Easy first steps to clear mental clutter

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hey everybody how's it going I'm Steph welcome back to the secret slob Channel I say back because it's been a long time since I posted a new video so right now I'm really interested in getting my whole life my whole life really organized in a way that is calm and peaceful and just keeps my life really feeling calm and peaceful so today I'm going to start with the first thing that's really been a struggle for me and that is mental clutter mental clutter is that ongoing list that builds up in your head of all the things you have to do haven't done should do could do would do want to buy groceries you still need to buy things you want to do things you've seen that you like something you need to remember to say to a friend just all that stuff and I'm a mom and if you have kids like me you know that that list just gets exponentially larger when you are responsible for other people and I guess not just moms maybe your job you have lots of responsibilities or maybe you're responsible for taking care of a family member or friend we all have this mental load and it's so important to find a system that works for you to keep it all to a minimum in your head the very first thing I'm going to do is get a notebook and this does not have to be a fancy planner you not have to go out and spend a lot of money even just a piece of loose leaf or blank paper or scrap paper whatever just don't go and make this too much let's just keep it simple this is just an old notebook that I bought at the dollar store and I'm going to use this page it's blank and I'm going to start by just writing down everything that's sitting here in my mind that I know I need to remember okay I've done my list it's got a lot of personal stuff on it but that's okay it really feels like already there's a little weight off my shoulders it's down on paper so as we move on to the next step keep it open and as you think of things or as things come up or as you remember things just add them to the page and we'll deal with that later the second thing I'm going to use and I love this one is my calendar and you could use a day planner or you could use a calendar app on your phone but what's really been working well for our family lately is our giant fridge calendar so I'll go get it okay so this is my massive family calendar it's got magnets on the back so it sticks to our fridge over there I rate every single thing that applies to anyone in our family schedule on here from big things like vacations and days off to tiny little things like remember to phone people or you plan a play date with so and so everything I write everything down so here's a month that I haven't written in it's nice and big like I say it's huge and every person in our family that can read so me my husband and my oldest daughter always have a really good idea of what's going on if you have more than just you living in your family I highly recommend getting a shared calendar whether it's electronic or a big one like this so that everybody knows this has cut down on so many communication problems between me and my husband where we just don't know what each other is planning it's on the calendar it's like written in stone and it's happening and we both respect what each other has written on the camera so I really recommend this so what I also like to do is quickly go back through my emails and junk a bunch of them that are junk and also if there's things in there with appointments or dates transfer them to the calendar if there's things that need to be done transfer them to the to-do list so what I'm going to do now is go back to the previous months and fill out this month's calendar with all of the things that I know are recurring I'm doing every single month I know they're going to happen okay now my calendar is all full I have everything down I'm feeling so much lighter already I have my list here going with all the things I was thinking of as I was filling out my calendar and as I was going through my emails and going through my phone it's all here if you want to take this a step further and organize your list into separate categories maybe you have like to buy and groceries and to do and projects that's a great idea it definitely will help kind of fine tune and help you keep things organized but if you're just brand new to organizing or if you just feel like you don't have the energy to do extra stuff don't get stuff out onto a piece of paper make sure it's not a piece of paper that's going to get lost keep it safe and keep that going at all times you can reference it you know once a week once a day whatever for things that have gotten done or things you need to remember and then transfer everything onto your calendar that has a timeline or a date associated with it this has helped me so much and clear figuring out some of that mental clutter I'm not perfect things still get forgotten but if I am able to keep up with these two things it makes a massive difference for me so I hope you found this helpful let me know what you're doing to clear mental clutter if you have any awesome tricks leave them in the comments below I know I go through them and so do other people I found some of my best organizing tricks in the comments from you alright I will talk to you very soon bye-bye
Channel: The Secret Slob
Views: 36,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mental clutter, mental minimalism, get organized, clear mental clutter, overwhelmed, to-do list, how to organize your life, brain dump
Id: Bi4Z6BT_MsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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