Eating INDIAN FOOD for 24 HOURS in SUNRISE!! Dosas, Tacos & Pizza | Florida

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don't worry about it you can get as much honey as you want all right my favorite what's up everyone this is david hoffman from david's been here coming at you from beautiful sunrise florida my boy patrick today we are going to be eating indian food for 24 hours well it's basically brunch lunch and liner oh yeah i love this one i can't wait to eat so if you guys don't know about sunrise this place is famous for their indian restaurants we're going to three places today we're going to start off here at woodlands we're going to have a south indian breakfast all veg then from here we're going to arun's to have some north indian cuisine and then finally we're going to end off with something that's more of a surprise oh i like surprises okay i like surprises hey i'm ready to eat and you work out a lot so you can eat a lot right yes sir yes sir i can let's go inside it's gonna be good food man oh i can't wait all right mask on let's do this okay so what we're doing here is we're gonna do dosas doses so that's like the indian crap my boy here carlos is gonna take us to the back listo okay yes dosas perfect let's go yes so all right patrick you've never seen the megadosa right no okay so let me explain to you this is the indian crunch it's made out of lentil batter okay so a little different sometimes super crispy sometimes a little doughy sometimes both crispy and joy and this usually dip it into a chutney coconut tamarind mint they have many different styles yeah my favorite the coconut okay and then over here what he's making is like the real thing same thing lentil batter it's a bigger pancake and then they add vegetables on top that's pretty good yeah it's gonna be good really good indian south indian food for breakfast is the best so let's go eat let's go let's go get it [Music] patrick you've never had south indian breakfast never never this is my first time this is my favorite breakfast on the planet you know i'm an american i love pancakes and when you give me the indian dosa man this will look large it's extra large it's large but it's paper thin as you can see super thin and if you guys don't know what doses are it's fermented rice and lentil batter that is the biggest difference you know here in the united states pancakes are made from flour batter right okay so and then uttapam is the same batter just thicker with veg and this restaurant is all vegetarian so if you guys don't know about you know india hindu religion the hindis they eat mainly veg cow is sacred so no beef and then obviously they stay away from non-veg not everybody but most most of them do practice straight veg okay so then every single one of these plates comes with sambar which is like a tomato soup you can drink it or you can dip and then we have the coconut turkey which is my favorite chutney on the planet dude i could drink this all day and we have four here so i'll drink it i'm gonna taste it i'm gonna have to taste it okay so right here we have the vada so this is a fried bean okay um donut i guess so it's made from beans uh it's super fried same thing you just dip right okay i'm banking on this uh coconut so that's definitely uh dip in the coconut i'm gonna definitely do that go for it now you did it the right way yeah i just dipped it um very good this is amazing yeah so the biggest difference is that savory you know it's more salty over being sweet i like it pretty good i'm not going to chunny man really good mm-hmm i'm gonna try it summer yeah sandwiches this one has a tomato right it just yes it's like tomato a tomato soup there's a few different vegetables inside as well but this is always together you get these two items next to the pancake or the dosa it feels really good too very nice broth yeah it's a good way to break the fast yes it is me and him are both about intermittent fasting you have to right yeah i have to because like especially when we like we training and everything like that i had to make sure i have an empty stomach i don't want to throw up exactly so well it's also better because when you train in the mornings intermittent fasting you burn more right i i've learned how to how to stay fit people ask me what time like how do you eat all this i'm like well guys i have a secret at home i do the intermittent fasting and then you know if i eat like this throughout the day then i don't eat again like i finish at four or something i'm done for the food really i try to lessen the intake right okay yes so what do you think about it i didn't go to india yeah right like seriously i know this is amazing amazing and then the aroma mm-hmm like it's really rich always spices everything is pretty healthy you know obviously they use a lot of clarified butter they use a lot of yogurt a lot of dairy right but when you eat like this it's pretty healthy you convert this into american pink where it's like super sweet and you throw maple syrup on top it's super sweet you know this is more of a savor okay so i think we should try this one next so this is the true indian pancake the uttabam and the way we do it we both grab a piece so let's grab let's rip you know in india they use one hand right so you go like that then we just dip in here right let it soak up you ready for this one oh yeah um wow wow so tasty wow i'm sorry wow you're not huh yeah it's uh it's a good stuff it's good stuff man this is like this is this the closest thing to it for me is the american pancake there's a fluffiness right but i love how they added all these ingredients you would never get the rest of the vegetables right wow if someone remind me of like an omelette but in a pancake form exactly yeah i love this i love this the dipping right using your hands yeah yeah no i'm sorry david this is this is great this is really great then we're gonna have to pace ourselves we have a long day of eating today this right here is it's bomb man open another can of worms for me like wow i know no one thinks about it you know people don't understand about the southern indian cuisine like house completely different from the north you're gonna see the next restaurant we're gonna have a lot of curries and gravies okay i'm so somewhat familiar with the curry part but this right here dangerous man mm-hmm super dangerous this is really good and right here we have the dosa right okay so the three are very similar this one's the paper so they made it super thin and crispy okay this one's the masala dosa so this is just regular okay so it's just not like that one that's you know as as crispy right it has a little more dough as you can see on the inside a little more doughy okay and that one has spice inside and that is the mysore masala dosan that's a state uh it's a city in a state called karnataka in the south okay so that was my favorite because spicy this one's good it's original and this one's just like super crispy okay so this one is the one that's gonna absorb the most chutney so man the way it works is usually just use one hand like that and just tear into it okay that's just like same thing dude just fold it like like that just dip there for this bite oh yeah mm-hmm okay um so now sweet you have both here crispiness and the doughiness right right you really get to taste the flavor of this the actual sauce yeah you do it absorbs it right so like when you dip get enough that you see it just flow right through the dosa it's very smooth very smooth so this one got doughy this one's gonna be straight crisp okay all right you know what because you need to try the paper and this is like almost a two foot dosa wow right huge dosa i love when they do this and when you open it up see just like it's already cracking so always you should use one hand but we used to so just rip get whatever you want dude yeah yeah so what i do is i like do this you know fold it like that and then i go in and just soak it up as much as possible and go it mm-hmm i could tell a big difference from the other one now yeah just straight crisp all right almost no dough i love it though you feel like lentils all right and then the funny thing is with the coconut they have a little kick to it mm-hmm a little spice they put some seasoning i don't know if it's mustard seeds i think so amigo and then chutney oh so it has chili and cilantro okay that's why you get the spice yeah that's it five things perfect look at this in india whenever i travel in the south everybody does this really yeah yeah maybe maybe when we go to the india mm-hmm great you have to sure i'm making a believer out of you right yeah this is amazing now my my favorite but this is your favorite as well this is the mysore masala dosa so there you go see so they have potatoes inside yes so it's called aloo in hindi aloo is the name for potatoes with some spices and they also put like some spices all over the dough this one's like the more complicated one it's going to be a little doughier less crispy so you have to do is you have to get in there so break off a piece right and then try to get some of the masala or the sorry the dough the aloe which is inside like that like like that or actually grab right okay yeah i'll turn it for you so you can get it easier just grab a bit yeah always try to use one hand i know it's hard we flip it open grab some of that i'll go ahead and grab some of this and then after this we dip right this one right here yeah just dip it right in there and don't don't worry about it you can get as much tony as you want all right my favorite yes filling flavors good textures oh my god there's the one right yes this is the one if it could be the one it'll be this is the one for sure yeah i usually get this one at every dosa place i go to man this is amazing what a great way to start the morning good breakfast great breakfast way to go i have one more little bite it's so something about this it's so light it's light very light it's like people don't people don't think that because dosa they think pancake but extremely light weight a lot obviously right it's not heavy i don't feel heavy it feels really good mm-hmm that's a veg right right never eating non-veg chicken go whatever we always go fuller yeah and plus it's not flour you know it's like flour basically oh yeah it puts flour puts weight on you you feel like right away feel it this is like lentils and rice very light okay we're not done yet we're gonna have a mango lassi do you know my favorite fruit mango yeah your favorite yeah do you know what this is no okay so it's basically the digestive slash palate cleanser in india it's yogurt water and fruit right okay so yeah so it's a thick drink sometimes it's really thick like in punjab area in the north state in india they make it like really chunky and thick other places is super like light super like watery watered down right okay this one looks a little thicker but it's a good blend right so cheers and yeah because we're in south florida and mango is the national fruit of india forever mango let's do it this is really good oh this is good um oh it's a little thick not too much but it's perfect you see now get rid of all that spice all the taste yeah we're ready for the next restaurant i'm ready to go i'm ready all right give me a second let me finish my mango lassi i'm excited this is really good mango the best okay you can't go wrong with this one hey first time he eats indian breakfast south indian breakfast first time i don't know he's gonna be here every okay guys next up we are going to arun's indian kitchen here in sunrise i went to the other place in coral springs last week but this is their um like main spot here in sunrise so it's only a two minute drive let's go [Music] [Applause] so sunrise is located about almost an hour north of miami it's also west of fort lauderdale and this area has a lot of hindu temples that is one of the main reasons why there's a huge indian population area and obviously that's why there's a lot of restaurants here now the best one for sure is woodlands anna runes in terms of the best quality that is south that is vegetarian you know almost oh it is pure veg and the one we're going to now is more north more non-veg but also very delicious and josh the owner him and his dad are amazing people and it's right here so it's called taco masala so it's a runes but here they have it called taco masala so they also have some tacos ready for this oh yeah i'm ready all right get this meal going let's go and this is a runes indian kitchen taco masala so pretty cool concept you walk in and they have tacos and bowls right so they have non-veg so they have four different things for non-veg chicken curry chicken korma chicken tikka masala lamb rogaine josh and then for vegetarians they have dal makhni vegetable korma chana masala and kidney beans so they have this really quick for anybody coming for lunch you know you just order they serve for you right there right in front of you sit down you eat or you can ask for some main entree plates so we're gonna mix we're going to get some tacos a bowl and then some plates oh yeah that sounds very interesting this guy when he saw roadie he was like i'm in i'm in because your jamaican background right yeah so you know obviously the caribbean they had a lot of influence from people from like bihar and stuff right so they brought that roadie influence absolutely which is the best and the last spice last place always i love we're gonna make it extra spicy my friend you're a man dude very good how do you do mate you look good good what's up how you doing what are we doing today we're gonna feed you guys up and like let you know what we got we got tons of good tacos we all try some bowls and we're gonna hook you up with some biryani some shrimp some naan you know you can never go wrong with a non so and there's something really interesting you guys have a craft beer from india yeah the ones right there you're drinking beer yeah be right in legend i'm gonna try one i'm gonna try one craft beer always man always it's great so right here we have the line so it's a mix of veg non veg right you got the tacos and these tacos what are you using for tacos it's a whole wheat bread that we use for rotis so the concept comes from back in my house you know when we were little my mom used to like put out this piece for us on the table we like all her ethnic recipes my dad's recipes i would like sit down have like a small feast kind of thing so the whole idea of bringing the concept of tacos here was extending our dining table to you guys actually perfect that was the idea so it was like bringing all the flavors like the indian flavors but not just you know doing the authentic way with the naan and the rice on the side we just decided to do the tacos like put all the flavors together wrap it up and you know serve you guys so that was the whole idea so that's how you do it throw it on top and let's say we're gonna do chicken chicken masala for you take a nice juicy bite here put it on top so i would say i'll hook you up with some cheese on this a little bit of onions for a little crunch cilantro obviously and then i'm gonna do a little bit of hot sauce let me see how you like that some tomatoes a little bit of onions cilantro i would say a little bit of pineapple because it kind of ties in the flavors savory and sweet and i would say a little bit of mint sauce here's the chicken tikka masala cookie for the front okay and it's made every 35 40 minutes because this is like the top favorite so it's not the chicken lamb we go further with it as soon as we get some space going jamaican over here is one of my super favorites it's palak panera so it is spinach it is panera it is freshly made with cumin others other spices like nine to ten different spices that go in it so we put some we make sure the flavor and then we do the secret [Music] [Music] time let's do some shrimp and we're gonna do some shrimp madras your favorite coconut kerala and then we're going to do a little bit medium spicy i think you can handle spices and leave it up top olive oil in there until the ginger garlic is all cooked with the oil let me go further from there ready so let's get that thing rolled out you don't cook them too long or else they become chewy and not something you want to eat so we just saute them nice in here and then we go from there so they're not too chewy nothing to deal with too much it's more like more fun and more more like juicy if i may say do it with your favorite smell ridiculous that's coconut man that's coconut all day same concept we cannot put the strip too early or too late because it loses all the flavor all right so it's nice like onion creamy sauce the chicken marinated with some spice a little bit yeah yeah there's some peppers and what else would you like healthy huh all right let's get to the beer and this is beer another indian ale hailing and then we have cards why do you have one up in my hand she's the boss right she's the real boss she is the pillar of everything we have there you go cheers if you don't know i love craft beer i've never tried the beet up from india and i guess this is another one of theirs right it's a wood pecker pecker but i think the same brewery not 100 sure but i'll try this pale ale you woodpecker what's that woodpecker here oh wow pomelo what's pomelo it's a nice ale nice coil yeah man it's very smooth that's smooth this mine's like fruity okay okay here comes the food guys here we go we have a food coma here food coming all right there you go what are you doing to me patrick can you believe it it's like a mountain it is a mountain i'm so happy they provided us with some craft beer from india yes one good beer and endless food guys we have so many incredible dishes here we have the appetizers right here so this is cheese pakora so it's like a cheese fritter we have a veg pakora vegetable fritter and here we have this is the aloo samosas so that is potato samosa so in india you'll find a variety usually it's the veg style which is this one which is for you because i've eaten it too much in my life and then they also have you know different chicken some places they have beef which is a little more taboo right but they do have it in certain areas of india the next dose i think this is tamarind chutney pretty sure and this is mint chutney and then we have over here the tacos are the roadies right so we have the chicken tikka roadie chicken curry lamb over there we have butter chicken the number one dish number one selling dish in all indian restaurants in the western world that is it over there we have chicken biryani which is incredible it's like a mixed rice dish it's multi-layers right you're gonna love this i'm gonna teach you how to eat it uh over here we have the shrimp so i think that's true madras that's palak paneer so that is spinach with cottage cheese okay we have rice we have more naan bread and over there we have the bowl which is basically just rice chicken curry uh i put a lot of spice on that one trying to go home with me because it's going to be a lot of food i think we should start with this all right let's uh let's open one of these both of these we could try different flavors oh look at this so you said this one's a mint right so i'm pretty sure this is mint and this is tamarind so let's do the cheese one right or whatever you want all right i'm going with tamar try the mint okay cheers let's do it very sweet yours too the tamar i mean sorry sweet i was saying the tamarind sweet nice like white cheese in the middle almost like a block right and it feels like it's a candy like like a venezuelan cheese critter you know cheese steak right it's good i enjoy it i mean it's a nice snack yeah maybe a little more right now and the sweetness of the tamarind blends really well with the nice fried cheese oh good yeah it's sweet it's sweet i know it is the most sweet i'm going to try this with this one so i'm going to jump into this so i want to try the mint because i've actually never seen mint that color hmm i don't think it's mint i think it's like a chili all right who is it chili chutney it's a mint chutney yeah but it has a lot of chili no chili right a little cake so how are we lagging we're loving it so far so far right here very nice you guys are sweet they like me too i kind of like it so you're saying so which one maybe go from here together and boom sweet spicy yeah it's a little bit of everything perfect yeah i'm going to samosa you could have that take it home for later man it says a snack all right let's try this elsa right tip of this mint too as well this is good this is really good oh my god the flavor together gotta try the sweet animate oh my god [Music] is this part of your personal trainer diet hopefully my coach don't kill me so we're gonna get we're gonna have to i'm gonna have some of this i'm gonna have some too so i got the chicken tikka and it has a mix of parsley what is this uh cheese i also have a creamy sauce some onions and yours is the chicken curry yeah chicken curry okay so it's straight up taco yeah roadie my first time having indian tacos let's do it buttery creamy how's yours very light very smooth tasting the sauce is like very good yeah very good it's a nice curry so yours is more like just like a uh orangey curry mine is like red and spicy or at least from what they put in here oh it's hot that's good [Music] well first i'm having indian tacos they're incredible yes a little slowly creeper uh spice [Music] the best the butter chicken okay did you love it and like absolutely love it it's so delicious and over here we have the palak paneer palak is spinach in hindi and paneer is cottage cheese okay and this is the shrimp madras so this one we definitely need two okay so we have four entrees we have the butter chicken the shrimp madras the palak paneer and we have a chicken biryani we're gonna start off with first is the the first three right so and we have some nam bread so we're gonna get that oh dude this is like this is heaven right here this is my wife's favorite dish and it's everybody's favorite dish in america indian for indian restaurants right oh yeah and this is the paneer it's funny people love this one i've actually had this the palak paneer but with this sauce right which is like uh it's sica paneer different right right and we need this bam oh man this is how we do it break a piece well that's a tiny piece it's a great piece you need a big piece and then you go in and you grab a nice piece of that delicious chunky chicken all right let's try it like this oh like look at this oh it's buttered chicken butter chicken [Music] yeah sauce yeah tomato base creamy like it yes it is i don't know it blew my mind how many people i've met recently who haven't tried indian food but i guess until i traveled to india i wasn't this big of like into it you know i would like love to go to indian restaurants but i didn't really know anything well you opened a can it weren't for me i know i know like really good made me like this tomato soup with some chicken in here yeah exactly it's more like a super creamy tomato right right oh it's amazing it is it is it's amazing next one this one this is palak paneer so same thing and this is basically small cottage cheese uh squares okay so all the indian population that's hindus in india or around the world they because they're veg a straight veg diet paneer or cottage cheese is what they usually consume okay all right another flavor right so another like creamy spinach that's from with spinach yeah more spinach always yeah this is this is very thick too you can see it's like super green um i like it a lot i my favorite like a veg dish with paneer is called paneer chili or chili paneer and it's basically just like chilies with your penne oh my god you have no idea have that in yuho beach mumbai uh and next up the shrimp right so this one either we grab it like that i usually take off the little the tail tail yeah right on a shell and grab it like this oh god this is too good i'm going for it going for it another gravy thank you give me this back back home for me like caribbean homes um yeah this one tastes a bit more like that right yeah yeah it's more of a lighter curry not too spicy it's almost like uh i guess the color is like golden brown right i'm limiting myself today taking it easy so the brianna man and dessert oh wow and maybe a pizza later pizza yeah shrimp is really good the shrimp is incredible we are doing the chicken brian so this is a multi-layered rice dish it's super famous across all india each place makes it differently sometimes they have shrimp sometimes they have chicken sometimes they have goat this one's chicken this is like the bottom of rice dishes okay and i'm going to show you how you eat it we don't use forks or spoons for this really we use our hand okay okay just move this over just like this so i'll get a bunch here how much you want how much are you actually going to eat right now yeah that's good right it's good it's really good no the smell the aroma that comes out of here is ridiculous i've actually seen them make it in a few different cities in india it's crazy it's like huge vats this is how it works ready ready watch the hand go in you break off the flesh right like that okay break it off and then you grab whatever you can usually i use these three on the bottom sometimes you use this one as well and you go in all right let me go ahead and mm-hmm okay break it um amazing right in the hand actually gives it a different taste because having plastic or like you know utensils it's gonna change the taste having the hand always enhances flavor that's what they say so my friends in hyderabad they use their whole hand the whole thing so they like this oh yeah and then make it like a big ball like that make a big ball i don't like doing that i like using you know the three on the bottom these three like that and straight in right now dude just fill that up man so if you want to start mixing with all the different graves around you could do that as well there's no limitations in indian cuisine and no one's ever gonna look at you weird if you're doing this they shouldn't indians americans they might like what are they doing they planted their food i'm ready ready i love it this is actually lightning i like this yeah man a different world right and you know why why are we allowed to eat hamburgers and pizza with our hands but nothing else that's just uh you know different culture oh dude this is the best this latest they're taking me to india right now the fastest way to travel somewhere is by eating their food right because then you feel it right away the only thing we're missing right now is the honking outside [Music] another thing you can do in india people won't look at you weird you're allowed to lick your fingers really because they don't believe in wasting any food so you know you use your hand you're supposed to do this like clean the plate out you know remember food is life you never throw any other way right oh mixing the biryani with the butter chicken sauce right now it's too much too much food it's so good we're doing it the indian way my friend okay that's how we're choosing okay i'm leaving for another one you're leaving all right my brother thank you thank you so much thank you arun thank you thank you he's the man so remember if you're ever in coral springs go to his other restaurant arun's indian kitchen and here it's taco masala right oh dude i'm done i'm done i'm full [Music] and you know what maybe we'll do a little bit mm-hmm you want to look together yeah mm-hmm [Music] an indian cuisine you can never eat without sweets sweets is like huge farther oh man they love sweets gulab jamun here uh rasgulla what else uh this one which one is this again yash rasmalai rasmalai so what's rasmalai well also bengali sweet uh so milk saffron a few different things okay super sweet [Music] uh like rose gross but it's like sweet condensed milk yeah it's condensed milk 100 they look condensed about there yeah that's why i definitely taste it's like really yeah yeah it's super sweet yeah one thing i gotta say though in india it's all about sweets they just love their sweets oh so for me my favorite i would say galapagos is my favorite which is like uh we don't have it there right do we they did they put one galactic moon so there's a good after moon this is the one sweet you will eat in all of india gulab jamun or better referred to as the black plum looks like there's honey but it's not it's like sugar syrup take take that's you man who love your moon you're gonna like it [Music] it's dense right i wanna i'll have a little taste too i actually like to mix like that like a dense cake that has been like like soaking absorbed yeah it's absorbed all that sugar syrup yes and uh that is it i'm good taco masala incredible arun yash thank you so much the food amazing delicious we didn't touch one taco the bowl i mean we're just too full i mean a little break we still have uh some time for the next place so we're gonna enjoy our beer and relax hey dude great day yes it is wow this is nine to five wow i love it lots of leftovers huh oh yes we do thank you thank you so much i'll see you soon thank you all right guys we got one more spot ready i'm getting kind of full but guess what i'm ready to eat one more thing got one more space indian pizza all right let's do it let's do it next up we're going to attend our pizza and desti cuisine here in oakland park boulevard in sunrise this place looks incredible they have a lot of northern indian food but they also make indian pizza tandoor pizza i'm excited i can't wait you know i wanted to do a little twist here had some south had some north now we're gonna eat some indian pizza and this is oakland park boulevard my man you ready to eat a butter chicken pizza let's go for it let's do it all right man let's do it butter chicken pizza so we'll do a small hot yes hot butter chicken super spicy let's do it oh man this looks good there you go thank you here we go all right let's get it i said butter chicken pizza all right my friends this is our last dish of the day this is a butter chicken pizza there is uh green peppers there's some onions and it's spicy we love spice we love spices why not so a slice each i don't even know how i'm going to eat a slice to be honest we fill up so much there at taco masala oh let's dig in ready here we go let's cheers man this is really good spice good i love it very spicy um it looks like it has arugula i'm not mistaken i love the spice all spices like heat like real heat yeah it's really good you know when i eat pizza i usually have like a meat lover pizza but we always add like uh mushrooms green peppers you know just making a little more veg right right this one similar i never had a super spicy pizza before this was like ultra spice it sneaks up on you right oh yeah a little creeper another bite [Music] well this will be my cheat day your cheat day dude me too i am so full guys we had a long day of eating we started at woodlands he tried for the first time south indian breakfast multiple doses i mean straight veg south indian breakfast delicious woodlands can't miss it then after that i went to taco masala and we had some tacos we had a few different entrees for me the best was that shrimp madras also the butter chicken yes that was that was really good that was really good i love the strand i love the the actual uh vegetarian pancake yeah yeah it's amazing this morning was awesome eating like this all day long is hard but somebody's got to do it right yeah somebody gotta do it hey cheers guys i hope the other video if you didn't thumbs up comment below for my channel for more awesome travel content kind of my boy patrick i am patrick black with subscribe instagram whoa i got spice real chili oh i'm done bro i can't eat anymore this is for my kids oh yeah you can have that man four i'm gonna have this last bite right here [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Davidsbeenhere
Views: 653,826
Rating: 4.9420152 out of 5
Keywords: davidsbeenhere, david hoffmann, Davidsbeenhere miami, sunrise florida, sunrise, florida, south florida, indian food, indian cuisine, eating indian food, indian restaurants sunrise, sunrise indian restaurants, woodlands indian cuisine, aruns indian kitchen, davidsbeenhere india, eating indian food for 24 hours, 24 hours indian food, the best indian food in usa, indian food in florida, indian food in sunrise florida, the best indian food, indian fast food, india, visit florida
Id: B607g_iw3FQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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