Eat and Think Yourself Smart - Dr. Caroline Leaf

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I have studied the mind brain connection and obviously when you study the mind brain connection you have to look at feeding the brain and looking after brain so it was a very natural part of my clinical work and my research to look at what my patients were eating including me because I've always our family is always eating a very healthy diet and so it was very natural for me to involve it in my practice and involved it in my research and so you can't divorce eating from the mind brain connection so I'm a mind specialist i specialized in the mind how to learn how to memory I didn't build your memory how to detox your brain but in doing that you have to also detox your body so not only is that something that you need to do for yourself and your children and your family but it also as a steward of creation you are stewarding your spiritual soul and your body and the earth that God has given us so it's a very important concept it's not being fundamentalist about eating or anything it is actually just very very normal to look after the creation that God has given us so that's the angle I come from when we talk about food I'm not going to tell you a diet plan I'm not going to tell you to eat walnuts for your brain I'm not going to do any kind of rulebook with what you shouldn't shouldn't eat aren't you happy to hear that I'm gonna tell you some great things like coffee is really good for your brain okay it actually stimulates neuroplasticity so there's some really cool things and that you know this when you when you understand about eating so what I'm going to do is emphasize the mind element and how to steward your creation because God loves what he's created so we should love what God has created and we should look after what God has given us so that is the purpose behind today's talk and it's in this book thinking eat yourself smart and you can see it's quite a thick book there's tons of references there all my books have online programs that go with them in the first service last night I spoke about the perfect you and the second service today this tells you basically about understanding how you uniquely function and there's a profile in there how you think how important it is to be operating in your love mode the way that you are designed to function so that you can actually fulfill your purpose that's all the science behind what what love is the science of love the science of your unique purpose etc and then once so once we kind of dealing with the spirit in that book in this book we're dealing with the mind by 21 day detox and I was here last I spoke about this book and this is how you can detox your brain and build your brain in this book I'm telling helping you to understand the spiritual nature so spirit soul and then body so that's what we're talking about in this session so I call this the spiritual body pack each of these has an online course or an online program with videos and everything so that work hand-in-hand with the book to help you to work your way through it now in anything that you are going to change in your life it's going to take time and pastor Mac and I were just talking about this in the green room and I'm so excited he told me he's doing a whole series on mind and emotion and they're talking about habits and habit formation and you know I got really excited because he was talking my language there and basically takes 63 days to form a habit I don't know if you're aware of that we often hear the term 21 days but it doesn't take 21 days it takes tweened it takes 63 your brain and your body work on cycles of twenty-one and your mind drives your brain and your body so it cycles of twenty-one days is what we need to build long-term memory but habits which are things that you will do automatically take another 42 days so if you want something to change in your life you have to spend time daily for at least 63 days which is nine weeks in order to make it a habit you were to think about it daily for at least seven minutes a day and you may think how can I do that it is so easy when you get yourself disciplined and that's what all my materials will help you do and it goes for food as well so the online program you'll see it says 63 days to think and eat yourself smart so everything you'll see this coming up in all my work I'll constantly talk about the 63 days and it's not a quick fix you've got to actually put the effort in overtime so that information just to help you understand I don't expect you to change your eating habits overnight it's and and I want you to understand why you should first and once you have the reason you're motivated to change and in fact with all the things that I teach none of this is easy at all it's not difficult but it's not a quick fix I'm not going to just lay on hands and you're not automatically or there's some quick recipe and you automatically your ideal body weight it doesn't work like that nothing in life works like that and you actually know that so it's a matter of putting in the time and the effort to make the changes and that's what I saw with my patients and with the styles of actually reach millions now through my ministry which is very global now on the TV show and so on and we re reaching millions and we see this feedback coming all the time that when people make the efforts to actually spend the time and make changes changes will come so one more thing I want to say about the time factor is that people will often will do my 21 day detox and they'll tell me oh I did your 21 day detox and it was amazing and I'm saying why are you talking in the past tense doesn't renewing of the mind make happen on a constant basis so you don't do my 21 day detox or did it you keep doing it because the 21 day detox that's in this program is actually how you renew your mind it's the science behind it's the ticket scientific technique of how Romans 12:2 works in your life and that same thing with eating you're not just gonna do this for three cycles of 21 and after 63 days revert back you'd be crazy to it you definitely won't because you'll feel feel way better and the same thing with your you're gonna take cycles of 21 days for the rest of your life to get to know who you are to build that blueprint of your the divine sense of purpose and your eternal nature in you okay so put effort in be prepared to put effort in to your life and watch the rewards okay so you're in a church that is helping you to do that so take advantage of what you're learning here it is really fantastic the programs that are running here okay so think and eat yourself smart notice I put the word to think I wonder how many of you realize that every mouthful that you put in your body is that the nutritional content that you gain from that mouthful is 80 percent determined by what you are thinking about in that moment okay so your mindset in the moment of consumption of food is going to determine how much nutrition you gain from what you've just eaten and that's why I say think and each yourself smart so you may be eating that super healthy organic kale salad that isn't grown up on a IV of chemicals and it's really all the right things real food etc which we'll learn about in a moment but you may be very irritated about something or very worked up about something you are losing 80% of that healthy nutrition because of your mindset because your mindset your mind drives your digestive organs your mind drives everything in your body so in order for your digestive system to work you have to correctly and for everything to work like it should you need your mind involved so that is why it's think and eat yourself smart okay so we need to admit quit and beat when it comes to this situation and you'll see my book is divided into three sections at Mozza quits and beat so I'm briefly going to give you an overview of these concepts to show you how this is not as difficult as it seems but it is going to take the effort to 63 days for a start and then it's the rest of your life what I teach in my in I've got 17 books that I've done in these in all my materials is lifestyle changes okay we're not talking about a once-off it's lifestyle and these lifestyles are spiritually and scientifically aligned with who you're supposed to be so everything that I'm teaching is aligning with the Word of God and aligning with your spiritual nature your nature okay so the global food system is flawed and if we don't admit this we are willfully blind okay so we need to recognize that there is a problem with our food system and I'm going to prove this to you in a in a in in a series of slides now as we're going through this the eating has become unnecessarily complicated I mean you know this like you can simply weekly there's a new diet there's a new there's a new fad you could this week you can eat this kind of olive oil next week you must eat coconut oil the week after it's that do this but is good for you but is not good for you at the end of the day you can tear your hair out you need to go to a nutritionist to try and work out what to eat and that is not it shouldn't be like that because what has happened to our food system that we have it that it becomes a and these are the aren't Christians that I aunt attempt to answer in my book you'll see that there's this like a whole lot of pages of references links videos and all kinds of things to educate yourself we do regular challenges in our organization we just did a 21 day detox challenge over January where I took myself through a I'm always doing a 21 day detox I'm always in it it's a lifestyle for me but I did it on video to help people to just to give examples I went through an issue that I was dealing with them very very very transparent and I did a 21-day video 21 days or videos we currently we in a thinking eat yourself smart challenge so if you follow me on social media you can actually join that challenge at any stage and it's running over 63 weeks and I mean 63 days so over nine weeks and we've got various different doctors that I work with at this podcast these YouTube videos these all kinds of things so every day there's something to help you in this journey so I'm doing what I can I'm short of coming in to your home and doing it for you at which I would never obviously do you you have to take that responsibility but I will give you as much help as I can okay so weekly there's a new diaper fed but actually if you look at the science behind eating and looking off to your brain and your body and the earth there isn't one there isn't one base type of diet you know people will ask me do you eat paleo do you think and do you eat vegetarian and can you do this can you do that you can do whatever you want because we're all different so all of us are going to have different diets so you can find what works best for you because we are all different and we all have different needs and there's certain things that you can and can't eat and you will know when you're eating the right diet but there is one rule that I have only one eat real food mindfully that's the only rule you need to follow in this book I proceed to teach you what eating real food mindfully means okay so we need to understand what real food is and we need to understand what mindfully is and I'm gonna try and unpack that for you now so real food is real food it's grown the way God intended it's called agro-ecological farming methods and you'll see them in the in this book so it's fresh and nutritious why fresh very when something's fresh and it's a pic twin like for example then the fruit is picked all the vegetables are and when you take you and your vegetables are grown we at the point where they are just like a literally ready to fall off on the ground that is when they're at their most nutritious so when you eat them at that point you will get the most nutrition out of that out of that food so fresh and nutritious when something is picked too early and it's still not ripe what they do very often even sometimes organic not even sometimes it even happens with the big organic farms they tickets you soon they spray various different types of chemicals honored to come to turn to change the color and then to keep it fresh it's packaged so by the time it gets to you that fresh fruit is not really fresh so then you'll see the next point predominantly in local and seasonal is best so it's best to buy what's local in your area so if you are eating fresh Kiwi fruits it's not fresh because you don't grow Kiwi fruits up here so you need to be very cautious even if it says organic kiwi fruit it's not grown in your area so you should predominantly eat what's local in your area now think of how brilliant God is and think of how our bodies and brains are wired for love which I teach extensively in all my work there isn't a single cell structure a protein and enzyme in our body that is designed for anything toxic and the same thing with the food system God has put you with a perfect brain and body and a mind that's going to develop into the perfect you nature in a world that is created perfect God knows what God is God knows what God is what he is doing okay so God doesn't create imperfection God creates perfection you know that okay so this means that the world that God has given us when we go according to grow food and bring and grow and let go of animals in the correct way we're going to get the best nutrition because the earth is also and animals are wired for love as well so that matches us so when you interfere with that when you change and the way food is produced then you're going to interfere with a wired full of nature and you're going to land up with consequences which we will see so local is very interesting in terms of the wired full of nature because whatever you grow locally is what you need nutritionally wires to live in this particular climate which is different to for example Texas where we spend we live between Texas in California so we are there's two different it's gonna be different food grow Andy I come from South Africa in other words wherever you go you're gonna have certain foods foods that are common all over the place but there's certain things that are only grown in that area so you should always avail yourself of what is unique to your area because that is what you need to live healthily in your areas you need it for your immune system so if example honey the bees the honey is an incredible way of raw organic honey of building your immune system quickly but by the honey from your local farms but not you know if you're gonna get honey from Texas or California it's not gonna have the same immune boosting effect as honey from here from this from yours of your particular state so very much local seasonal grass-fed animals are designed to roam and as they roam they fertilize and plow the land and they eat the herbs and the grasses and then you have happy animals that are have a balance off of everything in their body what you what the animals eat is what you're basically eating so an animal that is there we go that's a happy cow okay and show the next one is in an even happier count let's see the next picture if you can that's gonna bring up another picture this with my favorite one coming up now so when the animals roam around that's a seriously heavy car okay so they are naturally eating what they would naturally eat in a very relaxed environment their body responds so they have all their they're not in their body doesn't go into stress they make us three and six is balanced I can go on and on and on and I have it in my book for all the multitude of healthy results when an animal is basically allowed to roam free so that's the chickens and the everything that animals should be roaming around free so when they are put into the concentrated animal feeding operation system which is called a kfo where you see all these animals very cruelly cruelly treated locked up in these very small environments very often standing in the heat of the Sun but not and not able to roam around being fed a diet that's completely abnormal very often choking on that very often getting things like garden hoses shoved down their throat to get the food down folders fold with hormones to fatten him up quickly so the abnormal growth rate they standing in their own feces they get very sick their hooves get all kinds of infections which goes through their body 98% of the antibiotics used in this country go to the animals in the kafirs and that's what's going into your body though not only is it cruel but it is also not stewed in creation and it is also making you sick because you are eating all that as well so whatever they putting in their mouth you putting in your mouth and we need to realize that this is not some magics not some made-up thing this is a lot of this basic scientific facts so they did and it was a very famous scientist in Zimbabwe who was a bit concerned about the amount of Illin and it was the elephant population was growing dramatically and they were worried it was going to destroy the beautiful grasslands in Zimbabwe so what he did was he called he created a program where he called the elephant so they reduced the elephant population it wasn't a short few months after sure and reducing the elephant population that they started their grasslands of Zimbabwe turned into deserts and they realized the scientists realized he'd made a mistake he actually admitted that and that's good science we all make mistakes the ability to grow and change is a good thing you don't always know everything you keep on learning and that's a principle one principle I want to just emphasize and what this scientist he he realized he'd made a mistake he took the domesticated cows and he put them onto these deserts these desert they D the land had that had become desertified and he basically allowed them to roam free like wild animals and then they churned the ground and they dropped the droppings and they hadn't he had all the different animals mixed together they obviously had to give them feed initially because there was no grass within three weeks grass started coming up within three months they had grasslands back again and the principle there is that you're not going to be actually destroying large tracts of land by taking the animals off the land and putting them into these concentrated animal feeding operations and there's a lot of science behind this there's a lot of truth behind this and a lot of research free of synthetic chemicals you know a lot of power so they are the grounders the seeds of the GMO seeds are not natural they all Seaview you know the principle of seed time and harvest okay so you know that a seed will then receive itself GMO seeds don't they only have one season so you therefore have to purchase them so seeds are being patented and people and farmers are not making it financially because of the fact that what was a natural process in farming has been removed I'm just throwing out a few things out there so when these GMO seeds are planted they because they are natural there's a lot of insects and there's a lot of they have to then treat the ground with all kinds of chemicals and so this was one chemical after another and then they sprayed with chemicals and that's so that's creating these superbugs and that you've got this very toxic cycle that has been set up now we only understand 2% of our soil you know that the cross the planet we only understand how to the the contents of 2% of the soil so when you when you fiddle with things like GMO and pesticides we don't actually know what it's doing to the ecosystem so when you read that in then in the media that GMOs safe it's definitely not safe and because we don't even know what's going on we don't know the full impact yet of what it's doing to the soil to our ecosystems to humanity to the animals and to the world that God has given us what we do know is be having we've got problems starting to manifest and you're gonna see that in a moment okay the thing is also those rather time you get that conventional to call conventional fruits in the vegetables in the supermarket and you purchase them you are basically buying something that is has been grown up on an IV of chemical substances so what you're putting in your body is chemicals which now we wonder why we have all these additional diseases and all these different these reactions and allergies and mind issues because these things are crossing the blood-brain barrier they're messing up our brains they're causing all kinds of early early days that setter etcetera we'll show you the stats in a minute whole or minimally processed you should be processing in the kitchen cook in the kitchen the more processed the more tin a package the more unhealthy I mean this is such logical stuff you've all been told by on the outside of the supermarket I'm adding to that by the organic on the outside of the supermarket by the local seasonal these are very simple tips I've got them very clearly laid out in my book and this lots of videos and things that go with it okay ecologically diverse and I've explained that principle of the animals that are roaming free the fields that they rotate the fields it's called agro ecological farming methods which is basically very scientific very organized and very much back to the original way they've got intended when you do that you don't have you don't have problems with a deserted vacation with the grout ground becomes barren with the soil gets affected we have run off into the sea we have all these millions of things that are going wrong in our environment environmental and the climate change etc that have all got a lot to do with the farming methods so for another example would be how you see these these crops that are just one type of crop so instead of diversity we've gone for these mono crops which means that these which is abnormal you're supposed to have crops in multiple crops not just one so you'll see large tracts and large fields of GMO cotton GMOs soya GMO corn and when you have large areas being farmed you start damaging the land as well so when we farm keep on farming and growing food like this we not actually sorting out the the hunger problem in the world we creating one and we're creating a whole new animal of a whole new situation of illness because of the kind of food that you're producing so the lands being affected and people are being affected for the first time in history people are obese and nutritionally stopped at the same time so and that's the first time in history and there's a lot of other scary statistics obesity rising etc etc interesting obesity kills and kills the large numbers of people as you know and you know what kills even more what the number one killer is in the world you know what that is loneliness lack of love lack of love is the number one killer of people on this planet of humans on this planet okay so you this these so much more I can say about this but this is the concept of real food it's in depth in the book and online program so now let's just talk about what's happened when we don't follow those rules and we start farming with you know the mono crops and all that kind of thing and kafirs the animals in the concentrated animal feeding operations we have a situation where we have met the modern American diet and occurring so this started happening around 50 years ago 50 60 years ago we had the start of the modern what's called the Med diets the so that's the short that's the shortened version of the modern American diets okay and it is in the United States most ubiquitous export you will find coke in the middle and sodas in the middle of areas where they never had anything like like the second the middle of Africa in the middle of Australia remote areas of the country where babies are being weaned off breast milk onto coke because it's cheaper then then healthy alternatives to pre smoked did they know that the book the baby milk and so on so we're finding there was a one study done where they took a little tiny town in the middle of Australia there was about just a community of about three hundred people and they looked eating real food the way I just described it they introduced a supermarket filled with a modern American diet and a processed food and things involving all the junk food and within three months they started getting a issues with obesity fatty liver disease cardiovascular disease etc etc so where we find and if you look at anyone if you have to look at any one population and area the areas that are the sickest are the areas where the most is most access to the fast foods fast food diet so the modern American diet is called the mayor diet I mean we all seen the Stockton documentaries you can't not know about the dangers of the snacks it's all over the place so we just need to not have willful blindness because it is there's so much evidence out there that this way of eating a certain healthy and I know in this church and I pastor Mac and Lenore very into teaching you how to eat healthy and steward your body and mind how are you supposed to do what you're supposed to do in this life if you feel sick all the time from eating badly okay so this type of diets in our schools shops workplaces homes churches hospitals you know when I go to a church and they have a doughnut wall I actually make this comment you may as well give them cocaine instead of doughnuts because cocaine is less addictive than the doughnut did you know that okay so I'm gonna show you now I'm gonna show you now the seven top addictions let's quickly pull those up I'm just jumping around make if you can just bring those up for me look at the seven top addictions so love is a addiction addiction is means consumed by addiction is a good word so we are designed and wired for love we are made by love God is love we are our basic realities love I was teaching on that in here I teach the science of our basic reality on in consciousness which is love and God is love okay so no one can live without love so that is the top killer is when people don't have love okay so the next thing is you can't live without love you can't live without food so you have to have food so when you supplement real food with the modern American diet which is now the term used globally for bad eating and you which is all the processed food junk food GMO food food made in laboratories food-like substances all the stuff in boxes that are fortified with this well you know God's oranges grown in an organic way doesn't need it beef doesn't say on the skin fortified or this added will that edit because it's in its a perfect state I mean you have to add things to food why it's not food it's food-like substances that they try to sell you with marketing to buy this junk food which is actually poisoning your system so the modern American diet becomes very very addictive in the wrong way if you don't have love in the perfect you nature which is the side where you see the green trees you're going to have love and you're going to substitute that for toxic love and that's when people get caught up in the wrong and love I use as a general term for mindsets for thinking for doing life so you're going to look somewhere else for love so when people are lonely they go into whatever so when you don't have correct love you're gonna have toxic love and you don't have correct food you've got mad food so that's breaking down your body and now you can't live without love you can't live without food but you can live without that the others you don't need cigarettes heroin psychotropics alcohol cocaine to live but they are on the order of the top 7 addictions and look they cocaine is less addictive than the modern American diet so it's more difficult to withdraw from the modern American diet than it is from heroin and cocaine look at that isn't that amazing psychotropics are things like antidepressants and all the antidepressants anti-anxiety made psychotropics and stimulants which are not medications they're drugs that numb and damaged the brain and are very very addictive and change the way people function in a bad way okay so was the introduction of the modern American diets and and the which was around about fifty sixty years ago we really sort of becoming a big thing at the same time we had the intraday Barry strong move towards the development of psychotropics when they discovered the first type of psychotropic around about fifty sixty years ago so fifty sixty years ago we had a major change in how we as humans are running autop to addictions okay so we had in terms of love that's all to do with mind so now when people have mind issues instead of loving them through a talking them through doing what we're supposed to do which is support each other and help each other through our issues in life and deal with them and bring the sort into captivity all that stuff instead of that people are given a medication so you you lose a loved one you obviously said you feeling sick you go to your doctor because you said and they give you a an antidepressant and you tell you you have a disease how is losing a loved one or disease it's not you can't medicalize misery but fifty sixty years ago this became the trend it's based on what I was speaking about earlier on on the medical model I mean the sorry the materialistic model where you are just seen as a biological ultimatum so you're a machine and if something's broken replace the part but you not you're a brilliant free thinking human being totally complex Birdsall body the biggest part of youth is the spiritual non-physical part and you can't just treat that with a medication but that is the gold standard of treatment and unfortunately across the world and we see the psychotropic trained is more dominant in developed countries that can afford to pay for the drugs and her and in in countries where they can't afford like some Bobby where I was born they do what they call the friendship benches where grannies sit on benches and they basically listen to people with problems and it has been scientifically evaluated by Harvard and it is very small effects of implemental in helping with mental health than any other system and that trend those principles are what I've been using in my therapy for years and in my books and whatever and I've developed the doctor Leaf method which is basically the same thing anyone can do it if you can love someone which you can you can help someone okay so if you want to know more about that you can just send us an email we'll send you some links on that so in other words you're you oh you're wired for love you would write for food and if and if you if you distort them you're going to create a toxic addiction and that's what the modern American diet does so if you have a if you if you actually have a look at the the dangers of this whole thing now in in the USA the death rates rose law for the first time between it the last I should have a sheet change the day between 2014 and 2015 the death rate rose for the first time in a decade a Rea increase now what does this mean okay so let me there is the slide up they have a look at that what has happened a very very scary thing in four decades people's the mortality rate has been going down because of medical advances which makes sense we all know that don't we people are living longer diseases are being healed or so we thought and then between trade but but between 2014 and 2015 that this trained reversed and people are now dying 15 to 25 years younger than they did 50 and 60 years ago so this trend as trend started changing in between they that they saw the trend manifesting because that it takes a bit of time for trends to actually manifest then they tracking it back to the start of the train was around about fifty to sixty years ago and what happened for future sixty years ago I just told you we changed the way that we eat and we changed the way that we manage your mind so we've changed the top two addictions that we need for survival and the result is that we now have a lifestyle crisis globally because these these results are being are being evidenced our evidence around the world and the same train has occurred between fifteen and sixteen so we are considered to be in a pandemic problem time of people dying fifteen to twenty five years younger from preventable lifestyle diseases how you manage your mind and love your life your decision-making and the food that you need in order to live okay so now we see the other seven addiction uh the five addictions that you don't need to live are being used instead of the real thing you see that people don't get love they get depressed they take a drug to numb them or they get caught up in sin in pornography or whatever I don't know whatever each person's going to be different so they are looking for them they've swapped their the the love of God has become now the Golden Calf they are worshiping something else whatever you think about the most with what grows whatever you whatever is consuming you it's not love that's consuming you you are now worshiping the golden calf okay so we when we say when people tell me I can't give up sodas well then my answer very often is well what are you that means you literally worshipping the soda because I can't is a decision it just is going to be difficult you are going to go through sixty-three days of withdrawal when you come off that side of you drinking a lot of sodas and you're addicted to junk food when you get off the junk food you will go through withdrawal like a heroin addict like a cocaine edit but you can do it because your brain can rewire if you get your mind right your mind is driving the process your body has to line up so if you make the decision to renew your mind around how you're gonna manage your mind and how you're gonna manage how what you eat you can rewire your brain and your brain will fix itself up but it's not a quick fix yeah amen I mean that's how good god is I talked about the grace of God you see the grace of God all over science I mean I just am consumed with science I love it so much it's been two to three hours a day on science in my field because I just see God all over the grace of God is unbelievable when you use your mind you change your life okay so research shows that just to show you now the mind element research shows that two out of three people will gain weight back when they go on a diet so diets are a bad thing now what they have found is that 90% of people will focus on the physical aspects like diet and exercise discounting the most important factor when it comes to weight weight loss that should be white weight loss you don't want to become weightless and healthy eating some of us might want to have okay so basically there's nothing wrong you must change your food you must exercise you'll see all the importance of that in the book did exercise stimulates neuroplasticity the correct eating stimulates neuroplasticity which is what you need for memory formation etc but people will gain the weight back and until you bring in the mind you are not going to keep the weight you're not gonna persist persist with your your exercise regimen so it has to be mine first so you can't become you can a people they can be so consumed by the toxic eating I mean by sorry so so consumed with their health but they don't deal with their mind issues they super healthy they look amazing and they drop down dead when they're 40 and you think why they're eight well they exercising but they didn't deal with the mind you spirit soul and body you it's driven by your mind it's mind and mind driving your lifestyle choices of how you manage your mind and how you manage your diet okay so mindfully considering the emotional component of eating is the way to lose weight there's been tons of research showing that it's better to be very mindful of your emotions and off and have mindful awareness and an understanding of what real food is then reading for example the food food packaging what's in the food now you need to do that but if you just go in with the fact that I'm gonna eat this many calories and that many calories you've made it a law you've made instead of making it something natural you've made it very hard for yourself whereas if you know I must eat real food and I'm not gonna eat anything except real food then that makes your choice easy find real food and eat real food and you may be thinking it's too expensive well you can grow your own raised beds we have an organization called the homeland project that you can go research you can go search homeland project we give you three tips on how to grow your own food really cheaply and really easily not only that you have farmers all around and you have something called a consumer supported agriculture system CSA and you can order your box we pay $100 and I think it's a hundred dollars to join and then we pay like $25 a week and we get this giant box of all these amazing fruits and vegetables and if you want the Multan the from the animals that have been the happy cows and all that stuff and you know the happy animals you can get there too for I mean it's it's way cheaper than then buying even the modern American diet junk food and then if you think well that if I buy that organic food it's gonna cost X but you put the Kroger's and you've got the Costco so many people are not jumping on this bandwagon that it is bringing the cost down you see you and I vote with our fork the more we want with the more we as a as a as a community as a as a population of society demand the healthy food will get it because people want money okay so support your local farmers you can really done the numbers you can eat on a budget you can eat healthy on a budget if you actually think about what you are actually choosing to buy and where you are buying it and then you're supporting your local farmers at citrus I've given you tons of tips in here in the last section and links to CSAs there's a general map for there's a link that you can go on to find the CSA's in your area consumer supported agriculture where you can buy your you know the vegetables and things that are really reasonably priced and they're grown in the correct way etc okay so we need to think about what we are eating and we need to understand why we are eating this requires a thinking lifestyle change you see when you think about your emotions like if you worked up do not eat if I have a day that's particularly challenging and I feel myself moving into toxic stress I will not eat until I am calm and I advise you do not eat until you calm if you have to go a couple of days without food it's not gonna hurt you fasting is extremely good for you I have a whole explanation of what fasting does we know what it does spiritually you may not have realized what it does on a and for your brain in your body I mean one of the main one of the things that does do is it immediately stimulates your brain to be able to grow more memories so and you're able to and your your focus and concentration increases as well so what fasting should be a lifestyle we live off a meal of a fasted lifestyle there's a lot of times you'll go with a meal miss whatever whatever we feel laid to do if I travel all around the world and I can tell you now it's very hard in this day and age to find a lot of healthy places except in California which is everywhere and overs in Europe but in most states in America it's pretty tired so they can I travel with healthy food I was just saying to pause to make how wonderful it is to be in a church where I can actually eat food here and without thinking like I'm gonna die because most people most places I just said no I'm fasting I'm on a fast and I won't eat because I know it's bad food I will not put bad food in my body that is the decision that I have made you may not be as fundamental but when you know the reasons why you will be let me tell you you would won't want to put that junk in your body because it's honoring God when you actually know what you're doing so in this book in the one part I explained things like what high fructose corn syrup does to your brain what how children that are watching TV all the time how much con story con sumer advertising is happening and they seen it over and over again so these kids and adults we are building these these memories over 63 days of seeing this junk food advertised on TV and the psychotropics advertised on TV and then when you feel down you just oh well I must have that a belief I mean while that's gonna wreck your brain wreck your life you're gonna go buy that junk food you you see toddlers of a 2 2 1 & 2 they can't speak but they pointing to they recognize that food and they're having a tantrum in the cart and screaming that they want that food or you turn around and they've knocked the whole shelf into you into your shopping cart I mean and exaggerating but you get the points these kids are manipulated there is no regulation on the food industry do you know that they have something called the Bliss points Bliss points have you heard about Bliss points it's frightening it's not the food industry is not regulated they're not designing food for your health they were designing food that will actually make you eat more okay so they have what they call the Bliss point study it said it's monel laboratories run a lot of them the Bliss point studies and what they do is that they get parents to volunteer these parents maybe didn't realize if they do realize that's I don't know how they would do it but they bring these kids in as young as four and they are given these concoctions and these concoctions are based are based from a goo that they make from GMO corn soy and wheat and in there add chemicals to make it taste like breakfast cereals or to taste like cookies or to taste like whatever and they give these kids tastes of the Seas they do MRI scans on the children's brain and they look for the point at which the hormone system they do various different tests as well they do the point of hormone system is overridden so that you don't realize that you that you know that you are full and you want to eat more so the food is purposefully designed to bread to interrupt the natural your natural hormone system which will tell you when you're hungry and when to start eating or when to stop eating and also when your hormone system is functioning correctly when you eat real food in your mind is right you will also know what you need to eat and you will recognize that you don't want that real food once your hormone systems been messed up you lose that cognate you actually lose that ability the same thing with your brain you actually wire you may up the pathways in your brain when you eat the modern American diet things with high fructose corn syrup and all that kind of thing and you actually damage your brain and that and that then it also impacts your ability to control what your easy and what you think you want to eat so when you eat real food you will find that you consume much less because it's so much more nutritionally satisfying so you eat less so you buy less and you don't have the medical balls down the line junk food is designed to make you want more because you don't know when you haven't had enough and it creates a desire for more and more so at Manila laboratory they look for the Bliss point and the scientists I'll actually put the link in my in my book the and you know in ending the the think in each of 63 days just think and eat yourself smart online course to help the groups with this book I put the link to the scientists who very proudly talks about how he developed the the Bliss point so these four year-old kids are given us and at the point where they say ah this is amazing give me more this is perfect you know up until that point it may be said not sweet enough too sweet not try this is the one and that's generally the one where the hormone system and the damage in the brain is now occurring and then they think yes jackpot we've now designed a base substance to which will make into a food like product which we know the consumer is going to burn more of because their brain and body are not going to function like they should it's not regulated did you know all of us now I'm not being fundamental I am just telling you the science it's in here I have so many references I think I've got over a thousand references in there with links to videos etc etc there's even more references on the online program because most people when you start talking about food people don't listen they just switch off and they go back I'll go out of I'll turn my lecture in a school or somewhere and come out and it's lunch break and they at the vending machine buying you know sodas and junk food I mean in hospitals we have been training doctors and in the breaks their doctors go arts and they start eating the junk food they come out of surgery and they eat the junk food I will not leave a doctor eating junk food touch me or any of my family I want to know what they eating so I go to doctors that I know eat healthy and those that you can that you can hear what some of them say I've got a total team of doctors I work with and I do they come on my show my podcasts and my YouTube show etcetera okay so um let me tell you another thing about the importance of your mind involved in this whole process your pancreas assistant has many parts to it and as I said in the beginning your mind drives your digestive system so your mind is 80% of the eating process so you basically one of the I'm just gonna talk about one structure I'm going to talk about the pancreas now the pancreas is a very important structure as is every structure in your brain and body and involved in in the digestive process the pancreas secretes you'll see up day 20 emotionally Laden peptides that tell us when you're full or hungry and it regulates the assimilation and storage of nutrients so toxic emotions affect these processes or what this means in English is that your pancreas as you are eating starts to secrete peptides 20 different emotionally Laden peptides and emotionally Laden peptides means that they respond to your emotional states so when you are in the imperfect you in your in your fear zone out of this is your love zone your perfect you zone this is your fear zone your imperfect you zone so when you irritated frustrated or whatever any of those emotions or you're worrying or anxious then your pancreas cannot secrete the twenty emotionally Laden peptides and if it just secretes 19 out of 20 you've already messed up the digestive process and I can't tell you if you feel this emotion at any secretes 18 no one knows that all we know is that you can you can literally mess up your pancreas to the point where it doesn't even secrete a me and then you have a big problem because your pancreas doesn't work alone like nothing in your brain and body works alone no if everything works together the proteins the enzymes the structures every part of your body works as a whole it's the parts that form the whole so you can't reduce it down to just one so even though I've explained the pancreas the pancreas works with others so as the pancreas is affected so the gallbladder is affected so the intestines are if that everything gets affected by what you are thinking so just think about that you may be eating that healthy organic kale salad with the the happy cow whatever steak that you're having with it or something not that it's happy anymore cuz it's now steak but that's why we should really pray that's why we say grace thanking God for what he gives us that's incredible but if you're in that foul mood or in a toxic state you basically have messed up your pancreas that's one example plus all the others and then look at toxic stress if you are in a state of anxiety it will inhibit this I've listed a whole bunch of stuff there your gastrointestinal intestinal tract has to secrete a various different different types of enzymes and mucus in order for you to digest food and that gets messed up as soon as you toxic you actually influence that you you you haven't maybe even put a mouthful of food in your mouth yet but the fact that you are in that toxic state you've already started messing up your gut so who of you here you maybe been in a situation where you worked up and you fill your stomach so I need to get cramps or bloating or you just have a sore stomach your body's reacting to your mind so your gut your your gut brain connection is very real it's called the enteric enteric nervous system it's a connection between the brain and the and the gut and in fact what so you're in what you are feeling is feeling you your gut is aligned with us with neuropeptides and was with neurons there are as many neurons in your gut as there are in your spinal cord which is connected to your brain so there's a conversation going on between your mind and your gut so in order to digest food your mind is going to tell your gut the state that you're in another thing I told them I told you last night was that if you just worry about getting Alzheimer's you increase your chance of getting Alzheimer's by 63% you also increase so don't worry about getting it because you're gonna get it because you're worrying about it the other thing is the modern America diet is a big proponent of causing the Alzheimer's which is which is often it is being referred to as type 3 type is being linked to type 3 diabetes which is a new concept what happens is that when you eat the modern American diet it affects the guts whatever it takes everything but it causes a certain type of protein to be released that is a good protein but it causes too much of it to be released and that particular protein gets into the blood and that protein into your brain it crosses what we call the blood-brain barrier and you don't want their particular protein to cross the blood-brain barrier because when it does it will damage the parts of your brain that are involved in building your thoughts and so what happens is specially processing so one of the first symptoms of Alzheimer's is slowed down it's a reduction in a processing time so like you talk to someone and whose guy who's got early stages of Alzheimer's and you can see that they're just not processing it's taking longer for them to process and that's one of the signs of early you know obviously there's a whole lot of things you look at but what what the research is showing is that that exact the the modern American diet causes a whole lot of stuff that one of the things that this protein will start attacking the parts of the brain that are very involved in processing so it sets you up for the dementia this modern American diet so there's some more things over they the the stress toxic stress will decrease your nutrient absorption I said that already by up to 80% your internal mucosa so the the the mucous lining on the inside of your gut has to constantly be replenished as all your cells are constantly being replenished you're constantly changing all your cells which is which is quite amazing and the quality of the change is dependent on your thought life but the capacity of the intestinal mucosa to repeat to to reproduce is reduced by toxic stress and that's not a good thing your prove all heard of your internal microflora you know your probiotics you've all heard of that and you have all these which are very important for you to digest food and they have a huge influence on mental health there's a lot of research showing now that and the modern American diet is actually contributing to a lot of people's anxiety and depression symptoms because it's messing with the brain which you've already heard me say when I explained the Bliss point so we are we already seeing that by changing diets and introducing more prebiotics and probiotics into diets you can improve people's mental health and it was one of always part of my regimen that I did with my patients was to always work on mind probiotics change diet etc to work on a combination okay so these just a mean nausea irritating : etc etc so there's a lot of things that are relevant to understand doing this whole toxic situation so I'm almost done I want to just quickly explain that we first we need to do three things when we mean this as you can see there's a million things I can share with you I can what I often do when I get to when I do a food conference which I normally take you know this is just an introduction to these concepts but I often will bring in a burger from a takeout joint and I will go through like what has happened to this bread and the tomatoes whatever in the meat etcetera and I go through the whole thing of what has happened and I'll show you a healthy version of that and I've got explanations of that in the book the point is that even the weeds that we are eating for example we used to have we actually have 30 thousands of different types of grains 13,000 God has given us you don't see 30,000 types of grains in the shop most bread products cakes breads etc come from a hybrid GMO version one so we've taken the 30,000 that God has given us so graciously and the food like products are being produced from one hybrid GMO version that's not good is so when you buy it when you start buying from local farms are becoming more aware of this you can start getting your ancient grains back in your diet and things like quinoa which is actually a seed and I'm Pharaoh and all these things that are so filled with so much in so many important vitamins and minerals and nutrients that you need for your brain I talked about gluten I mean if one thinks gluten-free gluten-free gluten-free it's not gluten that's the culprit there's only a very very small percentage of the population that have a that have celiac disease which can be determined by a blood test yet this is a multi-million dollar industry the gluten free movement and it's not actually gluten that people are reacting to it is all the junk in the food that people are reacting to so when you eat the ancient grains very often people that think that they gluten intolerant when you give them the healthy ancient grains that have been grown in the correct way and there's a whole have got lots of all that information in the book as well you find that there's no intolerance anymore so you know we are we are intolerant of this diet doesn't feed us so it damages us okay so in the first part of the book is the admin section and I talked about the dysfunctional states of our current food system this is just a quick wrap around I talked about the real food diets how the Medway of eating McDonald's logo is more more recognizable than the cross did you know that it's more it the McDonald's logo is more recognizable in this day and age than the cross that's a problem okay I talk all about the diversity of diet about real food versus real food that's wired for love what industrial food like products are how to shop how supermarkets are said at the consumer supported agriculture what is organic what is GMO how does it work what is good organic I mean it's become quite an industry money-making industry in itself so you need to be able to know which farms are safe etcetera there's a lot of apps you can download on your phone to find out which are they are genuine organic farms that the produce is coming from so there's a lot of support for you out there and I have a lot of those links in my material I talked about the trouble with mass production I talked about the Med diseases which are diabetes fatty liver disease etc I talked about the cheap Mirage where we think it's cheap food but actually the price that you are paying is in your health and also it's subsidized food so the problem they are connects just finding the slide the problem days it's not really cheap food because it's subsidized food and farmers are going out of business because it is very dominated by just a few big egg big agriculture and big agriculture big egg is very in there is basically in bed with big farmer which are the pharmaceutical companies and yes we do need medications I'm not anti medication for heart disease I'm anti psychotropics and I'm anti mismanagement of medication medication and medicine is a gift from God doctors are a given God my best friends or doctors I've spent my whole life in the medical community are trained doctors but I'm against them against the mismanagement you need a listen to my podcasts and meet some of the doctors that come to my on my TV show that work with me that I do research with and you can meet them through my berries we could do my podcasts and conferences on but there you will hear what they say they'll tell you we weren't trained in mind and we don't know about nutrition now who do you go to when you got my issue and a food thing you go to your doctor it's the first point of port of call people are realizing now that that's not always the best of alternative I mean you've just got this wellness clinic starting in your church this is fantastic there are alternatives we were not in disease we basically got to be preventative of disease not disease management and industrialized countries have become very much a disease management systems as opposed to disease prevention remember I said a few moments ago that we people are dying 15 to 25 years younger from preventable lifestyle diseases which are related back to 50 to 60 years ago when psychotropic medication was introduced to manage mind love the love addiction and the modern American diet or industrial food like products - for eating so the top two two things that we need to survive have been have been them have been interrupted and damaged I talked about that in the first part I talked about marketing to children and other scandals which I've mentioned the Bliss point and so on I get is quite a lot they have studies showing me how kids that watch a lot of TV and junk food ads and increase their chance of getting obesity and one of the one of the mad diseases by something like 80 percent okay I mean we've got to really watch what our kids are watching then who rules economic boost I do a bit about the economics there just to show you that this is very real that we need to vote with our fork you know if you're not supporting these industries we will then get the change over that we're seeing in places like Costco and Kroger and etc that are bringing in so many more very affordable organic options and then the genetic elephant in the room which is GMO I talked about so that's basically in the first part the second part is called quitters and here I talk about the mind and that which is 80% of eating which bears repeating and I talked about toxic thinking and food choices I talked about the mindset behind the meal which is the 80/20 rule I talked about taking responsibility you know you can't eat cake versus kale and just pray over the cake and think it's gonna turn into kale I talked about the meeting of the minds I'll show you how the conscious and the unconscious mind are integrated so for example when we when our kids were still at school for kids we've got four kids they're big now we used to dream II drove when we first moved to the states in the first day they started school we counted 27 take from our house to the school ten minutes drive and this was like I mean my you just don't see that in South Africa it's now it's in the last ten years it's changed but ten years ago it was not like that so that was a big shock for us but now you're going along that same route every day you are seeing that Edward every day after 63 days what have you built into your mind you built a habit in your mind so now you busy mom and you collect your kids from school and you I don't do this I'm talking about and you don't do this either do you but you busy they're busy busy busy and you grab your kids from school and you've got to get them to soccer whatever football whatever and you rushing and you grab it stopping at the take out the cheap food it's in the car it's in a rush junk food in a rush if you eat in a Russian in the car you can't digest your food you have to sit down when you eat you should never eat in a car if you have to eat in a car don't eat okay until you can sit down and eat eat with your family it was there's a whole bunch of things that you need to understand the toxic schedules and TV you know we in this Herry Herry syndrome we're eating the haste when you rushing it disturbs your digestive system the gut brain connection I mentioned about the pancreas that is a whole lot on how our emotions and brain are linked and how those influences are eating the whole thing of brain scans were they trying to say for example that obesity is a disease it's not a disease it is a lifestyle disorder that has been created this bad pattern etc that we've been lied to as a public so my my goal is to educate you and to help you to educate yourself so that you don't get caught and getting and then you eat this food that in override your brain you put on weight and then you get told you have a disease because now you've got side effects from the bad food now they give you medicine on top of it so you know you can see the toxic cycle but you can break this because your brain is neuroplastic your mind is more powerful than your brain and your body you can rewire your brain and change your body anyway there's all this other stuff I talked about confused emotions I've talked about how you see yourself the influence of your parents or your great-great-grandfather eight influences your genetic makeup in terms of digestion you influenced future generations you can change it as I said everything can be changed that's the grace of God and the beauty of renewing the mind which then changes the brain and the body but still you're going to influence the future generations and you have been influenced and is not just on the maternal side it's on the the father's side as well male and female okay so I mean just about beef how protein works sugar the forbidden fruit you know if you take and one care one glass of soda that's you know like a big glass of soda you know those big cups of soda that is equivalent to about ten oranges now if you take ten organic oranges and try and eat ten organic oranges I can guarantee you'll get past maybe two and then you at a push three and you will be so full you won't be able to eat any more because it's natural it's holistic it's not reduced down to its parts it hasn't been broken apart and destroyed but that soda is just pure junk it's pure as a high fructose corn syrup with all kinds of chemicals added let's throw in your brain art it's made your brain seven times more susceptible to confusion and to damage in your hormone system all kinds of breakdown and but yet people have you watched how quickly someone can clog down a soda that size so when you eat real food you eat the right amounts when you eat junk food you eat the wrong you know you'll have the wrong amounts so I explained all of that I spent half factors corn syrup outbreaks how it's broken up where it comes from I explained that you can have sugar but it's got to be the healthy version have their organic honey use the stevia there's so many alternatives that are healthy and you don't need as much then gluten and sleep don't forget you need asleep and you need exercise I'll cover that in the last section I give you tips and I give you 12 basic tips to beat it and a 21 day recipe kickstart I give you my famous my fat my family's famous 21st our favorite 221 recipes in the online program there's another whole lot of recipes and we also have in our whole mind project you can just google whole mind in fact if you can just put up the slide for whole mind you'll see the the webpage there's free recipes on there it has a YouTube channel with recipes every recipe that comes out of my organization's switch on your brains my one organization and the whole man project is my is my NGO all of those are designed all those recipes are designed to just feed your body it's all based on real food very simple to make quick to make some of them will take a little bit longer than others but they are so new to dents they're totally feeding your body so I've tried to once you get a hem of those it's very easy to create your own recipes from there but we're always giving free recipes and things as well and the whole man project was founded to redefine the way we think about and produce food and something that defines us and brings us together nourishes us something that highlights our dependency on a global scale food ought to play a central role in the way we worship God by loving our neighbor and steward in creation through supporting sustainable holistic and nourishing farming projects on a global scale the Holman project seeks to honor God by empowering local communities giving them the ability to produce food that nourishes them and the environment one of our inspirations has been the Gangstar gardener don't have you've heard of him he's been on my TV show Ron Finley who lived in downtown LA and where the obesity epidemic and fatty liver disease was 65% higher than in other areas of Los Angeles very poverty stricken area and the X pretty much the only food in that area was junk food and is and what he did was he found a crack in there was a crack in the pavement that was really rundown the area he started growing gardens in cracked pavements and he grew he transformed you can you can google him he's had done TED talks and he's a friend of mine this guy is unbelievable he's been on my TV show he's this Google your just view of a gangster gardener and you'll see his TED talk and he transformed sections of downtown LA and now he's a global figure goes around the world teaching it but he pretty much grew gardens everywhere and the and the people would come and you know steal the food and he would say you don't have to steal the food it's day for you and he they all sort of growing gardens and these kids were coming off the street and gardening and you know not doing dope anymore they were actually growing food if a child grows kale they're gonna eat the kale you know they're going to be involved in pollinating the ground they'll stop pollinating each other got it okay so you know we want a kid it's mental health see so many studies that increase mental that the gardening the process of gardening increases mental health there are projects in prisons that some of the work we doing getting into prisons getting the gardens to grow food in terms of part of the rehabilitation in homes orphanages the the permutations are endless there's so much you can do you might be thinking after all the stuff I've been saying what can you do well it starts with you it starts with you changing your lifestyle and then getting involved in your community your church your local community and starting to transform the people around you it's all very well telling people about Jesus but if you're not feeding them food they're not interested get these tummy's full get them feeling healthy and they'll hear about the then they'll see the love of God in action our clothes with us Ron Finley said that in his area in downtown LA we with there were more wheelchairs than cars because people were so beasts yet they were starving nutritionally he said that in that small area there were nearly two hundred two churches in in his particularly in his area they would like 20 churches but in that sort of global area and not one Church was helping the community get failed not one church was growing gardens and that made me feel so embarrassed I felt so sad when he said that and that's why we are in such a mission that the world will look at the churches and see the churches growing gardens you can grow a raised bed the size of this table that will feed a family of six you can have instead of flowers in your planter boxes you can put all over a church you could grow actual gardens that are feeding the community so you can get it to it there's so many ideas if you want to know more ideas just Google our web sites and but start with yourself get yourself change because you are a steward of creation you are the royal priesthood it's time to act like the royal priesthood God based thank you for listening thank you for having me here this weekend it's been amazing I've loved it thank you thank you Pastor me [Applause]
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 230,193
Rating: 4.848413 out of 5
Keywords: Mac Hammond, Lynne Hammond, Living Word Christian Center, Online Church, Live Church, Church Service, Church, Christian, Jesus, Faith Explosion, Faith, Jesse Duplantis, Jesse Duplantis Ministries, Jesse Duplantis 2017, Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Kenneth Copeland
Id: Qo2mYL1Gh90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 26sec (3806 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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