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do you need a late flat station but you just don't have enough room in your house or you want to kind of make it mobile so you can catch that natural light in your house if you don't have enough space for lights or don't have enough money and you're just starting out well I have a perfect solution for you behind me is what I created using another uh YouTuber's uh instructions I'll put it in the description down below of how he made a late flat station and it just works perfectly well for me as well and I just wanted to show you guys just in case if you don't have one or if you want to make one or if you want different ideas for something that you want to create yourself definitely check this one out so first off we have um the reseller hanger from Trisha Smith if you follow her on Tik Tok definitely check these out they definitely help with uh with your reselling and to bring out shirts and how they look I'll be de demonstrating exactly how that works in a little bit but I wanted to shout her out because this thing works great so here we have this board what I did was per his instructions again this isn't something I invented but it's something I want to show you guys so I what I did was grabbed a piece of insulation board I got it from Home Depot I'll be linking everything down below and it'll also be in the link in my link Tre bios it'll be under all of my uh helpful reseller stuff so you guys can have everything that you need in case you want to make this as well so yeah I got a piece of this board I did cut it down a little bit because it was higher than my SE in but um yeah you can get it cut down um and it's a piece of insulation so it's super lightweight and mobile as you can see I can be moving it around exactly where I need it I I stored this in a piece in my house that doesn't really have that I can keep it stored and then I just pull that out every time I want to take photos so it's really nice really easy clean up and I don't have to take up a certain area in my house for reselling right now that I don't have enough room and then what I did is I went to Target again per his instructions he linked everything and I'll link him him uh I went to Target and I got this white blanket it's defin it's nice and textured so it gives you that lay flat feel so you can like kind of play with the sleeves and stuff but also being able to keep it mobile and hanging and um and have that white background that we like especially so I have the white background here but I also still use Photo room to touch it up and clean it up but um this G just this like this with a with good lighting and stuff you can just list photos like this but I go an extra step and then what I did is what I got a piece of white string and I just uh attached it on here using a nail uh on the back I'll show you guys once I uh turn it around and then that way it keeps it that white what what one of my friends told me to do which I probably might is switch it over the fishing line that way it's even more invisible but since I use Photo room to touch in my photos I just take off the background anyways but anyways yeah if you want to just keep this background and take off the photo room step um I would probably suggest fishing line I'm going to try that soon and then let you guys know but yeah I got the blanket at Target the insulation is from Home Depot and now we're going to flip this around here and now that it's flipped around as you can see it's this piece of insulation um nothing special about it all I did was cut it down to the side that I needed and then I got the blanket and all around it as you can see I just put nails around the border to keep it like you know tight and that definitely helped on one of the nails I put the string and that's basically it it's nice easy uh secure and it's super mobile as you can see so that's my little uh DIY lay flat station it's nothing special but it definitely gets the job done and I'm super happy with it I've used it now for almost a year and I really like it now I'm going to show you guys just how it works so you can get a feel of if this works for you or not all right so this is what it looks like all set up if you have your like lights at Angles and all that or if you got nice natural light hitting the uh lay flat as I do right now you can get a nice clear image of your uh of whatever you're taking photos of in this case it's this uh Grayson Polo um so you can get closeups you can zoom out it's just really nice and then with the string as I attached it here you can just flip it around this way and now you got the back as well and you can take your measurements or whatever it is that you do but I found this to be a really great solution for like jackets shirts polos all those um tops doesn't work the best for bottoms may maybe with a bit of a better setup but I just typically what I do now is I uh take photos of my bottoms on the floor and I keep the shirts um on this lay flat to try to save my back because eventually taking the photos on the floor bent over like this just doesn't it's not good for your back so so definitely think about a lay flat solution like this if you want something mobile you don't have enough space it's a good it's a good solution
Channel: Thriftin Dirty 🛒 💨
Views: 3,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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