Easy Quilt Binding *Updated

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hello and what a great day to so something wonderful I'm Kia with kia b and today we're going to be working on a little project of binding a few weeks ago out of just some extra jelly roll strips and the binding tool I made a little table runner here's what it looks like I've already quilted it and put a back on it and today it needs a binding now binding is something that quilters can be a little scared of and today we're going to work on an easy way to do that using the binding tool now if this is not something that you have you can place an order online on that fat quarter shop or Missouri Star company and you can pick up one for just a few dollars so let's dive on in and take this one stitch at a time materials that you'll need for this project are your quilt so mine is just this cute little table runner that I made a spit out of some scraps you will need a coordinating thread I'm just using white rfl thread I believe the number is 2024 an also rotary cutter I'm so excited to try this one out they just sent this to me this is an endurance blade and so it's supposed to last a lot longer I'm really excited to put this to the test you will need a binding tool and like I said you can pick this up at a couple of quilt shops or a couple of places online for just a few dollars you'll need your fabric for your binding and then you'll need a cutter cutting mat and a ruler so here's the project that I'll be binding it's just a little table runner what I did is I had some left over jelly roll strips and I used our binding tool to make kind of this braided effect I think it turned out really nice and I finished it in just an afternoon absolutely love it so what I did was I put this together added a border around it went ahead and quilted it on the diagonal added a turquoise backing and now we're ready for binding so first things first you'll want to lay out your binding and cut it in two and a half inch strips that's just typical binding I do not do mine on the bias unless I have a curve in my quilt and so for this it's just really straight and simple so I will use my cutter which cuts like butter I might add and cut two and a half inch strips something you can do to know how many strips to cut is very very simple 1/2 you can measure the two sides two longest sides of your quilt project and then measure the two ends add those together and add about 20 inches that's about how much you how many strips that you'll need I'm actually going to cut about five strips for myself I always like to add extra just in case I would rather have way too much than not enough ok we'll move that extra out of the way the next thing you'll want to do is open up your strips now I haven't pressed these or anything else yet so I wanted to cut off all of the selvages so what I do is I just stack them right on top of it right on top of each other and just chop the thing I love most about quilting is that it can be tailored to any person so it's really what works best for you with our last video you know some people don't use that kind of scrap storage and that's okay that's the great thing about about quilting is it can definitely be tailored to what you need ok so I've got my five strips doubled so that's ten pieces of fabric let's put this endurance blade to the test I'm going to just cut off all of the selvages here so it's ten layers or ten pieces of fabric let's see I did not even notice a difference like I mean I noticed a huge difference in the blade I just didn't realize I was cutting that much fabric so this blade is really nice so this is from ulta it's an endurance blade and this is their splash rotary cutter next thing you'll do is head over to the ironing board and we'll press these out so now that all of my strips are pressed straight let me show you how to join them so you'll take two of you strips and you'll just repeat this for as many strips as you have take two of your strips with right sides together you're going to put them per pin perpendicular to each other so just like this and stick a pin right in the center on the diagonal just like this you are going to head over to the sewing machine and you're going to sew from corner to outside corner then after you get done with that one you'll flip to this one so this is the wrong side this is the right side you'll grab another strip you will put right sides together just the same add another pin and you'll just keep going all the way until all of your strips are joined together by pin let's head over to the sewing machine and I'll show you exactly how to sew these together I'm going to do with these is just sew from corner to outside corner [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay let's head back over to the cutting mat and I'll show you how to cut these apart so here we have some binding sashing I mean look just fun you can hang it up for a party we're actually going to cut this apart just take some scissors that you have and you'll cut your stitching just be careful there we go okay now you'll want to take some bigger scissors I like these ginger ones and you're going to cut a quarter inch away from your seam okay about a quarter of an inch away be very careful because you are using your scissors now does it have to be exact but you do need to have a good seam allowance to be able to press open your seams okay and you're going to go and do that for all four corners okay so now with a really hot iron you want to look at your settings on your iron mindset on high for cotton you're just going to open and press these seams so I like to kind of fold them like they normally are and then just lay my iron on top to press that just sets those seams now I'll open it up and I'll press open and I'll move on to the next one now that you have all of your seams open you will want to fold in half wrong sides together you're going to do this for your entire way down your binding strips now remember with the fabric you don't want to stretch or distort the shape of the fabric or the fibers and so you just want to set your iron on pick it up move it to the next area set it down pick it up and keep going that direction [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay let's take all this back over to the cutting mat and sewing machine now that I've got all of my binding pressed in half I spun it around this binding baby so this is just a wooden spool and it's made by a company called doohickey designs and she does an absolutely beautiful job and so you're able to take your binding slide it in between the spool and wrap it around this has a hole in the bottom as well that will allow you to set it on the top of your sewing machine so that all of your binding is not draped all over the floor and getting all tangled and unpressed so this really helps we did an unboxing video and one of our previous videos and I just think she's absolutely adorable so what I'm going to use this today so I've just wrapped all of my binding around her and then I'm going to slide over my quilting project now to be able to use the binding tool there are instructions on top of it the first one is that you need a 12 inch opening and a 10 inch gap so what that means is you need a starting and a stopping point on your quilt project for when you start your binding when you stop sewing on your binding that will allow us to use this tool so in order to do that we need a 12 inch open sorry a 12 inch gap between the start and stop so I'll just pick somewhere that's kind of far away from the corner so here's my corner and I'll go down about 12 inches if you have the room and I'll place a pin doesn't really matter where it's just preference as long as you can sew out of that corner now I'm going to measure 12 inches and put a pin at 12 inches which is about right here I'll show you here's my start and sorry here's my stop and here's my start so now I'll head over to the sewing machine and this is where I'll start sewing on my binding will sew it on the back of your project so that you wrap it around and you finish with a nice straight stitch on the front okay here I've got my binding baby she's got all of my binding on it I'm just going to set it on one of the school hooks on the top of my sewing machine and I want to let the binding drape down just like this so the purpose of her is that she holds all of your binding so it's not all over the floor and then when I put my project in like this I'll start my project here at the pin that I've placed and she holds that on now the other thing that you need to know the other instructions I said a 12-inch opening but I also set a 12 a 10 inch tail so what that means is you need to grab your ruler and measure 10 inches of your binding tail so I'll just grab my ruler here and I will measure 10 inches away which is about right there I'll unwind that much and I know that's where I need to start right at that pin so right there now to do your binding you'll want the opening okay so that opening toward the outside of your quilt and the reason we do that is because we're going to flip this over and fold it across the other side so you're really not going to be able to see that opening at all so I'll put it under here and you do use a quarter inch seam that's why I'm using a quarter inch foot here I'm not quite going to sew over that pin I'm just going just a little bit past that pin with your flip down we'll just start sewing a little bit and then make sure you definitely back stitch okay then when I feel comfortable I can take out that pin and I can just zoom down so I'm going to zoom all the way down the rest of this side and I'll meet you at the corner [Music] [Music] [Music] so here we are at the corner you will want to stitch all the way to about a quarter of an inch away from your corner [Music] with your needle up you'll actually not want to break thread but turn your project and pull it out just a tad now you've stitched about a quarter of an inch away so you'll want to take your loose binding fold it up just like this let me get my hand out of the way okay so you're going to flip let me do that one more time you've got your binding like this you're going to flip up and create this great 45-degree angle right there so you're binding should now be parallel with your the bottom of your quilt project okay now you're going to fold it straight down and this should be lining up just like this okay let me show it to you again when we get to our next corner so after you folded it down you're just going to place it under the sewing machine right at the edge right where you your quilt is the at the corner no stitch and start stitching all the way down again I'll show you - one more time at the next corner okay so here I've stopped a quarter of an inch away I'm going to pull my project out okay I'm going to take my binding loose here I'm going to flip it up so it gives that a great 45 degree angle coming outside of the corner all the way down to do this inside corner so now this should be one straight line I'm going to place my finger here on the edge of my quilt okay where these two meet that makes your corner I'm going to pull my binding straight down so it's going to look just like this you can make adjustments to make sure that it nests in that corner just like that okay put it back under your sewing machine with all that thread that has come undone turn your project start sewing again [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we're all finished but don't cut your tail just yet we need to leave another ten inch tail at this point I've got my binding and my ten inch tail I've got my twelve inch gap so now I can take my binding off of my binding buddy and go ahead and snip the tail so from our instructions you know we need 10 inches so I will measure 10 inches from our stopping point so let's see here and I will just snip it with my scissors like that there we go and I can put my binding baby to the side so now what we need to do is grab our binding tool and it's got the instructions laid out very nicely for you right here don't be scared the first couple of times that I use this I really had to watch a youtube tutorial over and over again just to make sure I wasn't doing it the wrong way so what we're going to do is open up your tails now this is the pen that I started my binding and this is the pin that I end in and you want to make sure and measure here you want to make sure that this gap is exactly 12 inches if it's not this binding tool will not work out the right way so mine is exactly 12 inches so I'm going to take this side here and line up our binding tool and lay our binding over the top of it okay don't pull it because you'll stretch out the fabric but not only that you want to make sure and have a good fit so what we need to do now is we'll grab our marking tool and we are going to mark on that line just using a friction pin here I'm going to lay it over but not pull I'm gonna mark right on that line okay I'm going to open it up here just like this and I'm just going to carry that line across all the way here okay now what we can do here is you're going to match this line that you've drawn with this line on the binding tool just like this going to straighten those out this can be a little bit tricky so make sure you stay safe with your rotary cutter but also say straight so I'm going to get in here just like this make sure that my lines are matched up grab my rotary cutter I'm going to cut especially this little part here that will help you line it up later so I'll cut it here and then cut the diagonal there just like this I'll tell you this endurance blade cuts so well I'm loving it okay we've got this side done okay so now you want to take and rotate your binding tool 180 degrees like this okay gonna line it up on the other side and do the exact same thing with marking so make sure and mark it on that line this one you'll carry the mark all the way over to the side just like that the only difference with this side is you're going to lay your little part here that says a you're going to line that up with your line not the same way that we did the the time before so lay this out here and we'll line it up just like this and you're going to with your rotary cutter very very carefully you're going to cut like this all the way up that side including that little notch okay okay so now our in should look something like this right and don't worry that heat will just remove that right off now you'll need to do and this is important you're going to join these ends together so remember I said it was important to cut out these little notches that is what is going to and it will be a little tight you see like as soon as I pull that my project kind of folds up that's okay this is meant to be tight so that it finishes well so what you'll need to do is with right sides together let me show you this again okay so here's my binding both strips cut on the diagonal okay I'm going to take each end of those and put them on top of each other so it's like putting those right sided fabrics together I'm going to line up those notches and I'm going to stick a pin in there because this is on the bias it can tend to stretch and you don't want it to do that you'll lose its form so let me grab a pin and just stick that right in there like this and head over to the sewing machine and I'm just going to sew a quarter of an inch all the way down I'll be right back okay so now we're back and we have our binding all sewn together lute should look something like this and you'll just snip off the extra threads here okay so you'll want to finger press this open where you can finger press it to one side it's totally your preference so I'll run and do that and then I'll head over to the sewing machine and here's what you do with this okay you're just going to start where you left off sewing you'll start stitching and stitch it all the way through to the very end which is actually where you started your binding a quarter inch seam so just so once again sew all the way down all the way across see how I have a little bit of a gap here it's a little loose that's okay when I press this out it's going to kind of reset that and pull these fibers back in together and then with my sewing machine that'll take care of the bulk as well so I'll meet you back here as soon as I have this finish sewing on here we are and I have all of my binding sewn on completely the next thing and a helpful tool that you can use are called binding clips if you don't have any don't wear a straight pins work just fine so what you're going to do now sometimes I like to do this with starch and an iron just to make it that much more crisp but I like to start at a different place than you started sewing on your binding this lets this fabric rest for a little bit and not get too distorted I'm actually going to flip it around just to an opposite side okay so we've got our binding sewn on here what you'll do is you will take your binding and you're actually going to flip it over to the other side now you can see on my other side I've got this nice quarter-inch stitch all the way down you want to make sure and line up your folded edge right to that stitching there's a couple of different ways that you can attach your binding at this point I use a sewing machine to attach it only because I have a hand injury and I can't hold a needle for that amount of time and so I just feel like I would never get things quote projects with binding on them if I didn't use a sewing machine so that's why I do it's personal preference some people really really like to hand bind I just am NOT able to do that unfortunately so what I do is I take it I fold it over and I put that folded edge right at that seam line just like this okay and I'm going to stitch as close to that folded edge as I possibly can so to help me do that I go through and I actually use binding clips and clip this all on so what I'll do here is I'll go all the way down my quilt with that folded edge and line it up and put a binding clip okay so see how nice that's going to look now I use starch and iron just to kind of set that in place so it helps it guide me through my sewing machine so I'm going to continue to go all the way around and use my binding clips then I'll take my iron and just kind of press this in place this will help me get it through my sewing machine with a nice straight stitch [Music] alright Here I am at a corner I wanted to show you exactly how to do this so for the sake of you being able to see it I'm going to flip it over to the right side move my tools out of the way so here we are at this corner I've just put that last binding clip on and what we do is when you take it over and you clip you're going to clip almost all the way to the corner leaving that folded edge right on that seam and it's going to make this little pocket here what you do is kind of like a fitted sheet when you're making a bed you're going to put your finger on your your left hand in that pocket okay to kind of smooth that out so I take my finger and I kind of smooth that out okay you're going to push down on that corner then I take my right finger and hold it there so it doesn't move right so I pull all my binding to the front on this side and you just fold it straight over to where now that folded edge sits on that seam look how nice it's going to make that corner so now I'll put it here and keep going around making my folded edge sit directly on that scene [Music] all right so now my entire table runner has binding clips all the way around it I'll head over to the sewing machine and we will start sewing this on as close to that folded edge as we possibly can I want to make sure and sew with a quarter inch foot so I've got that on my sewing machine and then I have a fairly low stick stitch length of about 2.5 I'm going to go very very slow to make sure that I'm staying on the folded edge and not too far off so I'm just going to grab some of my binding and lay it here and just kind of pick a starting space I want to start a little bit a little bit away from the corner and that way I can come out of that when I'm all the way finished I'm going to go very very slow just to make sure that I really am catching that great folded edge that I pressed the other thing that you could do is a zig-zag stitch and make sure to catch the binding and the project that would just make it look a little bit more snazzy I'm just going with a straight stitch here [Music] [Applause] [Music] our project is finished I am in love with this table runner it just turned out so cute this adorable kind of turquoise blue binding all the way around it just gives it that pop of color that I really enjoy I think it's going to look great on our table or our island at our house thank you so much for stitching with us in the hive today as we tackled a scary thing of binding we hope you all enjoyed this video and you found it helpful for other tips and tricks visit our blog at Kia be calm thank you so much and have a great day [Music]
Channel: Kea Bee
Views: 62,879
Rating: 4.8576512 out of 5
Keywords: Viking Sewing Machine, Endurance Blades, Ruler, Cute Cuts, Lori Holt, Olfa Splash Rotary Cutter, Aurifil Thread, Canon T6S, 50MM, Panasonic Wireless Iron, Home made, Table Runner, fabric, gingher scissors, neewer lights, ikea, wonder clips, Quilter Starch Savvy, New studio, binding baby, quilting, quilts, quilt binding, pattern, binding, keabee.com, doohikeydesigns, Fun, binding tool
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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