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hello and welcome to my kitchen today we're going to be making a venison jerky recipe this is a simple recipe that's easy to make it does not require dehydrator so we're going to be using the oven i thought for the longest time i needed a dehydrator if i wanted to make good jerky absolutely not the case so i'll show you how we do it relatively few and relatively simple ingredients that are very flexible if you want to sweeten it up with more brown sugar or spice it up with more pepper you absolutely can we're going to be using a about a one pound venison roast today you can use pretty much any cut if you want to use steaks you can taste amazing with roast nice and tender and delicious so i don't use steaks no need to but anyway follow along let me know what you think and here we go all right first we're going to start out with the marinade this is a marinade that is i wouldn't call it a teriyaki flavor but it's kind of a maybe original jerky flavor [Music] there's my baby talking helping me out um but it's uh it's a little bit of sweetness a little bit of pepper zestiness in it pretty uh pretty versatile flavor so start out with the marinade and then what we'll do is we'll cut up the meat and add that to the marinade let it sit for a while and then come back and and bake this in the oven and have some great jerky so here we go [Music] when you're ready to cut up the meat what i recommend is have your meat partially frozen so what i typically do is i'll file the meat completely in the fridge and then i'll put it in the freezer for anywhere from probably 15 to 30 minutes before i'm ready to cut it up makes it a lot easier to slice thinly from that point we're slicing it into strips of about an eighth to a quarter of an inch in width and those will be our jerky strips [Music] okay so our meat sat in the fridge for a little over 24 hours let that flavor really soak in the next step is i have removed the meat from the bag drained as much of the liquid as i can and then what we're going to do next is we're going to take a bunch of these toothpicks and just kind of skewer each of these pieces one at a time to where we can then bring it into the oven and what we'll do is we will hang each of these pieces like so above either a pan or some tin foil i prefer to use foil the drippings get pretty hard and crusty being in there for several hours and they're a pain in the butt to get off the pan so i just use foil throw it away and what we'll do from there is we'll line the oven like this spacing them out so they're not touching we will set the oven to the lowest temperature which in my case is 175 if you can go down a little lower that's probably even better and i bake these in the oven for about three and a half hours i just check it every after three hours i check it every half hour or so and kind of see how we're doing um but uh up to you obviously as far as how tough you want it kind of how crispy versus how soft you want the jerky to be so i'm gonna go ahead and uh set these in the oven and go from there one other thing i'll say real quick is the first time i tried to make it uh this way in the oven with the toothpicks i tried to to set them all on the rack outside of the oven so i actually put the rack over the sink set all the the strips on there with toothpicks and then tried to put the rack in the oven but uh dumb idea because in order to get the rack in you have to really tilt it pretty sharply and all of the jerky ended up falling off so best way is to just put them directly on the oven rack with the rack already in the oven like you see here all right well these were in the oven for i'd say three hours and about 15 minutes and they're looking pretty perfect so they're they're still like pretty soft and breakable to where it's not like you're eating leather but uh perfect texture in my opinion all right guys here's the here's the end result here got the jerky out of the oven honestly it's perfect not too tough flavor's incredible so good give it a try let me know what you think if you change something up let me know how you like it um thanks for watching bon appetit
Channel: Mountain Standard Outdoors
Views: 18,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cooking, recipe, deer hunting, venison, diy, deer jerky, jerky, at home, oven
Id: aYp0WCXNfp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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