EASY Ways to Farm GOLD in Lost Ark

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hey it's dry bear today i'd like to talk all about gold if you've been playing since the launch of the game i'm sure you've watched the in-game economy just inflate to ridiculous levels but now as the game is starting to settle into where it should be things are getting a little bit different and you may be wondering how do i get gold how should i be spending my gold and what should i expect and as i've been getting this question a lot on my live stream i'd like to spend today's video going over how to make as much gold as possible what your expectations should be for gold income right now and in the future based on other regions and how you should be spending your changing your spending habits for gold now that the income is much different than it was a month ago but first if you have any questions or comments for me you'll find me live every day on twitch.tv forward slash dry bear who knows i might even be streaming right now first let's talk about changing your spending habits based on the gold changes uh even just a couple weeks ago up to a month ago much of the enhancement materials were still hyperinflated some of this was due to bots just printing gold and inflating the market and buying and reselling and it was also just an abundance of gold availability for people that had things from the launch uh that no longer have that goal like the welcome challenge or selling their founder skins uh things like that for example things like the great honor leap stone uh even just a month ago or even a couple weeks ago was upwards of 850 to 1 000 gold per item on regulus and in many regions you can see even the last five days it's come down even more so it's it's down to about 10 of what it was the the xp shards were maybe 10 times the amount that it is right here so there's definitely a large reduction in the price and value that your gold has now that this has settled or still settling but has come down a bit you need to be very cautious and frugal with the goal that you have now it doesn't mean that you have to just furvishly hold on to all of it and the prices of things will change in conjunction with how much value your gold has but you don't want to be going to the auction house and using it to supplement everything that you do and you want to start using your daily activities your daily grinds and your weekly quests and activities to actually keep your characters moving without using gold as a supplement unless you're just going to be buying it with real money you should start looking at your gold income as something that is a factor of time you get gold through various ways in this video we'll go through all the different ways you can make gold right now but as this settles you're looking at a steady gold income based on the number of characters you have and how progress they are as the higher the difficulty of content the more gold you can make by completing the pve content every single week which is why alts are so useful you can do your dailies sell the materials if you want then complete abyss dungeons abyss rage and then we finally get legion raids with vault in releasing in two months will have a large uh much larger amount of income you can make the higher your alts get and the number of characters you have available at high eye level now let's talk about all the ways you can do gold farming in the game right now and uh the best ways and the ways you should expect gold for the coming months uh in in lost ark western release the first way and the primary way of making gold that is going to be your backbone is going to be abyss dungeons and abyss raids and then legion raids once those are finally out completing all of those every week you will be able to get a chunk of gold for each character that can complete them you can have up to six characters that can do it and then based on the difficulty that you completed on you'll get more gold same for the abyss raids and same for the legion commander raids you can earn gold on six characters one thing to keep in mind is that you actually have a cap of eye level so as you can see here if i go back to the tier one abyss dungeons it will still give me the drops but it won't give me the golds because you're you'll have an eye level cap so as you push further along the game you can basically do your current eye level content and then usually minus one uh tier to that so like one one tab back and then you'll be able to do those and get gold and that will be your kind of main source of gold for your roster every single week so doing that on if you can get six characters to do abyss dungeons that's awesome and then as you get them up to abyss raids and and so on that's going to be your main steady flow of gold your second source of gold is the auction house and there are many ways to do this the the one that people are so used to right now is selling enhancing materials that you get that are tradable all your unbound mats you can sell on the auction house for gold and even though these prices have come down a lot uh just know that the prices they were at were they were fake it was it was hyperinflated and it was never meant to be that high so even though you can see life leap stones for tier two have come down to ten gold pop i mean you can get you know 18 to 20 of these per character per day uh if you're doing the end of tier two so you can actually get you know a couple hundred gold which is if you compare that to abyss dungeons and abyss raids you're still getting good income of gold if you're wanting to sell those maps there's definitely some knowledge and experience that goes into this uh predicting what people are gonna want for example we know glavier is coming soon in the next couple weeks glaivier is going to start in phaeton at 960 which means there's going to be an uptick in demand for tier two mats and then when people get their glare to tier three the first set of tier three mats the honor leap stones there's gonna be an uptick in in demand for those as well so kind of knowing what's coming it can help you prepare for that and make gold if you'd like so unbound mats is the first way on the auction house the second way is going to be gear this is going to be ability stones accessories uh and sometimes gems if you can build them up and sell them right so if you look at tier three uh gems and you kind of look at this you can see that you can actually get a good amount of gold if you can combine them and sell them what class that exists on this changes this so it's actually useful to have a very popular class that you can take your gems on fuse them together and then sell them if you can get a good roll on it right figure out what the most popular classes are like sorceress or berserker if you're wondering what those classes are i put out a popularity video going over all the most popular classes in the western release so pick a popular class get it leveled up and then combine gems on it the more popular the class is the more money you'll be able to get for it because it's gonna be more demand for those gems so you can get those done put those together and then sell them so if we take this and remove the class you can see some of these get pretty crazy uh on the actual list here but you can see that that that's just where it is so you can see that you know here's shadowhunter sorceress sorceress death blade all the most popular classes have this because people really want these so if you can combine your gems and farm every day you can sell these and make a good chunk of gold for that and that's actually a really steady amount of income for you if you are farming these regularly and putting them together and a hot tip for that as well is uh the gems that drop they drop with an effect for the class that you are playing however when you combine them they will change to whatever class fuse them together so if you get a bunch of these gems i've been doing this all my characters i'll take all my gems and then come auto fuse them to a level that's lower than what i'm trying to sell then i will pool them all because they're tradable between your characters pull them all in one character pick a character that's super popular uh and then fuse them all together and then when you fuse them on that character they will re-roll to an effect that is for that class so you can pick a class that makes the most sense for you and then and then re-roll them with the effect put them on the auction house make a bunch of gold so that's gems next is gonna be ability stones and accessories so you when you get the actual tier setup for these you can start looking for ones that make sense uh if there is interest put down in the comments whether you want me to do a video on this but there is a whole strategy around knowing what combination of engravings are good and then for accessories what stats plus uh engravings are good for classes every class has a specific build so you should know that you know surge death blades want specialization and they want ways to build out like supercharged things like that it does that's a whole video in and of itself of knowing how much those are worth but if you find something and you can just practice this by looking at the loot every time it drops that has the right stats on it with the right engravings you can end up making a large sum of money uh just because people um really really need good accessories you can see if you get the right combination you can start making a good amount of gold uh this one grudge all at attack crit spec um an ignite stork might really want this uh so you can get this and then as we get higher and higher in the value they get more and more expensive not looking at the legendaries you can get up to 50k on my server uh even higher in some cases and as we get vault and when we get relic accessories uh it's gonna get even higher and then the prices of these will change as well so knowing what to look for is key and you might just get lucky one day and get a big drop that has the right stats and the right engravings and you make a big chunk of money this one is a little bit further down the road if you have extra time but if you do your chaos you'll notice the aura of residence every day which means you can do two chaos dungeons for the rewards listed here down to this point so your gear your tickets uh your craft your enhancement materials that sort of thing if you do them after having zero aura of resonance you will start getting the endless chaos materials which is stratification fragment of longing in tier one it's basically your crystal and your shards then when you get these you can go to the merchant which is always right next to the chaos the exchange chaos dungeon shard merchant you come here and you can spend your shards on accessories so what some people do is they'll run a bunch of infinite chaos and by the way there's a strat to do that if you come in here and just do the first two portals and then leave and then rejoin you can get a very fast amount of these and then they just start buying these and seeing if you get lucky on the stats right because these are still tradable and then you can just keep running these over and over and over and again you might get lucky uh to be able to um get a good stat roll with good engravings and as you saw earlier maybe you get one that can sell for a large chunk of money this is a good way to get more accessories if you're looking for even more to sell on the auction house what else is a good source of money on the auction house well if you're wondering about the adventure tome which i need to spend more time on there's tons of really good rewards in here that you can get for all these continents and everything and this one is a super good one because you can see there's collectibles that you need in every region these are items that drop that you'll consume to progress to your adventurous tome luckily though they are tradable so you can actually go and farm these if you go to the auction house and go to adventurers tome and go to all you can see that these make a good amount the tier three ones obviously are the most valuable now but even this is rowan dell i think so these are worth 40 gold a pop these drop from monsters and you can find in the uh in the codex and online where these drop specifically but you'll want to then just go to that spot wherever it is um find the uh you just want a tikatika right there's one in tide shelf as well like up here you can just basically pull these mobs endlessly they will start to drop the adventure tome items that people need to progress their adventure tome and then you can go in the auction house and sell them so if you're farming crow stones which i believe is uh phaeton you can get these i think in um shady cliff and maybe one other spot uh but they're you know right now 77 gold a pop say you farm these and and after an hour of farming you can get you know 30 of them that's you know a good couple thousand gold you just got from running and and doing these so adventure tome items is another option for you to make money off the auction house um you can even go through these these rare ones in some spots and find these as well so each one of these is farmable by hand you can go to where they drop kill the mobs collect a bunch of them put them on the auction house and make a good amount of gold this will always be the case um especially as new areas come out what you might want to do as well once south of vern comes out which is another tome area you can just be one of the first ones there grab all the adventure tome items start throwing the auction house and you might make a good sum of money when that new region hits uh our western servers also keep an eye on the engraving book recipes you'll get these from doing all your normal activities they drop in chaos guardian they can drop in abyss dungeons abyss rays legion and then they drop in chaos gates and things like that but keep an eye on the price and you can just if anything at any time you want to know the price of something that's in your inventory you can just go right click on it and click search market and it'll tell you how much that is worth you can do this anywhere in the world uh just press alt y or just right click and hit search market so that way you can know what is is worth in your area or your region or whatever and then you can figure out what the price is and you can kind of hold on to these so knowing what these are and paying attention to them is an easy way to make a bunch of gold um these will always be fluctuating depending on what's available but engraving books is another great way to make money off the auction house next is life skills so you get a maximum of 10.5 k life energy every single day uh so if you press b you'll see this come up and you can progress these and these are all the ones you'll have here uh but the first way to deal with this is go to trader and then you can see the loot so you can actually get these um in large sums and sell them there are some people that just don't like doing life skills and what they'll do is they'll just buy what they need but these all have excellent uses not only can you make um your fusion materials and your strongholds for you to progress your characters but there's also a ton of ways you can sell these on the auction house you can get rare materials and farm these up it's another good way to get gold if you really don't care but the last thing that's really important for this is going to be your crafting kits so as you can see on your your uh your setup here you'll be able to use tools that have affixes so it's like your life skilling gear you'll be able to put stats on these that give you higher gathering speed higher chance of rare materials paralysis immunity which means you can't be interrupted when you're doing the harvesting so super useful and right now even after a large reduction these used to be much much more expensive these craft kits which are necessary for making the higher rarity tools have a good gold value now if i go craft and look at all of them i think the only ones that are worth it right now are going to be the top two so you're relic and you're legendary the other ones aren't really worth much but if you get an expert one you can get 1500 gold on my server uh 6 000 for the relic so let's talk about how you can get these pop into your stronghold open up your workshop and you can see the things that are craftable in here you'll be able to go to tools and you can see what it takes to make these tools you can have these i'll take the craft kit plus some materials then if you go to special and go down to secret maps you can make these archaeological site maps from excavating materials so you can actually get these maps from farming just doing activation make the map and then based on the tier you pretty much always want to do the highest tier you can but you'll make this and it's basically a separate almost life-skilling kind of secret map you complete the map and this is where you're going to get these drops these expert craft kits uh and the relic craft kits so you'll be able to just do excavation farm these materials do these and these if you don't see these here they are a recipe under research you'll be able to kind of finish the research here and then go to the crafting area and get these done and then you can just start running so what some people do is they will always use their life energy on excavation most of the time and make sure that their life energy is never capped and then when they get enough materials they'll go into the workshop they'll craft these archaeological site maps run them get uh crafting kits and put them on the auction house and sell so you can see that if you really like nail that and you get maybe a couple a week or even you know five six a week if you're running them often uh you'll be able to get these craft kits and then make you know a good some some of gold imagine if you can get you know what you know two mastercraft kits and two or three expert craft kits a week that's uh you know nearly 20 000 over 20 000 gold you can get just from doing that so it's a good sum of money uh it's something that people desperately need because they will always need uh these craft kits to make new tools and and look for new loot and upgrade what they're doing the next source is usually rather minor but it's worth mentioning when you're doing your dailies and weeklies you will fill out your mission your roster mission and this will reward you with uno's tokens so when you get to 70 points every week you get more for doing weeklies and then for doing dailies you'll get these points you'll max it out you'll get una's tokens and then you can go to the gold shop and spend the unes tokens for a chance at gold now the more tokens you spend the higher chance or i guess the more that there's a chance of gold bars coming out of it right the the gold sack which is the cheapest uh gives you gold and a chance at uh gold bars small safe has a slightly higher chance but cost more unes tokens and the large gold chest has a chance that the giant gold bar which i believe is 10 000 gold so i think the math works out here where it doesn't really matter which one you choose uh you can buy a lot of hefty gold sacks you can save the large gold chest i always say for the large gold chest just because i i get a thrill from the idea that the giant gold bar might come out but i think based on the amount of tokens required and the chance i think these are all almost equivalent um over time when you do a lot of them so i don't think it matters all that much which one you pick um i just like doing the biggest one because it's it's more exciting for me um but that's gonna be it so you can actually just uh just run these get your tokens every week the higher the quality of your dailies are the more tokens you get every week so tier three is going to give you the most so you can get you know obviously over a thousand on these every week just make sure you're filling these points out and it's a good chunk of gold it can be anywhere from 600 gold to you know 15 000 gold depending on how lucky you are that week um so it is it is a source of gold just make sure you're clearing them and doing them next is going to be your rift pieces you get this currency from doing chaos gates every every week so every time the kiosk gates go up you really want to do them not only do they give you a chance at um you know auction on the the books that drop the engraving books you'll also be able to get a rift map which you can run to get more materials that drop uh these secret maps uh and then you'll get rift pieces as well for simply doing the activity which you can use to buy these uh chests that can drop more maps for you uh the maps drop the honing materials um so you'll you'll you'll get these from the quality of the map so if you look at these if you do uh drop they will they won't drop the like the leap stones but they'll drop solar graces they'll drop the pouches they'll drop um maybe even just the enhancement materials or the the greater success like solar protection or tier three they'll drop you know the moon and stars breaths for tier one and tier two and these have gold value obviously um and then you'll accumulate these rift pieces that you can then use to uh get more maps now it's not always the best to get the most expensive you can see that these aren't tiered up exactly so the blue secret maps will drop the uh the basic materials purple secret maps will drop the blue materials and then the legendary secret maps will drop the purple material so if you go to enhance material you'll see like down here the purple the purple materials the enhanced materials come from the legendary maps the blue come from the you know it's always plus one in rarity and then the green come from the blue secret maps so based on your current region your auction house how things are are at you can figure out rift rift pieces to what you would get out of it you're guaranteed to get one shard pouch per rep per map so you'll be able to just get this shard this hard pouch if you do a blue one and then what people do is they'll run a map rotation which means that when you have a map you group up with three other people that have a map since the rifts actually drop material uh equally personal loot for everyone that goes so you get one map you run it four times other people and what we saw in the road map is we're getting the feature where you can actually get four people together have maps combine them all together into one map run once and get four times the materials which means you get that so it's another source of gold if you want to sell the materials it's also a way for you to progress your characters you can also come to the map exchange and you can put in secret maps and have a chance to increase the rarity of the map this can be hit or miss you can get super lucky with this uh you can put a blue one in here turn it into a purple which gives you more loot which gives you more options but it is another way to get gold and then you'll get these riff pieces exchange them for these get a secret map uh run that and then get the materials and sell those in the auction house now it may actually be more valuable to do them uh in like a tier two or tier three or tier one depending on the materials are maybe when glaivier comes out the tier 2 materials will start skyrocketing so you may want to get the you know the the life versions of these things um the life shard pouches things like that um but maybe not you'll just have to do the math based on your server and how many riff pieces you want next you can if you really want to you can convert your pirate coins into gold as well and you do this by going to the several merchants that exist the most obvious one is gonna be the traveling merchant ship that exists in every major city harbor uh you're in roandale fayton south vernon will have one north vern uh so you come here and you can actually spend your pirate coins uh first by converting them there if you'd like but you can spend them to buy the first way is just going to be uh the the honing materials you can buy these the shark pouches won't be tradable but the crystals will and the list of items here on this the traveling merch in the in the harbor is per character so you can actually go on each character and clear out the uh armor and weapon crystals and then you can trade them to other characters you can put them on the auction house what some people do is they'll they'll get all their pirate coins and spend them on upgrade materials send them all to their main and progress them that way but you can also take these since these are tradable you can get these off the the the merchant go on the auction house and sell them as well so we want an enhancement material here we try to do some quick maths uh you you can get these stones um you can get anywhere up where like i think the guardians for two you can get 900 uh off them so you can just buy these and then these hold units of ten so even for the guardian stones you get 900 of these uh times 90 for five uh you can see you get a couple hundred gold um already just by selling these and that's per character so each character can come out to the traveling merchant ships spend some pirate coins and make anywhere from 300 to 1500 or 2000 gold and then you can just go through all your characters come through spend them and get that done you also want to be doing your compass events uh so field bosses can drop tradable materials the ghost ship can drop trade on the cast gates obviously drop rift maps and rift pieces and engraving books uh field bosses can too and then adventure islands can also be a very big source of income there are fewer adventure islands that actually drop gold outright so things like you know opportunity isle the fishing one you can get a you know a good amount of gold maybe like four or 500 gold from it then you get tradables that come out of it so make sure you're doing your compass uh every single day clear them out and then get the stuff and if you really need gold you can sell those and those are all the ways to get gold right now i think the big takeaway if we do a quick summary of the gold that you can get is most of the goal you're gonna get regularly is just from playing the game so make sure you have uh six up to six characters doing abyss dungeons abyss raids and when legion raids come out legion raids and there will be a good chunk of gold for you every single week and for many players that's going to be the primary source of gold the next best source of gold is going to be the auction house so we talked about selling enhancement materials for gold which is a good source of income and why you want to have multiple characters selling life-skilling materials so things that you get by going out and doing life skilling and then you can do excavation turn those into x the archaeological maps and then you can take those and sell them for cr and get craft kits and sell them my auction house for gold as well adventure tome items that people need to progress their adventure tome you can farm by killing mobs in the region that has these items so you can then just go to an area and just if you want to grind to just farm you can get all those and you can sell them on the auction house for a good chunk of money learn how to identify the value of ability stones and accessories so that you can actually put them on the auction house and make a large chunk of money so knowing how to identify the correct stats with the right engravings that specific classes will want and again if there's interest i can do a video going over all the different combinations that you'll need what classes want and how to price them but you can see a good amount of gold this is just rng it may drop for you um in your in all the activities you're doing every week and if you can identify the right one it might be worth a ton of gold and if you really want more you can go to chaos dungeons finish your two for the day do endless chaos which is when you have zero aura of residence take the uh the currency special currency that you get from those and then use it to convert them to accessories take those accessories and sell them on the auction house when you get good drops you can also have all your characters pulling gems and combining them together fusing them to get the right uh set up for them on as well sell them on the auction house because people always need high level gems for their characters gems are a huge increase in power for you so uh and the more popular classes generally the more uh value the gem will have and you can fuse them together in order to change what class effect is on it um so the popular classes berserker death blade sorceress shadow hunter all going to be super valuable and you can make a bunch of gold that way and then doing your chaos gates and your compass events every single day will give you you know the chaos gates will give you the rift pieces you can convert those into secret maps see where maps will go into tradable materials and then you can sell these stuff you get from that as well and you can take your pirate coins and spend them on merchants in the harbors to get tradable materials you can sell in the auction house and well and these are uh limited by character so you can go to every single character go to the merchant buy these items put them on the auction house and sell them if you really are in need of gold and that's it i think the biggest takeaway is gonna be that you know the market that we saw in the first few months of the first two months of launch was not the market you're going to expect in the future and changing your spending habits so you're not just spending gold uh aggressively like it's going to keep printing is going to be big the cool part too is as the market comes down in price so your your value of gold goes up right so things that that normally have a high price coming down but so you're getting less gold but the price of things are coming down so your gold has more buying value uh is something to think about as well and the cool thing is you get most of your gold by playing and progressing so do your weekly activities do your daily activities try to clear the hardest content that you can and then just keep an eye on the auction house and you'll be just fine it's just for a lot of people it feels really weird because they spent all their gold buying random things and then they don't have enough to hone their material anymore or hold their gear anymore and their income is much different than it was a few weeks ago or a month ago but i hope that helps you and helps answer the question how do i get gold if there's other guides you'd like for me to put out other videos you need for me let me know in the comment section or pop onto my live stream and let me know there thanks for tuning in if you enjoyed yourself today leave a like down below you can support me and my work on patreon and view patreon exclusive content link in the description thank you so much for tuning in and i'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DrybearGamers
Views: 234,823
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Keywords: drybear, rory newbrough, lost ark gold, lost ark gold guide, lost ark gold farm, lost ark guide, gold farm, royal crystals farm, lost ark guides, lost ark gold farming guide, lost ark make gold, lost ark making gold video, lost ark making gold, lost ark gold video, lost ark gold tips, lost ark making gold guide, lost ark making gold tips, lost ark money guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 11sec (1751 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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