eBay Games #5 - Just Because it's WEIRD

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why did I buy this well it was pretty cheap it's pretty weird and I have a problem I'm sick okay and I like [Music] it this is the eBay games series where I buy computers from the four parts or not working section of eBay and this is one of my more questionable eBay purchases but I'm actually pretty excited about it typically I would try to find a decent broken PC for cheap and see if I can fix it but I went a little bit of a different route this time this computer the oplex 745 was $35 I saw a bunch of these listed for closer to 25 but they didn't come with this adapter which is also kind of unique but more on that in a minute the system may not be completely salvageable I'll try to get it running but mostly I'm interested in the general oddness of it for example the first thing I noticed was the unique and unusual case which I do like the look of and it may even have some modification potential with the strange shap in features it could be a really good sleeper build and I might harvest the case to paint and customize and to hold newer components that's the main reason I bought it anyway that made me want to look more closely where I noticed this on the back on the back of the case it has this explicable 8 pin connector this is the first time I've seen anything like that on the exterior of a case at first it actually gave me kind of a fright and I was forced to defend myself with a barrage of Swift pool noodle strikes it left me no choice apparently this machine uses an external power adapter that it actually came with but instead of using one of the more common connectors it's powered through this 8 pin connector which I have to say this is definitely a bonus a lot of times when you buy a smaller or Mini PC that requires one of these adapters it isn't included so you end up having to buy the adapter separately the thing being included is pretty cool if the adapter Works does it work I don't know should I have just bought the $25 one that I saw I don't know I have problems with impulse control another bonus we do have a sticker with a valid Windows key I have a few of those now but never hurts to add one to the collection I'm going to tear this device down as we're not done with these sort of weird unique aspects yet but first I want to see if I can get it running which honestly I don't have High Hopes I really don't have any spare parts for this model but we'll see how it [Music] goes all right so I've connected everything and tried to power on the machine but I'm getting nothing at this point it seems like it's the adapter that's the problem which means I should have got the $25 one but that's okay I have a few more methods to try and I'm not even upset about it I don't even care I was looking more closely at this connector and it seems it's just like the kind of 8 pin ATX connectors you would see on a stand standard motherboard it's just on the exterior of the case I'm going to try to use a standard power supply that has that kind of connector no no I'm not I didn't look at it closely enough and the shape of the pin out on the Dell is square rounded rounded square and on the power supply it's rounded square square rounded I was going to use a second PC to run the primary power to to signal to the power supply that it's okay to turn on and then use that 8 pin ATX to connect to the Dell but Dell just destroyed all my hopes and dreams obviously even if I got it powered on that would be no way to run a system every time I was mainly just curious if I could do it and I also want to see what operating system is on this hard drive in here I'm hoping it's running Windows XP which might be considering the sticker on the side is for Windows XP it's always nice to have a legitimate copy of an older operating system so before we break this down I'm going to pull the hard drive and throw it in another machine to see if we can get it running that [Music] way all right I haven't had this baby out in a while this is an oplex 755 so if the hard drive is good we should be able to fire this up it's making noise at least we have some kind of action oh yeah looks like it's XP so that's not like a huge deal but that's a nice little bonus I was hoping it would have XP on here though I think it might be too old to use this wireless keyboard and mouse all right let's see what we can do here oh yeah we got Movement we have Mouse movement well I'm locked out now so we'll have to put this adventure on pause but I will get into this system all right so it seems like I'm not going to get my little strange machine running but that's all right I mainly bought it for the case anyway most likely it's going to host a sleeper build in the future but let's go through the rest of the breakdown and check out the inside of the machine because there's some interesting kind of weird things to see inside the case as well starting off there's kind of a unique setup with the processor once I remove the wind tunnel we have a passive heat sink type cooler on the CPU with two small fans on either side one of the fans is set to blow across the heat sink and the other is positioned as an exhaust which is pretty neat I actually haven't seen anything like that before right beside the CPU Cooler there's another really strange kind of heat sink a heat sink that doubles as a chevo day 3s but instead of protecting Winterfell from the army of the dead it's most likely designed to keep out small goblins and also Lil Cloud who's kind of a small Goblin in his own right now that I've removed the HDD we can see that there's another small fan that's beneath the drive likely because for something this compact they had to work in a lot of cooling which also explains why there's multiple ventilation areas all across the case even where there aren't any fans or especially warm components overall I think this is a pretty interesting purchase like I mentioned I mostly just bought it to use the case as a sleeper build so that should be interesting and I'll be able to harvest some of the components like the fans and the cooler maybe the caddy as well there's a few things in here I can use plus I get a bonus hard drive complete with a copy of Windows XP so that's pretty cool as well anyway that's it for this one so as always thank you for watch watching
Channel: Lowcastle Tech
Views: 1,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tech, Computers, Hardware
Id: iMHDH3rSiu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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