Notion for Habits: How To Build A Habit Tracker In 2022 (free template)

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today we're gonna talk about how to create a habit tracker in 2022 inside of notion so what we're going to do here today is create a analytical habit tracker what that does is connect an analytics table to a very simple habit tracker database so what we're going to do is create progress bars that calculates the completion rates of your habits inside of that analytics table so let's just get right into it there is a template down below for the finished product and also one to follow along this is the page that you'll be able to duplicate down in the description below and inside of this page we have one calendar this calendar is called my habits and it has one single page in it in September 1st 2022. so if you don't see it right away try to navigate to this month first and you should see it here so if I click through it gives me a few different properties so this is a daily habits tracker so we have some check boxes five of them actually and we also have a property for the date which is how we're able to see this page in a calendar so with these check boxes we have some data to work with and if we want to go beyond just the regular habit tracker and create an analytical one we do need to create a table so forward slash table and in database table view let's select that and create an analytical table so let's go to new database down here below and name this analytics this analytics table is going to connect to the calendar down below so I'm just going to make sure there's only one page in this database to start and when I click on this tags default property and delete it so this one page is going to be called habit completion rate in this page we are going to collect all of the data from the calendar and we are going to determine the overall completion rate for every one of these individual habits from meditate to work out so to make that connection we need to use a relation property and I'm going to create a relation property inside of the analytics table just select this plus symbol here and we're going to scroll down to relation in this case my calendar is called my habits so I'm going to select my habits here now in the relation configuration window we have what it is related to the limit of pages relating between these databases in this case I want no limit and also show on my habits so do I want to toggle on a back link or a relation that shows up in my calendar and I do and I'm just going to keep the name analytics so I'm going to add that relation and you'll notice that my habits has shown up if I click through there is one option to connect to which is the one page in the calendar daily habits so if I just make that connection and then come down to daily habits in the calendar I should see in analytics the backlink relation habit completion rate page so this is exactly what I want now what I'm going to do with analytics here is click on the title hide property and always hide just to clean up these Pages a little bit what I can also do to clean up pages of notion is get rid of this comment section so you may not need this comment section if you're not working with teams and you're just using this for personal use so go up to the page menu click and go to customize page what you can do here is go to top level page discussions and just make sure it's turned off awesome so now what I want to do is make sure that every single page in my calendar is connected to that habit completion rate page in order to do that I'm going to create a filter inside of my calendar by clicking on filter and searching for that relation property Analytics so I'm just going to make sure that analytics contains habit completion rate so this will be the case for every page in this calendar view what I also want to do to make my life a little bit easier is add another filter where the name contains daily habits now I'm going to hide my filter configurations by clicking on the filter button again and if I go to the 2nd of September and add a new item into the calendar I should see that the Habit completion rate is automatically connected to analytics and daily habits is the title of the page to make my life a little bit easier from here what I can do is show via the database menu here properties and show all of my check boxes through the calendar view so I don't have to click on individual Pages by selecting this show icon for all of my check boxes I'm able to quickly navigate VIA the calendar view and check off my check boxes each day let's pre-fill this calendar with a few different days just to have some data to work with so if you want to know how to quickly duplicate a single page highlight that page and command D for duplicate and drag these pages into other dates in the calendar I am just going to pre-fill a couple weeks okay so now that I have some sample data here I can go back to my habits hide in view now that I have some data pre-filled in the calendar what I'm going to do is go to one of these pages and I'm going to create a formula that calculates the percentage of habit completion for each day so let's go to add a property go down to Advanced where that relation was and right above it you'll see the option for formula so for this formula let's call it daily rate what I can do is just click here where it says empty very simply what I want to do is convert these check boxes into a number so using the two number function what I can do is convert each checkbox into either the number 0 for false or the number one for true so Within These parentheses I'm just going to go down to the properties section in this pop-up window and select each habit so Read 50 pages I'm going to say plus two number again and go down to the next one and click tweet two times and so on until we have every habit filled in so now that we have everything calculated what I want to do is Nest this number so we're just going to Nest this inside of an open parenthesis and a close parentheses I'm going to say divided by the total amount of habits I have which in this case is 5. so that'll give us a percentage but what I want to do is narrow this down or round this number down so I'm going to use the floor function to do that so four open parentheses and then 1 000 times close out that floor function at the end it should give us something like 800 and then divide Again by 1000. so this is the final formula from here what I want to do is go to this one two three button and convert this number into a percentage if I want to turn percentages in notion into progress bars I just have to select the name of either the number property or formula like we have here and go to edit property this gives you in the show as section either to show this as a number a bar or a ring I'm going to show it as a progress bar and change the color to red and I do want to show that number but there is an option to hide the progress percentage so now that I have that done I'm going to just drag this up here at the top great so let's take a look at how we can visualize this new progress bar so I can go to my database menu here and go to properties again and show the daily rate formula I'm just going to drag that to the top so now not only can I check off and on my daily habits within the calendar but I can see my completion rate rise and fall as well so now that we have all of that figured out in our calendar let's go back to this analytics table so let's analyze these habits a little further what I want to do is analyze my completion rate for each individual habit overall what we're going to do is create a roll up in our analytics table so click this plus symbol go down to Advanced and go to roll up what a roll-up needs is just a single relation property in this case we have created that already so if I go to relation to select I can select the my habits relation that'll give us all of our daily habits now from here what I can do is select a property from that calendar to calculate let's first calculate the meditate habit so this will give us all of the check boxes from meditate what I want to do is calculate these check boxes percent checked now because we have a percentage number there is an option in the show as section here to turn this again into something like a progress bar or a progress ring I'm going to keep it as a progress ring and maybe give each habit its own unique color in this case for meditation let's give it the color pink and I'm going to change the name roll up to meditate now what we're going to do is just do the same thing for every single habit so what I can do is just click on meditate and go back to edit property scroll down to the bottom here and there's an option to duplicate property this will make it a little bit easier and let's go to the next habit which is publish Article 2 times and go down to property and change meditate to publish article and just calculate percent checked go back to ring and maybe keep it as the color green again I can go down to duplicate property and go to the next one which is Read 50 pages make sure the property is Read 50 pages calculate percent checked ring and give this one maybe the color red the next one will be tweet two times calculate percent check ring and maybe color this Orange and the last one which is workout so I created a video all about the new progress bar and I did say that roll ups do not include the progress bar but they actually do know I'm going to select ring one last time and maybe blue okay so now that we have all our roll ups the next thing I want to show you is one last formula so I want to show you how you can calculate with roll-ups we can go to this plus button create another formula under advanced and what I want to do here is just collect the total success rate for habits so this is overall how successful we are at completing our daily habits every day so I can edit the formula within this menu here and we can select each roll up from the property menu let's start with meditate that'll give us a number and we're just going to add them all up need 50 pages tweet and work out so now that we have this number just like we did before let's isolate this inside of open and close parentheses and then divide by the total number which is five I also want to round this number down by floor 1000 so floor open parenthesis one thousand times and at the end let's close it out divided by one thousand so that'll give us a cleaner number that's going to be the final formula and now we have the option to change it into a bar or a ring but first I want to change the number format to a percentage I'm going to change this into a bar and maybe change the color to a light gray and that's about it so we can take this a step further not just analyzing overall success rate we can analyze something like how successful we are on a Monday or every Thursday or Friday so we have our habit completion rate page which is gathering all of the information at once and I'm just going to rename this table by rename to total and from here I actually want to duplicate this total View and rename it to weekdays so that's what we're going to see inside of this database view except I do not want to see the page habit completion rate in this view so I'm going to create a filter that says the name name is not habit completion rate and in total I'm going to create a similar filter for name that is habit completion rate so in weekdays what I want to do is create seven pages one for Monday habits through to Sunday habits now with each one of these pages I want to do the same thing as I did before I want to connect them to their corresponding days in my calendar so let's go to September 1st a Thursday go down to the analytics relation and what I can do is go to this plus button link another page and now I have all my weekday Pages available to connect because all I needed was that one relation so let's connect Thursday here and that will be a manual connection unlike our habit completion rate connection which is automatic so that would be the only drawback here I'm just going to go ahead and connect all of these so now I've gone ahead and connected every weekday towards corresponding page in this pre-filled calendar I can come back here go up back to the analytics table and you'll see that these roll ups have updated and they've updated to translate to whatever day these pages are connected to so if you want to add more pages to your analytics table to analyze your calendar in different ways you can add pages like quarter one through four or different months of the year so now that we know how to analyze a regular traditional habit tracker notion with manual check boxes that you'll have to check off every day let's take a look at how we can automate these check boxes so let's say for instance that publishing two articles a day I don't want to go in and manually check this because maybe there is a database somewhere else in my workspace where I collect all of my articles let's first come up here and Below analytics table let's create an example of what that article database could be so what's forward slash table again go down to database and table view create a new database and let's call this article database so this part of the tutorial here is not included inside of the final template but if you want something a little bit more advanced you can follow along from here so let's say we have two examples of articles in our database we have article a and article B now both of these articles are completed let's change this default tags property to type and date and let's just rename this to do and let's say both of these are due on Saturday the 3rd of September now I want to connect to my calendar so to do this I'm going to create another property that is a relation again and I can find my habits and I want this relation to be called published and I want to show in my habits articles so let's add that relation what I can do down here in the calendar is change the naming convention instead of every page being titled daily habits maybe instead we give it the name of the date so maybe I can say 0 9 0 4 2022 daily habits or I can get rid of this filter all together delete the daily habits filter and just give it the name of the date so let's just give that September 4th as an example of that naming convention and up here in published in Oracle database I can go ahead and either create a new page in my daily habits from here or look for 0.904 2022. and let's say both are published on this day with this information I can go back down to September 4th page for daily habits and see that two articles indeed have been published on this day what I can do is change publish article two times go to edit property and change this into a formula we're going to convert this into a formulaic checkbox and then what I'm going to do is create a roll up that counts the number of articles in each day so add a property roll up number of articles select the relation because remember all you need is a relation select articles property and count all for calculate and just leave it as a number so there should be two here what I'm going to do is hide this property always and I'm going to do the same thing with articles I'm always going to hide that property inside of that formula I can simply say number of Articles property that roll up which should be a number equals 2. what you'll also notice if I click away is that inside of the calendar view our publish to articles now just has an empty check box but no name so I don't really need to see this checkbox here so what I'm going to do is go to database menu and hide it publish article two times will be hidden now what I want to do is go up to our analytics table and you'll see that that roll up is now empty what we'll have to do is configure the roll up to make sure that property is published article two times calculate percent checked if I go click on the title and edit property I can change this back to a ring and this article database could be another page in your workspace so if I click on the Block I can turn this into a page and file this away somewhere else and that connection can still be made to the calendar despite where it is in your workspace like I said in the video I've made a progress bar update video and I'm going to link it down in the description below in that video I share that Roll-Ups don't yet have a progress bar and of course they do now which is really cool I will see you guys the rest of the week on Twitter and next time with a new video I'll see you then [Music]
Channel: Red Gregory
Views: 283,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: notion, notion tutorial, notion habit tracker, notion habits, notion productivity, notion template, free notion template, notion progress bars, notion rollups, aesthetic notion template, notion how to, notion dashboard, notion habit database, notion habit formula
Id: T4uZpc5AkVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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