Is The Full Time Reselling Dream Over?

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Hello everybody welcome back to Commonwealth flipper welcome to the Commonwealth cabin we've got an interesting topic today it was something I saw the other day and I thought hm this is something we should talk about a little bit is the reselling the full-time reselling dream over is that something that's really just not possible for most people today and I want to talk about it a little bit and maybe even give you a little insight on some things that you don't know about me like I said in the intro today you know this is something I think that applies to different individuals in a different way and I want to explore that a bunch today I've got a lot of stuff to pull here as well sales you're okay right now which is really cool but I definitely want to preface it with saying this at the very beginning and there's a lot of new Subs to this Channel all the time every video we put out there's 10 to 100 new subscribers depending on the video and just for those of you who have not been around this channel for a while I am not a full-time reseller if you define a full-time reseller as somebody who makes all of their income from reselling puts in you know 40 to 60 hours a week like you would at a normal job I've never been that I've never claimed to be that at all but I think that is relevant to a lot of people because when you hear the word full-time reseller it means a very different thing to different people depend depending on who you are and where you're at in your life and I want to talk about each of those scenarios today and I want to talk about the application of doing any of those things in today's reselling market with the platforms the way they are and talk about each platforms and maybe even look into the future a little bit let's go take a look at some of these items that have sold today while we do this conversation for those of you who don't know much about me I was a high school history teacher for over 20 years and I quit quit doing that in order to do if you want to call it full-time reselling in order to do this and my story is not like many other people's stor so I want to get that right out of the gate and that's kind of the point though is everybody's situation is different so Samurai Showdown I mentioned this the other day I thought I had sold it but actually it's sold but the payment didn't come through and Chucky a guy who buys a lot of video games from us sent a message said he's going to pay in a couple days and he did so Chucky we appreciate you as always Samurai Showdown Game Boy game $27 plus shipping that first sale is an example of how my situation is obviously different I've talked about it before I'll mention it again today this Kyle Petty t-shirt that has some issues on it but it is single stitch in pretty good condition other than a few little stains here and there it's made in USA this one sold for $20.85 plus shipping so I want to get to the topic but to avoid criticism of course I'm going to mention this one more time you know I I quit my job but I would not have quit my job to become a full-time reseller the way that I resell had it not been for social media you know we do get viewer sales we make money off of social media there's other income streams that are coming in and that's really what I want to get into today is different people's perception of what full-time is you know just a little preview here you know some people see that as a dream you know cuz they hate their job and they want to get out of it and they want to completely replace all the income that's coming into their house doing reselling and that is possible I'm not saying it's not possible there's a lot of people listening right now who have done just that but there's a whole bunch of other scenarios involved here and different people in different situations I want to talk about each of those I just wanted to clarify that and clarify this I spend the majority of my time doing social media about reselling now part of it you know obviously it's all mixed together but I guarantee you I spend more time on the social media aspect than I do on the reselling part of it and so in that sense I'm still part-time it's not a full-time well it is a full-time income the reselling part of it is but it is not my full-time income collectively so you know those are just some things I wanted to get out there before we started to clarify a little bit for you new new folks I make more money now just on the reselling side of my business by a large margin than I did as a high school history teacher but of course even the reselling side of it how much money I make is influenced by the social media and with viewer sales and and whatnot sales and stuff like that that was an expansion of my business that I decided to do but I have people help me with the whatnot side of my business and my margins aren't nearly as good because of it but I still do the traditional eBay reselling the way I've always done it this is a little wallet chain Harley-Davidson wallet chain can you all see those I don't know if it's good enough picture or not but these sell decent we've sold a few of them this one sold for $30 plus shipping so the first topic I want to get into or the first scenario maybe I should say I'm looking for an XL here Sahara XL this is a new in package Orange Bowl FSU vintage Polo and I think sold for 40 $39.95 plus shipping my scario was I had a teaching income I had a very small coaching stipended and I drove a bus that was our income and then in addition we were reselling and that helped us make ends meet my wife was not bringing an income outside of the house she was helping me do the reselling as she still does so you know full-time reselling when there's somebody else in the house that's making an income that's providing benefits and all those things might allow somebody who might be the lower wage earner in the home to come home and there's so many benefits to that and and so I think that type of full-time reselling is really an opportunity and still out there for tons and tons of people but maybe it's becoming a little bit less with all of the economic pressures that some people feel and in addition to that I'd also say where's your starting point we were fortunate enough we had no debt we had never been people that used credit cards accumulated debt bought things that were far beyond what we could afford we always lived under our means even when our income was really low and that allowed me to take this step along with some other things speaking of other things I'm going to jump ahead of my little list over here and this is one of those other things and this is crazy to some people but the fact that we started doing YouTube and we started selling these like crazy just really really convinced me I know this is nuts to some people but convinced me that this was a possibility for us to be able to do this so this is the fleet in man everybody who've been watching the show knows what this is and Jenny bought this so Jenny we appreciate it and uh you know your eBay store might need a little boost get things moving and I hope this guy gets things moving for you and this was really not in the script today but I just pulled that and I looked over here and that's the last one we have as far as that last batch that came in and so now at this point we're going to slow down how many we put out there on eBay on auction and they'll be coming from these two bins and I like these two bins in here cuz it's been a staple of this is the house that enam man built and it's really more than that to me and if you knew the numbers and I'll do a video on the full numbers of it at one point you would see what I'm talking about but thank you Jenny for that purchase and you know I I don't even know how to I even get somewhat emotional talking about a plush enema right here because that thing really did change my life and there's other factors in this and you know this if you've been watching this channel for a while I've never ever said hey quit your job become a reseller start a YouTube Channel your life will never be the same and I never will say that is that a possibility for some folks it absolutely is it happened to me I'm eternally grateful for it I can't cannot even express that it totally changed my life and I totally get the feeling of somebody just I want to be home with my kids I want to not have to do this job that I hate I don't want to be tied down but I just encourage people all the time to look at your whole situation look at your family's income look at your future look at your retirement cuz I gave up a pension to do this you know I could have if it wasn't for the success of YouTube I would not have made this decision if it wasn't for that thing right there I would not have made this decision and I think it's really important that people don't put things at risk like I did to some degree I mean I put a pinion I would have continued to resell the way I did and teach for another nine years and then I would have retired and got a pension would I then be a full-time reseller if I I have a pension coming in I think that's where a lot of people become resellers full-time right that's the what they do as a job full-time whether it's 10 hours because it's the only job they do or if it's 50 hours there's other income coming in so you know it's all a matter of how you describe fulltime in the eBay cave sold a couple of more couple more Nike dryfit te's one small one medium but I got to correct the record on these when this video came out on the come with picker Channel I realized I paid more for them than I thought I had and what I had said in here I've been selling these quite a bit lately and it's still going to be an amazing deal I was speculating somewhere around $1600 and it's more more going to be like $1,500 in profit for that box that I bought down there and there's two reasons one is they were slightly under a 100 of them although I kept some for myself and I paid 175 in my mind I had wanted to pay a 100 and I think we settled I think he said 200 and then I said uh how about 150 we settled on 175 so I paid $175 instead of1 and there was a few less than I thought so you know we're closer to just under I guess just under $2 for these maybe A180 or so as opposed to being around a dollar so that'll give you an idea I just wanted to clarify that so nobody would yell at me and I want to talk a little bit about some other scenarios but I also want to talk about model for reselling and I have a cross listing sale so that's cool so these sold how much we get for these 3 747 all in 2470 plus shipping Sylvester and Elmer fud and whoop and the Road Runner sold so you know sometimes that cross listing sales can really help out just a little bit each day and that's what happened here if you hear some noise out there Turner's out there playing with the dog hoping to play whiffle ball with me in a little bit and I'm hoping to play whiffle ball with him too which is kind of what this whole thing was about you know I never saw my kids for goodness sake they were in school we we since hes school I was in school I was coaching I was driving a bus and it's just like how long can I do this and there's other pressures as well and so it really was it wasn't a necessity but man I wanted it bad that's why I started making YouTube videos it's why I started and you know I'm fortunate that it worked but there for every one of me there are 10 of me that did the same thing and it didn't work and so there's no magic formula I still don't know why it worked for me but there was just I just felt like it was a perfect storm of things and it did but there's other scenarios out there for folks that really impact why they are wanting to do this and some of you don't want to do this so this isn't a conversation for everybody it's just a hobby it's just something fun but I'm speaking to the folks out there that dream of this because they want to get out of that job let me know the scenarios down below that you might be in and if you do have that dream I'm curious to know how many people who watch this stuff you know really do want to quit their job and do this full-time so let's talk about models and I've said this before if I were to 100% quit my job and get all of my income 100% of it from reselling I would not do it in the way that I do it right now I would find sources like crazy cuz it is very possible it is not dead reselling in my opinion is still getting better there are challenges there's a lot of more work involved there's cross listing possibil there's different platforms there's all kinds of different stuff but it is still very very possible to do this full time depending on where you're at depending on where your sources are depending on if you can still tap into the thrifting Market I can't do that around here anymore very very little but there are still opportunities out there but for those folks that like oh I'm going to quit my job go thrifting and make you know $100,000 a year net profit boy you better live in an area that really has good good stuff and while I'm saying that the dream of full-time reselling is still alive there there are these challenges and margins are tighter because sourcing is more expensive shipping is more expensive fees just slowly grow up all right y'all I can't I can't keep talking about the topic this is a nutcracker right here and I don't even remember where I bought this and this is a viewer sale along with a strange connection here strange combo sale these Cabella pants that we finally got listed and let me give you the total for these I don't know if they're separated or not let's see this sold for $17 plus shipping do I have that right yep and the pants sold for $25 plus shipping and they went to Melissa so thank you Melissa perhaps you could roll The Nutcracker up in these and send me a small refund since I'm a repeat buyer and all thanks Kevin and to blidge Mama as well so you are very welcome and we will do just that I could write myself a note sometimes I forget if if I ever say I'll do it and I forget remind me because it is my intention to do that for folks especially repeat buyers and viewers so you know again viewer sale so that's the second well third if you count the enam man right there right and maybe even you know what I think one of these were so we've got you know typically it's 20 to some days 30% of the sales or viewer sales now would all of that stuff have sold yes absolutely every single thing here would have sold to a non viwer eventually but the the speed of it is really really important turning things over and making money would this ass sold yeah it had viewers on it already would this ass sold absolutely no doubt it would have sold for that price for sure would these have sold yes as quickly no would that have sold for that price no chance whatsoever with a video game yes it was out there for Nan seconds it would have sold for sure so those are factors that are a little different for me than they are for some other folks let me find if a viewer bought one of those actually it was not a viewer who bought one of those it was some somebody who bought some other ones at least I don't think it is Lee ly bought them so they just said hey you know I've already bought some from you I'd like to buy some more and so it's just a repeat buyer that I don't think is a viewer sold another one of the baseball cubes actually I think I've sold two I'm going to bring another one out I think one just sold today so these baseball cubes have been going out of here not for a lot of money $8 plus shipping but we did have a bunch of them so we'll take it and one of the cubes was to a viewer one was not thank Kevin Love your shows and all you do for the community thanks for educating the masses on how to pick I'll tell you what I appreciate that but that's squirly MC Jones face that's an interesting name I will say this I I have been educated by the community more than I've educated the community and that is the fact of the matter when I started doing YouTube videos I I've been picking for a long time I knew quite a bit but man it's like never ending how much information is out there and how much better you can get I think that's another Factor to to quit your job before you're really an expert in what you're doing and I don't even feel like I'm an expert but I I certainly know enough to know what the heck I'm doing that's another consideration as well so you know if if you're one out there dreaming to do this you know gobble up all the information and there's tons of free information I mean there's this show but there's 80 shows out there there's all kinds of information that you can get and to be honest with you the folks that do this the best that are full-time resellers they have sources they have methods and they're pretty Rel to get on and say all that stuff on YouTube which maybe should give you an idea that there are so many better ways to Source now it's there's nothing better for me because I just love the way I do this but there are better ways if you're absolutely doing this for a full-time income sold a pair of desert camos marpat I think it's the brand this would be something I'd pass on all day long to be honest with you but once I was at the sale and I realized everything was so cheap I started pulling everything out there and getting them for like a buck and I'm like yeah dollar into $6.95 plus shipping I'll take that for sure the other thing I'm thinking about here as I watch my boy out here is you know what's more valuable to you are you willing to take a pay cut to be able to have this kind of freedom and stuff and some people just aren't this sold for $18 plus shipping it's a vintage Dale button-up shirt with a few little issues right here and you know what is your cost of living what what does it take to make you happy and I've just always been somebody who is very content with I don't have to be the richest person in the world and have nice cars and whatever I value sitting under that tree in the springtime I value watching my boy play ball I value all that stuff far more than I value money and so I was willing to I I don't know if I was willing to take less money cuz I was basically squeaking by but I was certainly willing to do something and put aside any opportunity cost to make more although I didn't have much opportunity cost to make more to be honest with you with a history major and teach I mean there wasn't that many jobs out there that I'm qualified for to be honest with you don't have that many skills but you know are you willing to take that pay cut are you willing to put in maybe more hours you know it just depends on what you value and I think cost of living is a huge thing as well we'll talk about that in a second next one here wasn't my Best Buy necessarily but we're still making money off it and I couldn't resist it it's only $10 plus shipping for this little teddy Ruck fin plush and I'll take cost of living is a huge huge deal where you live where you can s you know what can you Source in the area you live in but you know now you can Source all over the country these Online Auctions and they do shipping and stuff there's all kinds of different ways to Source but I don't think that is as important as what your cost of living and what you need to survive is if you're trying to make this decision so you know Dave you guys know we do the trash cash podcast with ADH Dave and you know looking at his numbers I taled aled about this with him for a long time before he ever did quit his job he was making a ton of money and his cost of living was really really high for multiple reasons one because you spend too much Dave and you spend too much on boxes and shipping and all that stuff too but that's just a different side note and my cost of living here is really really cheap I don't need that much money to survive you know if we live out in the rural area taxes are low the mortgage on my house I've said this before I pay 73 $30 a month for a mortgage I don't have car loans I don't have any of that stuff so I think all that stuff is really really significant the dream is not dead but I think it is absolutely necessary for you to factor in all these things been sell a lot of t-shirts lately maybe it's the springtime this is a modern one no tag even screen printed tag Star Wars Galaxy Z RX 24 size large sold for $15.95 for shipping I would venture to Guess that a very very small percentage of resellers I'm going to say in the not even the single digits low single digits are full-time resellers that work 40 to 60 hours a week and all of their income all of it comes from reselling if that's you put a comment below let me know if you're a full-time reseller but you have other income coming in I think people you know maybe they listen to shows like this and they see what people are doing and they're like oh that's you know a dream and that's what I want to do but I'm just just curious how many people out there actually qualify under those two scenarios this is a viewer sale copperware two bowls that's all $85 plus shipping Renee bought these thank you I thought I saw a cat sneak in here you snuck in right behind me I didn't even see you till I saw you walking down there she undoubtedly came in here for one of two reasons or both to get treats and to get the heck away from won it has been a month of Sunday since I've got into this bin creating memories been but we did make a sale I think it's this big one right there we got a few of the little ones left and that's it we had a ton of them but man it's been a long time since we sold this I think this is the right one story of my adoption an Odell collection anyway this one sold for $20 plus shipping I was about ready to put pepper out but she hid from me come on I'll give you a treat and let you out let's go while we're at it tell me if you are a you consider yourself fulltime reseller and there is other income coming from another spouse in the house I think that's a much much greater number and I think that's where a lot of people are at you know maybe one of the spouses makes less money and it would be more ideal for their family situation if they were at home let me know if you're a couple out there who both work as full-time resellers to make it work or maybe one of you work outside the house and part-time as a as a reseller with a full-time reseller or maybe I don't know I I don't even like the word part-time full-time it's almost ex exclusionary that's why I tell myself all the time I'm a part-time seller you know this is just it's a way in today's world the way we live today it's just a matter of can collectively you get your income from whatever source to the point where you're happy and you're able to prepare for the future as well I had two little Snap-on Tools drill kits that I thought we I didn't I know where they were to be honest with you I bought them a long time ago and when I got them out uhoh this one was missing one all right still missing one this is the one that sold they weren't going for what they were going for when I bought them but actually I take it back this one was and this one wasn't this was going for a little less but you know what we still listed it and sold it out of the death pile $ 12.95 plus shipping all right y'all we just had a little homeschool science class right here real quick so turn has a joke for you that has to do with the science lesson anyway who was or science math what am I talking about go ahead who was the fattest night at the at at King Arthur's Round Table who is the fattest night at King Arthur's Round Table you tell me circumference circumference very good I like that joke we should go watch a sword and a stone I'd like to do that with you would you do that with me all right cool sold another skull cap and this is the kind of thing there not a lot of money but you know it's the kind of thing I think is necessary Turner back what are you looking for you lose something water bottle I don't know he found it there you go see you in a minute all right one of I oh skull caps you know we've slowly sold these this box was full and it still looks full right but it's not quite we're maybe 25% of the way down on them and we're not making much on each one maybe $420 profit on each one so I'm at $195 actually a little bit more than that but you know eventually over time this kind of stuff adds up and you just make a little bit all the time and we sell a few a month you know five or six or so $10.95 free shipping hey you know I forgot to announce the winner for the my reseller Genie one month free by the way there's been a ton of great feedback on that their new feature walking you through it and everything's been awesome so but I wanted to announce the winner send me an email Jenny g i n n y c65 I think that's right send me an email at commo picker and I will give you that QR code or send that thing off to you or whatever it is I'm going to do and you get one month free to try it out over there which reminds me of something else and you know obviously I promo stuff every now and again but that is a huge huge part of this business going forward you know with reporting things and making sure that everything is right and making sure that you have a system in place doesn't have to be my reseller Genie although they're amazing where you can write off everything that's write off if that's a word because man you can really get hit with some taxes on this if you don't do the right things they're still going to get you one way or another you're making profit you're going to pay something but that is a huge huge part of this because if you don't get that stuff straight it whittel away your margins and you end up not making as much as you think you're making all right even though we have a officially unofficially run out of number ones we still got number twos back there just a few of them although we might not have any in come they might be over onun whatnot and we have number threes and I come what are you laughing at by the way Reagan qualified for States y big props to her it was awesome were you feeling the pressure a little bit a little bit she didn't feel too much pressure she's pretty cool cool customer anyway what do we have Melissa got a number two Regina got a number two and a Ikea trash cash Ikea trash cash I think that's all we have left of those y'all and the cost of those are going up too and we've been trying to get in some new bags cuz people ask for them but we still have the comml Picker ones left and a few of those anyway thank you rean bye and don't forget don't forget to get your sticker at Comm all you all time to get to work out here on the side of the business we don't show very often that is the bulk of the work so you know let me know if you think the dream is still alive or if it's still dead are you down on it have you tried it and and it didn't work for you have you gone back to work are you still doing part-time tell us your story Down Below in the comments I'd love to hear it I think it's good for other people who are thinking about this kind of stuff too to hear that stuff from time to time as well and you know the margins are tougher like I said there's no doubt the margins are tougher and and everybody's being pinched just a little bit in every direction and when the margins go down you have to put in more work or Source better or something but I don't think it's dead I think it's just the opposite I think there's more opportunity than ever that's what the next video is going to be about I don't want to let the cat out of the bag but I think there's an interesting question being asked by some folks and I want to dig into it and I got to give you an update on a few things as well but I got to get to work got to play whiffle ball my family wants to go on a walk and I got to run to the post office so yall have a wonderful day thank you for joining us and I can't wait wait to see you next time
Channel: Commonwealth Flipper
Views: 22,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: apea3-9IVwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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