Practice Speaking in English - English Questions and Answers for Fluent Conversation

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do you like to cook yes i do cooking helps me feel relaxed after long hours of working is there any kind of food you don't like i don't really like fried chicken which is very high in fat do you eat out or cook at home i usually cook at home sometimes when i'm busy i go out to eat how often do you cook just when i have free time my mom is often responsible for preparing meals she's the best cook ever what's your favorite food i'm addicted to sushi i can eat sushi every day is it western or asian cuisine it's asian cuisine sushi is derived from japan is it easy to make your favorite food yes i guess the recipe is quite simple what ingredients do you need to make that food i would need rice eggs meat seafood and vegetables what do you think about fast food i don't really like fast food it's not healthy at all would you say that you have a healthy diet yes i would i prefer eating vitamins protein and less fat what's the most useful household appliance that you have that's definitely the washing machine when did you buy it i bought it two years ago actually my mom gave it to me as a birthday present is it expensive i don't think it costs that much is it easy to use yes it's pretty simple how does it work press the desired button and everything will be done within several minutes how often do you use it i wash my clothes twice a week will you replace it with a more modern one no because it was a present and it's still working well how does your life change with that household appliance it makes our life more convenient we can save time as well do you think that household appliances will make people lazier and lazier yes to some extent with the help of electronic equipment people tend to forget manual tasks and become lazier what's your favorite music band i'm a big fan of one direction there are five singers in the band is it famous around the world yes it is the band is well known around the world almost all teenagers love them what's their taste of music they sing pop music their most famous song may be what makes you beautiful are they good at dancing yes i think so i fall in love with their every step have you ever seen them in real life nope i just watched them on media i wish i will see them one day how often do you come to their show i watch videos almost every day listening to their songs helps me chill out can you sing their songs yes but only one song i just keep singing it over and over again every day do your friends like them of course we usually watch their performances and discuss it together do they have anti-fans yes every famous singer has anti-fans what's the weather like in your country well there are four seasons spring summer fall and winter which vary considerably in characteristics what kind of weather do you like i enjoy hot weather there are more things to do when it's sunny i love swimming and sunbathing what months have the best weather in your country i believe it depends for me the best weather is from june to august when it's warm across the country do you like it when it rains not at all i hate raining how does the weather affect your feelings i usually have a bad mood when it rains the rain reminds me of sad memories how has the weather changed recently due to global warming the weather has become more and more unpredictable it's boiling hot in summer and freezing cold on winter days do you usually watch the weather forecast no not very often what's your favorite season why let's see i love spring when trees and flowers blossom what do you like to do when it's windy when it's windy i like flying a kite with my friends that's interesting who is your neighbor my neighbor is a university student he lives next to my apartment when did you become neighbors i first met him when i moved to this apartment two years ago is he friendly yes he is he always smiles when he sees me how often do you see him every day at the gate sometimes i invite him to my apartment when i throw a party do you have any problems with him only once when he sang karaoke too loud which kept me awake all night we ended up talking to each other the next day and he never sang karaoke at midnight from then on does he usually help you yes he does he usually helps me run errands would you be sad if he moves to another area yes of course that will upset me if he leaves what's the difference between friends and neighbors i'm not quite sure but i think the difference may lie in the relationship a friend can be someone you share your feelings with while a neighbor can just be someone living next door what do you need to be a good neighbor being respectful is the most important factor in building a good relationship do you like visiting natural places yes i do being close to nature helps me release stress and worry what's the most impressive natural scenery you've ever seen that's the horseshoe of the colorado river in arizona it's such a great scenic place on earth when did you see it i visited the place last summer holiday who went with you i went there with my family we camped near the place what's special about it i'm fond of the great nature there it's a horseshoe-shaped meander of colorado river how has it changed recently it doesn't change much actually what's the next natural scenery you would like to visit my next destination would be the maroon bells in colorado i fell in love with mountain ranges and yellow flowers there what can people get from visiting natural places people will get closer to mother nature children have more motivation to discover the world around them what are some famous natural attractions in your country there are many such as death valley niagara falls the redwoods and the grand canyon to name a few what outdoor activity do you participate in i do many but my favorite one is jogging where do you do it i go jogging in the park near my place who do you do outdoor activities with i usually go jogging with my family who shares the same interests as you my family especially my dad we usually jog together how often do you take part in outdoor activities every morning except on rainy days how do you feel after activities i feel really relaxed and refreshed what benefits can you get from outdoor activities it's a good workout method jogging is also a good way for me to charge batteries for a long day working do you usually play sports outdoors yes i do i play volleyball and swim outdoors why are children less interested in outdoor activities nowadays children nowadays prefer high-tech gadgets like computers ipads and phones to outdoor activities what law do you like i like the traffic law of wearing the helmet when traveling by motorbike is that an international law yes people around the world follow this law when was it issued i'm not quite sure but i guess a long time ago who told you that law i learned it at school is it easy to follow that law yes it is it doesn't cause any inconvenience at all what do you think about that law the traffic law is so necessary for traffic participants when they're on the road what benefit can you get from following that law it may keep me safe from traffic accidents why should people obey the law strictly following law is a good way to protect themselves as well as others what can be done to encourage people to follow the law obeying law is people's responsibility if they go against the law they'll put themselves in trouble how many kinds of pollution are there there are many types of pollution land water noise air light thermal pollution what type of pollution is popular in your country the most popular one is water pollution i guess have you ever littered yes i have but when i was taught the lesson of protecting mother nature i quit littering what can you do to help prevent pollution reduce and reuse whatever i can to eliminate the amount of waste is what i can do to prevent pollution what does the government do to encourage people to protect the environment they organize some campaigns to raise the awareness of people everything should start from education are people in your country aware of the environmental issues yes they are they care about what happens to the environment around them is there any law to enforce people to protect the environment yes the environment law states punishments to people doing harm to the environment are you comfortable with a traffic jam not at all i feel annoyed why does it happen because there are too many vehicles on the streets during rush hours i bet how often do you sit in a traffic jam just every day when i finish office hour and go back home what time in a day are you usually caught in a traffic jam in rush hour at 7 00 a.m and 5 p.m how long does it take to escape from the traffic jam at least half an hour what do you do while waiting in a long line i often glance at my watch actually have you ever had any trouble caused by a traffic jam yes just yesterday i was late for an important meeting with my clients how has the traffic situation changed recently there are more vehicles which makes traffic jam more and more serious what is your favorite tv program well i watch a lot but the one i like best is how it's made is that an international tv program yes it is it's available in canada europe australia new zealand southeast asia and so on what is the tv program about its name somehow describes the content which is about the process of making things like lipsticks balls candy toys chocolate and so on how often do you watch that tv program almost every day after dinner who watches that program with you my family watches it together my younger brother can't wait to turn on the tv what channel is it on a very common one discovery channel which focuses on popular science technology and history why do you like that tv program i love learning new things especially about how everything is produced i would love to run a business about handmade cosmetics how does that tv program change you i know more about the world around me it also supports me and my career path to make my dream come true who is its target audience it particularly aims at families and younger audiences would you recommend that tv program to your friends yes of course they would be crazy about the program i bet what is the most impressive building you visited it's the patronus twin tower in malaysia where is it located it's located in the capital of malaysia kuala lumpur how tall is it they were the tallest buildings in the world from 1998 to 2004 it reaches the height of 451.9 meters who was the architect cesar pelli an argentine american architect is it well known all over the world sure tourists can't miss it when visiting malaysia do you have to purchase a ticket in order to visit the tower yes i do it's sold online when did you see it i saw it two years ago will you come back there again of course i'm looking forward to seeing again someday what kind of electronic media is popular in your country there are some popular kinds radio tv and online news what's your favorite kind i like online news because i have to work with computers every day it's easier for me to read online why do you like it due to its convenience i love reading anyway how often do you have access to that kind of electronic media every morning before i start working what's interesting about it instead of watching tv or listening to radio passively i'd rather read and think about the news is it convenient to access that kind of electronic media yes with a computer smartphone connected to the internet you can read electronic news anytime and anywhere does your family like that electronic media too no my dad likes radio and my mom likes tv how has mass media changed recently they're more modern and user-friendly what is your desired job well my dream changes in accordance to age up to now i would like to be a great english teacher is that a demanding job yes i think so although people suppose that being a teacher is easy and boring what challenge do you have when doing that job i have some problems with classroom management maybe i have to improve that skill a lot in order to be a good teacher is it hard to make your dream come true every job needs time and effort and teacher does as well apart from the academic knowledge i was taught in university i have to learn many other soft skills why do you choose that job i really admired my high school english teacher and i want to be like her what requirements and characteristics do you need to do that job let's see you need to be patient thoughtful and sympathetic does the job have something to do with your major at university sure i studied english linguistics and literature majored in english teaching the major does support me a lot in my career path what does the society think about your job i'm not quite sure but i'm proud to be a teacher an honor job do you make much money with that job not at all teacher's one of the lowest paying jobs in my country have you ever thought of leaving your job i haven't thought of that before but i believe in what i'm doing right now what is the most impressive competition you've entered i took part in an eloquent competition organized by my university last year what was it about the competition was to find out the best public speaker in the university were there many participants in the competition yes there were around 500 participants totally what prize did you get well i didn't get a very high prize but it didn't matter i was still happy with the results what could you learn from the competition i learned the way to develop ideas for a speech besides some body language tips in public speaking did you have to prepare a lot for the competition yes i did i read various materials about eloquence as well as rehearsed a lot how did you know about the competition the competition was informed in the school poster did you do your best then yes i think so after the competition i know i have to try more is the competition useful in your opinion sure it helps students learn soft skills as well as become more confident in life is there any garden that you like yes i love the strawberry garden in my neighborhood where is it it's in the highland area where i live when did you first see it i accidentally saw it when i had a picnic in the highland what were planted in the garden of course there are also some boxes of cucumbers next to the strawberry beds why do you like the garden i love picking red strawberries the garden brings me closer to nature as well what is special about the garden the strawberries there are organic how do people do the gardening keeping the beds mulched is important since it helps reduce water needs how often do you visit the garden just when i have leisure time since i'm quite busy is there any relation between the green garden and your mood yes at least for me the green will help me chill out do you want to be a gardener honestly no i'm not used to manual work where is your hometown my hometown is a coastal state of u.s is it the city or the countryside i live in a suburb area what's it known for it's famous for tobaccos what do people do there agriculture is the main industry in my hometown most of the people here plant and sell tobaccos how is the atmosphere there well it's quite peaceful i enjoy the fresh air here how are people there they're friendly and hospitable would you like to live in your hometown or somewhere else yes i would i just wish i could live here forever is it easy to find a job there manual work is easy to find i'm not sure about the white collar jobs is it a good environment for young people i don't think so the pace of life here is quite slow if they want to work in a dynamic environment they'd better move to the city is traffic congestion a big problem in your hometown not at all we couldn't be happier with the traffic system here what is your favorite item of clothing my favorite one is a maxi dress i wear it when hanging out with my friends or attending parties when did you buy it my friend gave it to me as a birthday present when i turned to 21. where did you buy it i had no idea where my close friend bought it what color is it it's blue my favorite color was it expensive yes i guessed why do you like it well i'm kind of short and plump so it's hard to find a piece of clothing that fits me perfectly but that one does i also love the color and style do clothes help to build your personal brand yes i agree with it to some extent i still believe that personal brand can be built from the inside rather than the outside however what you wear also plays an important role in saying who you are have you seen anybody wearing unusual clothes yes i have but i don't think any fashion style is weird i believe everybody has their own taste of fashion how has your fashion style changed recently i always wore formal shirt and trousers whenever hanging out years ago but now i change into casuals like jeans and t-shirt what is your favorite advertisement i'm quite impressed with the advertisement about surf a laundry detergent made by unilever where did you see it i accidentally saw it on tv two years ago what happened in the advertisement the ad told a story of a family in which the children all loved their stepmother due to the white shirts she prepared for them why do you like it i just can't stop loving the story in the ad it's such a sweet story was there any famous actor or actress in the advertisement not at all the actors were not very well known i think did it attract much attention i have no idea but i saw it in many public places what do you like the most in the advertisement well the vivid images and sound effects did attract me do you believe in advertisements not really ads always say good things and neglect to mention bad things about a product for obvious reasons how have advertisements changed recently they're more modern digital marketing has proved successful in many fields what project did you work on i made an english poster about our environment was that an indoor or outdoor project the project was carried out mostly outdoor only the last phase was conducted indoor who was involved in the project my teammates and an advisory teacher what did you do we had a field trip to the countryside where we studied insects and plants was it a successful project yes we received compliments from our professor who was your advisory teacher our science teacher mr john we learned a lot from him what did you learn after the project i learned how to write content and decorate posters did you like your partners yes most of them were friendly and responsible and i particularly liked michael the leader of my team what did you get after the project after the project i know how to work in a team and cooperate well with my teammates have you ever attended someone's wedding who was he or she yes a lot but the most memorable one is my best friends who went with you i went with one of my classmates where was the wedding organized it was held in a restaurant downtown what did people do in the wedding they enjoyed wedding feast sang and danced together after giving the couple best wishes of an everlasting happiness what did the bride and groom wear the bride wore a white wedding gown while the groom wore a black suit and tie what was the most interesting ritual in the wedding exchanging rings is the ritual i'm quite interested in are weddings a special event of one's life in your country yes along with birthdays do people in your country get married early not really the average age to get married for women is 27 and for men is 29. what is the ideal age to get married in your opinion well 27 would be my ideal age women are most charming and mature at that age i guess how have weddings changed recently the most noticeable change is the reduce of rituals in a wedding there used to be more steps in weddings years ago than there are now what's your favorite coffee shop my favorite one is the coffee house a local coffee shop in my neighborhood where is it it's 500 meters far from my house how often do you visit that coffee shop every weekend when i hang out with my friends the coffee house is always our first choice who do you go with i meet my friends there they love the place too what drinks does it serve many kinds coffee chocolate cocktail smoothie tea juice of various tastes my favorite one is hot chocolate are the waiters there friendly yes they couldn't be nicer do you like the decorations of that coffee shop yes i love it i fancied the green space they put in each corner of the room when was the last time you went there i last went there last monday what is special about that coffee shop the drinks are what make them different people are just addicted to full-bodied coffee and chocolate there how do you know about that coffee shop my cousin recommended it to me and i did give it a try which culture do you belong to i was born and raised in america where my culture was shaped is that a multicultural society yes it is my culture is a diverse mix of customs and traditions of various races and ethnicities how long has your country been practicing those customs well it has a long history around ten thousand years ago what custom do you like the most i like practicing dining etiquette that's what makes me american whenever i travel to other countries what are traditional customs of men and women in your country cowboy hats and boots are american styles but nowadays jeans and t-shirt are more preferable are you comfortable with the traditions and customs of your culture of course i was born with it how do people greet each other well it depends on the situation in an informal communication people just say hi have you ever felt drawn to another land yes i'm interested in indian culture i wish i can get there someday to attend a typical indian wedding what is the most popular means of transport in your country most people in my country travel by car how do you go to school or work i prefer bus due to its convenience i enjoy reading books while sitting on the bus how often do you take buses every day i went to school by bus two years ago and the bus is still my best choice do people in your country like traveling by bus not really they have their own cars what are some benefits of traveling by bicycle it's a good way of doing exercise we can protect our environment as well do you prefer public transport or private transport public transport is much cheaper do you think buses should replace other means of transport sure in the future buses should be used widely by commuters what does the government do to encourage people to use public transport it's a good idea to make public transport as convenient as private transport besides more campaigns should be launched to raise the awareness of protecting our environment how has transportation changed recently there are more cars in a household now than before which partly leads to traffic jams in some cosmopolitan cities who is your favorite politician she's hillary diane rodden clinton an american politician where is she from she comes from the usa does she appear on tv yes quite often she usually shows up on tv in news programs what is appealing about her she's a democratic politician is she famous yes she's well known all over the world does she have a great influence on people yes i think so she fights for human rights she has a very controversial and influential speech that human rights are women's rights and women rights are human rights do you want to be like her being a politician has never been my dream actually why do you admire her she's one of the few women who succeed in politics what did she do that you can tell others oh a lot of things she cares for people's health she also tackles the issues of adoption and family safety what's your favorite means of communication i prefer talking directly to people how do you keep in touch with your friends i'm so busy that i don't often hang out with friends so i usually get in touch with them using social networks or phone do you get in touch with your family by phone yes i do i live away from my family so phone would be an ideal means of communication do you usually write letters or emails i used to write letters when the internet hasn't been used widely now i prefer emails due to its convenience what are some advantages of using a mobile phone that's the easiest means of communication i think mobile phones are portable just dial the numbers and you can immediately get connected with anyone you want do you like handwriting letters yes i do i like to keep handwriting letters as keepsakes do you use social networks yes the youth can now hardly live without social networks do you need communication skills using social networks sure even in social networks how have social networks changed communication people prefer talking online rather than directly because of the illusion of social networks people tend to forget necessary skills to communicate with others in real life do you have good communication skills in your opinion maybe yes people are quite happy talking to me are you studying or working i left school three years ago i'm working now are you self-employed or working for a company i'm self-employed i used to work for a company two years ago are you running any business yes i'm running a small business what does your business sell i make and sell handmade cosmetics do you have any difficulty running that business yes i had some difficulties attracting customers at first but everything is getting better now is that an online or offline business i sell products online easier selling online than offline because i can take full advantage of my social network when did you start the business i started running my own business two years ago what are some advantages of running your own business i can take some days off whenever i feel tired and i can make much more money compared to working for a company do you have your own computer yes i owned a personal laptop when i was in university how often do you use the computer almost every day i can't work without a computer have you ever joined any computer class yes years ago i learned about microsoft word and excel what do you use the computer for you know i'm an accountant so managing business records would be much easier for me using a computer what are some advantages of using the computer with a computer connected to the internet we can shop pay bills or do bank transactions online listening to music watching movies are even more convenient do you use other high-tech devices besides computers yes apart from a computer i also use a smartphone should children learn how to use the computer yes i think so children should be given chances to approach the computer but under the control of their parents do you usually exercise yes i do doing exercise is one of my good habits what sport do you play swimming is my favorite i also play tennis how often do you exercise i go jogging almost every day before breakfast when did you start doing exercise just last year actually is there anyone who does exercise with you i go jogging with my older brother he's a good company of mine what benefits can you get from exercising well a lot exercise helps reduce fat and build muscles it also keeps me awake mentally during the whole day where do you exercise at a nearby park there are some exercise machines for people to use why do you exercise i like moving for me life without moving is like a picture without color do people in your country do much exercising i don't think so they're so busy working that they forget to do exercise what if people don't do enough exercise obviously they'll gain weights fast and become obese what is your current short-term goal i'm determined to get a scholarship to study post-graduate abroad when did you start thinking about this goal i started thinking about it when i left university what difficulties do you have in order to achieve it spending a lot of time searching it i haven't found any scholarship that fits my needs do you need any help to achieve that goal i really need spiritual encouragement from my family and friends do your parents support you to achieve that goal yes they do they're always by my side and support me when needed do you think it's important to set goals sure we all need to have some goals to drive ourselves towards them setting goals is a necessary step to do in order to succeed in doing something what are the important qualities to achieve goals well you need to be persistent to what you desire to get commitment and patience are needed too what's your favorite work of art there's a special photograph named the napalm girl when did you see it i accidentally saw it five years ago when i traveled to vietnam where did you see it in museum of vietnamese history the photo was solemnly hung in an eye-catching position in the room why do you like it the photo captured a naked nine-year-old girl running away from the napalm attack which is really touching what's special about it thanks to the photo the photographer was awarded the pulitzer prize for spot news photography do your friends like it too yes they do the photo did touch their souls too do you want to be an artist nope although i'm quite interested in art what qualities does the person need to be an artist an artist needs to be creative and sensitive to things around him i think how do children develop their talent for art children's talent for art should be recognized and nurtured as early as possible so that they can reach their full potential are you a big fan of fashion yes i am i believe every girl is crazy about fashion what style do you choose to wear well my favorite piece of clothes is a dress depending on the situation i choose a formal or informal dress to wear do you enjoy shopping for clothes yes i'm a shopaholic actually is there any fashion icon who you want to wear the same yes i admire taylor swift and wish to wear like her do you create your own fashion style no i'm not a fashionista so most of the time i just follow the fashion trend do you prefer vintage or modern style why honestly i love vintage style wearing classic clothes makes me feel like i'm special have you ever attended a fashion show not in real life i just watched them on tv what do people think about your fashion style i don't know exactly and i don't care much about it i just wear what makes me comfortable and confident are you going to change your fashion style in the future well i can't tell maybe fashion is changeable and i am too is fashion important to people yes in my opinion fashion can partly reveal who you are what's your favorite item of jewelry well i have quite a lot of ornaments but my favorite one is a necklace when did you buy it um i don't remember exactly when but i guess i bought it years ago what's it made of it's made of silver how does it look it looks gorgeous with a ruby clover shaped pendant why do you like it i believe it can bring me good luck in everything i do what's special about it i love the vintage style of my necklace it really goes with my classic dresses does it remind you of something yes i spent my first month's salary buying it so the necklace encourages me to work hard and earn more money every day how much does it cost around 400 if i'm not mistaken do you usually wear it yes i just wear it all the time i'll be missing it if i don't see it what's your favorite cosmetic item my favorite cosmetic item is a cherry red lipstick when did you buy it i bought it in a local cosmetic shop how often do you use it almost every day i sometimes change the color how did it change your physical appearance oh at first i was hesitant to try because i thought it wouldn't match my skin undertone but when putting it on the cherry red color did make me more charming and gorgeous is it expensive nope it is under 21 only is the brand name famous yes i think mac is well known all around the world mac lipstick is an iconic product of the producer how important are cosmetics according to you well frankly cosmetics are really important to women although i agree that the true beauty does come from inside is it important to have a good looking appearance sure you will be given more opportunities if you're good looking are cosmetics harmful yes i guess some toxic chemicals in cosmetics may cause skin cancer do you think beauty products are a waste of money not really as for me i just spend my saving money on cosmetics what indoor game do you like to play um i'm fond of playing bowling when did you start playing it i've just started bowling it's been three weeks so far who do you play it with most of the time i play with my friends when we hang out together sometimes i also go bowling with my cousins where do you play at a nearby shopping mall there is an entertainment area where people can play various games is it easy to play yes quite easy the bowler has to knock down as many pins as possible ideally all of them are you usually the winner nope because i'm just a beginner my friends are much more experienced in playing it why do you like it well going bowling is quite enjoyable i love it when my friends cheer me up is it popular in your country yes people playing almost everywhere there are nearly 3 000 bowling centers in my country what are other indoor games in your country there are many such as board game table tennis squash boxing and so on do you usually talk on the phone yes i do it's a good way to keep in touch what was your favorite phone conversation it was when i talked to my interviewer he did give me the good news that i got the job when did you have the conversation i don't remember exactly but it's been two years so far i guess who did you talk to i talked to the owner of the restaurant where i'm working as a cashier what did you talk about he offered me the position and congratulated me why did you find the conversation interesting actually it was more exciting than interesting i was waiting for it for so long and finally he did make it come true do you prefer talking directly or talking on the phone personally talking directly is much better to me since it's more lively and authentic who do you usually talk to on the phone i talk to my mom almost every day i will be missing the conversation every evening with mom if one day she stops calling me what are the differences between talking directly and phoning well talking directly seems more exciting since you can see facial expressions and eye contact while talking on the phone you can only listen to the voice do you like learning languages yes i do i love traveling and talking to the local people in their mother tongue what is your mother language i speak english what second language are you learning i'm learning spanish i fell in love with spanish when i traveled to spain last year is that language popular in your country yes people in my country come from every corner of the world and spanish is the second popular language spoken here according to the statistic how often do you use that language quite a lot i see spanish people every day in the restaurant bank or supermarket how long have you been learning that language i've been learning it for five years i'm in advanced class now why do you choose to learn that language i'm interested in spanish culture and i'd like to use language as a tool to discover spanish cultural values who is your teacher an old spanish teacher she can also speak english fluently why do people learn a second language there are many purposes some learn to do business some learn to travel some just learn for fun who is the creative person that you admire well i really admire mr tom who is an extremely creative math teacher why do you admire him for me math is quite boring because i have to work with long numbers i used to hate math so much before i had lessons with mr tom he has thousands of ways to teach that boring subject which inspires me a lot how did he become so creative i'm not quite sure but i think that's his inborn talent do people you know admire him too of course all my classmates just love and respect him for his creative teaching what is he like he has a good sense of humor he always tells jokes and we just can't help laughing do you think creativity can be learned and practiced yes i definitely do creativity like any other qualities can be trained how is creativity important in study or work it generates energy and makes things more inspiring without creativity work and study are just dull and tiring who is a famous celebrity that you admire well i'm a big fan of miley ray cyrus an american singer songwriter and actress why do you admire her well she's at my age but what she's achieved is acknowledged worldwide what is special about her i just fall in love with her beautiful voice i can't stop listening to her songs again and again my favorite songs of hers are jolene and wrecking ball is she well known worldwide she is she's a teen idol do you see her on tv or in reality most of the time i see her on tv do your friends love her too yes they do we usually enjoy her songs movies together do you want to be like her yes being a well-known singer is my dream what health problem did you have i had measles when i was 18. how did you have that health problem i thought i catch measles from someone when they cough or sneeze was that serious not really but it was unpleasant i recovered after 10 days staying at home what were some symptoms of that health problem i had a cold and fever with a cough a runny nose the small grayish white spots appeared on my body too did you take any medical treatment no i didn't the situation wasn't serious enough to be sent to the hospital then how could you recover from it well let me see i drank a lot of water avoided the direct sunlight and i had to stay off school for 10 days what difficulties did you face because of that problem i couldn't go out for a few days which was boring i'm not allowed to play outside and i felt so bad about it what do people do to prevent that health problem by having measles vaccine is that health problem common in your country not really due to the effectiveness of vaccination are you a tech and gadget lover yes i am i love shopping for new gadgets what is an important technological advancement you know that's the emergence of online payment systems like credit cards or paypal thanks to the development of the internet i think what do you use it for i use these services to do shopping online now i can book flight tickets in advance without the need to go to the agency how long have you been using it i've been using these services for around three years does it make your life easier sure it's fast simple and convenient how did it change your life well i can enjoy my life more i can do a plenty of things online like shopping transferring money booking tickets and so on how often do you use it at least once a week what are other technological advancements you know there are many electricity smartphone the internet robot and so on what is a famous landmark in your hometown well i can't hide my pride to talk about the statue of liberty when was it built i read on newspapers that it was constructed in 1886. where is it it's located on liberty island in new york harbor what does it look like that's a woman known as the roman goddess bearing a torch and a broken chain lies at her feet what was it made of the main material was copper who was the architect mr gustav eiffel who also designed the tower of eiffel what is special about it actually it was gifted to my country the usa from the people of france does it symbolize something the statue is a symbol of freedom we all love it and are so proud to share with international friends about it does it attract many tourists to come yep it attracts 4 million visitors each year according to the statistic do you love handcraft items yeah my accessories are all handmade what handcraft item do you like well i've got many items but i really fall in love with my bamboo handbag where did you buy it i bought it in a trip to the countryside people make handcrafts from bamboo there why do you like it because it's unique i travel quite a lot but can hardly find a similar one what is it made of it's made of 100 bamboo what does it look like being made of traditional material it looks trendy though my handcraft bag has a4 paper size which is large enough to carry a bunch of stuff makeup things a wallet and tissues how is it made luckily i had a chance to see how it is made people spent the whole day knitting hundreds of small bamboo fibers together to make one bag is it easy to make nope i'm not really skillful and patient so handcraft seems super hard for me what is special about it the material itself is what makes it special it's eco-friendly as well does it remind you of something yup it reminds me of the peaceful and quiet atmosphere of the countryside where i visited is plastic surgery popular in your country not really people in my country are not so interested in plastic surgery what do you think about people having plastic surgery it's hard to say as long as they find happiness in what they're doing it's fine with me why do you think people do it they want to gain a better look i believe that's understandable plastic surgery bad it's bad for health in the long run does it do harm to your health sure there are several unhealthy substances in the medical treatments which may be harmful to your body do you think changing your look is a good thing yes i can't deny that changing for a better appearance is what people should do but don't abuse plastic surgery or you will face serious health problems later on do you think the development of plastic surgery is a positive or negative trend it's more a positive trend i guess thanks to plastic surgery people who think they don't look good can now make themselves more attractive do you care more about your outlook or inner soul as for me the inner soul does matter more although outside appearance is important too what is a part of your face that you wish to change although i have some imperfect parts i have no wish to change anything i love the natural appearance my parents gave me what success did you achieve i don't know if it matters to someone or not but passing the entrance exam to university was a huge success for me when did you get that success i got it six years ago it's been two years since i left university was there anyone who supported you my family supported me a lot my mom prepared good meals for me while my dad helped me with hard math problems was it hard to get that success it was hard for me since i wasn't good at academic subjects at all what were some difficulties in achieving success the period before the exam was quite stressful i was so obsessed with it that i had a serious headache how did you get it i stuck to books day and night i just stopped reading and writing when i felt i knew thoroughly about the matters how did you feel when you were successful i was over the moon then i was looking forward to campus life how did your life change after that success i had a chance to learn my favorite major at my desired university and then got a high-paying job in an active working environment what is your key to success i don't particularly have any key to success just work hard and try your best everything good will come to you how many people are there in your family there are five people in my family my father mother brother sister and me does your family live in a house or an apartment we live in a house in the countryside what does your father do my father is a doctor he works at the local hospital how old is your mother she is 40 years old one year younger than my father do you have any siblings what's his or her name yes i do i have one elder brother david and one younger sister mary are you the oldest among your brothers and sisters no i'm not i'm the second child in my family what is your mother father like my father likes playing football and my mother likes cooking do your parents let you stay out late of course not they always ask me to get home before 10 pm each night do you stay with your parents right now no but i used to does your family usually have dinner together yes we do my mom always prepares delicious meals for us how often do you eat out who do you go with i often eat out on weekends when i hang out with my friends what restaurant do you usually visit well there are not many restaurants in my neighborhood so my best choice is the deli in convenience stores like the circle k mini stop be smart what type of food do you enjoy to eat western or asian i'm interested in asian food western food is not my thing how much do you usually pay when you eat out it's not very expensive just around five dollars for each meal do you enjoy spicy food yes i do especially on cold days are the servers they're friendly to you yes they are most of them are really helpful have you ever tried italian food yes at least once when i was in my friend's wedding party are you concerned about calories when eating out yes i am i'm on diet now so this really matters to me are fast food restaurants like kfc or mcdonald's famous in your country yes they are the youth in my country are big fans of fast food do you often drink alcohol when eating out no not often just when i have parties with my friends how often do you read books i read books almost every night before i go to bed what's your favorite type of book i love reading about different cultures what can you learn from books books can broaden my horizon about thousands of things around the world and books are also my best friends where do you read books i read books at home sometimes in the library what's the most interesting book you've ever read i think that would be nepal a book written about the country of nepal published in 1999. how long does it take you to finish a book well it depends on the length of the book but it usually takes me a week to finish a 300 page book do you usually bring books with you when you travel yes i do when i'm at the airport or bus station i read books to kill time is there any bookstore or library in your area unfortunately there are none near my house the nearest one is three kilometers away how many places have you traveled to i visited all the provinces throughout my country who do you usually go with i often go with my family sometimes with my best friends what's your favorite tourist attraction that would be venice city in italy i love riding the gondola along the canals while watching italian people live their daily lives have you ever been abroad yes i have i came to italy last year for a business trip what language do you use when traveling english but sometimes i have to use body language since not all people are good at english what do you usually do during your trip i often go sightseeing take pictures mingle with the local people and sample the local cuisine what do you do to prepare for your trip before the trip i searched for information about the location weather famous tourist attractions transportation local cuisine and prices on the internet what do you usually bring when you travel i usually pack my suitcase with some necessary items such as clothes medicine food a map and a camera do you prefer traveling by car train or plane i prefer planes although it can be a little expensive planes are much faster than any other mode of transport do you prefer traveling alone or joining a guided tour i love backpacking with my friends who share the same interest as me what type of websites do you often search for it varies depending on my goal i prefer entertainment and education websites such as and voa special english how long have you been using them i have been using these websites since i was a freshman at university what do you visit those websites for i use them to study online or relax after working what's your favorite website i think it's probably can you read websites in english yes i can most useful websites are written in english what's the most popular website in your country i'm not quite sure but i guess it would be do you think the youth should use websites as a reliable source of knowledge not always they should choose their sources carefully have you ever been in a traffic accident yes three years ago what happened i was hit by a car while crossing the road how did you feel then i felt really terrible because of my injuries who was involved in the accident the car driver his family inside the car and me did the insurance company pay for repair service i was walking so i did not require any car repair services did you need a lawyer i hurt my lower back just a little so i didn't call a lawyer did you report the issue to the police no we didn't want to get the police involved sent to the hospital after the accident no the injury wasn't really serious do you have a driving license yes i do i always keep it in my purse why should people obey traffic regulations to protect themselves and others the best way are to wear a helmet wait for traffic lights and stay in the appropriate vehicle pedestrian lanes did you have a happy childhood yes i did i enjoyed playing hide and seek with my peers did you experience your childhood in a city or countryside i spent my childhood in a rural area where i could see vast rice fields did you usually skip class when you were a child yes i did and many of my friends did too who were you with when you were a child i was with my beloved family what did you want to be when you were a child i dreamed of being a fashion designer who did you love the most when you were a child i loved my mom the most since she was always there and took care of me who was your childhood hero robin hood he took money from the rich and gave it to the poor what reminds you of your childhood green rice fields which i happen to see everywhere remind me of my beautiful childhood did you change a lot when you grew up yes of course i'm more mature now both physically and mentally why is childhood important because it shapes people into who they will become how many rooms are there in your house there are six rooms a living room two bedrooms a bathroom and the kitchen which floor is your bedroom on my bedroom is on the first floor of a three-story house is it big or small it's not very spacious just enough to put necessary furniture in what color is your bedroom painted it's painted pink my favorite color love your room why i love it very much because it is my private space whenever i go home what furniture does your bedroom contain it contains a bed a desk and a clothing closet what do you do in it well i spend most of my free time there reading books and sleeping how much time do you spend in your room about 10 hours a day especially in the evening share your room with anyone else no everyone in my family has their own room so i stay there alone what kind of presents are popular in your country it depends on the receivers for children toys are the best choice for youth souvenirs are recommended who gave presents to you on what occasions i have received many presents most of which were from my friends they gave me gifts on my birthday what was your last present it was a handmade doll given by my best friend when i moved to another city what was the one you like best i loved my book nepal a lot it was given to me on my 23rd birthday by my brother did you ever get a present you didn't like yes i have but i still treasure and take care of them how do you thank people who give you presents i gave them presents that they would like what are the times of the year that people give presents in your country some special occasions are birthdays weddings graduation new year's day valentine's day housewarming ceremonies etc who was the last person you gave a present to my mom i bought her a coat on a business trip to bangkok is giving presents important in daily life yes it is it's one of the best ways to show your love and gratitude to someone which tourist attractions do you prefer when traveling historical places or natural landmarks well historical places are always my first choice when traveling what do you usually do when visiting historical places i usually listen to the tour guide introducing the sites and take notes about important historical events can you name some historical places you have visited whenever i travel to a foreign country i always visit its famous historical places some of them are the pyramids in egypt angkor wat in cambodia stonehenge in england and the taj mahal in india what's your most favorite historical place why i love the pyramids the most taking a tour around the pyramids i can not only enjoy the gorgeous architecture but also learn cultural and historical values of the ancient egyptian culture what is the most famous historical place in your country it's definitely the statue of liberty in new york city what's special about it the statue was gifted by the people of france it is a symbol of freedom for the u.s as well as a welcoming site to people coming to the u.s from another country where is it located it's located on liberty island in new york harbor nyc should the youth visit historical places instead of other places sure nowadays the youth should visit these kind of places more often in order to preserve historical and cultural values of their country what are the benefits of reading a newspaper or magazine newspapers magazines can broaden your mind about thousands of things without the need to travel how often do you read it i read it every day what's the best time to read the newspaper i think the best time is in the morning when you start a new day what types of magazines do you usually read i usually read politics and fashion magazines i also enjoy reading about culture and tourism what's your favorite magazine my favorite is the new york times which writes about all sorts of things business sports movies travel books jobs education and real estate do you read the paper or online news i prefer online news to save money how much does it cost you to buy paper newspaper per month i only buy a monthly newspaper so it doesn't cost much money around five dollars a month what is the most popular magazine in your country i think it would be forbes magazine a leading source for reliable business news and financial information with the popularity of internet do you think newspapers and magazines will disappear yes unfortunately it's just a matter of time how many events have you joined this year what were they about i have joined more than 10 events so far most of which were about education what was your most memorable event the most memorable for me was an international study conference in which i was introduced to some famous universities in europe to study overseas was it organized indoors or outdoors it was an indoor event who sponsored the event the event organizer was the education department of american center but the universities introduced in the conference were the ones who paid who went to the event with you i went there with my friends who shared the same interest in studying abroad as me what were some performances in the event there were not many performances each university representative just had a speech to introduce their school to students and then they hosted q a session was the event shown on tv the event was not aired but there were television advertisements for it how would someone market an event taking advantage of social media is a smart way to promote an event what subjects did you learn in school i learned math science physics biology geography history literature english art and music what subject did you like the most when you were at school were you good at it i liked biology the most although i was excellent at literature did your friends like that subject too yes they did they enjoyed every single biology lesson was the textbook written in english or any other language it was written in english who taught that subject my teacher was miss karen from the usa how was the subject helpful to you it helped me a lot in becoming a biology teacher how often did you learn that subject i often had biology lessons five times a week how long did you spend on that subject at home i spent roughly two hours per day studying biology at home have you ever attended any extra classes for that subject yes i have i usually attended evening classes is it important to study hard on both social sciences and natural sciences no it isn't students should study the ones they like and the ones that are helpful to their career path what type of museum is popular in your country there are many types of museums but the most popular are historical museums what is the most famous museum in your country that would be the british museum located in london what's special about it i'm impressed by its large amount of historical art and cultural work how many times have you visited that museum i have visited the museum twice what do you usually do when visiting a museum i usually listen to the tour guide and take notes about important information are you allowed to take pictures there no the guards did not allow us to bring the camera in how did you feel after visiting there the overall experience was fantastic and i learned so many things in just a few hours what do you think is the importance of museums in history museums are an integral part of any country's history and they keep history alive who is your favorite teacher i like mr tom the most he is my english teacher is he a foreign teacher yes he's from the u.s what do you like about his lessons i have fallen in love with his american accent and he always shows us something new about the world outside of textbooks what's he like he's not only knowledgeable but also very friendly he always treats us like friends not students what does he usually wear when coming to class he usually wears a gray suit when he comes to class do you love his subject yes i enjoy english a lot do students in your class like him yes all of us admire him do you want to be a teacher like him no although i am like him my dream is not to become a teacher i would like to be a chef have you ever been punished by him no he rarely punishes anyone do you want to see him again of course he's a great mentor who's your best friend it's jenny she's my best friend what does she look like she has shoulder-length brown hair i just love her lovely smile how and when did you meet i first met her when we were in high school how often do you see this friend i see her every day we're in the same class what's she like she's not only thoughtful but also very understanding she's always by my side to tear me up whenever i'm in trouble do you and her share anything in common yes a lot we both love shopping and playing sports what do you and her do together we usually do homework and read books together have you and her ever quarreled yes but we seldom quarrel when we do argue afterwards we seem to understand more about each other does she know how to cook yes but she's not a great cook do your parents like her yes a lot they always ask jenny to come over for dinner why is a friend important in life a good friend can make your life better in many ways i don't think anyone can stand loneliness what is your favorite hotel where is it located it's the sheraton a five-star hotel located in saigon vietnam how do you know that hotel before coming to vietnam for traveling i searched on the internet it's one of the best hotels in vietnam why do you choose to stay in that particular hotel i like the architecture there and online all the reviews about the hotel are positive is it by the beach no saigon is not a beachside city does it attract many tourists yes i guess when i stayed there it was completely booked what type of room did you stay in and what facilities did you get from the hotel i stayed in a double bedroom the room is equipped with air conditioner a flat screen tv wardrobe etc what do you like about that hotel a gymnasium swimming pool and bbq area are available i also love the green space surrounding the hotel is all the staff friendly and helpful yes definitely they all are professional how much does it cost a night it costs me around 250 a night do you recommend that hotel to friends yes if they come to vietnam i love everything there who wrote the letter to you my dad wrote the letter to me when he was on a business trip did you keep the letter yes put it in a folder whenever i'm down reading his letter would be a good way to cheer me up what was the letter about he told me about his new workplace and how things were there how did you feel about the letter i was glad to know that he was fine in another city do you have a letter collection yes i collected all the letters from family and friends it's one of my hobbies do you like writing letters or emails i prefer writing paper letters do people in your country usually write letters years ago they did now people prefer emails what's the difference between emails and handwritten letters emails are much more convenient than letters because they're free to send and they get there instantly however letters are much more special why should we write letters to friends or relatives it's a good way to show love to people you care about what is your hobby i like playing sports especially swimming is your hobby common in your country yes kids adults and senior citizens all like swimming in my country is your hobby the same as when you were a child yes i was fond of swimming when i was a little girl when did you start practicing that hobby i started swimming when i was five years old is there anybody in your family who you share your hobby with my dad he taught me how to swim how much time do you spend on your hobby i usually go to the swimming pool twice a week what benefits do you get from it swimming is a really good workout it helps me keep fit and chill out after a long day working have you ever heard of someone having a very unusual hobby yes my cousin loves tattooing vehicles he puts stickers everywhere on his car what do you think about someone having weird hobbies i don't think any hobby is weird it's just what you like to do so i don't judge others what hobbies are usually expensive in your country playing golf is a really expensive hobby only the rich can afford to buy golf supplies what kind of music do you like i'm crazy about pop music is that the kind of music preferred in your country it varies normally the youth enjoy rock and pop while middle-aged citizens prefer country music who is your favorite singer i'm a big fan of miley cyrus a talented us singer songwriter and actress what piece of music do you like who sang that song my favorite song is jolene sung by miley cyrus how much time a day do you spend listening to music i usually listen to music all day with an mp3 player do you feel relaxed listening to music sure i feel like there are no more worries in the world why is music important to us music has the power of beautifying our life do you usually go to bars or clubs not often i sometimes go there on weekends what do you think about the teenager's music style teenagers tend to choose loud and fast music like rock or rap everyone has their own taste of music though have you ever thought of forming a music band no i don't have any talent for music do you like shopping yes i'm a shopaholic what do you usually shop for i usually shop for clothes i'm a big fashion fan where do you go shopping at some fashion boutiques in my neighborhood are there many shops in your neighborhood yes my area is the city center so i have many choices of where to shop do you spend much money on shopping yes and i'm usually broke at the end of the month do you usually shop online what items yes but not really often i only buy furniture online what's the difference between shopping online and offline unlike shopping offline you cannot try on the pieces of clothes or check the material when shopping online where did you go for holiday last year i went to singapore a southeast asian country why did you choose that destination i love to travel to asian countries and singapore was my best choice because of its beauty and culture how long did it last i stayed there for two weeks who went with you i traveled to singapore with my best friends how did you travel we flew there of course during the time there we moved mostly by mrt and taxi what did you pack up i only brought some necessary items such as money clothes medicine a map and a digital camera what did you do during the holiday we visited famous tourist attractions like marina bay sands merlion park art science museum singapore flyers we also enjoyed local cuisine there what's the difference between holidays today and 20 years ago well it has changed a lot people now can afford holidays outside their countries while 20 years ago traveling abroad seemed hard at what time do people in your country usually go on holiday it depends on what job people have when they have a break from work they will find somewhere to travel are you an animal lover yes i am i love animals are you raising any pets yes i have a pitbull puppy at home what is it like my puppy is friendly highly intelligent and well behaved he always waves his tail and licks my hand to welcome me home what does it look like he's a medium-sized puppy with a strong neck broad chest and brown hair what are its habits my pitbull puppy loves doing exercise every day when he plays he plays to win what do you usually do with it we usually play tennis together my puppy helps me pick up tennis balls what is it like to eat he loves beef chicken and some dairy products what do you learn from it he teaches me loyalty an adult pitbull may make me feel safe why do people keep pets they consider pets as their loyal companions which make their life better are pets well looked after in your country yes people in my country love pets what practical skill have you learned cooking is a practical skill that i have practiced recently who taught you that skill my mom is the best cook she taught me everything about how to make soup salad omelettes cake etc how did you learn it she shows me how to buy food prepare ingredients and cook meals whenever she's in the kitchen i learn how to boil grill steam fry braise etc day by day why did you learn it i just want to be a good cook like my mom when i get married i will prepare the best dishes for my husband and children how long did it take for you to learn it i learned it in four years the skill seems to be strengthened when i live apart from my family for studying how often do you use this skill i cook every day i also love homemade food how has this skill helped you it makes me more confident whenever i go on a picnic outside i'm always responsible for the barbecue do people in your family know this skill too my younger sister knows how to cook too she has just started learning do all skills need learning yes they do practice makes perfect how is this skill important to you it's an essential life skill all women need to know this to keep their family warm and happy what sport do you like i like playing badminton is it easy to play that sport yes it's pretty easy to play is that sport popular in your country yes it is how long have you been practicing that sport i have been practicing it for five years who do you play sports with i play badminton with my friends sometimes with my brother how often do you play that sport i play badminton every weekend what benefits can you get from that sport it helps strengthen my muscles because while playing i have to move continuously it is good to burn calories as well do you like watching football online or offline yes i do i prefer watching football offline and online going to the stadium shouting and cheering are good to release stress what is your favorite football team i like the manchester united football club also known as the red devils why is sport important sports are sources of recreation people can learn how to encourage team spirit when they play sports too what school did you go to i went to millennium high school founded in 1999. where is the school located it's located in new york city united states do you like the architecture of the school yes i do the architecture is not really impressive but i like it that the building's architects left plenty of space for lounging what are the teachers like most of the teachers there are helpful and friendly i especially like mr mike my physics teacher how long have you spent there i have spent three years of upper secondary school there is that a single sex school no it isn't this is a unisex school do you like the school uniform we don't wear uniforms at school actually why do you enjoy the time there although i had to deal with quite a heavy workload i enjoy the relaxing atmosphere when hanging out with friends in the cafeteria there what important lesson did you learn from school i learned how to work in a group in which there are many friends coming from different cultures that's the lesson of cooperation will you recommend that school to others yes of course i am proud to recommend millennium high school to anyone who is searching for a good place to learn how many popular festivals are there in your country there are many new year's day martin luther king day valentine's day st patrick day easter etc what is the most important festival in your country i believe that new year's day is the most important one since it's a chance for family reunion and parties people gather together to welcome the new year when does it take place it occurs on january 1st where's the festival celebrated the new year's day is celebrated all over the country each family has its own way to celebrate the day what do people do to prepare for the festival before new year's day people go shopping for food and drinks repair the house or put up decor who can join the festival it's a day for everybody what do people do in the festival on new year's eve people have a party with traditional food and drinks after that they may visit friends or relatives go to the movies or watch sports what's special about that festival it marks the end of a year and celebrates a new year people believe that the things they do on the first day will bring good luck and prosperity to them during the whole year is the festival culturally related sure the festival is an integral part of culture why is a festival important it adds structure to our social lives and connects us with our families and 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Channel: Daily English Conversation
Views: 403,358
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Keywords: Practice Speaking in English, English Question and Answers for daily conversation, English Questions and Answers for Fluent Conversation, English Questions and Answers, Questions and Answers in English, speak english fluent, speaking english fluently, speaking english practice, english speaking practice, english speaking conversation practice, english conversation practice, practice english speaking, daily english conversation
Id: iaGJqDR6ua4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 41sec (5681 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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