Easy Way to Remove Tree Stumps - Part 2

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Tldw. Drill holes, fill with cooking oil,let sit for a month.

Video 2. Burn it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JohnDohFreeMan3 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2016 🗫︎ replies
cheers know how marks right here this is part 2 in the two-part series on how to remove a tree stump the easy way not the fast way but the easy way if you haven't seen part 1 click here in U part 1 contains a lot of background information on how to initially prepare this tree stump so please view it in today's second part we're going to actually burn this stumps now I originally intend to put a fire ring around it and burn this stump with some firewood but it's too windy today and my fire ring will not fit so today I'm going to use some charcoal simply because he won't give off a lot of flames and light he's going to be high enough get your stump on fire so bear with me we'll go ahead and prepare our charcoal on top this stump and see how it goes before we get into all that I thought I'd show you the top of the stump it's been soaking for about six weeks in bout every week I'll come back and add a little more vegetable into the hose I've gone through about three quarts or a gallon of pure vegetable and I topped the hose off as an ad that as it soaks in there well what I'm gonna do now just take a little extra vegetable Oh kind of drizzle is on top of our stuff and the weight every bag of charcoal right on top there's nothing special about this charcoal in fact it's the cheapest I could find you snap-on match light I don't like to match light charcoal simply because it gives a kerosene flavor to whatever you cook with it so I always buy with just the cheapest bag I can find come on lay the whole bag on there open up a little bit put a little [ __ ] blue on top of that and then use some paper to try to light it you well it's it sit there and burn down real good hopefully get a good hot burn on top that log I think what we're trying to do is it knock the log now the log are up I'm sorry's not the log the stump the stunt will not burn rapidly but we get it hot enough gets it there is smote er so that's what we're telling to do to get hot enough to sit there in smote er and then burn you well this is day 2 of the burner I was burning good or smoldering good last night when I went bevor regretfully we had a light rain which put the fire out so yours day 2 and I've resorted to some firewood it's amount of charcoal so uh we'll watch this burn you oh this is day three we can see that stump is still smoldering you see that or not so what I'm going to do is take my shovel and rake all the ash off probably cover it with some more vegetable build another fire on top of it and let it go again I said this is the easy way but not the quick way so here's proof you well it's day 4 a little stump is still smoldering looks like quite a bit of it it's some older than 2 but this color is reminding me now of the groundhog dating movie that Bill Murray starred in every day it's starting to be the same so today won't take the shovel scrape off that Ash and rebuild the fire and let its motor again you day five deja vu all over again it's motoring great now so I finally think I got it dried out so today I'm just going to do the same thing I did yesterday take my shovel rake all the ash off build another little fire and let it go well this is our little log this morning regretfully last night we had major thunderstorm come by and put down two or three inches of water and completely soaked a little stomped and butter fire out so I'm gonna call it quits on this part to just take it for me that this will this will eventually work one thing though you'll notice is this these are where the roots were and they've completely burned out so they're way below ground level so another burner to when it gets really dry then this will stop would have had it you can see it's only about six inches tall now it's turned out about eighteen as an epilogue where lessons learned in closing this series I'd say cut your stump as close to the ground as possible it makes it dry a lot quicker and takes far less burning I mean most the stumps I've done this using this method I've only been that tall and they usually will disintegrate within two burners and drill your hose as deep as possible and then covering prevent water from getting into the hose that makes it dry out a lot quicker burns a lot better and then I guess in closing don't publish a multi-part series until you know all parts of the video done people don't want to wait to see the final result this has been in progress for good six or seven weeks and people simply don't want to wait that long to see the end result particularly on a deed why I project like this so in I don't blame them I'm the same way I want to skip to the end and look at the final results and then I'll go back beginning if I'm still interested so just some tips Willingham cheers from Ohio thanks for watching I hope you found this informational or at least entertaining
Channel: Marsh Rat
Views: 15,075,315
Rating: 3.6062388 out of 5
Keywords: Easy Way to Remove Tree Stumps - Part 2, stump removal, marsh rat, marshrat, #stumpremoval, home improvement
Id: D7Z7H1KYBdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2016
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