Podcast 160: How to Learn Faster, Memorize Anything, and Upgrade Your Brain to Become Limitless

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gym quick wow i am so excited to meet you face to face i know about you i've followed you i think you are phenomenal you're doing stuff that's in my wheelhouse i've worked for years with people with traumatic brain injury and you have the most brilliant story and how you overcame it um i mean brain research you teaching brain stuff you are transforming lives this is something that is just so up my street and i'm so honored that you've taken the time to come and just share about your experience your life your fantastic new book that i'm so excited about called limitless so thank you for joining me today oh it's a real honor real privilege to be here and thank you everybody who's listening yes so they are we are let me tell you my viewers and listeners are really excited to hear you oh i guess i hope they're ready to take some notes exactly take some notes learn some techniques improve their memory we've got there you've got the t-shirt on so we're ready i love it i love it it's fantastic it's such a cool t-shirt okay so um jim just tell us a little bit about yourself you know that we've introduced you but tell us a little bit about yourself what's in tell us something that's not in your bio and you know what motivates you what drives you to do what you're doing well my um that's a great question my inspiration really was my desperation you could say my my mess became my my message i love you as you mentioned i i've had a traumatic brain injury when i was five years old and i had another one you know a few years later and i had learning difficulties that came from it my my parents when i was rushed to the hospital my my parents said i was never quite the same where before i was very energized very curious very playful i became very shut down where it showed up the most was in education in school i had very poor processing issues teachers would have to repeat themselves over and over again that i didn't i would eventually pretend to understand but i didn't really understand i uh for focus a poor memory it took me an extra few years to learn how to read and so reading was a was a big challenge also as well um when i was nine years old you know an inflection point in my life where i was holding the class back and i was being teased because of it and a teacher i think coming to my defense uh said that that's the boy with the broken brain it's more saying leave him alone but all i registered in my mind at that age was i was broken and that label became my limit and it put me in that box that i talk about in the book and where we all feel like in some area we're not making progress or that we're we're limited and so i struggled all through school all through elementary school middle school junior high and high school and eventually at the age of 18 i um you know i came across i hit i hit a wall not literally i fell down a flight of stairs i met again um because i was living in the library because i was working so much harder than everybody else and it wasn't very sustainable um not eating not sleeping and um when i passed down in the library i fell down a flight of stairs and i woke up at night again woke up in the hospital two days later and um i remember i was down it was the scary scariest time i was 18 years old i uh i was down to 117 pounds very malnourished hooked up to all these ivs and i thought i died and it was a very uh um dark place because maybe party thought i you know should have um or wished i did because i was struggled my whole you know childhood yeah and i had pressure not coming directly from my parents being my i mean my parents immigrated to the united states my dad was 13 and lost both his parents and he couldn't afford to um to feed him and came to the states to live with his aunt you know it's that typical story we didn't have any money no it didn't have the education um didn't uh you know speak the language i lived in back the laundromat that my mom worked at um but i was so they weren't tiger parents like driving me to do you do all these things but i just felt i i wanted to make them proud and i and um and make their sacrifice you know worth it also a good example for my my younger brother and sister and um so when i was in the hospital bed i thought there has to be a better way and um and a nurse came in with a mug of tea and it had a picture of albert einstein on it and and it had this quote that said the same level of thinking that has created your problem won't solve your problem some iteration very famous quote yeah very much so and made me think well what's my problem i was like wow i'm a very slow learner and i have a broken brain i was thinking well how do i think differently about this problem i was like well maybe i can learn how to learn better or learn faster or fix my own brain and so i set my studies aside and i just started studying i became extremely passionate and curious about i wanted to solve this one question how does my brain work so i could work my how does my memory work so i could work my memory and i started studying um the power of the mind i started studying some elementary introductory neuroscience adult learning theory multiple intelligence theory i started studying ancient mnemonics because i wanted to find out what did cultures use before there were printing presses before there were phone phones and computers and i started studying the art and science of speed reading and all these other areas and about two months into it 60 days a light switch just flipped on it turned off switched on and and i just started to understand things for the very first time comprehend i had better focus i was able to retain things that i read and remember things that teachers would explain professors and my grades shot up but not only that but everything in my life might you know with that confidence you know in psychology that that that confidence confidence loop i got you know more competent and then my confidence rose and then my life you know went to a new level also but how i ended up teaching this was i i couldn't help but help other people because i know what it feels like to struggle with overload if somebody's listening to this right now and saying there's too much information too little time or i get so easily distracted i'll read a page in a book and forget what i just read or i'm forgetful and get someone's name i forget it you know as soon as a handshake breaks or i'm so absent-minded or senior moments are coming easy or you know you know earlier and i'm so um so i'm so forgetful and and and i had this brain fog or fatigue and i know what that feels like because i spent you know my whole formidable years um you know fighting those battles and so i started to teach at one of my very first students she was a freshman in college and she read 30 books in 30 days can you imagine that not scammers but she read them she read really understood them and and i always talk about how a lot of people are really great at buying books but that's a different skill than reading a book some people are very good at purchasing books online exactly um but they sit on your shelf and become shelf help and not self-help self-help and not self-help that's self-help and then i i wanted to find out her motivation and that's a big part of the section of the book is that motivation and i wanted to understand why some people know what to do but they don't do what there's what they know they should do why common sense is not common practice and i found out her motivation was her purpose was her mother was dying of cancer amazon spent two months to live in the book she was reading or books to save her mom's life and um i find out six months later i get a call from this young lady and she's crying and she's crying crying and i find out when she stopped their tears of joy real joy that her mother now survive but is really getting better doctors called it a miracle her mother attributed 100 to the great advice she got from her daughter who learned it from all these books in that moment i realized that if knowledge is power then learning is our super power and i dedicated my life to show people how to unleash that superpower oh you know i'm listening to that and i may look calm but inside i'm like jumping all over the place because your story is just beautiful and it's so relatable because of the work that i do for 38 years i've been involved in brain research and i have to tell you jim that 38 years ago when i started on this path i've actually done a ted talk on this too where i there was i said i but i see that the mind can change the brain the mind the brain separate inseparable separate but inseparable and i remember my professors because back in the 80s we were trained and i'm telling you this just to show you how you've how you part of a revolution seriously but uh we were trained that the brain could not change so therefore damage to brain we were trained teach your patients to compensate there was literally no research on people with traumatic brain injury it was called closed head injury chi but it's the same thing tbi so and i was seeing this with patients and i remember turning to my professors and saying you know what if you can train the mind you can change the brain neuroplasticity was very new then and i thought i'm going to get into this and i'm going to take the area that is the area that has the least research to prove my point and that was people with traumatic brain injuries so i started working with people that had like been a coma for for like weeks and had been written off as vegetables and i started working with these people and using mind techniques and they transformed literally from vegetables to university students and not just one thousands and i tell you that i can't truth bombs i love it i love it i love it high five for that one tooth bumps because that when you were talking i got the same thing because i've seen that what you experienced i saw that with my patients and that's when that's what launched me on my career of researching understanding the mind and the brain and the connection and how do thoughts form and what is a thought what is a memory are they different how do they work and 38 years later i still do clinical trials i've just been doing one and that's why when i had the opportunity to interview you i was through the moon because you are so excited because you are evidence that i'm so glad that i didn't listen to my professors one supported me the others told me i was asking a ridiculous question and then why even pursue you can't help someone with brain damage i said watch me and i kind of feel you did the same thing i think you did the same thing you fought back you weren't going to be broke the broke boy with a broken brain you defied odds and you showed that with your mind you can change your brain so please let me congratulate you because i have seen people transforming you just i appreciate and understand this in the same spirit i appreciate you and the amazing work you've done over the past you know a handful of decades because we need more people like yourselves that you know with your background and be able to defy those limits because those are lies and i talk about it in the book that a lie a limited idea entertain it's not necessarily the truth it's a you know that somebody people come to me all the time they say jim i'm too old or jim i'm just not smart enough right or jim i have a horrible memory and i always tell people stop if you fight for your limitations you get to keep them and a lot of people good we talk about in the book and section on mindset that you know i talk about seven lies to learning that are globally accepted that along the same lines where certain things are fixed like intelligence is fixed or the brain is just it is what it is and um but it's amazing the power of the human mind and that's really what i mean about limitless limitless is not about being perfect you know the subtitles limitless upgrade your brain learn anything faster and unlock your exceptional life but it's not about being perfect limitless is about progressing beyond what you and others believe is possible and that's really the goal so i appreciate the work that you're doing that and the platform and how you serve because more people need that example that a lot of people maybe they're not suffering from a traumatic brain injury but maybe they have something else that that makes them feel like they're in a box where they feel they're not making progress or they're not capable or they don't deserve it or it's not possible and then this book is about this book really is at its essence is about transcending transcend and that's ending the trance ending this mass hypnosis maybe it's propagated by media or marketing that we're just that we're broken or we need to be fixed or somehow we're not enough it's just that your brain is this incredible we talk about technology everywhere technology is surrounding us but the ultimate technology i believe is the one we're born with but your brain doesn't come with an owner's manual it's not always user friendly school certainly didn't teach you school taught us what to learn what to think and what to remember but not necessarily how to learn how to think and how to remember and that's really the essence of the book how to do the things it's you your words the way you explain it is just beautiful and and it's like taking all the boundaries off i love the rely analogy and it's and what you say about learning how to learn honestly i mean i'm aging myself now but honestly i've trained thousands of teachers i've worked in so many schools i've written different environments like yourself and it was like a battle the importance the battle was telling people exactly what you say you've got to learn how to learn you've got to build your brain it is the core essence and building your brain if you think of it what you just said is so powerful limitless you there's no bounds um it doesn't mean it's going to be a walk in the park it's hard work it doesn't mean you have to be perfect it's a growth but it's you said something key and that key thing is you can do it you the person so there's your brain has to obey you and that is the fact i've been not fight that's the message i've been trying to bring to people so you're doing it so beautifully with your book that's why i'm so 100 behind you because you are the one who's done that and that means anyone can do it you can control your brain and that's what neuroplasticity is and the research trials i've just done now i've once again i was one of the first researchers in neuroplasticity in the 80s and now with my research now we see we show the growth in the brain because i use advanced brain technology and mind stuff and whatever so the things you're saying you can actually see that growth in the brain you can direct your neuroplasticity and that's what you're doing with your work you are directing neuroplasticity and i love your idea of the seven lies can you can you just talk about because those limitations you you can wire the limitation and you literally structurally change your brain neuroplasticity happens whether you like it or not your brain's always changing every moment of every day so you may as well make it move in the right direction and your book teaches people how to do that but those seven lies can we start there because just with a couple of those and unpack those because those are the things that why your brain neuroplasticity happens in a paradox called the neuroplastic paradox so it can happen in a positive and a negative direction so whether we like it or not the message that i'm trying to tell people and your book is teaching people also how to do this is that you are going to change your brain so you may as well change it in the right direction and then those those seven things are going to change it in the wrong direction so that's true yeah this is true i love this i love this conversation where we're going with this well i believe that um well there's a framework that i that i that i model in the book i call it the limitless model and everyone can draw it out and i'll go through some of these lies that fall under so just everybody think about um three intersecting venn diagram so and that you could draw it out on a piece of paper or like or you could imagine in your mind you can't imagine it imagine you can imagine it think of the olympic the olympic circles kind of exactly like two two ears for mickey mouse uh that are intersecting and then a face and then you have it there and so the first one is your mindset and there this is what i would define as mindset that's practical a mindset would be your set of assumptions and attitudes about something and so all in that circle are things like what you believe is possible which would fall in that circle is what you believe you're capable of because those could be two different beliefs you could believe something is capable somebody's capable of when people see me on stage i often do some of these memory demonstrations just to give an example yeah and i'll have maybe 50 or 100 people in an audience stand up and introduce themselves and i'll memorize all their names or give me 100 numbers or 100 words but i always tell people i don't do this to impress you i do this to express to you what's truly possible because the truth is every single person listening can do that and a lot more we just weren't taught exactly exactly if anything we were taught a lie that somehow are um you know a lie a limited idea that somehow our intelligence our memory our capability is somehow fixed like our shoe size that's so untrue i jim i have to interrupt you so quickly there because that's so true intelligence is unlimited i did intelligence research as well and there is no cap you are as intelligent as you want to be so i just wanted to undergird your undergo what you said no no it's wonderful that this is very science-based because it's people because you're right absolutely before that people did not believe it they believe it's just what you're born with is what you have and that and that's it and it's it's fixed and so what you believe is possible what you believe um you're capable of what you believe you deserve could also fall in that area meaning that um the last circle is method so cerium's the first is mindset the last is methods so i could teach somebody methods on how to learn a language or teach them how to remember people's names but if their mindset says oh i'm not smart enough or i'm too old i have a horrible memory then they're still going to be stuck in that box they're going to be stuck because they can only achieve as much as what they believe is possible because we find that all behavior is belief driven and so that that's a force that we needs to unlimit so what are some of and there's a little bit of background in the background noise no problems you're in new york at the moment i am in the i live between new york and los angeles so i happen to be in new york uh where i'm cocooning and uh so you might hear an occasion my son lives there too and every time i talk to him there's the sirens and i interviewed someone in new york yesterday and the same thing we had the siren so it's no problem yeah well it's a wonderful time also for people to exercise their focus so you use this and you don't have to just do it when you could always be training your brain and exercising your concentration and developing that and so going back to these lies i realized that if see when i wrote limitless this is the book beautiful book yeah i when i was ready to hand it into my publisher it was just it was it was all on how to study how to read faster how to you know how to manually thinking exactly but i asked myself before i handed it in i said okay will 100 of the people who read this book um will they get the results and my honest answer was no and it was really sad and it was disheartening to say out loud but i realized that somebody again could have the right methods but not do the work yeah not apply it yes as as uh there's so much uh going on in new york city and so there's this this is passing right now but that makes it real though this is a real conversation in the real time of what you know what's going on yeah this is what we're living in at this moment yeah yeah and it's good sometimes to train underneath those kind of conditions so um so i understood that mindset we'd have to take care of those underlying identity underlining um mindset those that people hold as true one of them is uh this lie in no particular order one is that intelligence is fixed right and we know that's such a lie we know that's not the case not even scientific i mean never was there was never any signs to back that up yeah totally the whole iq movement was not scientific it was so it was it's flawed totally flawed so and it doesn't even align with what what we even understand about the brain even in the 80s it didn't align but it was a very convenient message for various different reasons but that's kind of shot out the wall now it doesn't work at all so i'm so glad you mentioned that and that's and that's great that you bring that up because you know somebody's taking a test when they're in iq test when they're eight that's is that their potential when they're 88 you know and it's so it's not there's a quote that i start the book with from a french philosopher that says life is the sea between b and d is beautiful e and d and b is stands for birth d stands for death c stands for choice ah that is so good that we always our mind always has the ability to make a new choice and at all times that these difficult times they could define you these difficult times can diminish you or these difficult times can develop you we we decide with our choices we hear about you know traumatic brain injuries you hear about post-traumatic stress we don't hear a lot of as much attention to post-traumatic growth you know that where i had this where some people have gone through uh traumatic experiences that they wouldn't wish upon anybody um yet they wouldn't change things exactly because of the way they are afterwards once they've gone through it what they've learned from it yeah i agree with you we focus on the negative but there's all that growth factor that happens that's the neuroplasticity exactly and they came out of it even though it was difficult they they developed that their struggle became a strength that they found through that adversity they found a meaning they found a purpose they found you know a mission they found strength they found what were they showed they were showing what their was what is possible for them to survive and i think part of life is not just you know we know self-care and self-love is not selfish and part of is you know being able to stand in front of a mirror and fall in love again with that person looking back at you who's been through so much but is still standing you know and so to be able to know that it's possible and but it takes that conscious your mind making those choices and every day every minute of every day we have an opportunity to make a new choice of what to focus on you know what what to think what to feed our body what to feed our mind you know whether we should move that day or a choice to prioritize our sleep or to be able to meditate or all the other things and so these set of choices all the we are the sum in a way our life is the sum total of all the choices we've made up to this point and we can make new ones so going back to intelligence is fixed we know that iqs or even standardized tests it's just not you know say snapshots they're little snapshots that's a perfect example it is and it's not even a full panoramic view of all the different forms of intelligence because a lot of standardized tests even thinking about you know the sats they would measure something like verbal and mathematical so but what about visual spatial intelligence what about interpersonal you know people are great with people what about kinesthetic very the great athletes and choreographers and dancers and martial artists you know what about the the other all the musical intelligence there's others so not only is it not fixed and said there's also other forms that maybe the question is not how smart you are it's how are you smart it's not how smart your kids are it's how hard it's smart yeah jim what you're saying is so important and i i just want to undergo once again that i did part of my work research i did was looking at the howard gardner was doing his work on seven intelligences pretty much at the same time i was doing my research on an unconscious mind and i was looking at the the what drives an unconscious mind which is the biggest part of how we function it's not deep spiritual it's a it's our intelligence our youness our truth it's it's driving force it's brilliance and it's huge and it's quantum and in that what i discovered from my neuroscientific research and looking at quantum physics and all this kind of mix of psychoneuroimmunology and all these different things you actually you you have this phenom we're not like you mentioned interpersonal and you mentioned linguistic and visual spatial we can never say we won and what we see is the brain's got seven different modules and i'm going to tell this very quickly and these seven different modules aligned with the non-conscious so the physical aligns with this this more deeper spiritual non-conscious we call it in science mind and it is this in other words intelligence is not a fixed one or the other you can't be a visual learner it's impossible because in order for you to process a thought to build a memory to actually build a thought you need to go through all seven different types of modules in your brain so as you listening to me now as i'm listening to you as the viewers are listening and watching they are they are using all the visual the spatial the kind of synthetic the interpersonal in you but differently and that's what makes us unique so i have a whole i did a whole lot of pro scientific testing around that so you've got to use all seven and the more you use all seven because not every thought has to be like you digest food every thought has to be built through a digestive process it's going to like you eat food and you it gets assimilated through the same thing with thoughts so what you're saying is absolutely scientifically one spot on that we are a combination of everything and it's our own unique combination so science is undergirding everything you say it's it's amazing and it's amazing to know how resilient our brains are and also how unique they are because of you know whether it's from genetics or also just our environment and we all grow up with various environments and expectations and experiences that shape us all the time that neuroplasticity just like our physical muscles they grow through novelty and nutrition right you give it an exercise and exactly good same same thing with your mental muscles to make those two connections you challenge your brain you have novelty and then you give it good nutrition and so you know even another lie would be something along the lines of what you're saying is that we don't just use 10 of our brains you know like you see it in movies and television shows all the time that oh you use five or ten percent and that's a complete myth and um you know we use all our our brain just like we use our brain as part of our body we use all our body also as well it's just some people use it more efficiently and more effectively than others because they've trained it it's the equivalent of somebody if they were hiking up a big you know hill somebody who's really fit and athletic and has um you know they've trained their body through structure and systems and strategies they can go up that hill and it'd be it could be ease they're using 100 their body but somebody who might not be as fit or as trained they get they still use all their body but they're not it's harder because they're not as efficient they are not that they have been trained their their physical fitness much like people having their mental fitness and so we don't want people believing that they use only a small percentage and that you're unlocking it we're just showing people how to use it more effectively and also how to train so that they can make those connections make them more sense and um so the lies could you know include those two include even things like mistakes or failures is just a common lie that people meaning that if you're not willing to make mistakes how do you learn about anything so we talk about that because what limits us sometimes you know as children children learn so quickly and one of the things is that they're not afraid of making mistakes a child could fall countless times but they don't fall 20 times and just say okay forget it i'm not going to walk but sometimes adults they'll try coding or they'll try salsa or they'll try something and they don't want to they don't want to look bad and and we know that that failure is not the opposite of success that failure is part of success part of it yeah the more failures the more successes the more learnings that we're going to do the more feeling maybe there's no failure but there's only maybe a failure to learn something in the process and so these kind of things are just so important that people know and get their mindset because even the one i talk about probably the most is that something a phrase that we've heard all the time that knowledge is power hear it all the time you know it's it's but it's not it's not accurate because it knowledge just knowing something doesn't make your life any better but you know when it's potential power but when you apply it knowledge times action equals power and that's that's a big part of our message is that a lot of people know what to do but they don't do what they know a lot of things are very common sense but those things are not common practice exactly that's really what this book is about it's about liberating yourself because just knowing something here if not without implementing you're not going to get the results so people could study something you know to their heart's content but if they're not utilizing that information they're no better off than somebody who didn't do it i'm jumping on the inside again i'm getting the truth bumps again it's like that knowledge is power he's saying for years as well it was on my business card at one point it's not the knowledge that's the parts knowledge of how to learn that's the real power you know it's how to use that knowledge and it's that's the how to use the knowledge the application level that's mind management i'm actually finishing my 18th book at the moment and it's literally wrapped up like now at the moment it's on mind management so this is why i keep getting so excited when i hear you oh my goodness i can't wait to to go deep in in in your work well i can't wait to talk more i tell you i feel like this is just the beginning that you and i could talk for hours about the brain and the mind i can just see it it's just like wow you're just saying such fantastic stuff in such a clear way well i really appreciate the work speaking you do because it's just this is what we want to bring to the world is yes you know this is the mind there's no when i talk about limitless the the the limitless resource we have on planet earth is human potential you know there's no limit yes sky's not the limit your mind is the limit and there's no limit to your creativity there's no limit to your imagination there's no limit to our ability to solve problems there's no limit to human determination it's just you know again we don't have that owner's manual for it no and there's no no limit to change and you need that owner's manual and you're providing that with your book and that they're no limit to change and you said choice earlier on you know this you might find interesting john in sorry in our most recent clinical trials we were looking at these are we looking using qegs and that choice that you you talking about earlier on and the limitless change we see that in our an unconscious knows that we know it deep down but we get so conditioned by society it's the limit so those in your circle the limits we limited but it doesn't align with what we really believe so it creates this tremendous conflict and we with the the the qeg technology picks up what the truth is it picks up what you really believe and it picks up the conflicts and it picks up the learning and also picks up how quickly people can change because it's such an advanced technology and it's very real time you can see the peaks of people learning as they change and that change is painful you know you find these certain time periods where certain points where people change because you mentioned about it's not easy it's you've got to push through the failure how a child keeps getting up and we see that when someone knows about mind management when they recognize the power of choice and the uh the the fact that change is related to success and failure you see the changes in how they're functioning and you see it in the brain it also comes out in the narrative you know you it's hard like it's tough but the language you're using if you had to look in your brain you would see these peaks of learning you'd see a lot of gamma waves and that's what that's what our brain craves it craves that optimization so i see your work as being a way your manual for how to optimize your brain you know you're really optimizing brain function but it's your mind that's doing it so we can read your book and never apply it or we can which is what you didn't want which is what you went to your publishers you didn't want to just give a heart to you somehow wanted to grab people so that they don't just read it but they do it right exactly and the way we do it actually is we take them through the the hero's journey because we monitor so there's like a lot of um many of the the most epic stories in the in the world you think about star wars you think about uh wizard of oz you think of harry potter you know it's a it's joseph campbell's work of the the hero's journey and so we take people from the ordinary into introduce them to an extraordinary world where they're faced with trials and challenges and they have to slay the dragon they meet a mentor and they're equipped with with training and then they come back full circle and they go back into the ordinary world with this treasure elixir as we make it in story format i love that through story we learn we know that through you know for generations you know throughout history we would pass on information through stories um they're around campfires right and that's the best teachers taught through parables and and because it activates all those areas of your brain i actually would love to read it just i've never died please you don't have something like an audiobook yet so this would be actually do i love that you know this is beautiful the in the in the in the days of days past you would go to a book reading of an author and you'd sit i've sat in paris in in the shakespeare's bookshop and i've said at the feet of a they run they have the old-fashioned book readings where they have this whatever in that particular day there was a scientist one of my scientists i follow and he was reading from his new book and he was sitting there so please go ahead let's enter back i love it this will be this this will be a good story but talking about stories and parables um since we don't have an audiobook we could treat this as as a as a new reading because the book just came out beautifully this is to defy a story so i i talk about the seven lies to learning and i talk to psy about the science um to say the contrary and then i tell a story for people to understand it and then i give them a new belief for them to entertain that's more empowering so one of the lies is that a genius is born and uh and here's the story because i believe genius is built i agree with you okay a king was watching a great magician perform his act the crowd was enthralled and so was the king at the end the audience roared with approval and the king said what a gift this man has a god-given talent this is interesting like a book reading here love it this is beautiful this is what they did as i said i feel so the author is reading his bit of his book precious but a wise counselor said to the king my lord genius is built not born this magician's skill is the result of discipline and practice these talents have been learned and honed over time with determination and discipline the king was troubled by this message the counselor's challenge had spoiled his pleasure in the magician's arts limited and spiteful man how dare you criticize a true genius as i said you either have it or you don't and you most certainly don't the king turned to his bodyguard and said throw this man into the deepest dungeon and he added for the counselor's benefit so you won't be lonely you can have two of your kind to keep you company you shall have two piglets as cellmates from the very first day of his imprisonment the wise counselor practiced running up the steps of his cell to the prison door carrying in each hand a piglet as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months the piglets steadily grew into sturdy boars and with every day of practice the wise counselor increased his power and strength one day the king remembered the wise counselor and was curious to see how imprisonment had humbled him he had the wise counselor summoned when the prisoner appeared he was a man of powerful physique carrying a boar on each arm the king exclaimed what a gift this man has a god-given talent the wise counsel replied my lord genius is built not born my skill is the result of discipline and practice these talents have been learned and honed over time with determination and discipline oh jim perfect that was absolutely perfect that is such an important message if people get nothing else and they've got already gained so much from this discussion that is brilliant yeah it's it's just the one of the lies i talk about under mindset a limited idea entertain is people people believe that people are just born with a certain genius they're just born with with that ability to do that and we know that that quote that that hard work beats talented talent doesn't work hard and through consistent practice right we're conditioning you know whether it's our physical body uh or our brain which is part of our body through that neuroplasticity you know we actually create and build genius and get good at these skills that we need to and so the first circle coming back full circle is mindset again your assumptions and attitudes about something the world about yourself about learning about you know business that that's at your circle now as i'm going through this let's make it like very personal for people i want you to think about an area of your life where you feel like you're held back what area do you feel like you feel limited you're not making progress maybe it's in your relationship maybe it's in your career maybe it's in your income maybe it is in your in your learning your memory or your reading ability what area do you feel you're not making like impact and you feel like you're in that box like i did now that box that you feel like you're stuck in for me you know is my with my learning there's the box is three dimensional and the three dimensions that keep you in that box are the same forces that will liberate you and those are the three circles so the first is mindset the second one is motivation motivation now there are some lies around motivation also as well that we you know dispel those those lies and but for most people motivation is something that's fleeting they go to an event they get really excited they dance around and wave their arms and say i'm going to make some change i'm going to do this i'm going to change this is my relationship i'm going to change this with what i eat i'm going to start doing this and then the next day that motivation quote-unquote wears off and it really was just more of a warm bath that they feel like they heat up all the time and i've discovered through through my experience of teaching this for 28 years just field testing this working with children with learning challenges to seniors that are early stage dementia um and everybody in between and um you know i lost my is it's a sensitive subject for me because while i was going through these learning challenges i also lost my grandmother who was my primary caregiver to uh to alzheimer's so it was um so that was it left an impression that's why i spent a lot of time in senior centers and um you know i train at the cleveland clinic center for brain health their doctors but also their patients and their caregivers to help them polish off their memories and also i get back is immense wisdom because you know the life experience that people have had that's such a great what you just said is just so good so yeah we're actually donating 100 of the proceeds to this book uh to two charities um we for uh building schools we've built schools for 10 years everywhere from guatemala to kenya for girls and boys who have access to education clean water or health care and also alzheimer's research so we're very passionate about that but going back into this motivation circle motivation i have a formula for motivation that helps us with our clients and so if you struggle with procrastination what could keep you in that box is you're not taking action right even if you have a limitless mindset you believe it's possible you believe you deserve it you believe you're capable of it if you're not motivated you're still going to be stuck and so the formula that i've discovered after just working with countless individuals and we have online students in over 195 countries we have our own podcast with tens of millions of downloads which i would love to invite you on also as well i would love to it's called quick brain yes i know it's it's great it's fantastic yeah our show is only 15 minutes but it's just it's it's very it's very practical like yours and so um i would love to have you on i'd be honored thank you so and then to really to talk about yeah i would love to go deep in in your in your and your superpowers um but going back to this the formula is p times e times s3 p times e times s three these are the three key elements for sustainable motivation because when i say limitless some people think about the uh the movie with brett cooper and take a tip take a pill and all of a sudden he has this like credible memory he's able to learn languages he writes his book very quickly and you know he has he's doing all this amazing he hasn't focus and he's a surge of motivation but when that pill wears off 24 hours later he just crashes and you don't want that with your motivation so let's all do a thought experiment let's pretend let's let's build the if we're going to build the ultimate motivated human being what would the elements be like what why do some people they don't need to get hyped up they don't need other people to motivate them they just they always consistently act because the evidence that somebody is motivated is not what you say you can say you're motivated but that's not it you could feel motivated but that's not it it's what you do that's the evidence you actually consistently act so how would you build that person for me i would start with p and p stands for purpose meaning here's the thing like i was talking to somebody recently and he was saying that he gets up at 4 30 every morning and what does he do he works out and i was like that's that's interesting and i was like i'm just curious do you do you love are you morning person do you love waking up so early he's like no i'm actually not a morning person i'm like okay but then you love working out then that's why you're getting up he's like no i actually hate working out even more than i enjoy waking up in the morning and i was just like wow because a lot of people think motivation you have to love that activity um but now i choose to bring joy to a workout and you know you know do it because that's a that's my mind choice yeah thank you for saying that yes you've got to teach all the time your mind's behind the workout absolutely and so and then i realized that i do things in the morning sometimes that i don't necessarily love like every single morning i met um a gentleman by the name of wim hof oh i've interviewed him i'm interviewing him again next week i love him yeah yeah just phenomenal yeah we have a lot of history and i do i've since seven over seven years ago i uh i take cold showers every morning i if you'll follow me on instagram i take these insane like uh ice baths all ice literally all ice no water i can't go to the ice spot i do the ice shelves but i haven't done the ice bath yet and next week i'm interviewing worm again and he's going to ask me if i've done the ice bath yet i have to say oh dear i got i got motivated by jim exactly and so here's the thing just just like my friend i don't necessarily love the cold i grew up in the northeast i don't love the cold but i have a purpose for doing it and it's not just a cognitive purpose like i know why i should do it because of all the reasons for cold therapy and yet i'd still do it i've never missed a day in seven years of cold shower and i'll just go 30 seconds cold 30 seconds warm it won't be all cold right but i never miss it even though i don't enjoy it now i have the reasons and one of those reasons is i feel first of all i get i feel better than drinking coffee or anything else it just it just resets my nervous system and lowers information there's all these things great benefits but i also feel like if i could find calm in chaos then that shows up in other areas of my life if i train myself carry over effect exactly and so that carryover is amazing and i love how i feel when you know like everyone loves how they feel after they work out nobody worked out and regrets doing it but so purpose is not just knowing intellectually all the pros for doing it or the cons is feeling allowing yourself to feel it because we're not logical we're more biological you think about dopamine oxytocin serotonin endorphins you know you want to get your your your heart involved in the process so feel like here's an example my an acquaintance of mine is does not have a very good lifestyle very very a compromised lifestyle and he ended up he ended up having a heart attack having triple bypass surgery and you would think that because of it he would make some changes but still didn't change but then a couple years later i see him and he looks fantastic he looks like he's amazing lost his weight he looks younger and yeah and i asked him like why you got to tell me like what happened and he said one one day his daughter came crying to him and she asked her what was the matter and she said i want you to be around when i have kids i want you to be around to walk down the aisle at my wedding you know and that that feeling you know you know was so powerful that he changed his whole lifestyle wow and um and so i'm saying is for purpose allow yourself to feel the rewards that come from something also maybe even the consequences of not doing those things and if you can't feel either maybe you shouldn't even be doing it also you know you can evaluate those actions very good and seeing if it's aligned with your values and um and so first thing is purpose now my mind went okay if i just have purpose for let's say exercising or purpose for reading every day i think leaders are readers it's reading is to your mind what exercises to your body if someone like yourself has almost four decades of experience and you put it into 18 books i mean and somebody could sit down in a few days and read that book they could download decades and the days exactly that's the most amazing advantage anyone really is exactly of reading and just to quick interruption there with my all my patients and everyone who ever hears me talk uh always at the top of the prescription list is read read read read right right right and then think what you're reading about yeah no it's interesting because you see that theme like when people see me on social media with with oprah or elon musk or bill gates or these her or will smith we literally have bond that we bonded over books just that that was the commonality wasn't it beautiful you know the reason because because leaders are readers even on the the cover blurb for the book is from will smith he says jim quick knows how to get the maximum out of me as a human being i saw that it's beautiful no that's but i can see that's true yeah for we just we did an insta story the other day and you know i said what are the two things you do to keep top shape you know uh with you know with everything you have going on he was like two things jim i run and i read every day i do something and i need something mental going back to the power of reading you could have big enough purpose saying yeah i want to be an expert in my field i want to increase my impact my income and you know knowledge is not only power it's profit and i want to learn more right faster i could learn the faster i can you could feel it but then i said okay for building this ultimate motivated human being if you just have purpose will you always follow through and i said no you could be missing the e and the e stands for energy meaning somebody could have want to be motivated to work out and they could feel all the reasons but maybe they have a newborn and they haven't slept in two or three nights they're gonna be exhausted and they're probably not gonna be as motivated or maybe they just ate a big processed meal and they're in a food coma they're not going to be motivated to study that day or to be motivated to read that day so energy so in the book i talk about 10 different key areas to be able to optimize your mental vitality right everything from the brain foods to stress management to optimizing your sleep and then i went back and i said okay someone has purpose and they feel it and they have bountiful limitless energy will they always be motivated and i said no there's one thing missing that i've noticed just working with every age and stage of life is that small simple step s3 small simple step because what keeps people unmotivated or taking action is when their goal maybe is too intimidating or too big or like they want to they want to find their soulmate and make them live happily ever after yeah they want to build the perfect body they want to you know have the next million dollar online brand whatever yeah way way too big and and a confused mind doesn't do anything no so how do you find your small simple step a small simple step is asking yourself this question is a magic question what is the tiniest action i can take right now that will give me progress towards this goal where i cannot fail what's the tiniest action that will give me progress towards this goal where i cannot fail so maybe it's it means too intimidating to work out an hour a day so a small simple step put on your running shoes maybe it's intimidating to read for an hour a day for some people maybe your small simple step is opening up the book right or reading one line and so that's that's motivation and then finally the last m you have mindset motivation and you have methods and the methods are what we teach and i focus on five areas of learning area meta learning where it's learning how to learn and yeah i feel like school taught us what to learn what to focus on what to study what to remember what to read you know what to think but not how to learn how to study how to focus how to remember how there's no class on memory how to see how to read better because the last reading class we took was when we were six or seven and everyone's overloaded because they're still using antiquated skills that they learn when they're in elementary school so my goal here is to unlimit those five areas and so we do a chapter on focus and concentration focus on studying a focus whether you know your student or your professional studying material the biggest chapter in the book is actually on memory and i wrote that chapter on memory actually and not in greece because the goddess of memory i found out that her her nine children or the nine muses of science literature and art and is it interesting the mother of science literature and art is his memory right and you know without memory you can't function because memory is thought is is what's inside the thought and that's mind exactly you just unpack it yeah and then when i do trainings at places like facebook or at google you know they'll say like well why do i have to remember everything because i have it right here it's just that we can only make decisions or choices based on the information that you have in your head not on your phone that's what yeah i'm getting the truth bumps again it's like i'm hearing i'm hearing you saying things that that are just like what i've been teaching for years it's so fantastically important oh no because i know you're with your with your back with your background it means a lot because everyone who's listening here is just they'd be inspired and speaking of inspiration where you see these three circles where mindset crosses over with motivation you have i'm going to give you three eyes your mindset and and motivation crossover you have inspiration so you have a mindset experts mindset books but great book by carol dweck called mindset right if motivational speakers motivational books and where they cross over you have inspiration and you have inspirational speakers inspirational books inspiring movies an inspiring movie in some way you know changes you know touches upon your mindset about wow what's possible and it gives you a little energy and motivation but you are inspired but you don't know what to do because you're turning out that you're not connected to the methods right exactly where mindset crosses over with methods mindset and methods you know what's possible in your mind and you know the methods to use but it just stays an idea so that's ideation ideation because you're lacking the motivation to do yep you've got to put it all together exactly and where motivation crosses over with methods motivation and methods you have the third eye which is implementation implementation and so what it actually so where everyone's like looking at it there this is actually in their mind they should see this the three circles that come together and in the middle you know mindset is a possibility motivation is the purpose and method is the process and where all three eyes or three m's coming together in the middle that's integration integration and that is the limitless state that's the limitless state in the middle oh i love it i i have to one day when we i'll see you one of my books one day we'll sit and i'll show you the theory i developed 38 years ago and you'll see those three circles different wording but three circles and where the integration is is where the mind is actually connecting the conscious with an unconscious and that creates this literally a pathway to you call it limitless pathway to thinking beyond what you ever could imagine and this is amazing phenomenal it's so scientific i'm looking forward to that because this framework becomes it takes the judgment sometimes you know studies done in self-compassion you know people where people often beat themselves up because they don't follow through you know that kindness is a better alternative or a better choice and we know we can make choices instead of beating ourselves up when we're falling short we can say okay let's using this framework is and isn't this this border boundary because really what we're doing is redrawing the borders and boundaries we're going through what's called unlimiting unlimiting is the term that i coined in the book about actively removing the limits in your life so it's a limit in one of these three areas so when you're stuck in your finances and your career and your income your health and your relationship is it in your mindset like do you believe it's not possible or do you believe you don't deserve it or do you believe you're not capable of it and then you can address it you know we talk about it how to unravel those lies in the book or is it in your motivation do you not feel the purpose are you lacking energy it's because you're not prioritizing sleep or you're around energy vampires that just kind of energy vampires that is so good talk about the energy how you've got limited amounts in your brain and whatever you've got to do and it sucks but energy vampire that is such a good term you know this all of a sudden you don't feel motivated more or maybe like the vampires exactly or maybe you know this area that you're making progress you're not breaking it down in small simple steps because inch by inch it's a cinch yard by yard it's too hard or maybe you're using i love your little phrases they're so cool or maybe the methods you're using for health and wellness is antiquated it's based on old research you know or marketing or management or negotiation or reading or memory maybe the methods need to be unlimited and updated also as well so many aspects so my message to everyone listening is basically you know especially in the times that we're in right now is i implore you do not downgrade your dreams to meet this current situation do not downgrade your dreams to meet this current situation upgrade your mindset your motivation and your methods to be able to meet your dreams your destiny that's absolutely outstanding oh i have like a million questions for you a million discussions so you're going to have to come back on this podcast but i'm going to ask you one more question i'm big i'm just saying you have to but please will you can we can we can we continue this discussion this is so fantastic and do stuff together and go teach people how to use their brain it'll be so exciting i want to ask you um i know that you teach hollywood actors you've mentioned will smith and you've mentioned oprah and you've mentioned a few people and you talk to you help ted speakers as well to memorize stuff and uh do you mind just giving a couple of techniques just around sure that because there's so much i want to still ask you but let me ask you that question and of course of course okay let's let's do something really okay so let's do this um so let's all right so i'll give an example of what i learned when i studied ancient cultures and one of them what came from ancient greece and it's a 2500 year old memory technique that orders you would use or poets would use to be able to memorize and it's timeless and it's really fun and it's easy and you just have to be a little bit playful so people are listening or watching be playful with this and so what um the story goes it's it's called the memory palace and it's popularized by simonides and samaritan's he gave a poetry reading in a building and when he left the building something really tragic happened building collapsed and he was the only survivor and because he was the only survivor he had the responsibility of helping family members identify their loved ones and he was able to because he remember where they were all sitting and he learned that we store information in part by in space that that as hunter-gatherers maybe you didn't need to memorize formulas and everything you needed to remember where's the clean water where's the enemy tribe where's the food where's the fertile soil so we store information in place so very simple technique is to take a place that you're familiar with maybe your living room your kitchen your bedroom your bathroom and and delineate choose uh the first place second place third place just go clockwise around so maybe for example you're in your kitchen and you say okay my microwave is the first place my stovetop is a second place my refrigerator is a third place my dishwasher is the fourth and my sink is the fifth and then what they would do is they would take the information they want to remember and typically turn it into an image and put in that place and i call this the memory as easy as pi p i e yeah p is place i is imagine because we tend to remember things not just that we hear but also what we imagine see and then also e is entwine entwine what are you entwining the place in the image and so we could do this something really simple like uh let's do it for uh for brain foods okay very simple so let's say um you have to go to the store and pick up like we're gonna have a we're gonna have a limitless brain party and you're in charge of picking up the food and have you ever gone to the store to buy one thing and you come back with everything yeah yeah yeah except for that one thing that you went there for exactly so really quickly we'll take 10 places on our body all right we'll use our body because that's a place we're familiar with in the future you can use your home um let's do it together so the first place and say it and do it so we learn we use all of our senses first place is the top of your head so one is top so everyone touches the top of your head one is top and say that would say top top two is nose so nose three is mouth mouth four ears five throat throat six shoulders six shoulders seven collar seven collar eight fingers eight fingers nine belly nine belly and ten is your bottom ten is your yeah one is top let's do it more time one more top top nose mouth mouth ears yes throat throat shoulders shoulders collar collar fingers fingers belly and bottom good now these are your ten places and so in the first place i'm gonna just rattle off 10 foods and again everyone should everyone's bio-individual they should go to a great health practitioner and have a uh you know food sensitivity exactly and get what you yeah the real food jim i have to quickly interrupt you there for one second i'm so excited you're doing this because i used to do this with my patients years ago and my traumatic brain injured patients we used to do this these techniques and you know for years i haven't heard anyone talk about these for a long time so i want to thank you for reviving what is an ancient structure we used to do this all the time we used to do this all the time even in our languaging we used if you ever found yourself saying in the first place this and the second place that yeah we do we used to store information in places like this exactly and so the languaging is still there but the technique where you know it's one of the many techniques we teach in the memory chapter on how to remember things because these 10 places could also be 10 places you put talking points to a speech or to a sales presentation or an actor or broadway performer could use to remind them where they are and so medical student to give you the different parts of the yeah it's like it's endless it's like again so memories these is pi place we have the ten places and now i stands for imagine because sometimes we're better at imagining and hearing it you know hearing it seeing it and feeling it so if you use all of it we could use more of our nervous system to to really encode it and so the fla i'll go into these foods and remember you know get tested and find what what's best for you food sensitivity gut microbiome whatever whatever the health profession so let's go with avocados first so avocados now the e in pi stands for entwine so you need to imagine it on your heat pop your head and you're into it you're just mixing them together so imagine an avocado or if you want to make it silly we know that information by itself is very forgettable but information combined with emotion becomes unforgettable so you get out of making a little silly or playful you're more likely to remember it so maybe you're conditioning your hair with guacamole yeah right are you good these will you never forget that right the second place is your nose and i want everyone to remember the second brain food are blueberries so um i call them brain berries but blueberries coming out of your nose there you go if you thought you could see that blueberry right exactly so imagine that see it feel it smell it okay third place is your mouth and i want you to remember broccoli broccoli and a lot of foods we're talking about here that you know they're they're neuroprotectives area like no neural nutrition so broccoli stuck in your teeth like maybe a big piece of broccoli and make it exaggerated a little bit so it's really see that piece sticking out you know you're just about to go on stage and you've got that piece of broccoli stuffing exactly and if you're if you're getting stuck just think about what an eight-year-old would do so that's your your mouth fourth place are your ears and i want you to remember olive oil olive oil so maybe you're cleaning your ears with olive oil or you're wearing olives as earrings there's no right or wrong it's just whatever whatever whatever works exactly whatever works there's it's amazing because i feel like people would remember that yeah um your fifth place is your throat and this might not be for everybody certainly because of their diet um but there's some studies that suggest that the choline and eggs are good for the brain very very good there's a lot of studies i have to tell you that's perfect so imagine with um instead of an adam's apple maybe you have a big egg there instead hard-boiled egg hard-boiled egg for your head example good we're halfway through now six are your shoulders and that's green leafy vegetables so i want you to imagine shoulder pads made out of kale and spinach okay this is my kale and spinach shoulder paint good good kale and finished filler pads uh seven is your collar and for seven i'm gonna say wild salmon uh wild salmon you get your fish oils your dhas and i imagine a necklace made out of salmon sushi my seven there's my seven yeah exactly and you can smell it or taste it or something right and so just imagine it there and that's your necklace made out of salmon and then eight are your fingers and i like turmeric and turmeric that uh that golden uh spice you can imagine your fingers just covered in they just go yes yeah yellow fingers i make like a golden milk sometimes in the morning where i'll put like fresh almond milk and some turmeric a little pepper to help me absorb it um but yes whatever you do turmeric is a good good for your brain and then finally nine and ten nine is your belly uh how about walnuts walnuts one yep good one for your brain and walnuts actually look like the human brain which is interesting so next year but um walnuts coming out of your belly button right imagine that your belly button and then finally the last place is your bottom and uh here's a yummy one uh dark chocolate and i don't want to know what anyone thinks about this dark chocolate one it's all you see it was two big slabs of doctor dark chocolate there you go now you're at the grocery store you're you're ready to whatever you're gonna have a this uh limitless brain party and then now you don't have the grocery list because maybe you wrote it down or you forgot it back in the car wherever and now you're walking the aisles yeah you have the list because it's inside your it's yeah it's on your body you just go through your body yeah yeah yes avocados the out of your nose you have berries blueberries and your teeth broccoli broccoli out of your olive oil your olive oil your throat you're having an egg and then your shoulders you have kale and spinach exactly and seven the collard salmon collard uh necklace eight on your fingers is covered in turmeric and out of your belly button your your nuts so the walnuts and your bottom chocolate dark dark chocolate cause what's good for your mood is generally good for your mind that was great exactly fantastic i had so much fun i used to do this with my patients years ago in therapy and i you just do it so well that was amazing i feel like and your brain's learnt and it's happy and that reading and learning and thinking it could be while it's difficult you know while sometimes it is difficult it's it could also be fun you know like snowboarding is sometimes difficult and it's work but it could be fun also that's the thing it is fun and to bring playfulness into it i said this to an audience you know i speak in front of a quarter million people a year live and i'm speaking to an audience and then saying like you know when you're playful you know and i was saying talk about the power of play and children learning and willing to make mistakes when they're in that state and they're like well i stopped playing because i grew older i'm like are you sure you didn't grow older because you stopped playing because maybe you growled or you stopped playing and playfulness is i think it's very yes so it stimulates neuroplasticity it actually creates the little growth in the dendrites to build memories long term and that kind of thing so it's just there's just so much every time you're talking i'm just thinking of all these brain mind brain connections oh this is amazing you've been fantastic okay we we have to you i want to honor your time and we just have to have you back again you've just been phenomenal and i'm just absolutely thrilled at your knowledge and what you're doing and thank you for showing the world that despite a traumatic brain injury despite all the setbacks you came back and how you've now translated this into helping millions around the world and i just want to honor you and thank you for that and i'm absolutely thrilled and privileged to interview you and so excited that you'll come back and so excited that i now know you and that we can connect and do stuff absolutely absolutely i encourage people to um to to if they're interested in going deeper in this also is to look into the book please do so can you tell them how can they get hold of you so what and they put this all in the show notes as well this book i would love you just go to limitlessbook.com and i prepared a number of gifts thank you for purchasing this book including a 10-day program on how to speed read and improve your memory because i want to make this the most read book of uh that somebody owns so when they go to limitless book i'm going to give them a reading memory program so they will equip so when the book shows up which is available now then they they're excited because they're good at reading and they're good at remembering that's fantastic we're going to do a four-week book club the book has four sections which i'm very proud of this hero's journey that i mentioned and we're going to be loving one week in the book yes limitlessbook.com is where you get the book has links all around the world because i know your listeners everywhere yes their receipt and get those bonus gifts we also do a bonus chapter on limitless for kids so you can apply this for children so good because that was one of my questions and we've at least they can go to the book and they can get it and it'll be a bonus chapter um they'll be able to get also as well um so how do you place this model for children so they have that limitless mindset they believe things are possible they believe they're capable of they believe in themselves how you motivate them and then teach you the best methods so they don't unlearn them later on as adults and then limitless for teams so if somebody has a team of three or 300 how to build learning organizations the kind of work we do at nike and google and spacex and places and then i would challenge everybody actually to follow us both on social media and tag that's how we connect it's amazing because we're not even physical we're physically distant but we're being so yeah we've been more deep meaningful connections than ever humanity is really reaching out absolutely yeah social distancing is is like we don't have to socially distance we can still be social like we're all doing right now yeah and that but we get physically distant but we don't want to be mentally distant we don't want to be emotionally what does exactly you know and so i would say can you check with us on social media and i would actually challenge somebody with a small simple step that i believe if you want to learn something faster one of the best ways of doing it is when you're listening to a podcast or reading a book uh is to learn with the intention of teaching somebody else exactly i learned to say it all the time absolutely your brain shifts completely totally it's amazing it's when you teach something you get to learn twice so maybe re-listen this episode and here's your challenge is take a screenshot of this episode or you know take a screenshot of this video or this this episode this audio uh or take a picture of your notes and then post it online tag both of us yeah i'm at jim quick kwik and share your big aha like what's one thing that you learned or one thing a small simple stuff you're going to do because then you're teaching it to your fans your followers to your friends your family and i will repost some of my favorites and i'll actually gift a copy of the book to one random person who does that just to get attractive but i want to thank you so much for thank you so much for the the amazing work that you do thank you and the contribution that you make because now more than ever i believe people need that you know when we're in turbulent times oh yeah i think for a challenge we know that we need people to encourage us to to educate us to challenge us to cheerlead for us absolutely so thank you for doing that oh thank you thank you for joining me and for everyone who's listening who doesn't have that person in our life stay tuned to these kind of podcasts because community is so important if you found that person be that person for somebody else exactly wonderful words be that person for yourself so wonderful thank you john thank you that was beautiful we'll put we going to be definitely without a doubt thank you so much it's been amazing and all those details will be in the show notes so thank you take care
Channel: Dr. Caroline Leaf
Views: 54,280
Rating: 4.9380927 out of 5
Id: Ilsbaps8Nig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 20sec (4340 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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