Echo Sessions 61 - The Marcus King Band
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Channel: Iam AVL
Views: 897,331
Rating: 4.9170318 out of 5
Keywords: IamAVL Asheville Music Beer City live show club live stream best show Explore Asheville studio, guttermonk fortunate tiger, Marcus King, The Marcus King Band, MKB, Echo Sessions, Echo Mountain, Recording, Studio, Guitar, Gibson, Best, Show, Live, Jack Ryan, Steve Campbell, Dean Mitchell, Saxsqatch, Justin Johnson, Simon Thomas George, In Studio, Asheville, iamavl, How Long, Beautiful Stranger, Carolina Confessions, Homesick, See you there
Id: tdNHvKVCtiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 47sec (3467 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Definitely my favorite music discovery of 2019. Thanks to a post on r/blues about 6 months ago.
Just seen them in concert last weekend. Great show and great band
So incredibly talented. If this is what he's making at such a young age, the potential is limitless with this dude.