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hello everyone i'm colleen ballinger and as you can tell from the title of this video i'm going to let my two-year-old control my life for 24 hours now this sounds like such a dumb challenge to me because that's essentially already my life if you have a toddler you know that they already control everything you do all day every day so this doesn't even seem like a challenge it just seems like a day in the life of me but i do think it might be interesting to let him make my decisions for me as far as like what i wear what i eat stuff like that i'm very curious as to what he would pick for me so i'm going to do this little challenge with my amazing two-year-old son flynn from the second he wakes up until i guess the second he wakes up 24 hours later he's gonna be control of all of my decisions for the day so anyway i think it'll be fun let's get started it's very early so flynn woke up very early so i came in here in his room and uh i don't know how kids do it but when they wake up they're just like i'm awake guess what [Applause] i'm very tired guess what you get to be in charge of everything i do today yes you can tell me everything you want me to do mama right here right there yeah what do you mean right there right what's right there out here first thing we have to decide what do you want for breakfast today smoothie mama a smoothie yes what's in your hands you want to show them what's in your hands lots and lots of trucks this kid sleeps with trucks in his hands the first thing mama does today is go back to sleep yeah yeah can i go back to sleep yeah woohoo good night wake up mama flynn has requested a smoothie so huh what am i putting in the smoothie that you want me to put the blender into the smoothie no it says oh let's put the top on first okay how about we put stuff in it first [Music] do you want it to have spinach yes luckily he doesn't know that smoothies don't need to have vegetables in them because the only way he's ever had them jokes on you bro spinach [Music] yeah really get it in there lots of spinach [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay now we're gonna mix it all up right [Music] thank you very helpful okay now we got to mix it up ready do you want anything else in here chocolate i like the way you think eat it eat it chocolate chips now it's time to eat it right this is not going as horribly as i thought it would it flips in charge of my day and i get delicious smoothies like this is a pretty good day oh yeah [Music] no mama no mr babies what am i supposed to eat [Applause] what am i gonna eat for breakfast it's so much mama you want me to eat a sandwich yeah i guess i'm eating a peanut butter and jelly for breakfast while you get a delicious homemade healthy smoothie is it good um we need to get dressed i threw this on because i forgot he's supposed to dress me so i need him to dress me which is terrifying my closet is disgustingly messy so this is gonna be embarrassing but here let's go i need some pants can you find me some pants yeah okay and i need a shirt what do you think want that i should have known this was going to happen this one that's the one you want me to wear yeah okay good choice all right now we need some pants can you find some pants [Music] oh different ones okay these are the pants these are eric's interesting flynn it's cold outside i need you to pick me a jacket which one do you like yellow yay right there okay this yellow jacket okay [Music] you want the you want that one or this one no this one you want me to wear the cats yeah okay i'll wear the kitties which shoes do you want me to wear those are dadas okay what about mama what is mama gonna wear for shoes wear the pink ones yes okay i'm gonna put on this outfit i'll see you guys in a minute don't mind the mattress or the dirty clothes on the floor this is my outfit [Music] what do we think pretty good okay what are you gonna wear today now you get to pick your clothes um look at that books yeah name all those tracks i'm watching mama oh you want to be matching mama this kitty yeah it's kitty you wanna be matches yes i love you so much that's so sweet okay we gotta find some pants yes this one those have kitties on them do you want those no different ones this martin mama cool outfit bro good job baby i found this funny and bounce good job oh my gosh flynn we're matching i'm marty you need some pink shoes yeah should we order some pink shoes yeah flynn wants pink shoes so we can be matching he does not have pink shoes right now so we're gonna have to order him some pink shoes because flynn is deciding everything today and that's what he wants so pink shoes it is okay my matching buddy what are we eating for lunch what should we eat look at this bee garlic look at that what that's cooked you want a cookie yes you can't have a cookie for lunch no it's cute okay which place for baby and which place is for mama mama can that one's okay let's go fill up our plates with lunch what are we eating this is what flynn has chosen so far we have strawberries blueberries yogurts and mozzarella cheese uh do you want anything else what garbage trucks yeah cookies let's go get some cookies play out there uh these these blue ones you want blue m m's yeah you want these yeah put them in the cup okay here's flynn's plate i'll hold it while you get down oh gosh notice he gave himself all the blue m m's and i got none this is not a very balanced uh meal buddy and it has been requested that we eat this outside as we look at uh there's a construction truck outside so we're gonna eat this outside our matching outfits look at the construction truck okay we're eating oreos and watching a chopper truck which is fun [Music] thank you flynn took a nap i straightened my hair sort of kind of a little bit now you have to decide what we're gonna do i'll do anything you want what do you want to do with mama you want trucks you want to play trucks i guess i'm playing trucks for the rest of the day a tow truck yeah okay so trucks are over now we're going to play on this thingy [Music] [Music] oh gosh i know synthetic electricity that was a painful shock so you've decided to give yourself a snack and i'm still hungry i had half a peanut butter and jelly for breakfast i had a couple strawberries and some gross kids yogurt hungry let's have some dinner what should i eat for dinner carol mama cereal yeah okay you got to pick out my cereal can you pick it out okay let's go okay we have a lot of cereal options down here which one do you want me to eat mama this one oh this one you want me to eat this for dinner i'm not mad at that i wish i could sit here and lie to you and say that this isn't something i've had in like 20 years but um i eat sugary cereal pretty often it was in fact one of my biggest cravings when i was pregnant with flynn [Music] hmm [Music] it's style here's my shoes and look what just showed up we got pink shoes flynn check out these cool shoes we match a match cool bro okay guys it's been a very long day and uh flynn picked out my pajamas because he wanted to be matching and this is the matching pajamas that we have right now that are clean um he's taking a bath right now i am very tired you know what though this day wasn't that much different than any other day my life revolves around him so whatever he wants to do we kind of do and especially since we've been in quarantine the last year uh i'm stuck at home anyway so i'm like might as well play trucks and jump in a bouncy house and just play all day with him which is basically just what i did so if you wanted to see like us playing together and that's always on my vlog channel you guys can watch that but he's gonna get out of the bath soon and um he's gonna pick out which book to read and hopefully he ends up picking matching pajamas by the way this is not a sponsorship but these are posh peanut pajamas they send me pajamas every once in a while uh and i'm obsessed with them they're very very soft and cozy but it's not a brand this is not a brand deal they're not paying me or anything i just really like their pajamas yeah basically the day was no different than any other day i have except for the fact that i'm starving flynn did i did make flynn eat more because even though he was telling me what to do with my day that did not mean that i was gonna let him just eat like cookies and strawberries for lunch so he had a sandwich with lunch dinner he had like a healthy uh vegetable mac and cheese with broccoli and like he had tons of stuff he did not eat all the sugary stuff just that was just me so i'm starving so i'm hoping that when he goes to sleep that means that like this whole deal is off where he tells me what to do because he'll be sleeping so he can't tell me what to do which means i can order food which i'm totally gonna do what are you doing what are you doing you go to mama here let me have your binky for a minute are we gonna cuddle yeah are we matching yeah did you have fun today yes did you have fun telling me what to do oh all right i love you stay with your mom stay right here [Music] stay right here so i can't leave no stay with your mama so i have to stay right here all night [Music] how could i say no to that face kidding me are you kidding me yes oh my gosh okay so you want me to sleep with you yeah you want me to sleep in here yeah break your mama right here yeah okay we're gonna sleep together you wanna cuddle yes okay all right i guess the 24 hours is up in the morning so time for cuddle attacks [Music] so there you go i hope you guys enjoyed this video of my toddler controlling my life for 24 hours it wasn't that different than my normal everyday life i thought it was cute that he wanted to match with me it was very uncomfortable wearing my husband's clothes for the whole day they did not fit me properly i was afraid the pants were gonna fall off basically the entire time and sleeping with him the entire night was very cute he just wanted to be cuddling the entire night which i love i love sleeping with my kid but it just meant that i didn't really get any sleep because he was just kind of like kicking me in the stomach and in the face he also talks in his sleep so there was a lot of like mama dumptruck where's my monster truck but he was asleep and at one point he sat up in the middle of the night with his eyes closed and he goes mama i said yes and he goes what are you doing and i said i'm sleeping and he went back to sleep anyway this was super fun let me know in the comment section below if there's any other fun video ideas that you guys have that you want me to try out i feel like normally when people do this video it's like crazy the things that their kid makes them do and basically for me i was just kind of hungry but other than that it was really fun i think i'm gonna go hang out with flynn now so i love you thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe push the little bell notification button do all the things that make it so that this is a video on youtube i don't know how this works i love you the most you're the best and i'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Colleen Ballinger
Views: 956,590
Rating: 4.9765806 out of 5
Keywords: colleen ballinger, colleen, ballinger, psychosoprano, miranda sings, no lipstick, vlog, vlogging, singing, without lipstick, comedy, how to, tutorial, silly, funny
Id: JUm0NLZi_z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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