eBay Package with 100+ LPS

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hello everybody what is up it is the people here sitting in front of the camera again because you guys know what's about to happen we're gonna unbox another package from EBU yeah guys I feel like making these videos have become the main thing on my channel and I'm not too sure what I think about that [Music] this package is coming all the way from the United States of America and I'm telling you it's heavy yeah so this weighs about three kilograms which is something a pound full let me shake this up according to Google that's about seven pounds so yeah this is a pretty heavy package considering its toys in it you know it's LPS in this package guys but yeah I just think we should open this up because I really want to open it up yeah that make sense okay so today I've actually got scissors to help me out you know using a ruler maybe it wasn't the best choice let's cut it open and see what's inside [Music] okay guys so these are you some posted laps that I put here to cover up my other s but yeah we I think we can open this up Wow okay yeah so there seems to be a lot of stuff in here so we should just open things up right now let's see Wow okay yeah so this was a pretty big bag what the heck so yeah this is now an empty box by empty box I am not too sure if you can see all of this like this is a big bag well there's also a tiny bag right here what is that okay okay you guys need to see this this is a lot of stuff right here I'm not too sure if you can actually see how big this is like this is my hand I've got a big hand and is it still a big package there fits at least five hands on it and there's a hole right there okay well guys okay I don't know about you but I really think we should open this up right now okay well this is the first thing that I get out you know these are the tiny ones that comes with like small places so yeah let's start with bees great way to start off the video briefing LPS some tiny ones so think this ladybug escaped out of a plastic bag with these sunglasses yes oh these are pretty cool all right I'm not too sure how this showcase diesel okay it was just two bags put together that's even better whoa okay there's pits everywhere okay you know so this is the first one that I got hold off so there's this Persian cat which fits very well to my shirt right now it's almost like it's disappearing in the background I don't think I've ever seen this one before so that's cool this bunny this little carrier with Sheen seems to have had a rough time in the package this is some old stuff oh here's actually a new generation pet and ostrich another new generation pets this one looks a bit scary I'm not gonna lie a snail with a fancy little shell or is it called a snail when you just go to shell I'm not too sure here's a very adorable chicken you guys are gonna complain about me pronouncing chicken wrong by it's okay I guess next up is uh whatever this is I guess it's a part to something else that we will probably find later at corrugate week glass ice which has got a very spinning head I don't think that's normal an adorable kitten with shiny ears this one is so pretty here is a beagle with a very bent ear what the heck LPS beagles usually have bent ears but this ear it's a bit extreme oh here comes the McDonald's pet so yeah this is a McDonald's v and tongue sticks out when you do like this a panda whoa okay this is a huge ladybug if we compare it to the other one that I showed you earlier this is a big difference okay here is a little monkey a turtle which is very bright in the light right now I'm sorry here's a little accessory well I'll ah here comes a dachshund here is it dachshund a butterfly that looks white in the light but it's actually yellow what a plot twist here's another blue chicken so there is actually two of these they are super cute a bunny and this one is a good on initial on it and I saw that dachshund has one as well so that was not mentioned on the ebay post not all of the pets have initials but it would have been great to know that some of them do because that automatically like takes sound of birth of these pets you know what I mean you know nobody wants a niche on their plate less pet shops oh here comes a fancy lion that we can use dropped on the floor because that seems like a great idea like lions they are very fancy here's some apples ooh here comes a short hair cat a Siamese cat this one has got really pretty eyes a swan a super cool looking cat there's got some really interesting patterns on it has short hair cats and lizard whoa okay here's a new generation monkey I'm not gonna lie this one looks terrifying and this one is creepy a dark horse here's an adorable little tiger a mouse whoa okay here is a huge bed I think it is now I'm pretty sure that the cat goes on this one the Tomcats you know there are some magnets here and on the cat but I'm not too sure how to make this work so I might just be missing something up right now up there okay yeah this was a weird combination here's a panda and here's also a pair of elephant thinks it's the trunk and the ears here's another horse a dog a hippo are you kidding me well this is madness whoa here's a bird this one has got the original string attached to it so I guess that's cool here comes the type of furniture oh this is actually unwelcome bull any even worse that's amazing so here's some walkable but it looks like it's missing the wings or something because we want to turn it on it works yeah Wow look at it go guys let it go do not fall please you know there we go you can see that there's something moving on the back and I'm pretty sure that they're supposed to be a pair of wings or something here's a hummingbird I adore hummingbirds an owl I don't think I've seen this one before either here's a cute little fella yeah that cuz a fella is son you animal if you guys didn't know about that a bunny so pull up Kali with the mouth open a baby monkey and here's a tray with something another monkey a seahorse with super pretty colors even though you can't see them because the light is too bright and then this little can which I assume it's supposed to be a fish in there as well as this accessory a pig another panda a butterfly Wow and here's a lot of accessories this bed this Xi's as well as a bunch of other accessories wow this one is adorable it's a little bold with a face on it and then there's a lot of like fish oh I used to have this little hat but my dog chewed it up and now it's gone but I now have it again it's actually meant for this bunny so yeah a lot of other different accessories okay guys so we have now got two empty bags these two and I got something to tell y'all there is one bag left guys this is never-ending and I'm happy about that okay next up is this short haircut I want to just go for a long time and I was so happy that I know I've got it it's not in that good condition but it's okay cuz I'm just happy that I've got it now here's a guinea pig here's another stymies Shorthair and if I remember correctly there should be another one in here somewhere but so far we have only found two Siamese cats whoa what is this thing and this thing I actually have no idea what this is is enough type of monkey or something it almost looks like a human a spider here's another turtle here's a goat I think it is it's a yellow goat I think this was called up with wagon I'm not too sure Oh usually though tree or something I assume you're supposed to put a swing here or something yet another monkey here's another bunny oh I think I found Nemo guys yeah I'm pretty sure this is a clownfish a German Shepherd oh this is a Sun pestle I think you need a magnet to open it let's see yes there we go and then there's a little crab in there as well whoa okay here's a turtle with a bow in it this bow is pretty fancy I spy a bulldog it's a shorter cut whoo oh here comes another tongue cat or whatever we should call them okay I got to admit that these are pretty cool but these smiles are pretty scary okay hold on I think this cat is meant for the bit yeah this guy is definitely supposed to sit here not this one but you two can still sit in it use a fancy little armadillo here's another cat so they were actually two of this one as well here's a table with a balloon on it and it says happy birthday and then here is a type of carrier I think it's a Persian cat another duck and dragonfly another turtle and this one is actually got a blue shell that's the first time I see this Oh PS oh no okay and here's AB dog and this is actually my least favorite LPS like this is my least favorite LPS model but that doesn't mean at all i kid i used don't like the model of it yeah let's just drop it before i'ma show it to the camera that's amazing I think this is a kangaroo here's a camera so I can record you guys from here as well here is the ranch short hair cat here's another beagle and this is actually a doubly cat as well so now we kind of compare to two ears yeah now you can totally see what I mean with this one the air is like way too short on the one to the right that will be your left here's a little pea and another beep a pig a super pretty owl a hamster oh and here's the next Siamese cat so yeah there were actually three of these and if you ask me that's quite a lot so yeah I went from having a cero Siamese cats to three feel like there has been a lot of short haircuts here's a seal with glass ice and this one looks super derpy at door it's here is a bed and here is a basket a tiny little raccoon a golden armadillo boom here's a brown dog a mouse a baby monkey another ranch cat so they were actually two of these as well identical twins no never mind what the heck I use notice that they have different colored eyes does that mean that one of these are fake or you can see that this one has got green eyes and this one has got blue eyes other dendup they're pretty much identical I can see what it says on the bottom they've got the same produce metier yeah other than the eichler they're identical an ostrich another owl here's another poodle this one looks super fancy here's another seahorse I'm pretty sure this is a porcupine even though there's gonna be a lot of you is gonna say that this is a hedgehog but the thing is that hedgehogs don't have these like tails they don't have any visible tails so yeah I'm pretty sure this is a porcupine okay this is a cute little dog I'm not too sure if it's a shower shell no I think this is a cat actually what the heck it looks like both a dog and a cat so I'm not too sure what this is a hamster a bunny and here's a type of monkey with a very long tail he's a husky yet another monkey a horse a super pretty red bird here comes a lizard with a very unique texture you can see that it's not just playing plastic Bobcat here's a ferret a very adorable cat a sugar glider another short haircut this is also an LPS that I've been wanting for a long time and then lastly we have us got a whole lot of accessories here is some kind of makeup table some blankets here's a little sock some glasses some cameras here's some kind of light and yeah a lot of other things as you can see so yeah guys these were all the things let me show you all of it these were all the pets and all the accessories I am a bit disappointed in some of these having initials because as I mentioned earlier it wasn't mentioned in the listing but yeah I'm not gonna complain too much because this was a great lot and I'm very happy for finding it I was just really lucky to be online at that time when this listing bus posted but yeah guys this is it for this video I hope you all enjoy watching it because I really enjoyed making it and I will see you in my next video peace out and take care and yeah just be a nice person okay peace out
Channel: Lps Beagle
Views: 612,405
Rating: 4.8179078 out of 5
Keywords: ''Lps'', Littlest pet shop, Petshop, Lps Beagle, LpsBeagle, Lps videos, package, opening, package opening, ebay, lot, 100 pets, 100 lps, haul, old lps, new lps, mail, package unboxing, lps unboxing, lps opening, G1, G2, authentic, real, lps lot, eBay package
Id: 9sEpse8BpAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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