Eat THESE 10 Foods to Naturally Lower Blood Pressure 🍆

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if you have high blood pressure  you're definitely not alone   researchers estimate that 33 of adults  in the united states have hypertension   and only half of them have the condition  under control this is unfortunate because   high blood pressure can lead to heart disease  stroke and other serious health problems   so it's important to take steps to keep your  blood pressure levels within the normal range   and as you probably guessed your diet and the  foods that enter your body can play a major role   in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels which  is the topic of this video be sure to watch until   the end because there's one food that i think will  surprise you so if you're ready let's get into it the first food that i should mention is walnuts  in general whenever you eat a meal that is high   in fat content it puts your arteries in a state  of shock over time this causes them to stiffen   and become hardened one study found that if  you eat walnuts with a meal that is high in fat   it results in effects that are much less severe  walnuts are also a great source of magnesium   which is a mineral that is essential for  keeping blood pressure under control they   are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids  and have been shown to reduce inflammation   which is another contributing factor to high blood  pressure next up on our list is green tea studies   found that those who drink green tea on a regular  basis tend to have a healthier cardiovascular   system than those who don't green tea is loaded  with polyphenols which researchers believe can   provide multiple health benefits including for  your heart and blood vessels one study found that   those who drink green tea were 20 less likely  to experience heart disease or have a stroke   they were also 22 percent less likely to pass away  from heart related conditions third on our list is   flax seeds flax seeds are one of the most popular  superfoods around the world because they offer   several health benefits for the human body  they're great for your arteries because their   components work to decrease cholesterol levels  which can lower blood pressure and decrease the   likelihood of a blood clot forming like walnuts  flax seeds are also a good source of magnesium   and you can easily add flax seeds to your diet  by including them in smoothies sprinkling them   on top of oatmeal or yogurt or using them  as an ingredient in other healthy dishes   fish is another great food to include in your diet  if you're looking to naturally lower your blood   pressure that is because fish is an excellent  source of omega-3 fatty acids which have been   shown to reduce inflammation throughout your body  studies found that the components of omega-3s   work to decrease the manifestation of cellular  adhesion this means that they can decrease the   buildup of plaque that occurs in the arteries and  when you decrease plaque buildup it also lowers   your risk of other heart related problems  in addition fish is also a good source of   protein and other nutrients that are essential  for your overall health the next food that we   need to discuss is beans beans are rich in fiber  and well known for being a heart-healthy food   like other foods we've mentioned beans also work  to decrease plaque buildup which is effective in   lowering blood pressure levels studies have also  shown that eating beans can decrease the amount   of bad cholesterol in your body keeping  your arteries healthy over time you can   easily add beans to your diet by including them  in salads soups or as a side dish with your meals   next up on our list is citrus fruit most will  agree that citrus fruits are delicious however   they are also packed with vitamins minerals and  antioxidants that can benefit the cardiovascular   system these fruits are high in flavonoids which  are effective in decreasing inflammation and free   radicals in the blood they help decrease plaque  buildup while lowering cholesterol which is likely   why eating citrus fruits is linked to a lower  risk of stroke and other cardiovascular problems   citrus fruits are also high in vitamin c  which is an important nutrient for the health   of your immune system turmeric is another  super ingredient that we need to discuss   turmeric is the bright yellow spice  that is often found in indian cuisine   it wasn't until recently that medical experts  discovered the positive health benefits   turmeric is high in antioxidants that help prevent  fatty deposits from developing in the arteries   it also contains anti-inflammatory properties that  help prevent the arteries from hardening over time   turmeric works to lower blood pressure by  helping the body produce more nitric oxide   nitric oxide helps to relax and widen the  blood vessels which leads to decreased blood   pressure levels over time turmeric is also  a potent anti-inflammatory agent which can   help protect the heart and reduce the risk of  developing heart disease another spice that we   had to include is cinnamon cinnamon is often  used to add flavor to sweet and savory dishes   however many people don't know that cinnamon  also offers several health benefits particularly   for the cardiovascular system it contains  anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties   that are responsible for improving cholesterol  and blood pressure levels a study found that   eating one half teaspoon of cinnamon per day  can decrease your blood sugar triglycerides and   ldl cholesterol levels i mean what more could you  ask for there are several ways that you can add   cinnamon to your diet so get creative personally  i love adding cinnamon to my morning cup of coffee   as there are also benefits to the combination  of cinnamon and caffeine but that's a topic for   another video getting back on track the next  food with blood pressure benefits is oats oats   contains antioxidants that inhibit inflammatory  proteins which can lower ldl cholesterol levels   and help prevent atherosclerosis atherosclerosis  is a condition that causes the arteries to harden   and narrow over time which can eventually lead  to heart disease obviously this is something   we should strive to avoid oats are loaded with  fiber which offers several other health benefits   including a decreased risk of diabetes stroke and  cancer unfortunately researchers found that the   majority of adults aren't getting the recommended  amount of fiber in their diet this is why you can   do your cardiovascular system a favor by including  more oats and fiber in your daily routine   next up on our list is beets beets are a unique  food but we had to include them in this video   because they contain high levels of nitrates  nitrates are converted into nitric oxide in   the body which as previously mentioned has been  shown to help relax and widen the blood vessels   this leads to improved blood circulation  and lower blood pressure levels beets are   also rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory  components that offer additional protection for   the cardiovascular system if you're not a fan of  eating raw beets you can cook them roast them or   even blend them up with your juice or smoothies  your cardiovascular system will be glad you did   but now that we've covered some of the most  beneficial foods for your arteries let's take   a look at some of the worst foods that you should  avoid as a general rule of thumb we should always   try to avoid foods that are high in cholesterol  because it combines with fat calcium and other   substances in the blood to form plaque which can  cause blockages in the arteries also try to avoid   foods that are high in saturated fat and trans  fat because they're culprits when it comes to   plaque buildup and arteries as well i get it guys  it's unfortunate because many of the tasty foods   that we enjoy contain the components that are bad  for the cardiovascular system but when it comes   to improving our overall health i think it's a  sacrifice that we will have to make in general we   should try to avoid fatty foods butter whole milk  and cream processed meat fried foods ice cream   soda baked goods foods that are high in sodium and  foods that are high in sugar again any food that   is high in cholesterol saturated fats or trans fat  will likely have negative effects on your entire   cardiovascular system instead you can opt for the  healthier option that we mentioned in this video   if you want to support the channel be sure to  like and subscribe i would greatly appreciate   it and there should be some other helpful videos  popping up in your screen right about now that   i think you'll enjoy and just a quick reminder  we're not doctors this video is for informational   purposes only thank you so much for watching have  a blessed day and as always breathe easy my friend
Channel: Respiratory Therapy Zone
Views: 190,336
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Keywords: blood pressure foods, blood pressure, high blood pressure, lower blood pressure, foods that lower blood pressure, high blood pressure diet, how to lower blood pressure, high blood pressure treatment, manage blood pressure, blood pressure lowering foods, respiratory therapy zone, foods that lower blood pressure quickly, hypertension, foods that lower blood pressure right away, foods that lower blood pressure naturally, how to lower blood pressure naturally, blood pressure diet
Id: aZpkmGuDtZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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