes it might be something very simple here we are [Music] in the present moment what does it feel like to be in the present moment let's find out what it feels like i feel a slight disturbance because i'm sitting here talking to you i don't but it's just an example because you're becoming present and then words come the one who is teaching is always the one who is most empty that's where the power comes through and of course in the west we are only gradually learning that there are spiritual teachers some spiritual teachers traditionally don't don't speak they they have a different way of teaching they teach by being present or still and just looking at you that's beautiful too here we have a mixture of words and looking and what's who is looking when i look at you who is looking the person or something deeper if i'm not thinking when i look at you then the person isn't looking consciousness is coming through and what is it that you recognize yourself something within your response you say oh it feels so good and consciousness recognizes itself so you're becoming where you are yourself beyond the story and the and your your history what a dreadful story mine is too it becomes unimportant as far as your identity is concerned this is your identity it has no form and you can't call it anything you can't even call it man or woman certainly has no age has no form you can't say what it is you can't examine it it's the i it is i i without a past i without a future isn't that that's amazing i but this is that's that is what emerges as you let go of obsession with thinking and then gradually you learn to not lose that or have it obscured even when did you start to think again so that thinking is interspersed with spaces and so that you even feel the space while you think and speak if you can feel the space that you are the consciousness in the background while you speak then your words have power and are fresh and new and creative and then your relationships are loving and peace flows out from you the challenge is not to be drawn so much into thinking that you're going totally out again so to hold that to hold the awareness of awareness so to speak and then speak be aware of the danger of the the the mouth of mind has enormous momentum especially if somebody asks you what do you think of the republicans or the democrats or whatever it is and before you know it you lost space completely well i'll tell you what i think or whatever it is your ex-husband wife opinions what's your opinion the buddha talked about the the thicket of opinions don't get involved in that he said drop your opinions relinquish your opinions oh really you know what the zen master said beautiful you didn't even say drop you don't need to drop your opinions stop cherishing your opinions just that but of course what what are opinions thoughts a bundle of thoughts are your opinions so when the zen master says stop cherishing your opinions he's saying stop cherishing your thoughts stop cherishing your thinking you can still have it of course you still have it but you don't cherish it which means really you don't attach a value to it that it doesn't have you don't look to it for your identity you are not totally drawn into it it exists there but here you are a much vaster presence and here's your little opinion rather than the opinion pretending to be you and getting so you can then play with opinions okay i think that's how it is but you might think differently and then you don't have to be disagreeable when you disagree [Music] because you only become disagreeable when you disagree if you're identified with your opinion your thought if you're not identified you don't become disagreeable why do you become disagreeable because you feel threatened in your sense of self why do you feel threatened in your sense of self because you're identified with your thoughts there's a self in your think delusion of self in every thought freedom from that what freedom nothing real can be threatened nothing unreal exists herein lies the peace of god [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ConsciousAwareness
Views: 87,068
Rating: 4.9013214 out of 5
Id: 0xZJ53jPu94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 49sec (5329 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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