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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello guys alright so start off this look we're gonna go ahead and prime our face make sure you get every nook and cranny of your facial features okay now I'm gonna go in with my Maybelline fit me foundation to even out my skin tone now since I'm going more for a skin tone color for the skull I'm gonna stick with my foundation make it easy on you guys so like that you only need the bare minimum to create an awesome look next I'm gonna go in with my airspun powder to set my foundation so it doesn't move now I'm gonna dig into my morphe 35o palette and so that orange color you just saw and I'm gonna use this color and start building up in the inner corners of my eyes and start moving it up towards my brow and start squirting it out to the outer corners of your eyes but you want to keep the concentration more in the inner corners like that you're gonna create that shadowy look that you know skull has I am using these eye shadows that kind of help me lay out where I'm with my darker colors to be so when later I go in with the black I already kind of have a map of what I'm gonna do with my black so I don't mess up now as you see I'm gonna use this darker Browns to further darken the areas I need a darkened here I'm gonna start pushing up that eyeshadow right on my frown lines I'm kind of again trying to outline where I want my darker colors to be and I'm trying to emphasize my frown line so you know you look like you're mean mugging people you know next I'm gonna go in with a fluffy blending brush to blend out the edges of my eyeshadow just so it could be nice and smooth now I'm gonna start wrestling out those cheekbones just like a skull we got to find out where your cheekbones are I start chiseling them out really nicely and just like my lids I'm gonna go in with the lighter orange color that I picked and then I'm gonna go in with the burnt orange just to start creating a gradient um as you'll see momentarily now right here I'll make sure that I end my shadowing right around where the skull smile line will end so it has a nice blend not once I've blended on my darker orange to kind of give me an idea where I'm gonna start my black I'm gonna go in with a fluffy blending brush again just to blend that out I want this skull look to be a little bit dirty so I'm gonna be going back in later with the Browns to make it look more skin like and alive but a little dirty as if I just crawled out of my 6-foot grave next I'm gonna start outlining where I want the nose hollow to be at so here as you see I'm gonna start kind of figuring out how far back I'm gonna go or and how far up I'm gonna go so I'm gonna go in with the darker color just to kind of emphasize that darker hollow a little more once I blend out that nose I'm gonna start going in and emphasizing my smile line this will be the start of our shadows I'm also gonna go in and emphasize the hollows of my temples now I'm gonna grab my ELF felt tip eyeliner pencil and start drawing out my teeth lines at this point I'm not really too worried about it being ultra perfect because I'm gonna go back in over it a little bit later but right now this is kind of just a guideline for me to know where exactly um your skull teeth are gonna be not right here I was messing around at first to see kind of how it came out and actually ended up liking how it came out but I was kind of gone for a little bit more shadows on the middle of my lips at first I thought I wouldn't like it but then I looked at it a little bit better and I saw that it actually looked pretty good so since the fact that I'm also trying to make the skull look kind of messy and dirty was gonna play out perfectly in the internet and it did I was happy that it came out the way it did here as you saw I just extended out the edges of my lips to create that smile line and then just continued on with the guide lines to where my skull teeth were gonna be and if you make any mistakes at this point you could easily just smudge them out and then just recreate them now I'm gonna start chiseling out the cheekbones of the skull and this is where I'm gonna start going in with our black later to kind of emphasize those shadows I'm just going in and creating outlines for where I want my hollows to be and where all my black is gonna be and you'll see me going in back and forth later with the eyeshadow and the black to make it look more realistic so I'm just gonna start filling in my eyebrows with this eyeliner pen and you'll see me kind of emphasize a little more on my frown lines I'm gonna start making those a little bit more detailed [Music] continue creating minor details for we're like skull cracks we'll be in and the rest of the dark areas where I'm gonna fill in with black now I'm gonna grab my Maybelline gel eyeliner and large concealer brush and basically I'm just gonna fill in wherever there I want it to be black pretty much so I'm just gonna go into the darkest point which is gonna be in the inner corners and I'm gonna start fading this out I'm not gonna fill in my entire eyelid area like a traditional skull look would you know would call for instead I'm trying to go in further kind of like a smokey faded look I want it to look more like a tattoo or a curse mark than an actual realistic skull so that's what I'm kind of going for [Music] so like I said I'm just gonna be concentrating that eyeliner all around my eyelid and pretty much mainly in the inner corners of my eyes and later I'm gonna go back in with some black eyeshadow to kind of set that eyeliner in place now when I first started I go in with the first layer and then I'm going in again with the second layer just to make it look a little bit more black but this time I'm concentrating it more towards the inner part of my eye and now a little bit closer to my lashline now here I'm gonna start filling in the hollows of my cheeks and I start blending that downwards and as you can see it's beginning to come together as soon as you start adding in those dark colors you start to see the skull come to life which is awesome [Music] you [Music] so once you're done filling in all your hollows go ahead and grab your fluffy blending brush and start blending out all those harsh lines make sure everything is nice and blended you don't have to make it too perfect right now because we will go back in later with some brown eyeshadow to make it look even better but just to kind of help you out just blend it out really good make sure that your console area is nice and blended out as you see here I'm also bringing it up a little bit towards my smile lines so it could make the cheekbones a lot more prominent it will create an illusion that your cheekbones are hollow and a lot higher also don't forget to blend out your temples bring it all the way up against your forehead you know [Music] so just continue blending out all your eyeliner around the edges um around your nose your frown lines give yourself some dark circles those of you that have naturally dark circles this look will be perfect for you so be proud of your dark circles because you would actually rock this look now I'm gonna go ahead and grab my color black out from the Urban Decay 2 Naked palette and just set all your eyeliner pretty much again concentrate it more towards the inner part of your eyes to make it look a lot more dark a lot more hollow go ahead and blend it out bring it up against your eyebrows and just set all your black in place now if you guys haven't noticed up until this point the key behind this entire look is blending like I always say blend blend blend everything will look so much more better as long as you blend it correctly so take your time blending that's honestly the only part that takes the longest out of the entire look is just blending everything out and making sure that everything is nice and seamless it will create a better look in a long run I promise you blend take your time blending because this look was actually extremely easy to do anybody could do it at home I only use four different eyeshadows aside from my foundation and eyeliner and that's it but what makes this look unique is the way you blend it that's why I always say blending is very important when it comes to anything when it comes to makeup when it comes to anything blend it out perfectly and you you'll look fantastic no matter what you decide to do no matter what you decide to create it look fancy so now I'm just gonna go back in and kind of read detail my nose make all of the skull cracks a little more prominent a little bit more detailed don't forget about them frown lines you know you gotta look pissed off it's Halloween you gotta look scary you gotta look angry especially with this look it's not it's not 100% complete unless you got them frown lines completely sticking out at you you know [Music] you so now that we're looking a little bit more like a jailbird we're gonna go back in with a big fluffy brush and with the lightest Brown that we picked up in the beginning I'm gonna start dirtying up my face and as you can slowly see as soon as you start going in with the Browns your look is coming together so much more better from this point forward I'm pretty much it's gonna be going back and forth within the light brown dark brown in my blacks just to fade it out nicely to make everything look nice and blended the trick is to just keep all the dark areas together and then just fade it out from darkest to lightest of course you throw in a little rogue Brown every here and there in just sparse areas to make it look dirty because that just adds to the appeal of a realistic tattooed skull on your face just blend blend blend my friends blend away [Music] now right here I'm going to start working right around where my teeth lines will be and I'm gonna start darkening the areas that I wanted to look a little bit more darker and create that illusion of them being a little higher I'm the dark and writer on my chin area this will create the illusion of that area being a little Hollow so when you go in later and outline your teeth and draw your teeth out your teeth will stick out better and you're trying to create shadows to make the illusion of certain areas sticking out more in other areas sinking in more [Music] you you [Music] and now it's time to go back in and detail out your teeth I'm using my Maybelline gel eyeliner to make them thicker at the base and then as I drag them down past my lips I'm gonna make them a lot thinner don't be afraid to make your teeth line a little exaggerated again you're trying to create a scary look so if you want them a little longer than this so be it whatever floats your boat go ahead and do it it'll look great anyway [Music] now I'm gonna grab this light shade from the morphe palette and just start highlighting not my teeth I kind of put this off-camera but I would recommend you actually wet your brush a little bit with us setting spray to make the white pop out a lot more and a lot better I'm telling you guys beauty is always in the details the detail is what matters now as you see here remember what I mentioned earlier that when you do the shadows around your lips it's gonna make your teeth pop out more when you do the highlight that's exactly what I mean as soon as you put in the white over that shadow the teeth just automatically looks so much more better now don't forget to add a little bit of highlight in certain areas to make certain areas stick out and people got a traditional skull you know the cheekbones like to stick out a little more so don't be afraid to add a highlight and in certain areas you know like them on your eyebrows on your cheekbones make those areas pop girl make them pop also around my jawline and as well as a little bit under my eyes [Music] now I decided to take it a step further with my shadowing and actually take a flat shader brush with my dark brown and go right alongside that black eyeliner that I did to draw out my teeth um I found that this makes it look a little bit more detailed and actually shadowed a lot better [Music] now for the final touches I'm just gonna go in my waterline with some black eyeliner and I'm not putting any false lashes because I'm not trying to make it look too girly so I'm just gonna go in and put a little bit of mascara and then I'm just gonna grab a big fluffy brush just to finish it off and just shadow out my neckline with the brown colors and then I'm gonna go in with a black and then just drag it down my neck and that's all guys if you guys liked this video please give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe I'll have all my social media linked down below so if you guys do recreate this look please go ahead and tag me I would love to see what you guys have created for Halloween this year also don't forget to check out my blog guys I do have a beauty blog where I just talk about some beauty tips and tricks and that I normally don't mention in any of my youtube videos I'll have that link down below so just go ahead and give it a peek and finally I just want to say thank you so much for watching I'll see you in my next video bye
Channel: Liliana Toufiles
Views: 334,706
Rating: 4.9220681 out of 5
Keywords: Halloween, Makeup, how to, Tutorial, beauty, Easy, Skull look, Skull, affordable, cheap, makeup tutorial, beauty tips, beauty blogger, scary, halloween2017, halloween makeup, makeup lovers, morphe, maybelline, makeup video, easy skull, easy skull look, 35o palette, fit me, easy skull makeup look
Id: f-Sd7e2EqmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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