Essen Sie diesen Gurkensalat jeden Tag zum Abendessen und Sie werden Bauchfett verlieren!

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Hello friends! This salad will help you burn belly fat! Cabbage. Write in the comments from which country you watch my videos? Salt. Onion. pour in hot water. Leave on for 10 minutes. Cucumbers. I use a special grater. If you want to lose weight, be sure to subscribe to my channel! Carrot. Apple. lemon juice. Garlic. Honey. 3 tablespoons olive oil. If you like my recipes, you can support me! Become a sponsor of my channel! Mix. Did you like the recipe? Show it to your friends! delicious and healthy! will help you lose weight quickly! Just eat this salad for dinner every day! 2 recipe! Cucumber 4 pcs. Cucumbers contain many vitamins and very few calories. If you want to lose weight, be sure to eat cucumbers. Write in the comments, from which country do you watch my videos? Salt 1 spoon. Mix. Leave on for 10 minutes. Parsley. Squeeze out excess water. Add parsley. Sesame seeds. a spoonful of honey. 2-3 tablespoons Greek yogurt. black pepper. mix and refrigerate. It is very tasty and healthy! You'll like it!
Channel: Pollys Küche
Views: 2,230,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rezept, gesundes Essen, Diät, wie man Gewicht verliert, Gewichtsverlust, einfache Rezepte, einfaches Essen, einfaches Rezept, leckere Rezepte, billige Rezepte, Küche, Salat, Gurken, Gurkensalat, Abnehmen, Bauchfett, Abendessen, Abendessen zum Abnehmen, keine Diäten, gesunde rezepte, rezepte, salad, cucumber salad, salad recipe, dinner recipe, salad for dinner, fat, how to remove fat, get rid of fat, remove belly fat, recipe, healthy recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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