Easy Wolf Cut At Home | DIY Wolf Cut (Paul Watts Hair Guide)

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[Music] hi guys it is time for another chop and this time i'm going to be attempting attempting keyword to do the wolf cut if you don't know what a wolf cut is it is a combination between a shag haircut and a mullet i know it sounds a little bit scary but my hair just grows so fast so i just want to freshen it up but i don't really want to jeopardize the length because i'm trying to grow my hair but like keep it fresh so i'm going to be following this tutorial right here i'm going to leave the link in the description so that you guys can send him lots and lots to love um or maybe not depending how this goes right now but i feel like it's time to just brush it up so let's do this have you guys seen people like just put their hair in a ponytail and then just flip it over cut it and then you get layers well i'm gonna do that but with two ponies like a damn unicorn but i feel like a shag in a wolf cut is kind of like the same i feel like a wolf cut is just a little bit more like edgy and a little bit more oh i'm sorry brown mondo's guide is also great but i feel like i want something a little bit more dramatic so i'm gonna go with this tutorial right here so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put my hair in like a half ponytail but kind of like pull it to the front so he put the ponytail like right here it shouldn't be like in front and it shouldn't be too far in the back and i'm just pump cutting just that is to the forehead okay so in the video he cut off this much i don't think i have the kojonas to do that so i'm gonna go with like by my nose i'm gonna go by my nose i think i'm gonna put a hair tie just to like make it less messy he didn't do that in the video but i'm gonna do that because i'm messy i'm gonna pull that down to like my nose yeah okay i'm gonna do that i'm contemplating on whether i should cut from here or here all right so i'm gonna cut it under the hair tie [Music] okay it is gone and now i'm gonna take um this section right here oh this makes me so nervous so i'm gonna take my hair tie that i had on there and just move it up a little bit just to like have it dangling there separate it and kind of like just [Music] do this um i don't want it to be like completely blunt and crazy so sometimes when i decide to cut my hair i feel like i go into this with confidence and you know i'm like you know i can just i can fix whatever the issue is but this is so hard like i can't see what i'm about to fix okay so this part i'm a little bit nervous about because i don't want to cut a lot of the length i'm gonna take one like section out so like this is the longest strand so as long as i don't cut it like beneath that it won't be shorter than expected does that make sense okay so previously i chopped like this much off so i'm guessing i'm gonna chop this much off to make it even and and if i pull it up together with this it should be it should be okay blunt cut oh it's so satisfying to cut hair just feels like fresh okay oh no oh no he cut it upwards i'm not supposed to put it in the front like that i'm gonna put it all the way up oh okay it was kind of like a blunt cut oh my god i'm squatting right now okay i'm gonna blunt cut this if you guys can see what's going on down here you will be entertained let me tell you okay great my mirror's over there so it's this video is not as calming as i expected it to be this is not a tutorial i'm just doing stupid to my hair okay so now i'm just gonna whoop whoop okay the moment of truth you guys i'm gonna take this out i panicked for a second because i was like oh no these are so long and then i was like touching them in the back and i got kind of like panicky i was like no it's short then i was like oh yeah i was supposed to have layers so yeah okay so far so okay now now this part is the scary part really [Music] oh wow okay so these are the short layers right here you can kind of see them like falling down really nicely and they're not really um i don't feel like it's blunt did that happen that's great i love that did that just automatically happen like i said i have um straight hair so it won't be as visible now but i'm so excited to style it later on but before we do that i am just going to show you guys in the back because i know from last video you guys were cute this feels good it looks look at that look at the layers right there pretty okay now i'm going to give myself some bangs and i have done this before okay this triangle is good enough okay i'm gonna cut this right um like below my nose oh you should now i'm just going to kind of thin it out make it a little bit cute just a little bit i got them a little bit too short they got a little bit too short damn i was confident on this until now i feel kind of like rock and rollish okay because everything is like pin pinned straight you probably can't really see the potential i think so i'm just gonna style my hair real quick and then we'll see the real results [Music] i think this is going to be prettier tomorrow when the curls have settled down a little bit and it kind of looks like you know hair that you just slept in but i'm not liking my bangs like what the hell alright so i guess this is the final result um i don't see that much of a difference i don't really know how to style a shag or a wolf cut yet i kind of feel like a rock star kind of like a polished rock star right now so that you guys can see nothing about the length is different really um it just feels a lot fresher i like it okay so this is the next day i've washed my hair and i've kind of let it air dry because i want to style it in a different way i won't be doing lots of curls i'm thinking of kind of like bends if that makes sense i think i'm going to style it as if i'm doing a blow out at the salon just kind of do something like that oh yeah if you guys are wondering about the spots in my hair it's because i dyed my hair black again of course and kind of missed some spots we'll not miss them but i guess it didn't really penetrate all of my hair so some spots are a little bit lighter oh okay you know when you do your hair and at the ends it's like yeah i'm not feeling that on my hair at the moment so that's really nice i love this wow i feel like the lighting yesterday was pretty bad as well so i just wanted to give you guys another look at this i guess in hindsight i feel like uh i should have just let my bangs be and do like a really long curtain bangs but i kind of wanted to go like out of my comfort zone and i feel like i am definitely a little bit out of my comfort zone this side looks pretty nice so i'm not mad at that at all but this side hmm why why some hair oil okay so i would say this is more like a subtle look okay i kind of just rolled my top down a little bit so you guys can see um but this is the results i would say this is the final result i should have kept my bangs as they were so that i can have longer curtain bangs but you know what it is okay they will grow out so fast i am loving the layers i felt like the layers are really even on both sides even though it's a little bit harder to style on this side it's it's always harder to style on this side for me but i feel like the layers are beautiful i feel like my hair has a little bit more shine life depth into it than just like pin straight so anyways that was it for today's video i hope you guys enjoyed it and good luck with your wolf haircut if you dare i wish you the best of luck if you have any questions comment them down below i respond to every single comment i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i hope to see you in my next one bye guys
Channel: Tina Engeo
Views: 12,577
Rating: 4.9464626 out of 5
Keywords: wolf cut, wolf cut at home, easy wolf cut at home, wolf cut trend 2021, wolf cut trend, how to cut a wolf cut, how to wolf cut, shag hair, how to cut shag hair, shag haircut at home, DIY wolf cut, wolf cut on asian hair, wolf cut on asian, DIY wolf cut at home asian hair, Wolf cut at home following Paul watts hair, Paul watts hair wolf cut tutorial, wolf cut tutorial, easy wolf cut tutorial at home, wolf cut 2021, styling a wolf cut
Id: shTB_JxD1w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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