Rig Rundown - Marcus King

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah cool van hey I'm John Gould you're with premier guitar I'm here with Marcus king in Nashville Tennessee shortly before his show Marcus thanks for joining us man met ok let's start you got some cool gear here let's start with this guy yeah this is a it's kind of a reissue model it's it's a 345 the Gibson was kind enough to send to me and I was playing my grandfather's for a while and I just got kind of you know scared about taking it on the road so what your what's your grandfather's guitar it's like I had 62 I believe 345 nice man yeah yeah very cool so so that is that where he kind of started out on that guitar is that the main thing we kind of built your tone cuz I've already seen you with the red I thought I was a 335 but is that the one it was always like like that that was a guitar yeah right right I was playing an SG for a long time with MIDI humbuckers in it yeah and just nothing ever really compared to the 345 right grandfather and this one is really great tour guitar it's really really great to throw in your gig bag kind of take it on the airplane you sure yeah does it feel and sound pretty close to the old one it was really great man they they really took the time to put a lot of care into it down in Memphis yeah well they sent it to me and you know gave me the the instead of the stereo input because this is a stereo cable that I had made just for my 3:45 yo at home oh yeah so I could be mono or stereo right right yeah oh cool so but that is that's just a mono Sam yeah yeah cool and so do you ever use that uh that mystery switch I mean like like I said before like only accidentally yeah what what gauge strings are you running I'm using an elixir Elevens oh cool yeah cool in standard tuning or I always stand yeah cool man right in so that's your number one yeah this is number one yeah do you and you've got actually let's look at number two yeah this is pretty sexy man very very brother Dwayne that's certainly the inspiration behind it I played his gold top a few times down in Macon huh I just really fell in love with the look and oh right you know being a Dwayne Allman fan for such a long time and always wanted the old top right they were they were kind enough to send this to me and took the pickguard off soon as I got out of here right yeah very bad I love that yeah no Seymour Duncan sent me some antiquities to pop in they're so cool it's got a real good sound to it cool hit meant play a little bit let's hear that bad boy I know I know you had a chance to level throwing yo through and say hey let's see it let's even [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] this sounds killer man oh thanks I couldn't decide this was a little lighter too so really you don't have the neck problems at the end of the night Yeah right I got a 73 deluxe at home then I played for a while that was just a cinder block yeah yeah those pancake bodies are heavy man from the 70s yeah that's beautiful okay so - very cool electrics do you do you usually stick with one guitar and just swing I know I don't really switch much so just yeah it's the one guitar all the way through the wood it so would you say how often are you on on red compared to the gold it's about 95 percent of the time yeah okay red yeah very cool and you had this great grab this for your great just acoustic you're showing me yeah that's the story on this guy so our brothers at rock bridge guitars out of Charlottesville Virginia made this one and brought it to the show they brought a few of them and this one really struck my fancy it's the szymek model cool short neck but it just really projects and put it puts out a lot of puts out a lot of sound you know right and I just fell in love with the guitar as soon as I played it boy it's beautiful man what a cool finish - yeah I love it man a lot in that something Bruce the top there's a train Wow well that's beautiful man and it's really light yeah that's one of the things I really like about I never really liked a big body to cou stick yeah I met this guitar yeah you know it it's is it like it I guess it's kind of pretty Gibson s good it is it's kind of its kind of like a Gibson Martin hybrid you know another thing I really love about it and it's got you know it's got this sound just like my single oh 18 that I have at home oh yeah six to 100 18 and as soon as I play this one I really just want this big sound right you know yeah and this was able to give me that for sure cool man all right three very cool guitars hey let's talk about your uh your uh let's see what your amps huh so right here I got this super reverb I kind of was raised with you know I grew up with it there's always at the house and I've been playing it live since I was about I guess ten years old and it's got blue back levers in the back of it and everything on its original except for the grill cloth and the Weber speakers well I bought it kind of without any speed it's like a parts amp yeah that's how cool what what year is it instead of 65 oh wow and you were running it hot man like on ten yeah man I think it's just a clearest depiction of like what they'd get talk and really do yeah it's just to get that amp to break up the way to meet it and that's biggest reason that I use the tube screamer I'd cut out the pedal board a long time ago and tufa we're stuck around as a power attenuator oh so you can just yeah and keep the tone but bring the volume down kind of yeah and said before you know this plexiglass and the power attenuation you can't have been cussed out by Warner to the club right so I keep the volume on this tube stream at about seven o'clock okay and put the drive up here at about two o'clock just to get a little bit of a drive because yeah why not yeah yeah yeah what up man okay and then cool most recent addition to the rig because I used to run to supers and then for a while I was running a a Marshall with a 50 watt head then a good friend of mine out of a shvil John shush key built me a 100 watt model from the amp shop that I was using for a while but then a good a good friend Peter McMahon who I was introduced through through Warren Haynes turned me on to homestead amps and he brought this out it's got two 15s in it oh wow I really dug the vibe of the amp soon as I saw it cuz I got I got one that he made me that's a 210 well I would I just want half of the super right right with the tubescreamer feature kind of built in sure yeah he he did that so he he brought this out to our to a gig in Louisville Kentucky and the two of them together is just magic you know yeah the 15s in the tens really brings a different sound you know yeah oh look yeah I love that and I love that tooled leather look this yeah man he's a he's a evil genius yeah that is great so so you're running so you've got these just kind of run together out of well let's fall your signal to change so you okay you go guitar into a trusty dressed boss yeah t you three okay to the teeth and from there to the crybaby uh-huh and everything's just on batteries right yeah just keep them on batteries cool example yeah and then you run a quarter inch out of there into and do the tube screamer here the tube screamer and then from a tube screamer we're running that signal into just the junction here the homestead junction okay running the two amps together oh and then from the amp we're going into the tube screamer and then we got one cable chaining out of the homestead into the old okay cool Jane okay so that just feeds both of them okay very cool man cow boy it sounds killer man yeah thanks man yeah well congratulations man sounds like you're taking over the world so yeah alright great way man till next time this John Bollinger don't forget to sign up for PG perks your all-access pass to exclusive gear giveaways and discounts on Premier Guitar comm
Channel: Premier Guitar
Views: 298,411
Rating: 4.8936605 out of 5
Keywords: Marcus King, Marcus King Band, Allman Brothers, The Allman Brothers Band, Gibson, Gibson ES-345, ES-335, Gibson ES-335, Memphis, Rock, Soul, Blues, Guitar, Guitars, Gibson Les Paul, Goldtop
Id: 4MQ3EHzq1tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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