Home decor trends I'm furious about.

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I'm legally required to inform you that by clicking on this video you have consented to having your feelings very very hurt by me this is your last chance to leave before I tell you everything in your home that you hold dear that is making me Furious there are five major interior design Trends right now in 2022 that make me want to surgically remove my eyeballs and there's a good chance that one of them is in your home so let's all get ready to cry this is unpopular opinions about home decor trends that you love and I hate girl first of all I hate tufting my question is why and how dare you don't ask me to come over let's all calm down I wish there were more beans in this sofa this is such a racket what I'm saying is not personal it's just rude so the home decor trends that I hate genre a video has been made by pretty much every interior design YouTuber in my opinion the best is Paige wassel watch her videos if you want to watch a pro tear apart your dearest dreams but I have avoided it up until this point and that is because when an interior design client shares their home with me it's incredibly personal and Incredibly vulnerable and a really hard thing to do it's not just that I don't want to express judgment about it I genuinely don't feel judgment about it which is saying a lot because I'm a judgey don't feel that judgment generally with interior design because interior design is a creative expression and creative expression requires experimentation which must include failure it must failure is an unavoidable part of all creative Endeavors however when the interior design choices stop being a form of personal expression and start being a massive Trend that people are just copying and pasting and I know it's not personal to them and also I hate it then I feel free to tell you about it if you're new here I'm Caroline if you're not new here hello again you may notice that I'm very tan right now I just got back from the beach that is the explanation for my current melanin levels okay the core Trend number one that is making me Furious oh I'm gonna break some hearts right now I warned you get ready to cry because a bunch of people watching this video are gonna be real upset home decor Trend I've always been furious with is the cloud sofa the Restoration Hardware Cloud sofa that everyone from day one has been lusting over and from day one I will say I've not been a fan and this is for a very simple reason because I have sat on couches before I actually have sat on couches the Restoration Hardware couch take one look at that it is not comfortable I know it is not comfortable this is a hundred percent down feather filled couch that sounds really nice but I know after sitting on this couch for a long time it is very hard it is very uncomfortable if you disagree release your Fury at me in the comments tell me I'm wrong tell me I'm wrong I'm not but you can try it's so uncomfortable to sit on long term let's say let's say even it is comfortable let's say you've got a very special butt situation you feel most comfortable sitting on rocks excellent great so you love the sofa you love how it feels every time you stand up from that sofa it looks like it looks like a pile of wrinkles what I'm saying is not personal it's just Rude why spend the time and spending so much money on I agree a beautiful looking sofa when it's in like the showroom beautiful looking I get that why spend all that money if it's never gonna look like that it never it's like as soon as you drive it off a lot it loses all its value as soon as you sit on it it looks like trash wrinkled and frumpity every time you get up it's like a giant beanbag chair but less comfortable I wish there were more beans in this sofa this would drive me insane I'm I'm a little controlling some would say I'm a little obsessive about design but nobody wants to buy a sofa for its looks bring it home and then realize it never actually looks that way this is such a racket I don't understand how it's still ongoing more than that look at this half of the configurations for the cloud couch don't have arms on the end what I mean how are you how do you have any sense of security in your life when there's no arm on the end of the sofa I just assume the people who designed this couch have never sat on a couch before I can only assume they're not familiar with couch a lot of them do have arms but there's options without the arms and they're not even the only sofa that does this there's a bunch of like trendy sofas right now kind of mid-century style that have no arms uh-uh do not invite me over do not invite me over I don't want to come in that means I have to be I can't Lounge I have to be fully upright and in control of my body at all times I can't do one of these don't don't ask me to come over I don't like it this is the thing you gotta sit in it that's all I want to say this couch Creator is is like it's very pretty it's very pretty I agree but I have to sit in it right um sometimes for extended periods of time okay Furious my suggestions four not doing this not getting this couch are by any other couch by pretty much any other couch I personally like a very firm couch personal preference it's much harder for it to look worn and look like over satin and the cushions to deflate but I also don't like the feeling of sitting in a really sunken couch I feel like I feel like nobody's helping me it's like getting out of a bathtub you know it's too much work just support me how about that couch just do that what if it's on the soft end it's not giving you good support like you need good support like any chair and it also means it's going to like lose its shape and not hold up long term very well and I'll do it I'm trying to save you pain by causing you pain now it's to save you pain later okay it's a complicated relationship we have but you just have to trust me I care about you and I want you to have an arm rest interior design Trend number two that I could really do without is the wooden beads what's up with that what's the deal you know never seen them in a home before maybe 2018 and then all of a sudden we've all decided that we need them and we can't live without them my question is why and how dare you and why no one has explained them to me what are we doing with them what is what is the point wooden bead porn I said wouldn't be Decor putting them on shelves like what is it what does it mean what does it mean when I put wooden beads on shelves I can't say I'm a fan why it's like it's like a new age take on a rosary they look like some kind of prayer beads what is this what is this just on a table giant wooden beads on the table all I can think when I look at that is like dang I gotta move that out of the way every time I want to put my cup down now these freaking wooden beads are inhibiting from like living my life and like interacting with my furniture as a normal person this is so weird to me why did we all adopt this the wooden beads it's like and they're always strung about in this real like chill casual way like I didn't overthink this my house is so lived in false you bought a pair of wooden beads and you don't even know why get rid of them get out we can do better listen I encourage you to buy pointless functionless home decor arguably that's all that art is but you know just just make it a little more personal try going to a thrift store going to an antique store getting on Facebook Marketplace and just be open to being moved by the spirit okay when you bring home that piece of Decor that you're just like naturally drawn to it's going to bring so much more joy into your everyday because it's like it's like you earned it a little bit it's got a story now some kind of like personal connection to you emotional connection you went out you found it it's not just oh I filled up that shelf now with some beads if I come over to your house and I see beads on your shelf what are we going to talk about what are we going to talk about I don't know find something unique and everyone will like you more controversial item number three putting a full sofa in front of your bed people are doing this interior designers major interior designers ones that you and I both follow on Instagram they're putting a full-sized family-sized sofa at the end of their bed and and everyone's just like yep we agree everyone's just allowing it this is so weird looking to me this makes as much sense to me as putting a bed in front of your sofa or putting a sofa in front of your sofa why are we just stacking two pieces of fully upholstered furniture right on top of each other nowhere else in your house are you stacking two pieces of furniture end to end like this it's the wildest thing to me you know what why stop there make it a sectional or let's make it a dining table why isn't there a whole table there and I can kind of empathize with how this sort of came to be we started with right putting a bench in front of the bed and usually a wooden bench or a bench that has some kind of metal usually not a fully upholstered piece of furniture because we've got so much upholstery happening on the bed you usually want to balance that out with another material the thing is when we put a bench at the end of the bed it's really like an accessory to the bed it's like putting a side table on the end of your couch it's just like a little it's a little accessory but you know we wouldn't put next to your couch bed okay I hate this so much no one has explained to me is what what's going on on the couch what's happening on the couch do you have four small children who all need to watch TV there if that is the case fine aside from that what are we doing what do you think what do you think is happening at the end of your bed you need somewhere comfortable to sit there's there's a bed behind you there's a bed behind you so we start with the bench for getting dressed toning on your socks putting on your shoes having a fight with your significant other like we do need a place to sit for that let's just not make it a whole living room it looks like a sled it just looks like a sleigh ride we're all just like on a little train like the Disney World tram where are we going I don't blame anyone for experimenting and for trying this I blame the world for being like yeah that's what we like now Innovation and experimentation are so important like an interior designer any art I hate anytime somebody's like well this is the rule this is the rule is that your side table has to be that's why it's like there's rules but you can break the rules breaking the rules is important things evolve we don't have to do things the way we always did but there are principles of composition that are constant proportion proportions proportion proportions and composition play into every art medium on the face of the earth in every century and in every Style and just all of a sudden we're like no put make it a giant couch who cares putting just like a full-sized centerpiece of furniture next to another full-size centerpiece of furniture it doesn't make any sense to me it doesn't make any sense to me and I don't like it I will remind you these are my personal opinions they are not the law I don't make the law I've just got a YouTube channel okay this is what I'm going to tell you if you wake up one day and you find yourself thinking um you know what I think would be good at the end of this piece of furniture is another giant piece of furniture don't do it don't do it just take a moment do a breathing exercise you'll have crazy thoughts you don't have to act on it right now let's all take a deep breath and never do this again thank you there's other ways there's other ways this isn't like it doesn't have to be this way okay let's let's skip on the sofa the full sofa at the end of the bed okay it doesn't have to be this way duh this one sucks too a design Trend that everyone's doing and you know what I really blame Instagram for this for so much of like the unrealistic interior design that we're shown all day long this trend of like too many accessories or accessories in unreasonable places because it looks nice in the photo but then we see those photos and that's our standard for happiness and we think that's how other people are able to live so we're like me too I too also need a vase the height of a human on my dining table so that every time I sit down on my dining table I can't see who's talking to me this works for no person I mean I guess you could sit down and just eat alone and then it's fine but if you want to have any friends you immediately have to take the vase off the table and that's the kind of like unrealistic fake interior design that I can't stand it's very weird why put it out there if no one can live that way I don't get it we okay we've got a really nice like desk area but we've got like a giant empty urn this pyramid of decorative or tan boxes holds nothing I promise you that it's like all in the way anytime I want to sit down to work there I gotta move all the stuff out of the way and that is a way to make sure that every time you sit down to do something functional you're a little pissed off listen my emotions go from 0 to 60 very quickly granted but I would be pissed a little bit every day so this is what I'm saying about styling when you're doing your styling items please don't hold yourself to the standard of Instagram and Pinterest like these are misleading us I really encourage you to think realistically about how you're functionally using that space on a lot of coffee tables if you want to put a vase on that coffee table with flowers something it uses to be a pretty low one otherwise it's like often blocking your view of the TV that's not gonna work then you're moving it every time you watch TV like that is not making our lives easier okay we don't need that and this is kind of in line with the wooden beads thing too the idea of just putting up Decor to fill the space there can be some of that I don't think that's like the worst thing you can do I do some of that too you think I need like this doesn't need to be here I like to as much as I can try and accessorize with the items I or client actually uses so that's why it is great to put your books out your candles decorative storage containers that you actually use that's why those things are great you can have lots of stuff going on in your space but just make sure it's not functionally keeping you from interacting with the space and living in it the way you need to live in it and to be clear this is different from maximalism I'm not negating maximalism as a style it's not my style but like that's plenty of people's style and that's fine I'm talking about when it's accessories and Decor that keeps you from using your space the way you need to use it that's not maximum that's a whole different thing oh another version of this is the 4 500 pillows on the bed why why and why it's too many okay look at me look at me sometimes you don't need the extra throw pillow okay and everything's gonna be okay without it I can't I don't know who is still doing this and I'll tell you what I used to violate this Rule and my ex-boyfriend would kind of get annoyed with me about it and you know what he was right he was totally right so many pillows on the couch that we can't sit on the couch without putting the pillows on the floor is that better I I want to say it's not so many pillows on the bed that we can't get into the bed or you can't lay down without putting stuff on the floor like I don't think this is a better situation I'm not about it it means a the pillows are going on the floor all the time B it takes so much more effort to remake the bed or re-tidy the living room these are just these little things that we're doing to make our lives harder on ourselves it's not necessary you can have a beautiful arrangement with like one two three accent pillows and let's call it a day you're cut off I would love for you to benefit from my years of putting too many damn pillows on my bed I made that mistake for you so you don't have to you can just benefit from my experience okay if you want more hearing about how I've messed stuff up so that you don't have to remember to like And subscribe to do interior design and do vlogs they're all basically about how I've massively messed stuff up over and over again until I start figuring it out I was gonna say something else we'll never know [Music] okay this is a nuanced one something I hate something I would never ever want in my own home are these super cold kind of unfamiliar Hotel feeling or Museum feeling Home Spaces this is like a whole genre of interior design some of the biggest designers some like the most famous designers most influential designers do spaces like this and I I understand they're working for clients on you know projects so much bigger luxury scale projects and the client probably wants that but personally if I was a billionaire I still wouldn't want to live in a home that feels or looks like a museum okay I just hate it I don't know who would want to live like this it's like we've gotta all like marble and like fur and leather room could be like cool for a disco but I don't want to like make a midnight snack there or anything to be in a space that feels so and cozy so unwelcoming so unfamiliar and I just like as a piece of art as an image on Instagram I do think they're beautiful I do think they're amazing and there's inspiration you can pull but one of the biggest lessons I had to learn through a lot of trial and error was starting to distinguish the difference between images I liked in their 2D version on Instagram versus what I liked to live in in my 3D life there's a difference between what you appreciate online and what actually feels right to live in your home you might really like the all-white kitchens that are super trendy have been trendy forever I hope we're over it now I still like looking at those photos there's something so pleasing about looking at a kitchen that looks like heaven God is around the corner making eggs but to live in it in an all-white room it's so freaking boring dude it's so unstimulating and uninteresting that's like another example people like the image of the all-white but when you live in it it's like not impressive it's a snooze Fest so my personal preference is I like to be in really homey cozy spaces you're allowed to disagree and you'll want something different for your home but just pay attention if you also feel like you love that like cozy safe feeling being enveloped by comforting spaces and you also are aspiring to these super Museum sparse and welcoming design images and you're modeling your home after that you're gonna be unhappy there's a mismatch there so just pay attention to that and I will say if you'd like a cozy space it gets harder and harder to get a cozy space the bigger your home is kind of the fancier it gets it gets harder to hold on to that sense of intimacy so just something to keep in mind my opinion is take your inspiration from these spaces but remember to make your space homey someone live here it it kind of creeps me out you can just feel the silence and feel the absence of humanity in it if you feel like your room is feeling a little too much like a hotel room or something that's very unlived in let's get some art on the walls do your decorative pieces don't include wooden beads I bet you just need some pattern mixed in pattern is a great way to add like depth and layering and interest into your space also adding in just like natural warm materials especially wood wooden accents Furniture is going to be one of the best fastest ways to make your home feel familiar and kind of comforting that's all I have to say listen here's the deal ignore the trends because if it's a trend it's only going to feel good for a certain period of time and then you're going to end up wanting to replace it and that's when an interior design gets really expensive because you have to keep updating stuff what interior design boils down to is just like getting really honest with yourself about like what makes you happy what feels good and that takes experimentation it takes God forbid it takes putting a sofa in front of your bed I don't actually want you to feel bad about it okay there's no need except that it's fun for me to pretend like you should feel bad about it but don't you shouldn't feel bad because it's not like a skill you're just born with like no baby comes out and is like let me tell you how to arrange these pillows no it's just a skill that you practice ultimately your home should just be something that's a fun expression not this like oh my God I have to figure out like and Crack the Case of my home decor don't approach it like that that sucks let's all calm down it should be like kind of a playground for experimenting with stuff if you're experimenting creatively it means that sometimes you'll do something that somebody hates and maybe that person will be me and that's okay yes and if you have a sofa in front of your bed as you're watching this movie it's okay everything's gonna be okay this isn't the end for you don't get overwhelmed by interior design there isn't right and wrong there's just like truth and that truth is specific to you what genuinely like fills your cup makes you feel energized puts a smile on your face every time you walk into the room and see it that's your taste and a story it doesn't matter actually what anyone else thinks don't let people tell you what you're supposed to do don't even listen to me you know I just want you to walk away from this video giving yourself the permission to really get in touch with what brightens your day that's all it's about thanks for hanging out I hope you guys have a great day I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Caroline Winkler
Views: 1,335,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: decor, interior design
Id: NBHFjyeo8rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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