Eating Every HOT BAR Item From the World's Most Expensive GROCERY STORE!

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I'm back at the world's most expensive grocery store minus a few letters and today we're going to try every item from their hot bar a few weeks ago I made a video where I challenged myself to buy groceries with only a hundred dollars at the world's most expensive grocery store Erawan while I do use that the groceries weren't super worth it this was six dollars a pound the pre-made food at the hot bar piqued my interest it sounds so good and you guys seem to think the same iconic dishes like buffalo cauliflower and that salad are loved by celebrities and regular Shoppers everywhere so today I'm back to investigate what the hype is all about foreign [Music] serve we're gonna be getting one of each and each of these cups are five dollars we have organic lentil soup chicken noodle soup I thought I just got some oh that was just chicken vegetable soup this one is a kale and lentil soup so they're just kind of like variations of the same thing moligatawny soup I don't think I've ever tried that but it kind of looks like curry soup and finally vegetarian chili so we're just going to start going down the line and ordering everything from their hot bar which includes Pizza can I get one of ooh very eco-friendly he's using one large box to put the pizzas in oh I wonder if this is the one for their bone broth which one is your favorite short ribs yeah all of the proteins all right so I did get in trouble for filming in the store but I still managed to get every single item from the hot bar I realized the Sally case was called the cold case if you guys want to see a follow-up undercover video of us going in and trying every item from the Cold Case comment below and let me know but in the meantime I did end up getting the Haley Bieber smoothie which was a little bit cheaper this time than the Bella hadids it was only 17 dollars what do you think good it tastes just like the strawberries wild from Jamba Juice with a little more concentrated strawberry flavor pretty good all right so I have everything keeping warm in the oven right here but I wanted to throw a little twist on our taste test the buffalo cauliflower right here has a cult following and honestly it looks pretty good it's been battered and then glazed with a buffalo sauce it looks like so I'm going to be tasting everything with a friend in just a minute but I kind of want to throw her off have you guys seen that show on Netflix called is it cake I'm gonna try to fake her out with my own version based on everything that they have listed here it's kind of nice that they have all the ingredients listed here and even the oil that they fry it in foreign I've always wanted to use that innocent it's actually serious like people like address themselves like hey I'm looking for a predator so I'm here with Kelly our Predator third member of the honeysuckle team and she's gonna help me try everything while also guessing the price of each item which I'm sure you guys are probably curious about too instead of Spidey senses growing up in a Chinese household it's given me the is this worth it sentences so I'm actually really curious so here we have what looks like sauteed bok choy looks like something we would cook at home cheers good flavor very fresh yeah very comforting like not any flavors that like I'm not familiar with all right you want to guess the price for each one this is by weight right so there's like a price per ounce and what is it like a dollar because I don't think it's worth anything more than that because you know where it's from though oh my God is it like five dollars this was 504. what what look at how much is in there isn't that how much like a whole thing of bok choy is even less right like at H Mart so this looks like what steamed broccoli I feel like it's gonna be really Bland or super Bland a dollar 297. still too much I'm gonna need a whole head of broccoli for that and this tastes raw this I feel like I would pay for because like I just can't get roasted carrots right like they're either too like undercooked this wasn't that good I like I've had better I taste pistachios I like the texture combination I wish there was more of it like interspersed with the carrot it looks like it's got like herbs on it but I don't taste any of it it's a little Bland I'm gonna say dollar for everything wait okay okay okay carrots this description is probably what like honey roasted carrots and like potatoes 3.99 2.95 actually lower than you thought a steel like salmon cake there's a lot of flavor in that and the salmon is super tender 650. this is called keto salmon belly cake this was 10.92. what I think that you put the word keto in front of anything and people will buy let's just tear the chicken out oh oh didn't see him there so dry it's pretty well seasoned I like that but just the execution was not good if a Whole Foods rotisserie chicken is like ten dollars is this like 18. it's just 9 32. wait okay but it's half a chicken wait but hopefully you get a whole chicken for nine dollars yeah really at Costco it's five it's Korean short ribs oh um and dry it's like cardboard it has a consistency of like beef jerky how did this get such rave reviews from the cashier I don't know you guys need to go to a real Korean place I'm really because it's short rib ten dollars five fifty one okay so this is their veggie lasagna do you think it's vegan I wouldn't be surprised I wonder if the cheese is like cash yeah yeah it doesn't because like I feel like it was cheese would have that like pull and because it's vegan maybe probably more seven oh it is vegan hey I know I bought it but like I wasn't paying attention to everything it was just like one of each six dollars oh okay it was actually really good it was very good I would eat that okay roasted salmon run over the milk salt and pepper and some herbs I'm so picky about salmon I feel like I can just be so Bland sometimes definitely very fishy I feel like I'm gonna be seasonal a bit more though I feel like their herbs are probably just a garnish 12 13. what oh my gosh it's forty dollars a pound uh this one is tofu fried rice I like the spices what is that like turmeric turmeric very turmeric it's okay it's not the best I've ever had it's not the worst I do feel like it's a little more oily than I'd like it to be for a healthy fried rice six six four thirty five oh yeah I mean that's not cheap looks like roasted kabocha squash I can make it better it wasn't roasted long enough I think they were trying to go for the Savory route but it doesn't work because I think what makes kabocha so good is like it's got that like nutty Sweet It Is Right five five five twenty two more salmon it looks like there's a teriyaki sauce on top I like that one way better than that one the flavors are better but the execution it's a lot more overcooked than that one remember added flavor equals added dollars 15 15 21. this one actually has flavor I taste the roasted garlic in there it's not too salty which I actually appreciate five five or six 3.99 this is probably like half a bunch I can't believe you said that I was like oh that's so cheap my kids are mac and cheese connoisseurs the flavors are fine it's like mush though five eight forty six what what but also there's a kicker it's Gluten-Free mac and cheese you don't need to make Gluten-Free mac and cheese okay maybe you do for Celia I'm very conflicted about this because I feel like gluten-free people now have an option but it just was like not well done so like would you even eat that yeah we're eating the bowls I think they're like rice balls ooh I like it kind of sweet it's different okay I'm reading on this label that's vegan brown rice organic so vegan paint oh 472. it's a good snack though like I would do this if I was just like in a rush at erwan and like I wanted something grab and go to like eat in the car just vegetables I think someone with the lowest effort trying to eat healthy would make something like this as Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec would say there's been a mistake you've accidentally given me the food that my food eats eight 468. it's vegetable Mighty greens okay so I was really excited about this I see most of the Instagram influencers the wellness girls always get the sweet potato that was really well done it's creamy it has like the perfect roastiness I see people pairing it with the roasted salmon and then just some kind of greens how much do you think it is 12. 588 okay I feel like that's kind of worth it I know you can buy like one sweet potato for like two dollars and that's just like one cut in half but out of everything like if I was looking to like get the most bang for my buck I feel like I would definitely get that all right you guys I know this is a lot of food but this isn't even half of it we still have soups and these boxes of pizzas okay asparagus I love roasted asparagus tastes like it was grilled like very happily I love the Char 257. okay green beans it looks like it was sauteed with some almonds and garlic is this supposed to be this crunchy I keep eating these because I genuinely have no opinion I can't tell if it's good or not 289 459 this one so far looks more promising than the rotisserie chicken it's more tender than that one for sure and the flavor it tastes like just like the sauce that they used on the salmon but I actually like it I appreciate like it's got that like Sesame flavor 8 25 821 on the nose you're doing good a piece of meat the bottom is dripping with oil I don't taste anything I've deduced that Arrow one is not good with their beef 15 25. 555 will we finish all of these now we move on to the soups so these were all the same prices so I'm just gonna go ahead and have you guess oh my gosh I like never drink soup so I have like no conception with soup so it's because 4 57. close it's five dollars a cup oh I should use it I think soup should be cheaper because you make it in such big batches like no one's just making like single serve soups yeah this is the chicken and vegetable soup all of the soups were just variations of each other they made one gigantic pot in the morning and then just like split it that's really good though you know what would make it worth the five dollars is if they use their bone broth but I doubt it this is the thickest bone broth that I've ever had in my life this was the vegetable soup I don't like the kale in there yeah I don't either but I like the flavor like it really hits you up for like instantly so this one right here is their vegetarian chili do you like chili I don't really have a preference I never really grew up eating it it's like bean soup definitely has that chili flavor isn't chili supposed to be thicker though yeah it's definitely more soupy than chili-ish yeah I don't mind it I think if you're looking for a soup but you also like like the chili flavor flavor that hits this one I believe this is the lentil soup I think this is the first soup so far that has like stuff in it other than veggies these kind of taste the same like I said there was just like variations of each other I don't like the lentils in this though because it's giving like Chinese porridge like the mung bean soup which I like but like those it's a sweet soup so it's almost I feel like it's I do think lentils and mung beans are very similar to each other and I love lentils so I actually like this so yeah and it's just like the texture yes chicken noodle soup a classic they use like fat noodles in here okay my first impression it tastes like canned soup I was gonna say I thought this tasted more like chicken noodle soup just without the noodle like I thought this is what it was they just didn't give you noodles but this one tastes so much better than this one this is giving me like Progressive this is giving me Progresso soup without all the sodium but there's nothing special about this last one this is called a mole bunny or something because it's not something that I've seen before but it's like curry-ish I believe it literally is just like the same vegetables in here like the same carrot like same so this looks like mung beans like my brain kind of like gets really confused I'm like wait I'm eating Curry but it's a soup you eat curry with rice yeah so you're supposed to come drinking like really thin Curry could have had a little more structure it's a little mushy but if you like Curry you don't want to like actually have Curry and then yeah the thickness of it would either of you get any of these soups I would get this cup of soup the lentil soup I would probably take the chicken one yeah [Music] we're moving on to their pizza hot bar the Final Phase of this uh no no no no we're not in the fight yet I have two more surprises for you is so pretty I'm gonna have you guess how much each of these squares were seven dollars you watch my Vlog so here we have the gluten-free crust and then here we have the regular Wood-Fired oven pizzas this is the mushroom and spinach I'm a huge fan of mushrooms yeah so I love that these are very substantial pieces of mushroom this is restaurant quality to me the crust could be a little bit better but the flavors are there this looks like Hawaiian yeah I don't want to start a controversy or anything but Hawaiian pizza is my favorite pizza I love it too I love pineapple on my pizza I will eat like so many strange things together so I don't even think ham and pineapple is that crazy all right what do you think I've definitely had better I think the Hawaiian medium works better with a thicker it's like like sliced pizza not just that the pineapple I feel like is very flavorless I like the ham a lot I feel like if they used a more ripe pineapple it would have been good we have kale and sausage I feel like I'm eating kale chips nothing really is standing out to me like the kale is just like the texture and the sausage isn't like mind-blowing yeah all right cheese pizza you really can't go wrong with cheese pizza I would say that marinara could be a little more flavorful mid as the kids would call it the mushroom one was the best one out of it out of all of them the most unique so this is also their pepperoni which my kid dug into this was not CC approved because they have the green Speckles on top so she's like no veggies is that a real pepperoni I don't know why something about it like if you tell me that was like vegan pepperoni I wouldn't be surprised okay gluten-free pizza so here we have another mushroom is this oyster mushroom that they're using their oyster like I'm not a fan have you ever had stinky tofu yes it is like giving like pungent stinky mushroom this is so pretty this was good at first I was like whoa because the first bite you get the pepper and it kind of just like explodes in your mouth and I really like that I like it but I think the more you chew like it does get a little bit Bland but crust on its own is really flavorful oh this is so cute this is like shredded hair squash it looks like there's sun-dried tomatoes on there what is this white stuff is that supposed to be cheese it's very interesting something about it though it's just not sitting right with me yeah it's getting goopy yes I think the cheese mixed with the moisture of the squash I feel like makes it gooey and kind of slimy they're all vegan I know it's free I know it so all of these three slices were 22.50 which averages out to like a little over seven so here's another specialty item that they were raving about oh yeah that's so cute it is was that like a hundred dollars I always loved like the crust more than like me too whoa that is really good ridiculously good the question is really buttery watch it's like vegan butter no that does not taste vegan this is probably one of the best ones you get like this is a huge chunk of chicken too I'm so full but like I would just keep eating this it's so good it's so like warm and comforting and savory how much do you think this is 15 15. do you think 15 is worth it though compared to like just like an average Popeye gnome this is two portions for me with the side salad or just like some vegetables that's the whole meal right there so have you heard of their buffalo cauliflower yes iconic I was wondering where that was one is theirs and one is mine I made a dupe version I have to find the Imposter have you eaten this before no I've never had it okay I like that they're different colors because you never know right it could be like they skimp out on the buffalo sauce or it could be like you skimped out on the Buffalo try both and then tell me which one you think is better and then make your decision from there okay should we try this one first okay when you think of the buffalo sauce like that's what that tastes like [Music] you made this look really hard because you're so different but like both taste obviously so professionally made how does this one taste it's very good I like it I like that it's less powerful than this because all this I get it's like the sauce this does have an interesting texture it's like mushier that one's really spicy it's less like buffalo-y but the cauliflower comes out more which I like which one of these two would you say would bring out that cult following though hmm I would say this only because the color looks so much like buffalo wings and I think the whole point of erwan is like to be able to feel like you're indulging on something like a buffalo wing without like calories and like the unhealthy part of it you're right this is mine I know when I was making this I was like uh the colors don't look the same hmm what's in there it is what it is but my sauce was so much lighter in color than like what this was that I would have had to add like paprika and all that stuff and I tried to stay true to what this recipe was yeah well here's the thing you asked me which one would get like the famous rep that's why I said this one but I do like this one better no I'm not saying that because I know because I actually don't like being so overpowered by the sauce because like I know what the buffalo sauce tastes like and if I wanted that I would just like get it this seems more like a standalone like dish for me guess how much this was 8.55 it's 6.94 but now I want to ask you how much you thought everything here costs oh oh my gosh if everything I'd say the average came out like to be like five right like I feel like average was like six with some exceptions I think some will add up to be like so let's say four already forty dollars Dan Kelly just throw out a number two 80. actually you're right it was like around 275. anyways we hope you guys enjoyed today's arawan episode comment below if you guys want to see Kelly Moore and US tasting more food hit that like And subscribe but you want to say it oh is it yeah smash that like button if you enjoyed this video hit that subscribe button to be notified of new videos I'll see you guys next see you guys next time bye I've always wanted to do that [Music] thank you
Channel: Honeysuckle
Views: 394,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: erewhon, shopping, los angeles, honeysuckle
Id: j4PFCi5U7xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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