Easy Made Still pt4. Shotgun Stills

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[Music] okay so what we're going to do now we're going to build one of those shotgun coils we already have the cook pot but we're going to change up the kind of coil that we're using the condenser so instead of using the normal jug stead of using this like I always do well I'll still use this but I'm gonna make up the shotgun style and for that way you can use a lot less copper there is ten feet of copper tubing and that coil over there and there's only two feet here and there's two feet here and this is much smaller diameter now it doesn't matter the main part is whatever coil that you have or whatever copper tubing that you have go with that it comes out of your still but for the other part whatever size that you can get that you can flex really easy like around a pencil or even slightly wider get that any size will do as long as you can easily flex it around so this is like super easy to flex because it's such a small diameter so what we're going to do first is first we're going to get a general shape of what we need and I went and I got Mauro this is two feet that's probably too much we're just going to bend it into a basic shape that's not bad and then we're going to take this and we're gonna take a starting point now the good thing about this is you can wait after you're done you can still flex it around and aim it aim the spout wherever you will need to use screwdriver and we're going to take this in want to take this end and we're going to start really close together and then all we got to do is take a real small hose clamp okay a little bit of a struggle but I got it on there so that's what we start out with when you're done you'll bend this end up and that'll be your water feed on the rest of this we just take this and we just loop it around [Music] all I'm doing is just guiding this with my fingers while I take this end and I twist it around [Music] okay now I want to take this other hose clamp let's light it over [Music] we need to pick a spot needle spot and take that down [Music] okay so now I have that done [Applause] now again what I did was just I started hose clamping one end and I found that if I took the end of the screwdriver out and just used the screwdriver like that that worked much better I almost killed my fingers trying to get that with just a normal screwdriver so if you have a slightly larger diameter that you're using it'll they'll help a little bit so again just amp you through driver or socket or wrench and do that like that but once you get that tight you just guide with one end while twisting it with the other just like that and that's how I did this whole thing after I got all that on I was going to put one hose clamp on it but then he said now but put one in the middle too now this is just trial and error so I didn't know how long two feet would go so here the spacing is a bit large and over here the spacing is quite a bit smaller and when I saw with how much extra that I was going to end up with I just started tightening up the coils so something to consider this should work just fine this will work even better so keep that in mind and you probably want to try to get these as tight as possible you're probably happy just getting this thing started at first and then quickly bring in the spacing so we have a nice tight hose clamp here a nice tight a nice tight hose clamp here at a nice tight hose clamp here so now the first part is almost done now what we got to do is we got to get this thing mounted now for my still I have the pressure fitting so we have to put that on there and the olive and once I get that tightened down with a wrench that olive will stay on there but right now it's a little loose so we'll leave that will be grill gentle with that okay so now the next thing that we have to do we have to get our water line to the still this is our water line this curl is our water line so now we're going to have an inlet and outlet and we're going to choose this end as the inlet to have the coldest water and this end being the outlet for the water being warmed reason being is you know it's progressive we start here hottest and then it should gradually cool more and more and more and more and more by the time it gets to here it should be ice-cold same with the coil still as the coil gets down that part's heating first and then the water at the bottom is still ice-cold so with that same principle we want to make sure that this end is colder than this end so now to feed the water I have this this goes on the end of the faucet I saw this at the local hardware store and I said I need a piece of plastic tubing it'll fit over that and they said okay there that size will work and that's perfect so I said alright get me a chunk and that's what I use for the coil still and so all I did was hack off like just an inch or so of that that's all we need to start and then we don't need any special adapters all we gotta go why you got to do it just okay give me the next size holes that fits into that there you go there if the next size hole if it's a net then you say give me the next size song that fits into that and they they okay there you go now give me the next size holes that fits into that and finally when you get small enough and if you don't have an exact measure an exact fit like this is nowhere near an exact fit we're going to use some of this this is shoe goo this is in the shoe area of a local store I found this at Walmart you might find it at Meijer a lot of stores should carry this in the shoe aisle pretty pretty close to like the doctor Scholl's stuff accessories are shoe laces and stuff this is great stuff this is like a combination of super glue and caulk I have used this to fix numerous things I've fixed a fan blade with this stuff and it is still holding out so what we will do is we will take all these ends and we'll just caulk them all together we do not need I don't like the look of this this is just too long for all these ends so I'm going to snip off a good length of each I mean you never know when a replacement now I did was get a foot of each and like two foot of this and the guy asked me why do you want a conservative footer or liberal foot no well it doesn't matter with a copper I said give me a liberal foot I said you could go conservative on this so we'll just take these ends we want to make sure this stuff doesn't fall apart because it'll be under pressure take the excess beat it around covering both ends like once done trying to get some on the inside as I'm doing this I see that wants to go a lot further so we're gonna let it make sure we have connections that stay one more time this one [Music] [Music] okay there we go we have our adapter now for this this does not fit into there perfectly but we don't need it too well we have this stuff to fill the gap and once this sets it is permanent [Music] [Music] now to ensure that we have a blocked end ends which this little and we could have very easily done we'll just simply blow into one end and see we did we did have some blockage there also take an old chopstick I use this for letting my kerosene heater fly it's all black [Music] I just want to smooth everything out okay that is perfect we will let this sit for a good couple hours and it should be set well enough you get really got to let this set a day or two if you're like using the industrial properties of this I mean this is this is supposed to fill in the heel of your shoe so you got to let that set for like 48 hours for that but it will set much quicker than that for like a temporary setting so we'll get back to that when it hardens okay now what we have to do is you have to increase the amount of heat transfer from one to the other so we have proofing we have some solid now yes this is just regular solder nothing is going on the inside ball going on the outside nothing is ever going to touch however you know for safety reasons by all means usually safer silver solder that contains zero legs and you could also you don't need to use the propane torch I have been able to solder using a heat gun there about twenty dollars if you look the hardware store and they will put out a lot of heat let's just have to be the first thing that I found and this is just for demonstration now we shouldn't have to get father on the whole thing the father is an act is feeling anything just adding metal and the extra metal no grant for repeat from one pipe to the other much more efficient and that could be ten times better than what it was we shouldn't have to solder the whole thing you just have a point that each to the hoop where the heat is actually being transferred okay so now I've decided to let this set overnight it was dry enough in these spots but here that required a little more time now it's everything's good and set because remember we're taking we're taking the pressure off your pipes and then we're just reducing it down and reducing it down so there's going to be a bit of pressure on here so we want to make sure this doesn't come apart so now we're ready to try this now we just take this thing we go put it on the faucet and then all we have to do just slide that on there and maybe have some kind of a clamp on there like a bread tie should do it or a zip tie okay so now we'll put this end works just like a normal faucet with that on there so it stays on all the time now I'm going to cut exactly what I need when I slide this over this and I am just going to cut what I need my stool is right over there so I'm just going to cut length that I need thread this through give myself a little slack up there around there and finally there we ran the holes we've gone up here just to hold it come down here you want to keep it away from the flame melt so now we'll just take this wrap it around there once twice just to hold it in place and that should be a good amount right there so I'll cut it right there I've got plenty of slack oh I get back take that we just slide it over the copper as much as physically possible then we deal with the same with this one with the other line left over line and we just run this back into the sink now the moment of truth let's see if it works well we had the leak just like I predicted we might so we will get a little reinforcement going on here try a zip tie show that as good as far as you can if you want to put an actual hose clamp on here by all means do so once one to see how much we could get away with all right that should stay there we go and it's already running through I'm coming back out this side well then you turn this on just the trickle to keep it going so if you keep it on full-blast you're asking for a leak now we'll turn that off for now and what we'll do we'll heat up the old standby here I still use that just for the vinegar steaming just to get my coil cleaned out [Music] wait for this to steam up [Music] shouldn't take too long now if we want we can remove the hose clamps now because now we got solder holding everything in place and all that it get to a full boil I'll see the water dripping off there is just from the little bit of heat transfer that we're getting from the air a little bit of air that the heat is absorbed into is resulting in that if there was zero heat transfer there would be zero condensation all right now we'll turn this down to respectable distilling level again and we'll turn the water on just a trickle [Music] this instantly cools off and we are flowing yes we have a lot of heat transfer now still a touch warm but doing pretty good turn up you only have the faucet on a trickle so we'll just turn the faucet up a little bit more get a little more water flowing through there oh yeah that's ice-cold now before you could feel the heat here and the cold in the smaller line now the whole thing is cold we have lots of heat transfer going on and up here this is cold we dialed you dial our water I'm just a trickle see what we're doing let's do it pretty well as long as you're cold when you get down to here you're good right up here medium and we get up here there is only a slight warmth to it the water that's coming out of the end there that's going down the drain and it's cool but it's not cold we have plenty of heat transfer now now let's try cranking this up to full blast [Music] [Music] now we're still cold down here still cold ish the swirl line is cold that's hot the steam pipe is hot but the oil pipe is doing well and now the water that's coming off of here is warm not hot not cold but warm so what is handling everything that we can put out see my hand when we take this down to the barest trickle of water running through now see that's getting hot so we need we need a little more pressure we just need a little birth pressure [Music] and again yeah there you go now since since the initial design that I thought would work didn't work and that was just that all we needed to was the coil that around there all we need to do and this will save you some pipe and that's to get one pipe and put it on top of the other plant when we don't have to twist it just take one and lay it on the other and solder it at points like that which you see work very well so we can simplify this design even further the amount the amount of tubing that I have here could be a bit shorter we could see feeling how cold that is we probably could take about 10 inches off of it if you wanted now you should still work good but no I like it I like it the way it comes all the way down to here but if we wanted to add more solder points to this go up and down the bottom and add more additional solder points to it the heat transfer will just increase and you can you can shorten the pipe so there we go [Music] and that is working at full bore which is way above what you run the still at anyways and it is keeping keeping up with the still [Music] there we go [Music] hot water make tea you
Channel: Westcoast Exterminator
Views: 25,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beverage, moonshine, wcemichael, distilation, invention, distillation apparatus, high-proof, distilled spirits, mixture distillation, materials distillation, especcially distillation, easy build moonshine, early english smugglers, liquid mixtures, illegal distillation, appalachian distillation, tennessee whiskey, white whiskey, separation process, alcohol content, scale stills, steel soup pot, stove top moonshine, alcohol, still, distilling, distill
Id: OoaCX9iGNDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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