Easy English Lessons for Beginner Level - BASIC English Speaking Conversation Lessons

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lesson one nice to meet you activity one hello my name is john rawlings i'm maria santos nice to meet you nice to meet you too miss santos where are you from i'm from los angeles and you i'm from boston activity two message one hello this is two one two five five five eight please leave a message hi linda this is charles brady my number is 908 555 7 thank you bye message two this is thompson limited please leave your name and number thank you hello this is mr tanaka from selco corporation my number is 312-555-8607 please call me back thank you goodbye message three hi this is susan please leave your name and number and i'll call you back thanks hi susan this is jim call me bye listen to i'd like the steak please activity one what would you like for dinner i'd like the steak please and for you sir i'd like the chicken with rice please right away activity 2 conversation a good morning what would you like i'd like pancakes please would you like coffee or tea tea please conversation b what would you like this morning scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice please tea or coffee coffee please lesson three what do you do activity one where do you work ellen i work at game time software what do you do i'm a programmer oh how interesting activity two one hi i'm beatrice i work for infosys i write software programs two hi my name is brian mcdowell i teach english to business students three my name's theresa carter i work at belmont bank i manage the bank it's a good job four hello i'm marco i work for the city's newspaper i write articles and interview people it's hard work but i like it activity 3. good afternoon peachtree computer service can i help you yes do you sell laptops yes we do great what are your hours we're open from nine to six what's your address 6210 main street thanks a lot bye listen four how much is it activity one can i help you yes i'm looking for this suit in a size 12. here you are how much is it 195 pounds activity 2. you for calling land's end may i take your order yes hello i'd like item number 7397-3c46 in true red the mock sweater what size small please and your next item please that's all just one item your name laura almeida and your address mrs almeida it's four 4789 maple avenue lawrenceville new jersey zero eight six four eight okay and your credit card number five two eight nine nine zero zero seven 3249 expiration date 1205. thank you for your order have a nice day thank you lesson five have a nice trip activity one hi carla how are you great i'm going on vacation where are you going to madrid i'm leaving on friday that's wonderful have a nice trip activity two where are you going on vacation sumi oh i don't know i'd like to go to a warm country how about thailand what's the weather like in thailand in the summer it's hot and rainy i like hot weather but i don't like rain well what about rio that's not a bad idea lesson six how do i get there activity one excuse me is there a bank near here yes there's one next to rosen's department store how do i get there go straight ahead two blocks it's on the right thanks a lot you're welcome activity two a excuse me do you know where the train station is go down market street turn right at the third light that's 10th street go one block up 10th street the station is on the right thank you you're welcome b pardon me where is city hall it's behind the shopping center on chestnut street how far is that not far go two blocks down broad street and turn left at the stop sign go past the shopping center and turn right on the little street behind it great thanks see how do i get to 95 south at the next stop sign make a right that's a one-way street then you come to a traffic light make a left onto route 31 north and stay there for about five miles then you'll see the sign for ninety five thanks a lot activity three carom export import hi where are you located we're at 12 spring street and how do i get there from union square do you know where the bus station is yes i do we're right across the street from it great thanks lesson seven my husband's name is steve activity one are you married yes i am my husband's name is steve do you have any children we have a son and a daughter what are their names michael and mary here's a picture of them activity 2 a what does your brother look like he has blonde hair and green eyes is he tall or short he's tall and how old is he he's young he's 21 years old b what does your boss look like she has gray hair and brown eyes is she tall or short she's short and how old is she i think she's 55. activity 3 a i'm married and i have three children two girls and a boy my wife my daughters and my son have blonde hair but my hair is brown b i'm married and i'm a grandmother i'm short my husband is tall my husband and i have gray hair we have five grandchildren c i'm not married i'm divorced and i have a son he's 10 years old d i'm not married i'm single but i have a girlfriend she's short and has black hair i have black hair too e i'm single i'm 34 years old i'm tall and blonde activity 4 hello hi mark it's me hi mom what's up your father and i would like to come for a visit we'd like to see our grandchildren oh and you and emily of course that's great mom when can you come how about next weekend sure next weekend is great lesson 8 what can you do activity 1. do you still work at the help desk nicole no i'm an assistant web designer now good for you thanks i finished an art and design course last year then i got the new job that's great nicole activity 2. toshi you weren't at the office yesterday where were you i was out of town in philadelphia were you there on business yes i was there with my boss we were at celetex celetex celetex is our new client we were there from 10 in the morning to 8 at night that's a long day yes it sure was and we're going back next week lesson nine let's meet at 6 30. activity 1 would you like to go to the music festival tomorrow night i have two tickets sounds great what time it starts at seven o'clock at center stadium let's meet in front of the stadium at 6 30. okay see you then activity 2 let's do something tonight how about a movie what's playing let's see summer romance is at the odeon and galactic adventure is at the rialto galactic adventure sounds good what time does it start there are shows at seven and nine thirty let's go to the seven o'clock show and get something to eat after the movie sounds good to me lesson ten what's the matter activity one are you okay jill you look terrible i feel terrible what's the matter i have a bad headache did you take some aspirin yes i did but it's not working i hope you feel better soon activity2 telco may i help you hi amanda this is tony tony what's the matter you don't sound too good i'm not coming to work today i have a bad cold did you call a doctor yes i have an appointment at 11 o'clock well i hope you get better soon thanks amanda bye goodbye lesson eleven can we meet tomorrow activity one hi luis can we meet to discuss the borg project sure when would you like to get together how about tomorrow morning sorry tomorrow morning's not good for me are you busy tomorrow afternoon i'm free from 2 to 3 30. does that work for you sure does activity 2 hello may i speak to elena please i'm sorry she's not here right now could i leave her a message sure may i have your name and the message please tell her i can't meet her on friday i need to reschedule okay does she have your number yes she does she can call me at work all right i'll give her the message mr sato thank you bye lesson 12 i love mexican food activity one let's go out for dinner tonight okay where do you want to go how about the new sushi restaurant oh i had lunch there yesterday with susan then how about the mexican place in oak street sounds great i love mexican food activity 2. derrick what i really like are snacks you know peanuts potato chips candy i guess i like things that are salty or sweet no salads for me i'd much rather have junk food even when i eat a regular meal i usually add salt most foods just aren't salty enough for me andy what's my favorite kind of food i guess i'm a meat and potatoes kind of guy i like to eat steak and hamburgers i also eat a lot of pasta french fries and potatoes i don't eat very much fish or chicken amanda my favorite kind of food i eat a lot of fruit and vegetables i love salads i don't eat very much chicken or meat but i eat fish once or twice a week activity three walk on fire may i help you i'd like to order a takeout dinner please yes what would you like to order let's see i'd like some wonton soup one wonton soup and the beef with broccoli please okay i'd like a couple of side dishes too one order of egg rolls and the calamari egg rolls and calamari okay anything else no that's all okay your order will be ready in 30 minutes thank you bye lesson thirteen what do you do there activity one so you work at exact wireless yes that's right how do you like it it's very interesting i'm working on three different projects at the moment and what do you do i'm a project manager oh i see budget schedules and weekly reports to the vice president of operations [Laughter] activity 2. albert my company makes airplane parts i supervise 20 people in our chicago factory it's a hard job and there's a lot of stress i'd like to find some other kind of work cynthia i'm the director of human resources at a large financial services company it's my job to help all our employees do their jobs it's not easy but i enjoy it i like working with people ricardo i work for a software development company it's a cool job we create multimedia games i write code that's what we call writing software it's a lot of fun karen i work in the accounting department of a large clothing store i have to pay the bills and make sure we get paid most people think my job is boring but it's not boring to me i like working with numbers lesson 14 may i help you activity one may i help you we were just looking we're having a sale on electronics today tvs and stereo equipment are all 20 off if we get a new tv we'll have to buy a cabinet for it no problem we're having a sale on furniture too really what floor is that on right upstairs third floor activity two you always wear such nice clothes janet where do you shop well different places i buy some clothes at department stores but my nicest clothes come from some of the smaller stores downtown aren't their clothes more expensive not always not when they're on sale and i think the quality is better do you ever buy clothes online not very often i know that you can find some good prices online but i like to look at clothes and try them on before i buy them lesson 15 i'd like to make a reservation activity one stanton hotel reservations may i help you yes i'd like to make a reservation for which nights january 7th through the 10th and for how many people just myself yes we have rooms for those nights would you like a single room or a double activity two conversation a come in how many bags sir these two suitcases and that bag over there shall i take them to the lobby sir no to the front door please a taxi is picking me up conversation b i'd like to order some lunch can you bring it to my room yes of course what would you like to order let's see could you bring me a salad a turkey sandwich and a coke certainly your room number ma'am 5 12. conversation c housekeeping uh can you come back later i'm leaving in about 20 minutes yes sir conversation d hello i'd like to get some information about restaurants there are several excellent restaurants near the hotel what kind of food do you like i like italian and french food there's a wonderful italian restaurant just two blocks from here shall i call them to make a reservation for you thank you that would be great activity three fairmont hotel good evening hello could i ask you about your rooms of course what would you like to know do you have any non-smoking rooms yes we do most of our rooms are non-smoking are the rooms very large all our rooms are doubles with two queen size beds oh that's great what is the price of your rooms the rate is 175 a night and do you have a restaurant in the hotel yes we have both a restaurant and a coffee shop thank you very much for the information you're very welcome bye lesson 16 one way or round trip activity one excuse me how often do trains go to washington every half hour the next one leaves at 305 and how long does it take to get there about two and a half hours would you like a ticket yes i would one way or round trip one way please that'll be 76 and where do i catch the train on track 11. activity two announcement a this is the a line to middleburg with stops at walnut grove neville park and the civic center transfer at the civic center for the b line the doors are closing announcement b for transcom flight number 1238 please board at gate number 32. announcement c the 8 30 bus for cleveland is now boarding at gate number 16. this is an express bus with stops in utica and syracuse only gate 16 for the 8 30 bus to cleveland announcement d your attention please the delayed 415 train from washington with service to philadelphia and new york is now arriving on track number four we apologize for the delay once again the delayed 415 train to philadelphia and new york now boarding on track 4. activity 3. airport transit hello does your shuttle service stop at the carlton inn yes it does it stops at all the major hotels downtown how often does the shuttle run on sundays once every hour how long does it take to get to the hotel from the airport about 45 minutes and how much does it cost the fare is 12 each way thank you lesson 17 how's your new home activity one do you live in a house or an apartment regina an apartment in fact my husband and i just moved into a new place really how do you like it we like it a lot but it's bigger than our old place we need to get a new sofa and a rug for the living room and a small table and some chairs for the dining area oh that's a lot that's all right i enjoy shopping for furniture activity two andrea my favorite room is my bedroom i like it because it's very comfortable and quiet there i love reading in bed before i go to sleep miguel the room i like the most is the kitchen it's pretty small but it has everything i need i love to cook and i like to invite people to my house for dinner christy i guess my favorite room in the house is the living room my tv is there and so is my stereo equipment i enjoy listening to music after a long day at work paul my favorite room hmm i'm not sure i really have one well maybe my study that's the only place where i can just be by myself sometimes i like to do that lesson 18 how's the job search going activity one what kind of job are you looking for well i'm not sure as you can see from my resume i used to work in sales you sold computers yes that's right computers and network hardware to large companies in the area before that i sold office equipment to corporate clients we have several possibilities for someone with your background here have a look at these listings activity 2 brenda holmes hi brenda it's dawn dawn how are you are you still looking for a job not anymore i just started a new job at an internet company called web watch how did you find out about it on the internet where else how many interviews did you have two there was a first interview with the director of hr and a second interview with my new boss and a small team of department heads so how do you like the job i love it it's the perfect job for me we should get together sometime how about next week sounds good i'll call you sunday night great i'll talk to you then bye bye lesson 19. do you have any hobbies activity one what do you do in your free time jake do you have any hobbies yes i make furniture oh really what kind of furniture tables bookcases things like that this weekend i'm going to make a coffee table how about you do you have any hobbies yeah i collect antiques hmm that's an expensive hobby isn't it it can be but i enjoy it activity 2. ricardo do i have any hobbies well i don't think of this as a hobby but i like sports if i'm not at work then i'm probably playing a sport watching a sport or reading about sports in the spring and fall i play soccer in the winter i play basketball and in the summer i play baseball my wife thinks i'm crazy what can i say it's a lot of fun dorothy i have a couple of hobbies i like to play cards mostly bridge i'm pretty good at it too i'm better than most of my friends my other hobby is photography i'm not very good but i like taking pictures of nature trees flowers birds that sort of thing i'm going to take a photography class this summer to learn more about it ken what i like to do most is work on old cars i don't collect them i only have one car at a time but i like to find an old car in bad shape and then fix it up you know replace the parts that aren't working paint it polish it when i finish the car looks beautiful i really enjoy doing that lesson 20 do you like to exercise activity one you exercise a lot don't you tom yeah i work out at least three times a week what kind of exercise do you do i lift weights and swim at the gym and sometimes i go jogging after work i don't exercise at all but i'd like to start what kind of exercise should i do well what do you like i like walking that's exercise isn't it it sure is and it's a good way to start activity2 hi i'm barry i like to exercise but i'm not a fitness freak or anything like that my favorite kind of exercise is swimming i usually swim on tuesdays and thursdays if i miss a day i go on the weekend i also like to walk but i don't do that as often maybe once or twice a month my name's tanya i like exercise in fact i love it i go to an aerobics class three times a week i never miss it and the days i don't do aerobics i come to the gym to lift weights the only day i don't exercise is sunday i take it easy on sundays hi there i'm timothy i don't really exercise very much these days i used to play football at school now i just watch it on tv i don't really have time to go to a gym i work all day and i'm too tired to do any exercise after work after a long day at the office i just want to go home and relax lesson 21 let's get together activity one hi kathy carmen and i are getting together after work would you like to come sure i'd love to great is it okay to invite peter too sure hi peter would you like to go out with us tonight i'm sorry i have plans tonight that's okay maybe some other time activity 2 hi yumi it's kevin hi kevin what's up sandy and i'd like to invite you and jack to a picnic on sunday what a nice idea we'd love to come great can you come around noon sure see you sunday lesson 22 sushi or spaghetti activity 1 where do you want to go for dinner how about the sushi restaurant on 23rd street i love that place but we went there last week okay do you feel like having a pizza sure do you want to go to vetoes yeah great activity two conversation one i feel like going out for lunch how about you holly sure do you want to go to nick's diner no let's go to the blue angel it's not as crowded as nick's at lunchtime okay conversation two alan do you want to stay home or go out for dinner let's go out i feel like having seafood that sounds good to me then we don't have to cook conversation three hey maria do you want to go get a bike to eat sure where do you want to go how about sweeney's you know daniel the food there isn't as good as it used to be you're right how about the continental sure i love that place conversation four are you having lunch today erica oh hi tom what time is it almost one already yeah i'm getting hungry me too can we make it a quick lunch i have a lot to do today sure how about mcdonald's okay activity three southern accent good evening yes hello i'd like to make a reservation for a party of seven for what night for tonight at eight could you hold please while i check yes certainly thank you for holding i'm sorry sir but eight o'clock is going to be difficult tonight could you come at 7 15 or 8 45 instead i think 7 15 will work very good and the name hoffman thank you mr hoffman we'll see you at 7 15. lesson 23 can we still meet the deadline activity 1 how's the project going mike we're a little bit behind schedule how much a day or two can we still meet next thursday's deadline i think so that deadline is very important mike can you give me an update on friday sure can irene activity two conversation one what's the status of the project we're a week behind schedule conversation two how's the report coming sheila i think i'll be able to finish it ahead of schedule conversation 3 will you be ready to send the presentation to the client this afternoon i don't know it's taking longer than we planned conversation 4 you said in your report that you're behind schedule yes about a week and a half there's just too much work for one person activity nine nice job on the benson project tomoko thank you don that's nice of you to say listen tomoko the c7 project isn't going very well i'd like to make you project manager isn't that stephen's project yes but i don't think it's going to work out i'd like you to take over when would you like me to start right away lesson 24 i'd like to open an account activity one may i help you sir i'd like to open an account please what type of account checking or savings checking please have a seat thank you we have three different kinds of checking accounts here at patriot bank activity 2 brian well i have to pay bills like everybody else but i save about 10 percent of every paycheck i'm saving for a down payment on a house so far i've saved about eighteen thousand pounds shelley i'm not very good about saving i like to buy clothes books and music cds i also go out with my friends a lot if there's anything left over after that i save it but it's not usually very much i'd like to buy a new car but i've only saved about twelve hundred dollars i think it's going to take me a long time vera i have a savings plan with my employer they deduct 15 of my salary i don't save any money from my check but i'm saving a lot with the deductions that's for my retirement i've already saved eighty three thousand dollars i'm pretty happy about that lesson 25 aisle or window activity one hello good morning sir where are you going today taipei your passport and ticket please will you be checking any bags mr lewis just one and i have this carry-on bag would you like an aisle or a window seat window please flight 923 to taipei will board at gate 35. boarding will begin in about two hours and here's your boarding pass have a good trip mr lewis thank you bye activity two one excuse me sir we will be landing shortly please return your seat to the upright position two excuse me i think you're sitting in my seat nine a three please fasten your seat belts in preparation for landing four could you open your suitcases for me please 3 friendly air baggage department hello my name is amanda taylor i'm calling about my lost piece of luggage what flight were you on flight 287 we got in this morning at 10 15. do you have your baggage claim number miss taylor yes it's o r d 3 7 4. give me just a minute while i check on it we have your bag miss taylor oh that's great where can i pick it up if you give me your address we can deliver it to you between 2 and 3 30 this afternoon i'm staying at the regency hotel in town but i'll be away from the hotel then can you leave it at the front desk for me of course miss taylor we're very sorry for the inconvenience lesson 26 how do i get to the beach activity one excuse me can you tell me how to get to the beach sure go straight ahead for about a mile at the first intersection turn left follow that road all the way to the beach it's about two miles how long will it take me to get there only about five minutes great thank you activity two conversation one how do you get to work janet i walk i only live a few blocks from my office conversation 2 it's raining pretty hard today yes i saw that we'd better leave early the traffic is going to be terrible conversation 3 wow i think we got a foot of snow last night the roads are going to be a mess i'm taking the train today conversation 4 how do you get to work anna i ride my bike it's fast and it's good exercise activity three lester i think i'm lost are you in your car right now yes i'm in beacon street be careful the police can stop you for using a mobile phone while driving i know i know i'll be careful how do i get to your place from here mindy are you alright oh i'm fine lester somebody stopped right in front of me why don't you pull over while i give you directions good idea lesson 27 have you found a place yet activity one so leila have you found a place to live yet no not yet do you want to rent or buy i'd like to rent an apartment for now and buy a house in a few years have you asked an agent to help you no i'm doing it myself i'm looking in the newspapers and on the internet and making a lot of calls i bet you can say that again activity 2. good morning atlantic telephone hello i'd like to set up phone service at a new address certainly what's your current number 415 may i have the new address it's 180 montgomery street what day do you want the phone to be turned on next tuesday the fifth okay you're all set activity three edison electric i'm moving into a new apartment on the 14th and i need to have the electricity turned on what's the new address 547 waterman drive and what's your name roger adams are you currently a customer of edison electric yes i am would you like to turn off the service at your current address on the same day yes thank you lesson 28 tell me about yourself activity one you've just finished your mba is that correct charles yes that's right i completed it in june and before that you worked at an accounting firm right yes i worked at stanley and pratt for four years experience and education that's a good combination thank you miss klein now tell me a little bit about yourself activity 2 i'd like to know about your personal qualities what are your strengths i work well with others but i also like to work independently do you think of yourself as a leader definitely i've been managing a team of six for two years at my current job are you a decisive person i like to make decisions it's part of accepting responsibility i think you're absolutely right lesson 29 outdoor fun activity one let's do something different for vacation this year like what let's go to colorado i really want to learn to snowboard oh paul you know i don't like cold weather can't we go someplace warm like the beach and do what well you can go surfing while i take it easy and work on my tan hmm i've always wanted to go surfing activity 2 elena we had a lot of snow last weekend i took my children sliding in the park near our house we had a lot of fun takashi my friends and i like to go hiking in the mountains yesterday we went on the longest hike we've ever done i'm still exhausted from it vivian i went sailing for the first time recently the boat moved so fast i didn't know sailing was so exciting scott my father and i went fishing on sunday we go almost every weekend we've been going fishing together ever since i was a boy activity three jack frost ski resort hi do you offer family packages yes we do when would you like to come december 16th to the 23rd for how many people two adults and two children have the children ever skied before no this will be their first time do you offer lessons we sure do we offer lessons in the morning and then in the afternoon the children can ski with you that's perfect can you also help with skis for the children we can do it all for you rooms meals lift tickets lessons equipment even the after ski hot tub wonderful could you tell me about pricing the weekly rate for a family of four including lessons lift tickets lesson 30 are you all right activity one andreas are you all right yes i think so what about isabel she's fine cursed nobody's hurt what happened the roads are really slippery out here i lost control of the car for a second i'm just glad you're both okay me too shall i call for help no no that's okay i'll take care of it i'll call you when are back on the road okay bye activity two how are you feeling connie that's so great what happened some guy drove through a red light and hit me as i was coming across the intersection oh my gosh you're lucky to be alive i know i was wearing my seat belt i think that helped so what do the doctors say they want to keep me here for two or three days please let me know if there's anything i can do for you thanks phil i will and thanks for coming to see me i hope you're back on your feet soon activity three caller one there's been an accident in front of my house two cars it looks bad sir i need your name and address please caller two hello yes my name is evelyn barton i'm sorry to bother you but i don't know who to call my cat is in a tree behind my house and she won't come down can you help me yes ms barton i can contact the fire department what's your address please caller three could you send an ambulance please my husband can't stand up he says that his chest is hurting i think he's having a heart attack we can send an ambulance right away ma'am i just need your name and address lesson 31 will we be seeing you activity one good morning liz hi ken are you going to the trade show next week definitely i'm getting ready for it now i'll be showing our new product line how about you i'll be meeting with some new customers at the exhibit booth i have a presentation on monday afternoon let's get together after that okay stop by the exhibit hall i'll be working there activity 2. good afternoon mr yashimoto this is teresa suarez of bt information systems i've looked over the literature you gave me at the trade show terrific what do you think i'm interested in getting together and finding out more about your products could we meet in my office on tuesday at 10. sure i'll be there i look forward to seeing you again lesson 32 let's meet for lunch activity one hi barbara let's meet for lunch to work on our presentation for the sales meeting good idea is thursday good for you fine how about the colony cafe it's close and the food is good or pierre's it's just as close but it's not as noisy sure how about meeting there at one sounds good activity two it's your turn to pick the restaurant tony where do you want to go for dinner i'm not sure do you like the bay room it has good food or how about antonio's i like antonio's more than the bay room it's not as crowded it's less expensive and it's a lot more fun okay let's go to antonio's then i'll make a reservation for 7 30. great lesson 33 it's a deal activity one so do you like the car do we have a deal i'm interested but the price is still too high if i come down another two hundred dollars will you take it if you add a cd player okay i'll put in a cd player then it's a deal activity two hello back real estate yes this is ron simpson i'm interested in renting some office space if you give me some details i'll see what we have i need to be in the center near the train station i don't need a lot of space let me check i have an eighth floor suite on second avenue it's twenty five hundred dollars a month do you have anything less expensive there are a few other listings if you'd like i can show them to you can i come by tomorrow morning at 10 absolutely lesson 34 do you have investments activity one are you going to the investment class tonight yes it's going to be interesting if i had some money i would invest in the stock market yeah i'd like to invest too i talked to a broker last year if i had listened to him i would have made a lot of money the stock he told me to buy went way up that's why we need to go to that class activity 2 i'm looking for some financial advice i just got a four thousand dollar bonus at work and i want to invest it will this be a short term or a long term investment long term i need to save for my retirement we could set you up with a retirement account let me put an investor package together for you lesson 35 how was your vacation activity one anna how was your vacation perfect we went to cancun we had our travel agent book us a hotel right on the beach sounds great i love mexico and she got tickets for us for some shows at night too it was a lot of fun what did you do i went skiing but your vacation sounds wonderful could you give me the name of your travel agent sure her name is wanda espinoza and she works at worldwide travel in town activity 2. i'm always so stressed before my trip i can't even find my passport is there anything i can do sure you could call the airline for me to confirm my flight the number is on the kitchen table no problem anything else um let me see i already had the travel agent book my hotel and arranged for a rental car i had my brother go to the bank for me well i guess i'm all set lesson 36 i have errands to run activity one we have a lot to do today don't we yeah i have to drop off my suit at the dry cleaners and go to the bank i need to go to the supermarket and get my prescription filled at the pharmacy oh and i have an appointment to get the oil changed in my car no need to i had it changed last week and after i go to the bank i can pick up your prescription great then all i need to do is go to the grocery store activity 2. how's it going robert i'm really busy right now i have to go to taiwan next week for a sales meeting and i still have to prepare my presentation i guess you don't have time for a quick lunch not really i have to meet with my boss and i have an appointment at the dentist at four but maybe tomorrow lesson 37 i like the neighborhood activity one i hear you moved out of the city how do you like living in the suburbs it's great we bought a three-bedroom house with a nice yard and a garage and the neighbors are very friendly don't you miss all the conveniences of the city the restaurants the theaters the parks and the noise and our tiny little apartment no we don't miss that sounds like you made the right decision activity 2 how do you like your new condo it's great it's right next to lincoln park and how are the neighbors they are friendly and helpful i already feel at home how's the view it's great i'm on the top floor lesson 38 i accepted the job activity one how did the interview go not bad it seems like a nice place to work and the salary the benefits and the advancement opportunities all seem very good how about the people who work there i can't really say but they seem like a good team good luck i hope you get the job activity 2. so did you get the job paulo it was just the first interview but it went well do you think they are going to make you an offer i don't know the job is interesting but the salary isn't very high this is something you can negotiate if they call me back for a second interview lesson 39 did you see the headlines activity one did you hear about henry's accident yesterday no what happened he was hit by a car on his way to the office is he okay i spoke to him this morning he said he has to stay in the hospital for a few days activity two i just heard there was an earthquake near san francisco was it a big one yeah they said on the news that a lot of roads and bridges were damaged were many people hurt they didn't say lesson 40 i should have stayed home one i should have stayed home from work today i feel terrible it sounds like you have a bad cold i do i have a sore throat and a headache you should see a doctor but we have the meeting with the sales team this afternoon don't worry about that i'll cover for you thanks a lot jerry activity 2 how are you doing john i just got back from brazil how was it it was a lot colder than i expected and i caught a nasty cold you should have checked the weather report before you left next time i will you
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Keywords: learn english basic, basic english for beginners, basic english lessons, basic english conversation, basic english speaking, Easy English Lessons, Easy English Lessons for Beginner, English Lessons for Beginner, English for Beginner, Beginner Level, English Speaking Lessons, Basic English Speaking Lessons, Basics of English speaking, (40 Lessons) Easy English Lessons, 40 english lessons
Id: Ba5KQp3Ksv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 54sec (4134 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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