Top 10 Foods to Detox and Cleanse Lung Inflammation | MUST EAT FOODS

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if your chest feels inflamed and you're having  trouble breathing it may be due to increased   inflammation in the airways of your lungs  inflammation is the body's natural response   to protect itself from infections injuries and  irritation however if this response persists   it becomes chronic inflammation which can damage  healthy tissue and lead to various health problems   including respiratory infections and  difficulty breathing with that said most   people don't realize that the foods we eat  in our diets can contribute to inflammation   leading to further health complications which is  why in this video we're going to discuss the top   10 foods that can fight inflammation and make  it easier for your lungs to function properly   be sure to listen till the end because  there's one food in particular that i think   will surprise you so if you're ready let's get  into it the first food on our list is flax seeds   flax seeds are a popular superfood high in fiber  antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids all of these   nutrients play a role in reducing inflammation  in the body unfortunately the diet of most   adults is rich in omega-6 fatty acids which are  unhealthy properties common in vegetable oils   and processed foods these negatively affect our  body systems and can lead to chronic inflammation   for this reason it's important to include foods  in your diet that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids   like flax seeds omega-3s have been shown to reduce  the risk of chronic diseases including those that   affect the lungs number two is pumpkin believe it  or not pumpkins are good for more than decorations   during the fall season this orange squash is  packed with carotenoids and antioxidants that have   anti-inflammatory effects researchers found that  individuals with higher levels of carotenoids in   their system had better overall lung function this  is likely due to the fact that carotenoids help to   protect cells from damage caused by inflammation  pumpkins are also high in vitamin a which is a fat   soluble vitamin that helps maintain the mucous  membranes in the lungs this is essential for   protecting against viruses bacteria and foreign  invaders number three on our list is turmeric   turmeric is a popular spice well known for its  potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects   the active component in turmeric is curcumin which  researchers believe is responsible for its health   benefits curcumin has been shown to improve lung  function and reduce inflammation in the airways   it may also protect the lungs from damage caused  by pollution and smoking in fact studies found   that curcumin intake resulted in improved lung  function in healthy adults it was also shown to   be beneficial in smokers who are at an increased  risk of lung disease turmeric is typically used   as a spice while cooking but it can also be taken  in supplement form however it's important to speak   with your doctor before taking any supplements  next up on our list is citrus fruits vitamin c is   a powerful antioxidant that can boost your immune  system and decrease the risk of chronic diseases   everyone knows citrus fruits are loaded with  vitamin c which is why they're often recommended   to those who feel under the weather but did  you know that vitamin c can also have profound   benefits on your respiratory system vitamin c  consumption is believed to help prevent lung   inflammation but some researchers believe it may  even reduce the risk of developing lung cancer   so do your lungs and overall health a favor by  incorporating more citrus fruits into your diet   coming in at number five is tomatoes tomatoes  are another food rich in antioxidants and   nutrients that offer anti-inflammatory  benefits the most potent antioxidant in   tomatoes is lycopene which is responsible for  their red color lycopene is a carotenoid that   has been shown to decrease inflammation and  improve lung function it's also believed to   reduce airway inflammation in obstructive  lung conditions such as asthma and copd   tomatoes are often consumed cooked which  makes the lycopene more bioavailable   however raw tomatoes are also a healthy option  and can be added to salads or used as a topping   on your favorite sandwich number six on our list  is green tea green tea is a healthy beverage rich   in antioxidants including catechins and flavonoids  these nutrients have been shown to offer   anti-inflammatory effects and protect cells from  damage green tea is also a good source of theanine   which is an amino acid that has calming effects  on the body this can be beneficial for those with   lung conditions that are exacerbated by stress  such as asthma some researchers believe that   green tea consumption is associated with improved  lung function in patients with pulmonary fibrosis   this is a chronic condition characterized  by scarring of lung tissue which makes it   difficult to breathe you can enjoy green tea  as a hot or cold beverage however it does   contain caffeine so it's best to consume it in  moderation if you're sensitive to the stimulant   coming in at number seven is olive oil olive oil  is a widely recognized superfood around the world   it's rich in healthy fats vitamins and minerals  that offer a multitude of health benefits   it's high in vitamin e and polyphenols  which are antioxidants that scavenge harmful   toxins and protect cells from damage these  nutrients also have anti-inflammatory effects   making olive oil a great choice  for those with lung conditions   studies found that olive oil consumption may  actually lower the risk of developing asthma   some researchers even believe that it can improve  lung function in smokers and in those with copd   number eight on our list is berries berries are  small fruits that pack a big nutritional punch   they're loaded with vitamins minerals and  antioxidants that can benefit your overall   health in many ways the antioxidants in berries  such as anthocyanins have been shown to offer   anti-inflammatory effects this makes them a  good choice for those who are conscious about   reducing inflammation in their lungs berries  are also a good source of fiber this nutrient   is important for gut health which can have  an indirect impact on lung function a healthy   gut microbiome has been linked to improved  respiratory health and higher resistance to   unwanted symptoms that stem from lung infections  number nine is swiss chard swiss chard is a   leafy green that's often overlooked in favor of  more popular options such as kale and spinach   but this nutrient-dense vegetable is worth  adding to your diet for its many health benefits   swiss chard is rich in vitamins a c and k as well  as antioxidants like polyphenols and flavonoids   these nutrients offer anti-inflammatory  effects and help protect cells from damage   this vegetable is also a good source of magnesium  which is a mineral that has been shown to help   relax the smooth muscle tissue in the airways  of the lungs this is known as bronchodilation   which increases the diameter of the airways  making it easier to breathe researchers also   found that a magnesium deficiency was associated  with worsening symptoms in patients with copd   it is also believed to reduce the risk of  lung cancer next up on our list is anchovies   anchovies are small oily fish that are often  used as a flavor enhancer in many popular dishes   these tiny fish may be small but they provide  big health benefits for the human body in fact   anchovies are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty  acids as previously mentioned these nutrients have   anti-inflammatory effects and can benefit the  entire respiratory system anchovies are also high   in other beneficial nutrients such as iron calcium  and selenium they're a low-calorie nutrient-dense   food that's worth adding to your diet for  the many health benefits they have to offer   if you want to support the channel be sure to  like and subscribe i would greatly appreciate it   and there should be some other helpful videos  popping up on your screen right about now that   i think you will enjoy and just a quick reminder  we are not doctors this video is for informational   purposes only thank you so much for watching have  a blessed day and as always breathe easy my friend
Channel: Respiratory Therapy Zone
Views: 34,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foods that fight inflammation in the lungs, anti-inflammatory foods, food for healthy lungs, heal lungs naturally, clean your lungs, how to detox your lungs, respiratory therapy zone, cleanse lungs, lung cleanse, heal lungs from smoking, best food for your lungs, food for lungs, anti inflammatory diet, healing lungs, anti-inflammatory diet, chronic inflammation, cleanse your lungs, best anti inflammatory foods, foods that fight inflammation, lung detoxification
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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