Clean Engine Without Water

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well today we're gonna try something pretty neat we're gonna try to clean my engine bay in this 1998 Ford Explorer I've had this court quite a few years I've never cleaned the engine bay surprisingly it doesn't look that bad now this is not my original idea I got this from a guy on YouTube called sweet project cars sweet project cars and if you're a do-it-yourselfer and like to save money check out his his youtube channel he's got a lot of great ideas and this is one of them he cleaned an engine using armor-all power phone he said he got hit at Walmart I went to Walmart I did not find this at Zach kin they had something similar so I ended up going to autosum and picked it up there it was about four and a half dollars for a 20 ounce can so that's the plan for today I get into it I'll tell you what's different about doing it this way is compared to other engine cleaners first of all instead of using water to rinse this engine after we we spray it I'm going to try using a leaf blower this is just an electric leaf blower if you own a home you probably have one similar to it if not better and I don't have a concrete driveway so I've got one of those blue tarps that you get for free any time you make a purchase at Harbor Freight I've laid that down so that when I turn on this blower I'm not going to have a whole lot of sand and pea gravel blowing up into my engine so take a quick look at what the engine looks like before I get started you know I'm really shocked that this thing is just not covered with grease and all like so many other engines I've seen in the past but it's not clean so I think what I'll do first is maybe give it a once-over with the leaf blower just to get rid of any of that you know heavy deposits of dirt just laying on top of everything and then I'm going to spray it with the armor-all tire phone let it rest about 10 minutes and then I'll no rinsing I'm just gonna blow it off with the blower again keep your fingers crossed hope this works well I didn't film that little part of it where I was using the leaf blower because the dang thing is just so loud it was really even annoying to me and I'm making the the clip sad to say when I put the leaf blower on this thing it didn't move any of the dirt around did absolutely nothing the YouTube video I watched by sweet project cars he used air compressor he had it bundled down to a little tube probably about the size of a pencil so he was very specific about where he was blowing air and I've got an air compressor and I have nozzles I could probably do that but I'm gonna try it with a leaf blower first most of us have a leaf blower so we're just gonna spray foam all over this dirty thing here we go again take two the instructions on this stuff pretty simple shake well before using apply let it sit a few minutes five to ten minutes and then rinse it says also it says do not rinse this into a ditch or you know anything you don't want to put this stuff into a place where it's going to go down into a creek a river or stream pond anything like that must be dangerous to fish or the environment somehow so good thing I'll have that tarp down when I'm finished with this project I'll be able to just look at the tarp and if there's any residue on the tarp I've got some shop towels I'll mop it up dispose of that properly pink green okay when I watch the other channel YouTube channel sweet project cars he didn't cover anything up leave the engine he was servicing with a Honda this is a Ford I've driven through mud puddles and everything and my car's never installed on me I don't think this little bit of foam is what anything okay well you can see what I'm doing here things like the stuff to disappear in this fast as I put it on I did that's that's fun when actions attend brags about just got the little Scrubbing Bubbles going to work in there for mmm now I've already done it I'm wondering what what happens if I put this tire shine on those those belts I don't like them slip and guess what find out alright get a little bit more on this battery is pretty darn dirty it kind of batteries I don't know how long it's been since you checked the fluid in your battery but I've had two of them blow up on me for being inattentive I guess not my personal car but my company truck we put so many miles on those I just depended on the whoever changed our all to do all that checking for twice all right well that was kind of a long process there but I just wanted to show you that this is how he did it and so this is how I did it we're gonna let it sit for about 10 minutes come back blow it off and see what it looks like I'm not sure how long it's been I don't have a watch I'm pretty sure it's been at least five minutes and probably not more than ten I've just been kind of hanging around reading the can and looking at this thing well I haven't done anything except spray the foam on it and it definitely looks wetter I can't say it looks any cleaner yet but it does look wetter at this point I may have just put tires tire shine on top of the dirt anyhow I'm gonna take that leaf blower crank it up and start blowing and the morning it's gonna be really noisy so you might want to turn your your volume down as long as you're seeing that leaf blower moving around under this this hood and when you don't see the leaf blower you can turn your sound back that unless you're a glutton for punishment we're going to do that in three two one [Applause] dang that was loud ah you know I see evidence that the stuff really works right here on my power steering reservoir where I'd sprayed it and could actually get the air from the leaf blower to hit that and clean that up pretty good but where I could not get direct air onto it it's still black so I'm not gonna call this a failure but I don't think in my case I could call it a success even though it does look a lot better it didn't complete the job but I am determined to shine this thing up without using water so I think what I'm gonna do since I've got plenty of foam left is reapply the phone and I'm gonna take a shop towel and just quickly go around and rub every area I can easily get to so yeah you can see right down here areas I didn't spray still ugly all this where I did spray and the leaf blower got to it it looks purty so all right we're gonna go into Phase two with this thing I'm gonna reef own that I got a roll of shop towels there were two rolls for five bucks at autozone and I'm gonna give it just a couple of minutes maybe three or four minutes to activate and then I'm just gonna wipe it wipe it off with a shop towel no water I'll refund the engine compartment and then wiped it off with some of these paper shop towels I pulled two towels off at her time so that was four bundles of towels eight sheets total and it took me about a minute minute and a half with each towel and then I pulled off another towels it was pretty easy to do it looks a lot better does it work better than any other product I got nothing to compare it to but my engine looks a heck of a lot better and I didn't have to use my water hose at all so I'll probably do it again in the future but since I have nothing to base my judgment on I don't know if this armor all-power foam works better in an engine and something that's specifically made for cleaning engines I just don't know but give it a try that's pretty cheap four dollars and 61 cents for the tan I could probably do two cars with one can shop towels two rolls for five bucks that's not much investment the thing that took the longest was waiting for the phone to set up I'm probably close to ten minutes everything else took a lot less time than that so I don't know if this is helpful to you or not but it was an itch i wanted to scratch i appreciate your patience coming along with me while we tried this if you have a nice day
Channel: david deutscher
Views: 525,337
Rating: 4.3307743 out of 5
Keywords: clean engine compartment, clean with no water.
Id: _k_S-Bv1v14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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