Easy Maple Cinnamon Roasted Butternut Squash

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hey everyone welcome to come sit at my table we're Tom and Melissa and we're really happy to have you here with us for this video today we are roasting a butternut squash now this is something that a lot of people shy away from they're not sure how to peel it they're not sure how to cut it up they aren't really sure what to do with it as far as cooking it so I thought we would roast this today and let you see how we enjoy having butternut squash but besides needing a butternut squash and you need one that's roughly three pounds this one's like almost three pounds not quite but close but besides needing a butternut squash you're also going to need one tablespoon of olive oil three tablespoons of pure maple syrup it just will not work as well if you use something like pancake syrup because it's not really real maple syrup so make sure you're using real maple syrup then you need two teaspoons of kosher salt if you use table salt something like just Morton salt you will need to cut this to about one teaspoon but if you have kosher salt two teaspoons you need one teaspoon of ground cinnamon and you need one half teaspoon of black pepper you're also going to need a baking sheet with a rimmed Edge and I like to use parchment paper on it just to keep anything from sticking and to make cleanup easier why would we not make our lives easier all right let's get started processing this butternut squash the first thing you do is cut off the very top and the bottom just want two and I I just roll mine it just kind of makes it easier to cut off so I just roll it and then cut through it and that can go to the compost pile then we're going to separate this bottom part that looks like a ball from the neck part and that just makes it a little easier to process so just right down through that now we need to peel it we've got to get this outer skin off of it and I have found the easiest way to do it is with a vegetable peeler and all you can do is just peel it away now you're going to see that underneath there is some green we really need to get that off too so we need to go all the way down until we hit the orange flesh because that green part is going to be bitter and you don't want that so just get rid of that sometimes I think it's easier to do several swipes and then go back and get rid of that green part this better knit squash came from one of my former students her name is Ashley one of my dare I say former favorite former students we're not allowed to say that that's right teachers can't have favorites Ashley is such a really cool neat person she's a beekeeper she's a full-time mom she homeschools her kids and they are the cutest kids they are so adorable their names are Margaret Anna and Ellie and they are just the cutest things ever and I'm so proud of Ashley for taking on all she does taking on beekeeping and being a full-time mom and homeschooling and we've actually had some of her honey before and it was really good oh my gosh her honey is so good but you know she takes really good care of her bees and that makes a difference I think so now we'll just peel the bottom part of the squash and same thing we're going to make sure we get off that green because it is better so Margaret Anna Ellie if you're watching this is the squash that your mom brought to us actually she brought us three this is just one of them and we sure do appreciate that great value in your gun too according to Ashley right Ashley planted these and said she didn't even really like them or know what to do with them but if you plant butternut squash according to Ashley around the perimeter of your garden raccoons will not come into your garden who knew so besides being delicious and nutritious and they are nutritious they're full of vitamin C and vitamin B but besides that they're really good at protecting your other plants in the garden so there is that okay this will all go to the compost pile yeah I should have hang on and I'll do that foreign now inside this ball part there are some seeds that we need to get out so we're just going to cut it in half we're going to take a spoon and scoop these out so we're just going to go right under there is a little tough no no seeds in your compost pile I might give these to my neighbor because he loves to grow things I don't know if you'll want better nut squash or not but we'll ask he doesn't want them and get rid of them okay there's one side and you do want to get all that I don't know what that is that stringy part let me get all that out there it's kind of like the inside of a pumpkin well it's it's a squash a pumpkin's a squash soup so very similar you just want to get all that out there if you've never processed a butternut squash don't let it intimidate you just the squash it's not a monster it's very simple you saw what I just did my goodness if I can do it anybody can do it okay now I'm going to save these for Ernie should have had something to put those on just lay them right here beside of us let's move those over there and I'll ask him later if he wants those they're slippery little suckers you know what I bet we could roast those and eat them I bet that would be good yeah like pumpkin seeds pepitas oh well Ashley brought me two more so I'll give Ernie some and we'll try roasting some now you want to take what's here and cut it into about one inch cubes so we're just going to cut it into about one inch pieces and then cut those into about one inch pieces and we just throw those in a big bowl we will put the rest of our stuff into it see it's not hard to do and I bet some of you have processed and cooked butternut squash and you probably have a favorite way to cook them so if you do let us know I have two more of these and I'm willing to try something new with them I really think I'd like to try a better net squash soup she did say that was her favorite way to have it but she didn't act like she was a huge fan of anything better than squash didn't she which I understand I have favorites and sometimes you have things you don't care for as much okay and we're gonna take a break while you do the other piece I don't care if you want to stay you can if you're gonna take a break you can I don't think it'll take long okay we'll just stick with you so right down the middle lay those down put them into about one inch strips that may not be quite wide enough close okay and then just put each of those into about one inch pieces this in half run away got him get this one in half we are going to roast these in a 400 degree oven so you will want to get your oven preheated when while you're processing these we'll leave these just a little bigger preheat your oven 400 degrees let it get started so when you get your butternut squash process it'll be ready to go okay and your pieces don't have to be perfect they just need to be approximately the same size so that they all bake evenly you don't want some that are not done that are still a little raw while the others are overdone so just make them approximately the same size that way they'll all bake at the same time some of those just want to run away don't they now I'm gonna move this out of the way and we'll start adding our other ingredients so we have a little bit of olive oil we're just going to put that on and Stir It Up try to get a little on each piece and here comes my favorite part the pure maple syrup you want to make sure that every piece has some maple syrup on it actually be nice if they were all coated with maple syrup because that makes it really good um and that maple syrup is in the bottom some of it so let's just keep tossing and make sure that everything gets coated and make sure every piece has that maple syrup on it all right now let's sprinkle in our salt I may not use all that it seems like a lot let's let's leave a little out just in case and our cinnamon I know you do that's why I put it all in there and just a half teaspoon of pepper and now toss that around get it on every piece what's it look like fall better knit squash is a late summer early fall thing to have some now we're going to take our what are you doing oh trying to get a picture okay now we don't what we want to do is to scoop these out and put them in a single layer you do not want them piled up on top of each other and really it's kind of best if you leave a little room between them so that the hot air can get between them and cook them so you know you might have a couple that are touching but if you can just kind of separate them kind of like your kids in the backseat of the car when they're picking on each other that was an interesting sounds like I know it about kids being in the backseat picking on each other that our kids ever do that honestly not right not really did they our kids always got along I don't remember ever having to separate them and you know her kids are still best friends it really is a blessing our kids love each other okay now I noticed you had a little bit left in the yeah there is a little bit there I'm probably I don't know should have drizzled it on there oh I can't remember from the past what you've been with it I don't think I did I don't remember doing that I don't think I'm going to it's really wonderful right now aren't they pretty they look like fall turnover I like them laying down more so that they touch the sheet I think they bake a little better if they're touching all laying down trying to separate them here okay now our oven's preheated so we're going in for 15 minutes after 15 minutes we're going to flip them over I'll just take a spatula and go under them and flip them and then we're going back in for another 10 to 15 until we can take a knife and go through them without any resistance so into the oven we go for 15 minutes our butternut squash was in for 15 minutes I took it out and flipped every one of them over put them back in the oven for another 10 minutes and now I think they're ready to come out [Applause] don't those look great and I think I am going to take this extra salt I had and just sprinkle it over top of them now that they've come out this is kosher salt by the way I think I did mention that but if you have a problem with salt if you're on a salt restricted diet by all means feel free to leave the salt off of these you do not have to use it does give a really good flavor though if you can have salt I'm sure that these are really hot but I really want to try one so all right let's see I've already burned the roof of my mouth on something else so I really don't want to burn it on this um that is so good they're soft but they're not mushy at all perfect I think that little bit of salt that I just put on there really helped them I can just taste that salt the cinnamon is great very good Maybe a little extra maple syrup drizzled over them but that's wonderful it's a great side dish and you saw how easy it was they're not hard to peel they're not hard to chop up so don't be afraid of a butternut squash if you've never fixed one on your own pick one up get one at a farmer's market or somewhere and fix it we do appreciate those of you that have subscribed to our Channel our channel is growing and we really do appreciate that you've hit that subscribe button if you haven't please do that for us and there's a little notification Bell right beside of it looks like a little dinner bell if you'll click that and then we're at all that just lets YouTube notify you every time we put up a new video so you never miss one also over on the other side right below this video if you would please click the thumbs up that just says you liked our video remember that right under this video there is a box where you'll see the title of this recipe if you click there where you see that title that box will expand Melissa always puts the written recipe for that dish in that box under each video in our contact information so feel free to click on that box and look at the recipe we do appreciate you watching and we appreciate those of you who have subscribed but most of all we want you to remember that you are always welcome to come sit at my table have a great day
Channel: Come Sit At My Table
Views: 24,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1qKZ71KbX8c
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Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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