Easy Tips For Adding Luxury To Your Home

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[Music] hi i'm miriam manzo welcome back to my channel today we're going to be talking about my best tricks for bringing luxury into your life every day as you know miriam manzo interiors is a luxury design firm we do plenty of large houses that are full of luxury details but luxury means different things to different people for some time is the ultimate luxury for others space and space obviously in a room like this makes a big difference in how you can live luxuriously but that doesn't mean that in a smaller space you can't use some of the design details that i talk about luxury for me also means how can i make my life easier so i need things around me that look good but function well if you see a lot of our other videos particularly some of the smaller houses you can see that organization and storage are massive points for me where you can place a dresser to me is a place you can do a belt in and yes that does take a considerable budget but if you have one good piece versus three pieces that are not functioning well to me it is money well spent so today what we're going to look at we're going to go through my bathroom we're going to go through my kitchen and some other areas in your in our house and i'm going to show you ways that i bring luxury as well as function into my life in small manageable and most importantly affordable ways so come with me and let's take a walk let's start at the sink area so this is an easy place to bring in pretty and functionality at the same time so you've heard me talk about my love of trays so here we have one where i'm corralling a bunch of my items needed at the sink area now there is such a thing as too many trays so i caution you you don't want to use multiple trays on the same surface so in this scenario here we've got a beautiful antique silver trays this is something you've heard me talk about in the past particularly at my designer's own cottage i'll leave the link here to that video so one of the easiest things to do is to replace your mouthwash bottle this is something easily found on again amazon as well as at many home decor stores it's meant to put water in to place on your nightstand for overnight i use it for my mouthwash it comes complete with a little glass attached the other thing that i like to do with mouthwash is to use decanters crystal decanters and that's easy enough to do by putting a little shot glass beside it so that you have a way to consume or use that liquid now this is another antique silver piece and i keep my q-tips in it so again i dispose of the boxes almost immediately when i come back from the grocery store and i find ways to put items so that they're convenient so that's one of the biggest reasons i do this if i had to always go into a drawer and then into the box to get my q-tip that's utilizing one of our luxuries which is time this way they are always here for me to use and then we've got um just store-bought glass and toothbrush holder again i'll leave a link to some of my favorites on the other side you will never see a plastic hand wash bottle in any of my homes or projects this is so inexpensive to do is to just put it in these pretty decanters in order to dispense your hand lotion and then another vintage find a crystal bowl with a lid and in this particular one i've got my elastic bands for when i work out and i want to tie my hair back so we're going to move to the tub area here now again space is one of our luxuries and obviously i have space and spades in this bathroom but you can take a lot of these ideas and translate them to a smaller space so one of the most underutilized areas in most bathrooms is the area over a toilet you'll see in many of our staging projects we incorporate floating shelves over all of our toilets um in order to bring in display as well as extra storage and functionality here i've got this beautiful built-in that's backed with a mirror and then has glass shelves so let's take a look at what's behind me so again we have another silver plated tray now if i pull up this particular jar so again another antique find with a sterling silver top this is where i keep my lavender oil for my bath so it comes in a pretty jar but that's not enough for me i like to utilize these particular vanity pieces from these are i believe from the late 1800s and then i just keep a stopper nearby that i put in and i can place it into my tub so you see here where we've got these are some new ones that'll be up on our shop page again from the late 1800s and it's an easy way instead of having a cluster of um store-bought jars with your essential oils is to place them in this and one of the things you can even do if you have a labeler and you have several of these is you can put the label at the bottom so you know which essential oil and then these are um a flea market find again a beautiful swarovski crystal cut crystal they're incredible i use them to house extra soap so that's a big thing for me is you'll never see again a drawer full of soaps in my homes i immediately take all the wrapping off and then i store them in jars again for ease of use as well as their beautiful display factor let's head to the other side and see what i've done with my antique bottles there on this side i've got some more cut crystal jars these are my bubble baths again so everything is kept near the tub and used for both display and function now one of the biggest things i get asked is you know how do you know what's a good piece or what you're going to do with them you have to think outside the box when doing antique shopping or flea markets so case in point this piece here now this at one time probably had a spray nozzle and this would have probably been for perfume i'm pretty sure not 100 positive i use it for my diffusers so again even though the diffusers that you buy come in a pretty glass jar to me this is so much prettier and you can order diffusers online again i'll leave a link for you so that you can create your own diffusers instead of using the jars they come with i just think it's so much more luxurious and pretty and then here i have a tv and then again some vintage as well as store-bought finds let's see what i've got on my vanity next obviously my biggest luxury on this side of the bathroom is this spectacular custom vanity table with a calcutta marble top that i had created but beyond that again in staging we like to do a console table in many of our homeowners bedrooms so that the makeup can be done separately from the main sink allowing for other people to use the sink so here there's a couple of things that i want to point out one of them is my lamps now this is hard wired so what that means is you'll notice that there's no plug showing let me move that over so the reason for this is when we built the house i had the plugs connected to a switch and then i purposely bought a lamp where the wire comes from the bottom so there's the wire there not sure if you can get a close-up and there's a little hole in the marble and my wire goes down behind the drawers connects to the plug hardwired again it's not plugged in and then that goes back to the switch so in the morning i'm simply flipping a switch and both lights are turning on so for me that luxury is twofold the fact that i can turn both lights on at once but also the fact that there are no wires exposed so again another very large uh antique silver tray we will be dropping a collection of antique silver trays in the next couple of weeks so keep your eye on my curated interior.com for that in our vintage section and then here so these again are antique vanity jars is what they were called this particular one has silver and some mother of pearl as well as onyx on it so again bobby pins and this one you can see i utilize them they're all over this one is a collection of extra buttons um this one here has little uh clips for my hair again so you can see where i really utilize these cotton balls and i've got more q-tips here so that i'm not having to get up and go to the other side of the room and then here's another one here that has my brushes in it so these are things that can be found very inexpensively at garage sales flea markets ebay and as i said we'll be adding to our vintage collection in the next few weeks and then here's one i especially like so this was a talcum powder jar again antique and i use it for my loose powder so everything has a place functionality is here but it looks pretty let's head over to my lingerie cabinet so sometimes having things luxurious is about the beauty and the function sometimes it's really just about the beauty which is the case here so these uh glass boxes i love them a lot of people say they don't know what to do with here i've actually got them in several places in the house here i have them i collect chanel kind of love it um so these are the magnolias that come when you buy a chanel scarf or a belt or even a i think some of the cosmetics that they give this to on the chanel bag so i have a collection here um and it just makes me happy um to see them in the mornings and then you'll see i never have a box of kleenex in my house i'm gonna leave a link below to some of my favorites these are so inexpensive um to buy and really elevate a space rather than having a kleenex box this particular one is square you can also get them in the rectangular form and then again you see my chanel how much i love it so this is something i've talked about in our one of our luxury condo projects that i did as a trick to do inexpensive art if you can get a hold of shopping bags of luxury designer i have them framed beautifully like this again we have a collection we will drop those for you um in a few weeks and then here you see my cotton swabs are in again apothecary jars inexpensive so many uses for them so here you see them with the cotton swabs up top i'm not sure if you can see those yet these are what i call my memory jars so i've got a collection of roses these are dried roses i have them in several spots of the house occasions that where my children have had flowers so their communion their confirmation their baptism mother's day roses i've dried them over the years and then i have these collections of my dried petals and then again from the gifts from their christenings and whatnot i took the little flower petals with the candy and i've saved those as a memory of my children's uh religious milestones and beside that finally shells that my children like and i have collected on our trips down to florida so you can see here there's a combination of functional and just pretty and then you can see i've got some beautiful white towels stacked so when people ask me color for towels my answer is always white it's spa like it's clean it's fresh and any space benefits from a white towel what i like to do is once a year i weed through the ones that are looking a little bit tired and dingy and i replenish with new white towels so a couple more tricks in here for apothecary jars that i want to show you let's take a look again a luxury for my house is to have the space to have this beautiful center table and you can see a collection of apothecary jars again here's that soap that i talked about so it's easy when i'm in the shower if i run out of a bar it's right here and then i've got my bath salt and in the shower we've got another one used for body scrub rather than having the bag sit in the shower i replenish that jar and it's always there when i'm ready to use it we're in the kitchen now and we're at the breakfast bar now again i understand not everyone has the space to have a separate separate coffee bar or breakfast bar but if you can divide your kitchen into zones it would make living your life that much easier so by zones i mean have an area where just the breakfast stuff is that way the kids aren't all over the kitchen when getting their breakfast done same with your coffee and drink section so here we're at my breakfast bar which is basically dedicated to just that so you can see cereals taken out of the packages and we're using these glass jars to store them you don't have to worry about them going um stale if you're using them quite a bit so this is really the area where our favorite cereals are and you can see here in the glass cabinet above the glass door cabinets this is where the glasses and cups are kept and usually there are bowls here as well and then i'm lucky enough to have refrigerated drawers so if i open this up you can see milk and syrups and whatnot are here but then in my drawers on this side are all the dry ingredients that you need for making breakfast as well as vitamins and the blender for shakes and whatnot so let's go into the kitchen proper now and i'll show you some of the things i utilize to make my life luxurious and beautiful so here in the kitchen proper you can see we have another glass front cabinet here and this is the best excuse for all white dishes it's not about the placement of them it's really about what people see which is dishes of one kind so here we keep platters bowls and then all our serving pieces so that for me is just luxurious to have that um visual of all your dishes being the same and in one spot here we see another glass jar with cookies again they will go stale eventually what i like to do quick tip here is when the cookies are stale we crush them and mix them with butter and we make a pie crust out of them and then you can top that with either cream cheese or we like to do a ice cream pie on top of the cookie crust and then this is a small beef of mine paper towels i hate the stands i hate that little thing pointing up that lets you know that the paper towel is on a stand it's a small thing it's a pet peeve of mine so i prefer they're useful they need to be where you can get them i like to buy these drink coasters these are for wine bottles and they're a coaster from your table and i just sit my paper towel here within it now for a lot of people you might say well it's still a paper towel on your counter and it's true but for me this is less obtrusive and it makes me happy to see so we're going to place that back here and then you know faux flowers so here we have a faux potted orchid and then if i move over here i have a mixture here of faux flowers and real flowers so obviously having real flowers is out of the question for most people it's something that we get just on special occasions to invest in a good quality faux floral and then you can mix it with your reel it just brings a pop of color and the idea that spring is around the corner but throughout the year i like to keep these faux flowers around let me know in your comments if you'd like to see some of these brought to our shop page and i can link some of my favorites for you there and then the last item i want to show you here in the kitchen is again a necessary evil in a kitchen is the utensils needed by the stove for cooking so again i like to look for these vintage champagne buckets and that's where i house a lot of my utensils both at my home at my cottage as well as for clients we like to do these another good idea are um again vintage cookie jars take the lid off and use them as a vessel for your utensils uh again the champagne buckets are great ice buckets large ice buckets at the cottage we have a beautiful crystal one that we use so try to think outside the box uh for organization the kitchen there's so many videos uh on youtube that i encourage you to watch some of them on tik tok that give you organizational um ideas for how to store things in your fridge in your cupboards i encourage you to watch these and to use some of these ideas having things be functional is a luxury for me because it gives you back the most important luxury which is time it saves time from having to go into the packaging or to another part of the kitchen or bathroom to utilize these items that are part of your everyday life so think outside the box when looking for ways to display them and use them i thank you for watching please leave in your comments questions i'd actually like in a few weeks to do a question and answer video where i want to address some of the questions that you have just about design in general and then don't forget to subscribe and like and hit that bell icon so you're notified of our future videos i'm going to be filming from high point next week which is the big furniture show for designers so i hope to have an upcoming uh video showing what's up and coming for 2023 in and beyond in design i'm miriam manzo thanks for joining me have a great day you
Channel: Miriam Manzo Interiors
Views: 421,794
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Id: 2GilH_mv0dE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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