Easy Dinner Rolls Recipe | Soft and buttery, perfect for the holidays!

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hi I'm Marie welcome back to Marie's kitchen I'm so glad you're here today we are making dinner rolls tender and Flaky buttery and Golden Delicious served with honey and butter or alongside turkey and stuffing I personally can't wait to make these for the holidays and I'm excited for you to try them too let's get started to start we're going to break it down into four simple steps it's dough need rise rolls dough need rise rolls first step is dough for the dough we'll start with our yeast mixture you'll need active dry yeast 2 and 1/4 tpoon or 1 and 1/4 o it's usually one packet of yeast we're going to add that to 1 tbspoon of sugar and what this is going to do is we're going to make sure that our our yeast is alive and so we're going to add some sugar and warm water and if it bubbles up and kind of separates and Foams then you know that it's active and it's working and you're not going to waste all your other ingredients so you do want to do this especially if your yeast is kind of near the expiration date or if you're not sure when it expires be sure to do the step so you know that your yeast is active so we'll add 3 tbsp warm water and warm means around 105 110° and I usually just do like my pinky in like a baby's bath water if it feels nice and warm then it's it's right but if you want to do a thermometer this is one that I love and I'll put a link in the description box you just turn that on and put it in the water and we're about at 105° so anywhere from like 105 to 115 is fine you don't want to go any hotter cuz that will kill your yeast so we're going to put in three tablespoons here one two three and then I just kind of give that a little slos kind of Stir It Up like that and then we're going to set this aside for about 5 minutes and while we're waiting on our yeast for it to foam we're going to move over to the milk and butter mixture so I'm going to use this big measuring cup here and we're just going to add one cup of whole milk now to that we're going to add six tablespoons of unsalted butter and I've just recently learned someone left a comment that I can't remember where I think it's Australia that unsalted butter is actually more expensive she said 50% more expensive than salted butter so she's wondering why I always use unsalted butter and in America the prices are the same for unsalted and salted so I always use unsalted and then add my own salt but you can always use use salted butter and just omit the salt or reduce the salt so we're going to add 6 tablespoons this one's a little soft just put those in there and then I'll take this to the microwave and heat it for about 1 to 2 minutes you want the butter to melt and it just to be nice and warm all microwaves are a little different so you're not trying to boil the liquid at all you're just trying to warm it up and then also melt the butter so we'll put this in I'll start at 1 minute and maybe add 30 seconds if needed while we're waiting on the milk I'll go ahead and crack one egg just put that in a bowl there's the milk and butter I can hear that's ready we'll give this egg a quick whisk and then I'm going to grab the milk and butter out of the microwave right we'll give this a a quick mix the butter doesn't have to be completely melted just you know soft very soft almost melted and again it's warm not hot you don't want it hot cuz that also can kill the yeast when we mix it all together so always just warm liquids when you're working with yeast okay we'll set this aside and grab our dry ingredients now so we have 3 and 1/2 cups allpurpose flour here I'm just going to kind of make a well in the middle of that to that we're going to add actually you don't need to make a well yet to that we're going to add one4 cup sugar and if you want to reduce the sugar you can you can add a tablespoon anywhere from 1 to four tablespoons so and remember there is 1 tablespoon in with the yeast so if you want to only do that that's fine too I like just a little hint of Sweetness in these rolls and next is 1 and 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt and again if you are using salted better then you'll want to reduce or emit the extra salt okay we'll give this a quick stir so the salt and sugar is mixed in with the flour then I'm going to make a little well here this is my kids's favorite activity it's like a Sandbox or something so to that we're going to add let's add our whisked egg that's hard to say whisked whisked okay whis I add the egg okay eggs going in now next up is our milk and butter mixture here that's going in and finally our foamy yeast looks nice and foamy there and by the way you can do this in your stand mixer I've done it in that many times and it is easier and a little tidier but I do want to show you in a bowl kneading it with your hands just in case not everyone has a stand mixer so I will show you the oldfashioned way but you can do this and the stand mix are just the same okay so now we add our yeast mixture in here it's nice and foamy we know it's live and now we're going to mix our dough here just bring that all together whoops probably should have used a little picker bow on this one I think I probably meant to use that one but here we go are and our little bowl making a mess okay just keep stirring this up until all the flour is Incorporated on these cooking shows I have my audience of one and my audience is asleep right now she sleeps through most of the uh show and occasionally snores I guess you can't blame her can you [Laughter] getting an armor out here okay there's our dough and you can see it is a very it's a wet dough but that's what we want so I'm going to grab some flour here and put a little here in a bowl beside me and now we will sprinkle a little flour here on the mat and I can put a link to this mat in the description box I found it recently I've had it forever I forgot about it um and recently discovered it again and I'm using it all the time now cuz it kind of you know it's easy things don't stick to it so it's easier to knead it's easier to roll out pie crust and it's also kind of easy to carry over the sink and um when it's time to clean up so I have enjoyed this okay I'm putting a little flour on it to make it a little less sticky the goal at this point is to add a little flour so it's not super sticky but not so much flour that it changes the consistency of the dough so so just a little at a time is really the key okay there's our dough it's pretty sticky so going to get some flour on there so kneading you just want to bring it towards you and then push it away and it is pretty sticky here so I'm just going to add flour till it's you can work with it and bring it towards me and push it away bring it towards me and push it away and you need to do this for about 10 minutes so you can set a timer if you're forgetful like me and need some help remembering just about everything but again we're just pulling it toward us and then pushing it away toward us pushing it away so every year for Thanksgiving we go to my sister-in-law's house in New Jersey and stay with them for several days and then we go to New York City for the second half of that week and it is so much fun I look forward to it every year I look forward to it all year almost it is just such a fun little getaway and we see family and get to explore New York City go to a show see all the changing leaves although at that point they've pretty much changed sometimes we get a little snow which is amazing for us from Texas so I'm excited this year I'm going to make these rolls I usually don't do a lot on Thanksgiving which is kind of ironic right all I do is cook and then I don't do I don't cook on Thanksgiving I do make the pies um which I love to do so I'm usually in charge of pies and then this year I'm going to add rolls to that because I think everybody is going to love having fresh dinner rolls and you can make this dough the night before so I always love to have make ahead things I will definitely make it ahead in New Jersey because the kitchen gets really crowded so I'll definitely make these ahead and have them ready to just pop in the oven and I'll skip through the next 8 minutes of this so you don't have to watch it same deal though oh and one other tip real quick good to get this bowl in some water and soap as quick as possible flour and water is like glue so do yourself a favor and put this dirty Bowl in some soap and water as quickly as possible otherwise you're going to have a hard time kind of scraping out this dri flow glue okay I've been kneading for about 10 minutes so we have our nice smooth ball of dough here and take some oil or butter and oil the bowl and then we're just going to take our nice ball of dough and put it in there coat it in the oil make it into a [Music] ball like that next we'll take some Saran Wrap or this is press and seal and just going to cover that and put it in a warm place in Texas here I've been putting it outside of my porch when it's nice and warm outside we'll let this rise until it doubles in size it'll just get a lot bigger and you'll know don't worry about too much about the exact amount that it's rising but you'll want to wait about 1 to 2 hours all right set this aside okay so we do have our dough here that I made early this morning you can see it has risen a lot so we'll take her Saran Wrap off and if you have children or grandchildren in the house you might might invite them to do this part my kids love to do it it's called punching it down so you're just going to punch the dough down and bring it into a ball kind of knead it into a ball and we're just trying to work all the air bubbles out cuz we're going to let it rise again and build some new air bubbles so all these are going out okay there's our dough looks great oh look how pretty it is it's all shiny soft and smooth okay now we are ready to make this into rolls so we did our dough then we did our knead then we did our rise and now we're doing rolls it's a little difficult to just pinch off amounts and guess how how much this divided into 16 Parts is but this is my hack for doing that so first what you're going to do is cut the big Loaf in half the big ball of dough in half then we'll cut that in half and if you do want these to be exactly even you can use a kitchen scale and they're about 55 G each 55 to 60 and then we'll cut those in half so you just keep cutting in half and there a much easier way to get even pieces so now I'm going to roll these into little balls of dough like that no special technique here just kind of round them out a little bit now we need to do our other set these aside we'll do our other half we're going to cut that in half and then half and then half and then these go into little balls so we're just going to cut each of those eight balls of dough in half it's not exactly even but does not matter at all whenever I think about if I start to get stressed about some food that I'm making it doesn't look quite right or it's a little the rolls are different sizes or something like that I just think about people at the table they're not going to be noticing that they're going to smell the rolls warm buttery golden rolls and they're going to love it so don't worry don't get too caught up in the exact size the exact way they look just remember it's delicious food you're making for people that you love or people that you enjoy or people that you sort of enjoy okay now I have a baking sheet lined with parchment paper this is a small baking sheet you can use a large one you can use use a baking dish if you prefer and all we're going to do is take our little balls of dough make them into nice little balls I kind of think of it as like a mushroom it kind of looks like a mushroom here and then I kind of twist the bottom and put that on my baking sheet we're going to do four across and four down so just form these into your little balls here kind of like a mushroom shape kind of twist the bottom and then these can be just about touching they're going to rise and expand and then they are going to touch and then when you bake them and you pull them apart they are so good they all stick together you know you kind of pull them apart and gets all flaky if you haven't yet be sure to subscribe I've got lots more videos coming up and I don't want you to miss any of them them so many fun ones for the holidays and I got a new microphone so hopefully the sound is going to be better always improving over here and I appreciate your comments so much y'all just helping me make better videos and I appreciate it also leave me a comment and let me know if you've ever made homemade dinner rolls or if you plan to try them I can't wait to hear how it goes the reason we are making rolls today is because I did get a request from Phyllis she asked for Parker House rolls and I had never made them but I did research them a bit and it's basically the same recipe is this except instead of putting them into balls you roll them out cut them into kind of long slices and then fold them over I guess that's the tradition of Parker House rolls is that they're folded in half and I'm such a timesaver type person where I just thought you know what I don't want to roll it out and I don't want to have to measure the rectangle and then cut out the squares you can certainly do that if you want but it feels like extra mess in extra time uh so I just like this little method of making them into balls keeping it simple but the flavor will be Parker House rolls okay there is our 16 little rolls they look great we're going to take some more Saran wraps and and just cover those like that and you can at this point refrigerate them then what you'll need to do is bring them out about an hour hour and a half before you plan to bake them and let them come back to room temperature and get a good rise I'm going to just set these aside in a warm spot and let these rise it'll take about 45 minutes to an hour they'll just kind of expand there's no real science to it just wait 45 minutes or an hour and then they're ready to bake all right we're back and the rolls have risen so I'm going to just pull the San wrap off now we're going to do a little egg wash on top to give them a nice golden finish and if you like you can add some flaky salt and I am going to preheat my oven now to 375° so the last step is to get one more egg we're going to make an egg wash and this is optional it does just make a really nice golden shiny finish now to the egg I'm just going to add a few teaspoons of water and we'll whisk this up and what I do like to do with my egg wash just to make it a little less stringy I do this for pies too give it a good whisk with the water and then just let it run through a strainer some recipes will tell you to do butter on top and I find that it just absorbs right into the roll and it's not quite as shiny and golden so I really prefer that egg wash to just butter or cream now I've got a little pastry brush here I love this little pastry brush it's so easy to use and nice and small and then we're just going to paint this egg wash on top of our [Music] rolls now we'll pop these in the oven at 375° and bake them for about 25 to 30 minutes or until nice and [Music] golden okay the rolls are done we're going to grab them out of the oven wow they look gorgeous so nice and golden you can see they're all kind of pulled together so we're going to pull them apart and they're going to be all flaky and just so good I'm going to let these cool for a little bit but I can't wait to dive in I'm actually going to take the rest of them and another batch up to my son's school I'm helping feed the football team today and so I think they're really going to enjoy these homemade rolls oh my gosh so flaky so good break off a piece here oh M he are so good there's nothing like a homemade dinner roll you've got to try these and let me know if you do I want to hear from you thanks so much for joining us on Maria's Kitchen today we made these easy and delicious golden buttery dinner rolls I can't wait for you to try them if you like this video be sure to give us a thumbs up it means so much to me and also to YouTube That's So they decide who else sees this video so take a minute and hit that thumbs up button and while you're at it subscribe I've got lots more videos coming coming up and I don't want you to miss any of them for this recipe and more head over to my website Marie saa.com there you can go and print out this recipe in all my recipes put them in a notebook and make your very own Marie kitchen cookbook for free my goal is to give you some really easy recipes that turn out great every time so you can build some confidence in the kitchen and feel really inspired to share good food with people that you love from my kitchen to yours thank you [Music]
Channel: Marie's Kitchen
Views: 658,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maries Kitchen, Marie Saba, dinner rolls, easy recipe, soft rolls, soft dinner rolls, Parker house rolls, easy recipe rolls, thanksgiving recipes, thanksgiving, Natashas kitchen, Jenny can cook, Allrecipes, recipe, buttery dinner rolls, diner rolls, rolls, homemade rolls, pull apart rolls, recipe rolls, easy rolls, how to make rolls, rolls receipt, easy dinner rolls, soft diner rolls, thanksgiving rolls, yeast rolls, best diner rolls
Id: ssjdirEu7os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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