Pie Crust Recipe Demonstration - Joyofbaking.com

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[Music] hi I'm Stephanie jerski of joy baking calm today we're going to make a pie crust dough this is a really nice all-purpose dough that can be used for both sweet and savory dishes now I'm going to make it in a food processor if you don't have one you could also just do it by hand with either a pastry blender even with your fingertips so to start we need two and a half cups that's 350 grams of white all-purpose flour and I'm going to just put that in the bowl the food processor and then to that I'm just going to add one tablespoon Bowl 15 grams of white granulated sugar it's just a little sugar to sweeten it up and one teaspoon of I like kosher salt and then I'm just going to process this just for like a couple seconds just to mix it together and give it a little air aerated a bit okay and then next I'm going to add one cup that's about 230 grams of unsalted butter and it has to be cold really cold and try to use a good quality butter because all the flavor for this dough comes from the butter and what you need to do is I like to cut it in small chunks because that way it blends in better so as I said make sure it's really cold you could even pop it in the freezer for 15 minutes before you make this dough to really get it cold so I'm just going to try to evenly distribute the butter on top of the flour this dough is really has a real nice buttery flavor and a crisp flaky texture now you'll notice this is not it doesn't have any shortening or lard so it is not going to be as flaky as recipes that use the shortcut so now what I'm going to do is just pulse this for maybe 15 seconds what I wanted to look like is is coarse meal and don't worry if there's like a few clumps of butter um once you finish because that's okay so I'm just going to pulse okay I'm just gonna check that I'm just gonna pulse it's almost there just a little okay that's good no you can see that right okay so that's all you need to do for that and then we were we're going to need anywhere from a quarter to a half a cup that's 60 milliliters to 120 milliliters of ice water and what I just do is put some ice cubes in a measuring cup and fill it with water so that way you know it's really cold and I'm going to start with a quarter of a cup and then I'm just going to sprinkle that over the top you could also put it through your feed tube if you want but it's going to do it this way and then I'm just going to lap again pulse this and you don't want it to become like a ball of dough you just want clumps so that's that's how much you got to mix it I'm going to start I'll probably have to add a little more water but I'm just going to start with this that's not quite enough you know it's enough one because it starts to clump and the other is because when you put it in your hand and put it between your thumb and index finger it'll kind of stick together and that's not quite so what I'm going to do is just add a couple tablespoons more of water I'm going to do just a little at a time now okay [Music] that's almost there it's just starting to clump so I'm just going to add about one more tablespoon okay that's good as you can see it's sticking together when I in my hand so that's that side so what I'm going to do is just down empty this right on the counter and then I'm just going to gather it up you can see it's now sticking together nicely now this will make enough for either a to crusted pie or to singles so what I'm going to do isn't getting all like that and I'm just going to divide it in half if you have a scale you could actually weight the two sides make sure the equal amount but I'm just going to eyeball this you need to tell by the weight your hand so that's about right so now what I'm going to do is just wrap it in some plastic wrap now you'll need to chill this for about an hour before rolling note because that will relax the gluten in the flour and it also firm up the butter and that way we'll be able to roll it out really easily now you could freeze this you could wrap it up and then just put it in your freezer for a month or so or you could even put it in the fridge for a few days so there you go just put in about a five-inch oh 12 centimeter round because that'll make it easier to roll it into a circle for our pie it's one okay pop this in the fridge for about an hour and then we'll I'll show you how to roll it out and put it into your pie pan our pie dough has chilled for about an hour and now I'm going to roll it out as you can see there's little specks of butter and that's way it should be so don't worry if you have like little large clumps because that'll be fine so what you want to do is rub the ear counter top with some flour we don't want the pie dough to stick to the counter and you also want to just put a little on top of the pie dough and also on your rolling pin now if it's you find it it won't roll easily just let it sit on the counter because if it's too cold and just let it sit on your counter for about five minutes before trying to roll so what you want to do is roll from the center out and you want to keep moving the dough around so it doesn't stick to the counter and if you have to like put more flour on the counter or your rolling pin just do it move it around and if it kind of cracks like that just just put it back together still a little cold and just keep moving it around try to keep it in a round shape for your pie pan and if there's the ends like the the edges if they're a little ragged that's alright because we're going to be cutting those off anyways once we get them but just try to keep it in a fairly round shape as best as you can now this just takes a little practice if you have a hard time rolling out and it kind of falls apart you can just kind of put it back together as best as you can the practice does make perfect with the pastry-making so just I'm going to just put down a little more looking it around and Sam just turning it that way you won't stick and just it's kind of getting out of the round shape and then feel the dough to make sure like it's even sickness we want about an eighth of an inch and so I just kind of you can kind of just feel with your hand if the certain parts like in the center that get a little or too thick this is a really great pie dough for fruit pies it's all actually called a pat bruised a if you want a technical name now I'm going to just see if this is going to be larger you can use there's a couple different types of pie plates I usually use as pirates or I like to use this you could even use a metal one and I just put it upside down and you want to inch or so larger than the end so as you can see I think I'll just do it just to touch more make sure that's good so now what I do is I just loosely roll it around my rolling pin and I always have a pastry brush so that if there's flour on the dough I can just lightly brush it off so you have too much flour it make your pastry tough which is not what we want and then just gently unroll it on top of your pie plate like so and then I'm just going to gently fit it in here you want to make sure you get it down into the corners cause you don't want it to shrink as it bakes I'm just going to move this around now if you have trouble the first time that's really normal and if it falls apart just kind of put it back together and if you have a little hole here just take a little dough and just kind of press it like this maybe take a little water if you need the more you do the more you make pastry the better you will get so I'm just going to looks good let's make a picture take your index finger and just kind of make sure just kind of hold the dough up and make sure you get it in all the way around the inside rim this is a really nice crust to use for a quiche or tarts freeform tarts it's very good okay so then I'm just going to Pat it around the outside now some people just like to cut tuck the extra underneath like that you could do that or you could take a knife further and just kind of get rid of all the excess pastry and then you could take the tines of a fork and just kind of press all the way around or just press it in here or you could take your fingers like this and just take your thumb of the other and just kind of and get a flute I'll add all the way around there's all different ways to make the outside crust the best part I think if you find like here it's a little thin I could just take a little and just press it in there it's quite forgiving so okay now it's ready I like to chill this for at least a half hour or so before I fill it and bake it off so what I'm going to do is just cover with plastic and put it back in the fridge so there we have it pie crusts until next time I'm Stephanie Jaworski of joy baking calm [Music]
Channel: Joy of Baking
Views: 1,516,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pie Crust, pie, crust, baking, cookin, recipe, pie crust recipe, Pate Brisee, joyofbaking, joy of baking, Stephanie Jaworski, Rick Jaworski, Food, Cooking, Kitchen, Home Made, Demo, Dessert (Type Of Dish), Recipes, how to make pie crust, how to make pie dough, pie dough recipe, how to make pie
Id: HiVox7JDCpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2011
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