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let's save some money today I'm going to give you actual real life Frugal hacks Frugal tips that work and they are going to help you save thousands and thousands of doll hairs so without further Ado hook me up with no not one of those without further Ado hook me up with a thumbs up just click that like button it's free you can do it for free right now and let's get started I am going to give you right now my best saving money hacks Frugal Living these will make the biggest difference in your financial life and we're gonna kick it off with the one I might get the most pushback on are you ready for this I don't think you're ready how about moving to a cheaper area or a crazy lady I know it sounds totally crazy my friends today in this video I am not going to ask you to do anything that I have not done myself in search of better paying jobs and lower cost of housing and lower cost of living my family moved across the country four times in the course of our marriage and raising kids trying to seek out the best jobs the least cost of living and where those connect if you've only ever lived on let's call it the East Coast you have no idea how inexpensive it is to live in other places there are some parts of the country like let's call it Kentucky okay if you've never been to Kentucky it's gorgeous it is absolutely stunning scenery and the cost of living is so low your jaw will be dropped I understand you want to stay with family you want to stay with friends I get it but if you are truly struggling with money moving to a less expensive area especially if you can keep your salary and work remote will serve you the biggest this is like number one biggest tip is move to a cheaper cost of living this next one I think is one that any anybody can do and it's to do a no spend day slash week slash month if you don't think you can go an entire month try a week can you go an entire week without spending on anything other than Necessities I mean like fill up the gas in your car get necessity groceries milk eggs bread you know things like that you're not buying shrimp you're not buying brie cheese you're not buying wagyu beef how the heck do you pronounce that anyway wait beef if you don't think you can go an entire week do one day what else can you do with your time what else can you do to entertain yourself maybe pick up a book don't have a book hit up the library it's free step away from Amazon Amazon Prime same day delivery I personally think that a week is a good starting point I don't think a day is quite long enough and one month is a very very very long time the next one is to actually plan for your financial future and that does mean things like life insurance if you have not gotten life insurance yet I highly highly recommend you pause this video right now and go research it and sign up for it today if you're looking for which company to go through fabric by Gerber Life provides an easy One-Stop shop for all of your family's financial needs offering high quality term life insurance policies plus other Financial Solutions in one easy online Hub fabric was designed by parents for parents to help you get a high quality surprisingly affordable term life insurance policy in less than 10 minutes it could take you less than 10 minutes to apply see your quote and then personalize your quote to fit your family's needs you could be offered coverage instantly no Health exam required they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee you can cancel at any time if you want to it was designed to give parents like you and like the affordable term life insurance Wills access to college saving funds and more all in an online easy experience protect your family today with fabric by Gerber Life apply today in just 10 minutes at meetfabric.com frugalfit Mom that's meatfabric.com frugalfitmom m-e-e-t fabric.com it's the first link down in the doobly-doo below thank you to fabric and let's get back to more money saving tips if you want to save money you should probably start shopping second hand I know what you're thinking Christina don't have great thrift stores where I am they're too expensive the items are broken I get it I actually don't love thrift stores myself as the ones in my area are no good either but you know what we all have Facebook Marketplace I was perusing Facebook Marketplace today just to see what was going on and they had some amazing deals that I could recommend number one I saw a brown leather like pull out couch 75 it looks just like that like Scandinavian look with the wood and the white and the black and the brown couches you know what I'm saying 75 you don't have a truck to go pick it up this girl was offering delivery for five extra dollars so for eighty dollars you could get a brown leather couch with a pull out and you don't even have to pick it up yourself you know what else I saw I saw a Cuisinart air fryer twenty dollars someone bought it decided they didn't want it tried to recoup some of their money I saw an 07 Honda Pilot with a hundred and fifty thousand miles Don't Run Away Don't Run Away guys for like six grand had leather heated seats a sunroof a hitch four wheel drive car if I didn't already have a pilot I would buy that pilot today and mine has like 160 000 miles I would drive it across the country tomorrow you can buy cars and furniture and household goods and clothes and shoes and kitchen appliances and save a ton of money check your bank account regularly there's something I feel like everyone should know know and that's how much money is in their bank account how much you get paid and which items have cleared and which ones have not you should be checking on your bank account every day or every couple of days if you know it's the 15th and you get paid on the 15th go check it out and see what's going on in your bank account and I know it can be scary if you're not used to looking at things like that however the knowledge of what's actually going on is far better than the fear of what the heck is going on there are endless apps to help you with this you can make spreadsheets you can just log on to your bank and go take a look at it knowledge is power my friends you like my hair you like my haircut it's nice right looking fresh Sleek Fleek on fleek as the internet says space out your haircuts your hair colorings space them out are you used to going every four weeks go every six weeks usually go every eight weeks go every 12 weeks I'm clearly trying to grow mine out a little bit and because all I need right now is a little trim on the ends to keep the split ends at Bay I I can get a friend to do that I can get my no I'm not gonna get my husband to do that but I could get a friend to do that especially if I bribe them with candy that being said if you go to a hair place and you have someone do your hair please don't be a cheapskate when it comes to the tip like make sure you tip your service providers also if you have sons it's so easy to learn to cut boys hair get a set of Clippers like 30 from Walmart you can upgrade once you really figure it out watch a couple of YouTube videos and practice and the younger your son's the better because when they're really young they don't care that much and then by the time they're older you've gotten a lot better at it my boy's haircuts could cost Thirty thirty five dollars a pop and they need their haircuts like every three weeks so I'm saving a ton of money by having the skills to do it myself to get bonuses at work if so give me one of these in the comments and also you're you're pretty lucky to be able to get bonuses do you ever get cash gifts Christmas birthdays Grandma and Grandpa send you a check Mom and Dad send you some cash in an envelope do you ever get those kinds of things if you do thank you save them you can either save them in an emergency fund you can pay off debt with them or you can put it towards larger sinking funds or larger Financial goal purchases let's say you want a hot tub you get a bonus you get a financial gift you're shoveling it you're shovel shovel off shovel up Shuffle you're shoveling it into the savings for the hot tub you don't know how you're gonna pay for Christmas this year but you got a 500 bonus from work save it that's how you're paying for Christmas just because you get a bonus doesn't mean you're like I'm Johnny Cash time to run to Disney and go on a cruise no make sure your financial goals are being taken care of first I'm standing by my pantry and refrigerator because it wouldn't be a real Christine video if we didn't talk about the food and the changes we can make with food so the first thing I'm going to mention is be careful about your protein choices maybe cut them out completely this salmon way more expensive than this pork roast we're talking six to ten dollars a pound on the salmon pork roast I can find for 9 a pound if it's on sale up to three dollars a pound you want to save even more beans the magical fruits magic beans that's what they are I did a budget video where I showed like a simple easy way to cook dried beans I will leave that below if you want to check it out but beans are an awesome source of carbs fiber and protein zero fat until you add fat into it which I recommend in the form of bacon fat you want to go one vegetarian meal a week just to test it out go for it you don't want to try dried beans go with canned beans less than a tenth of the cost and probably a third of the cost of the pork and if you find it for food does not taste good here are the two things that you need to make it taste better butter and salt cannot go wrong maybe some fresh pepper not willing to give up your restaurants that's fine don't give up your restaurants but I would recommend splitting your meals especially if you live in the United States have you been to a restaurant in the United States the portions are like bigger than my face and they're getting more and more expensive so number one stop ordering drinks just drink water at the restaurant you don't need to pay four dollars for a soda you don't need to pay ten dollars for like a mixed Frozen mango smoothie oh it does just stick with the water it's gonna be fine and then get your meal and split it with whoever you're with you'll feel better you'll save money as an example let's use Texas Roadhouse because it's one I kind of actually have uh closest to where I am this is what we like to do me and my husband we go to Texas Roadhouse the rolls are free okay they bring them to your table we order water water with lemon if you're sassy we order the porterhouse right here it is 32 it's got a filet on one side a New York strip on the other side it's 23 ounces and it comes with two sides I order a side salad and a baked potato it comes out we cut it in half my husband gets the strip side with the baked potato I get the salad and the filet side we share some rolls we do the tip we are out of Texas Roadhouse with a steak dinner for two for 40 dollars what's happening stop it stop it maybe a little less depending on how you tip I like to tip a good amount you don't want to pay the tip do pick up less than 40 for a steak dinner at a restaurant and that is by splitting splitting the meal no drinks and taking advantage of that free bread uh feels a little crazy in here and I don't really have time to make dinner tonight so what if I just started pulling stuff out and it's crazy dinner night have you instituted one of those fend for yourself night Smorgasbord Knight New England blue plate or the uh Vermont Smorgasbord there's some leftover pasta so someone's eating that grapes let's rinse these up this is our appetizer hummus excellent let's get out some crackers and we'll have a hummus and cheese course all I'm doing is pulling stuff out of the fridge that would have otherwise gone bad or be thrown away and having like random dinner night and to help you with situations like this or to avoid dinner situations like that don't forget to meal plan meal planning and sticking to your ticket I mean list my list here that we're having this week in case you wanted to know I have a coconut curry soup barbecue country ribs and potatoes Korean beef bowls Mexican meatloaf and mashed potatoes and corns I have a bunch of canned corn the last day is fend for yourself left overnight need new meal ideas check out my website for gofitmom.com you need recipe tutorials check out the over 500 cooking videos I have here on my channel I'll put a whole playlist down in the description box for you if you want to go check out any of those videos later raise your income okay hold up hold up before you go jumping on that keyboard to leave me a nasty comment right now okay okay it is possible and it requires a paradigm shift that I didn't have myself when I was in my 20s and early 30s I had to totally change the way I thought about jobs income and possibilities and here's what I've learned you want to raise your income at your current profession switch companies I am telling you that is the fastest way to make more money number two maybe there's a job that you didn't know existed and you're only going to find that job if you talk to people they used to call it networking but I'm saying just talk to your friends hey so-and-so I'm kind of looking for a thing here my skills have you heard anything I have so many friends that have found jobs that way into areas they didn't even know existed or that they were good at or that they could do and now they're making three times the amount of money that they ever thought possible if you think you can only make fifty thousand dollars doing XYZ job I know people in my real life who make a hundred and fifty did you notice I didn't even say get a side hustle that is always an option I've done it myself and I love it for short-term financial goals however I don't want you to work 10 jobs for the rest of your life I don't want that for you so I'm gonna push you to the first two things I said think outside the box talk to people you know and switch companies you just have to find the right opportunity and you will not find those on indeed.com you will not find those on LinkedIn you have to get out there and hunt but they're there next is to track everything one of my favorite budget shows is till death do us part money money money money because one of the main things that she teaches them is that they track every penny every time they spend something they put that receipt in the jar they write it down they spend 52 cents on a stamp they write it down and those tiny little purchases it's the Starbucks it's the light bulbs it's the toilet paper before you know it you've spent 500 and you have nothing to show for it tracking everything gives you so much information about your personal habits and where your money goes that it's easier to make future decisions based on past performance and the very last tip I have for you today is probably the most important and that is to work your own plan I have different financial goals than you and you have different financial goals than me and that doesn't mean either one of us is wrong it just means we're different from each other so if you see something I'm doing that doesn't make sense for you don't do it and you might be doing some Financial goal that's not important to me but but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it either try to ignore what the people in your life are doing with their money and do your thing do your plan follow your goals those are my tips to save money really really fast that actually work and one more reminder if you don't have life insurance yet this is when you cannot wait on use my link in the description to try out fabric by Gerber Life thanks to them for sponsoring today's video thank you to you for hanging out with me today I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 186,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frugal living tips, frugal hacks, frugal living tips and ideas, frugal living hacks, frugal living, saving money tips, frugal, frugal living ideas, ffm, frugal fit mom, frugal habits, frugal tips, budget, large family, grocery budget, frugal living habits, how to save money, frugal living tips with big impact
Id: 2a5-OR7JSvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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