We Tried 12 Street Food WHERE LOCALS EAT in Paris (Cheap Eats)

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the temptation when you're in paris is to eat in all the french restaurants but that can take a lot of time and some time a lot of money there are a lot of options with food to go or take out food or food that you can eat quickly all over paris without spending a fortune and we're gonna show you the top places where the locals eat and that were recommended by parisians and we're going to try some great food i can't wait i'm hungry let's go let's go [Music] so we're here at carton and carton is a workhorse of a place to stop if you're looking for something to eat in paris right by gardiner so whether you're coming from the airport heading to the airport london disney whatever or the major metro lines it's right here grab a bite carton is a boulangerie which you would expect baked goods there so you can get a cup of coffee here and sit outside on the terrace with your croissant or breakfast pastry you could buy a baguette or a piece of bread to take back to your airbnb or for lunch they have amazing sandwiches including things like coke monsieur croaked salmon they have quiche they have salad options vegan options all kinds of stuff so carton is definitely a top choice [Music] next on the list is eating a crepe or what the parisians will call is the gallet so the gala the difference between the crepe and the garlic is a gallon is basically a buckwheat crepe right which is what they have the salty the savory stuff the ham and cheese and then the crepes as well they have the sugar and lemon and nutella this is right next to the abbess metro station and you have to walk all the way to sacramento and then you'll find all these little creperies that are going to be along the way so we just ate at one you can either sit down which is still fast food because you know well you can sit and eat fast or you can grab it on the go and then just eat it and as you're walking all the way to cyclical if you have a salty grip it's going to cost you between 10 to 15 and in a sweet the crepe will be between 5 to 10. [Music] so we're here in just a little square a little park in montmartre not on sakurakura but in the town right up the street is place pagal and if you don't know about pagal that's where the moulin rouge and the fancy vegas style dancing places are and we got some food at shea cleopatra because momod is a very international place you've got indian restaurants a lot of mid-eastern things but we went to shay cleopatra because it came very highly recommended and i wanted to try the tacos [Music] it's actually very good and it actually tastes like a tortilla they have lots of other options too you could get a panini a kebab which actually is a sandwich not a kebab that we know it but it's a really good spot that you can grab something a little bit exotic on the go for somewhere in the neighborhood of like 10 to 15 you can either grab something quick and easy to go or get a whole menu [Music] we're here at cetrobone which is spelled different but it's a good play on word because it means it's very good and i've heard that this place is awesome and i'm really excited to be here because i love asian food we're right in the heart of paris we're just across the bridge from notre dame we're right by the hotel de ville which is a great plaza and they have amazing things on the menu [Music] okay so how you eat a nem and friends take a piece of crisp lettuce like this and then you put your name in it and then you put one leaf of uh or two leaves of mint you wrap it up good you dip it in the nam sauce in my 32 years in the u.s i've never had a nem that tasted that good i'm sorry even in new york [Music] is a classic parisian bistro for locals they have surprisingly affordable sandwiches to go for under 10 euros and good quick meals to eat with a glass of wine or beer [Music] it's a short walk from the opera louvre and just around the corner from placebo dome and the ritz hotel [Music] this place is a must for a true parisian experience [Music] is an iconic spot in le mare just a short walk from the feedu caldera metro station they offer the best quality meats for chocolatry boards and they sell amazing sandwiches from the store between nine to twelve euros i took the jumbo bear with fresh cut ham so this is the quintessential french fast food jambon oh man this is good it's basically a fresh baguette cheese i chose conte and fresh ham that is cut on the men this is probably the best jumbo i've ever had anymore [Music] [Music] we're in the outskirts of le mare in a place called le de sanford and it's a market where you get a lot of food storage you can buy food to go like sandwiches moroccan they also have their standard fruit and vegetable stand you can also have a tea mint tea and a cup of coffee this place is like a food court you know they have all the regular market stuff you know the fish seller and the produce sellers and all that kind of stuff but it's like a food court because you can get burgers you can get asian i found this moroccan place that smells amazing and you can grab a cup of coffee have a seat they've got big seating areas with tables and stuff so it feels more like a food court than a market but it's still a market where you can do grocery shopping that's pretty cool yeah it's a great spot highly recommended [Music] so we found this really cute little hole in the wall i don't know if anybody else knows about it because it seems pretty new but it's called it's way but i'm going to call it hooray h-u-r-e apostrophe and it's right between the hotel de ville and notre dame and they are adorable in there they have all kinds of sandwiches croque-mazur wraps all kinds of little things like that and macarons you can get a coffee and a panel chocolate or chocolate croissant for 260. like what a bargain [Music] [Music] i happen to love mid-eastern food and shae lebanese came really highly recommended with lots of stars on google so i had to try it here we go and that is one crispy crispy shell with a lot of flavorful stuff in there this is a ground lamb with amazing sauce salad items and the the ground lamb with seasoning and it's just cumin cinnamon i don't know what all's in there but god this is good and it is right on a pretty touristic street because you know we're close to notre dame in the latin quarter there's tons of souvenir shops a really fun place to walk around and you can get an amazing lunch for under 10 bucks it's i think it was eight dollars or a six for this one but you can get them for eight ten bucks and it's absolutely amazing and i might have to go back and get some of that baklava too so that's good stuff oh man this is good you just grab one of those for like eight bucks you got a great meal on the go you know food and you can walk and keep visiting paris so meson is close to notre dame and the latin quarter and they have amazing food [Music] for under 10 euros you can get a classic french sandwiches or quiche or a beverage and something sweet this is a great place to get something for a picnic lunch around the river saying in front of notre dame bow and me has multiple locations including one at louvre and one near pompidou they offer quiches pre-made salad and sandwiches including traditional crux monsieur and a honey goat cheese croak that they'll grill on site [Music] you can get a formula meal with a beverage sandwich and something sweet for under 10 euros and eat it on site or at a nearby plaza [Music] so we found this really great place called rosie smokehouse and if you're in paris and you're looking for a little bite of american food or if you just want something great to eat rosie's has amazing barbecue ribs smokehouse brisket burgers they have nachos mac and cheese so it's a good flavor of america but also just downright good food and great beer great mojitos and it's a lot of fun right here in the latin quarter right around the corner from notre dame and you're just gonna love it [Music] so if you enjoy the videos we're creating please take a moment and subscribe and click the bell so you don't miss a thing thank you very much for watching this video we also have a video on how to use the paris metro that might be useful if you don't want to get lost and the desserts in paris yeah that's true the dessert in paris was also great and until next time [Music]
Channel: Les Frenchies
Views: 974,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paris cheap eats, paris street food, french street food paris, paris street food tour, best food paris, paris street food markets, what to eat in paris, paris food guide, best street food paris, street food paris france, paris food, Where to eat in Paris, paris food tour, paris desserts, les frenchies travel, les frenchies, street food, french food
Id: r62zdMEy7vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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