Eating Raw Scallops and Snaring Big Crab

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I'm in the mood for more crab and it wouldn't be the holiday season if we didn't go for them I'm actually waiting on David W to join me today it's been a while since I fished with him and if the water is clear enough I would love to jump in and try to go for some scallops cuz I did bring my dive suit so I've got my snares loaded with squid and mackerel here's a little trick when you're casting something heavier than what the rod is rated for it's kind of the same way that you should be casting everything honestly I mean this just keeps your gear safe from being broken now if I were to bounce this and just put all my might into it it's going to put a extreme amount of force and pressure probably right on the heaviest weakest spot of the rod but if I do it smoothly I can get a nice Bend don't have to cast out too far and that's still about 30 40 yards now this Rod is only rated from half ooun to 2 oz see how this one casts you can already tell there's a bit more of a bend in it pretty good we'll see how it does bringing in two 8 in crabs [Music] though all right first pull tighten up that drag get it kind of tight this is a size 4,000 reel also oh man nothing ah looks good nothing touched at [Music] all nice cast man kind of impressed with this 3 ozer this is my first time using this uh who makes these you're looking at them all right let's check the next one nothing dang all right let's do a let's do a longer soak 15 minutes [Music] soak round number two if we don't get anything here we might just call it for crabbing and go meet David but if we do catch something then we'll stick it out a little longer oh oh we got something yes yes oh yeah baby oh yes we got crab oh we got crab is it a keeper it looks like a keeper oh that looks like a good one it's snared on its claws oo that's a nice crab 4,000 reel come on don't come off don't come off oh that's a nice one oh yeah baby okay we're sticking it out look at that look at that live beautiful beautiful crab all right before I put him away and before I reel in the other one I'll just increase my chances and cast this guy out oh yeah see if this one's got a crab on it make sure this drag is tight we are tight oh we got a crab too we got another crab oh oh my goodness that's a nice one that's a nice looking crab right there if we can get him up keep that tension carefully carefully oh that's a nice one that is a very nice one that's bigger if not that might even be bigger than that last one holy cow this one's nice woo baby oh yeah that longer soak did it this one we might want to measure I believe that's a keeper though weird looking colors definitely a keeper 6 in yes this is that other one well over 6 and 1/2 in adding another small piece of mackerel to the snare just want to keep that bait scent as strong as possible especially if I'm leaving it to soak for 20 minutes doesn't hurt to add a little tiny piece of bait don't have to be conservative for this $6 bag of bait I want to give these guys as much chance for a long survival as possible just keep them topped off change that water every hour or so let's get some new oxygen in it man I'm so tempted to go back to my car and get my wet suit let's see if I can get another one here nope I bet I could swim around see the crab drop a snare use a rod and reel them up for my limit I bet I could do that it's just a matter of if if the water is clear enough and it's so hard to tell all right been about 15 minutes for this one let's give it a try see if we can get lucky again bring it down tight pull it up nope nothing dang it all right we'll leave it there sometimes if I know there's not one and I pull it up I'll just drop it back down as close to the original spot as I can and then at least I know that there's still scent that's been forming there for 15 minutes so I don't waste it all I think I'm going to go with the safe option and just fish that would be nice nice if we can get another one here though we got another one yes we do and it's a good one that is a monster crab that's a monster right there definitely a keeper sometimes they're not even snared though sometimes they just hang on to the snare it's a keeper if I can get him up oh man this is dangerous it's a heavy one oh man I don't know if this rod and reel can handle it oh goodness was bouncing don't want it to bounce come on up don't come off don't come off don't come off don't come off oh man my line is really Fray too I think oh yeah get up there oh yeah that's a nice one very nice one that's a jumbo jeez that's a jumbo I mean I don't need to dive I can just snare I don't need to die for him that's 6 and 1 12 Ines thing is gigantic don't even need to measure gosh that thing is humongous it's got a big old hole in his shell you can actually see his lungs that's crazy wow he's still alive somehow and healthy too while we got that snare up we're going to put in another good chunk of bait all right we're going to get our snare Loops all opened up and like I say in most of the crabbing videos I do I have filmed the comprehensive guide to crab snaring and it's got all detailed information on how to crab snare I don't want to be redundant for people who've seen it already look at this Fray you guys see that that's a very weak point in the line so I'm going to cut that off and cast again right there this is my last cast with this snare I got one more cast with the other one and that'll be it for crabbing it's finally hot enough where I'm starting to sweat in this thing this thing has fleece line line throughout the whole thing 100% waterproof and it's hot we're selling these at fisherman's life for $73 but if you're watching you can get I don't know what do you want to say 15% off so it'll come out to be like 60 60 bucks something like that really nice winter jacket though all right let's go reel these in and meet up David all right last one and we're packing up no matter what two keepers or two skunks we're still going to go new bait come on nope dang it ah all right let me just give this one I changed my mind already let me just give this one until I reel in the the next one we'll give this one one more try and then we'll go come on baby no hesitation oh we got another one yes we do yes we do so I think it's hooked on there nicely but you never know you still want to be careful careful and slow with it perfectly around the claw look at the little baby claw little baby got got into a battle one day but it is a keeper by an eighth of an inch so there's four how do we leave a hot bite like this should I stay or should I go so many hard decisions when you're fishing [Music] sometimes all right see what we got [Music] here we got one another one I didn't leave I'm still fishing oh that's a giant one oh man I don't know this one is very is big barely [Music] snared don't come off don't come off got him yes yes dude that's a nice one that's a jumbo oh my gosh yes see watch what happens if you give it slack if you're bouncing the rod all up and down the snare will come loose on its own and it'll fall right out that's why you got to keep that steady pressure last pull for real I promise oh man I feel like I had one there dang all right let's go meet David man I'm going diving got all my dive stuff in my backpack and the thing that's making me want to dive more than ever is before in the past you know when you dive you're wet wet suit is so buoyant that you need weights to get down and in the past I've been using 18 lb I use a 7 mm wet suit I'm a medium tall I weigh 170 lb and the 18 lb just wasn't quite enough to get me down comfortably and usually I just dive shallow 10 to 15 ft so I added two extra pounds the last time I dove and man it made the world of difference so I got two extra lbs on the Belt we got 20 lb total I got my pry bar I'm going to look for scallops I'm going to look around here and I might go into that shallow spot over [Music] there [Music] a [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] a my main strategy for this dive was looking at Big Rock faces at undercuts that have been eroded away with time I focused mainly on those as well as the deeper holes if I saw any bit of orange I knew that that could be a good spot cuz that's a great sign that you'll see some scallops now I was amazed to see this 7in scallop all alone on this undercut that's as big as a keeper Abalone would be or as big as some of the dungeoness crab I was catching earlier in that day now at this point I was out there for about 45 minutes and every time I dove 10 ft 15 ft I could feel pressure building in my left ear and I just couldn't clear it I decided to end the dive at that point in fear of blowing out an eard drum but that didn't stop me from looking in the shallow spots you never know what you'll find out there there's always some hidden treasure I'll show you what I got not not the best you got some scallops I got I had the chance to get four I got well I I had the chance to get five I got four yeah what check this one out you got some bro bro look at this one no way yeah oh my yeah that one bro that's a be yeah that one's heavy you want to try one do I want to try one does a monkey throw come on bro yeah so you basically saw the lips is that the deal yeah yeah you see the orange lips and you're like that's a scall yeah and then look in the holes you know this one's small but the meat on it probably have you ever seen one this big I know sh all just when I remember Kevin doing it it just peels right off and you're left with just the muscle yeah 10 10 scallops 10 each 10 each yeah boy cheer bro like buttery are you kidding me you don't even need anything with it that's like chewy right chewy but melt youro yeah melts your mouth finish it just kind of finishes like super buttery nice work man nice bro you did 45 minutes boom biggest SCP I've ever seen man that that was so much fun be out here again soon mission accomplished
Channel: Fisherman's Life
Views: 149,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free diving, scallop fishing, how to dive for scallops and abalone, underwater fishing, best day ever
Id: 9ftwLljtIqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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