EASY DELICIOUS Chinese Pork Bun Recipe (Baozi 包子)

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hey guys it's mike chen thanks so much for watching it's pretty cool right it's pretty thank you jim for making this let's just put it let's just put it maybe over here all right this is a very special episode of strictly dumpling because never in strictly dumpling history i mean i've shown you guys a lot of dumplings i've eaten a lot of dumplings but i never showed you how to make a dumpling before now in this video i'm not going to show you guys how to make a traditional chinese dumpling or jiaozi that's coming up but i am going to show you guys how to make a chinese pork bun so it is a type of dumpling this is like the geologist's cousin it's bigger it's plumper it's just as delicious and guys we're gonna keep it pretty simple in this video i'm gonna show you how to make a simple pork bun the reason i'm doing that and not doing like a cabbage pork bun where like a green bean pork bun is because once you master this you can put any vegetables in here you can add celery mushrooms cabbage carrots tofu leeks most vegetables would pair up great in a pork bun because all that pork fattiness it's gonna sink into the vegetables gonna make it taste delicious so today we're gonna make just a pork bun but do not underestimate this thing this little baby is fluffy it's soft as juicy as porky you're gonna love it one of my favorite things ever all right let me show you how to make this you know after i finish here's all the ingredients you need to make your pork buns some parchment paper one teaspoon of finely chopped ginger one stick of green onions some sugar white pepper powder sesame oil oyster sauce chinese rice cooking wine soy sauce salt some yeast corn starch all-purpose flour and of course some pork couple of things i want to mention first of all that beautiful it's my tape my tape sucked also when it comes to the dough you can 100 use all-purpose flour but if you do have access to it to a chinese supermarket try to get this zhonji memphis this does translate to uh all-purpose flour but this dough is specifically used to make dumplings and buns so this is gonna make your dumplings and buns come out a lot wider and if you use the all-purpose flour from a western supermarket your bun is going to come out not as white it's going to be a little yellowish but it's going to taste just as good something else i would invest in if you have a regular steamer that's 100 okay but i love a bamboo steamers because what it does is that the bamboo actually soaks up a lot of the moisture and that way the excess moisture doesn't get on your buns so let's get started on our buns of anti steel of fluffy soft let's just get started first let's work on our dough take a bowl add 3 4 cups of warm water add a teaspoon of sugar give that a little mix add a teaspoon of yeast then just leave it alone for about 10 to 15 minutes until the yeast activates when your yeast is forming bubbles at the top of the water that means it's done that aside now take a big mixing bowl and add two cups of flour take your water with the yeast mix a little bit and just add it in three intervals [Music] each time you add some water add your water slowly into the flour and just stir it in one direction [Music] now just get your hands in there and start kneading the dough if you feel like you don't have enough water mixed in with your flour just add a teensy bit more what you don't want to do is add too much moisture you don't want your dough to be too soft you rather have a little harder a little stiffer than too soft you're going to knead your dough for about 10 minutes until it's smooth on the surface make sure you put the dough in a big enough container because it's going to expand twice in size and just cover that in plastic wrap and we're going to find some place warm to store this for about an hour and a half or until again this dough rises twice in size and if you don't have a warm place in your house what i like to do is warm up my oven just a little bit now keep in mind don't turn your oven heat too high you're cooking the dough just keep it around 80 degrees fahrenheit atmosphere while we wait for the dough to rise let's prepare our pork chop now let's start wrapping the buns put in a tablespoon of filling now what you're gonna do is keep your thumb on the inside of the wrapper and just simply kind of kind of fold it into a fan you see that just go like that right here go like that squeeze and then use this finger here to help push the dough over into the fold and your thumb is gonna keep the filling inside the dough pat it down when you do this don't put too much don't like go too far just a little bit your goal is to do over 10 of these little folds so two three a little bit and then as you're doing it pull up a little bit on your dough thumbs should always kind of be positioned here at the end of the day so fold little fold little fold don't squeeze like the middle part just squeeze the top catch your filling down and then just twist and that's how you make a beautiful little dumpling with a little hole on top this is called the fish mouth because it kind of looks like a goldfish mouth and that's what your thumb is doing i don't think you saw what my thumb did let's do another one thumb on the inside make a little fan keep making the little fan pinch the very very top [Music] all right this is the tricky part this is the part that got me stumped for like a long time now when you get to the end it's gonna be like this you're still gonna make another little fan but here what i'm going to do is my finger is going to go in and my thumb is kind of going to go into this whole opening and i'm going to squeeze this this part is here and this part together okay this part and this part together so i'm just going to squeeze that together and also i'm gonna kind of just like twist it and there you go that's how you make a little little goldfish mouth and all the pretty ridges one last time i'm gonna put just a little bit of filling in this one so i can show you guys the folds so you can see it better again thumb on the inside finger pushing the ridge over squeeze the top all right keep doing that little bitty ridges all right you want to do like i said 10 folds at least on a single bun so keep going keep going keep going and again this is always the tricky part closing point all right still going to push this little ridge over i'm going to stick this part with this part then use my thumb and stick both of those parts on this part hopefully that makes sense so the wrench is going to come then i'm going to twist it a little more and just kind of tap it on that side and then just shape it a little bit and that's how you get a beautiful little bun here look here look at the little bun dance that's the bun mac arena it's the bun earthquake it's the bunny shake and this is where the parchment paper comes in i took my paper and cut it into little squares and i'm just gonna put my dumpling on top of the paper and lay it inside my little wooden tub here and just let it sit in a warm place for about another 20-30 minutes and these things are going to grow even larger when you're ready to cook add some warm to hot water in your steamer sit the balls on top and then just let them chill there for about 10 to 15 minutes until it rises a bit more after 10 minutes bring the water to a boil wait till the buns boil and then cook it for additional 20 minutes once the buns are done and you turn off the fire and this is really really important do not take the cover off otherwise your buns are going to sag and nobody wants saggy buns so keep the top on for another five minutes time's up let's see what we got wow look how pretty these things are i mean this is just the most adorable little buns ever they kind of look like my my little strictly dumpling logo these are so soft and tender and juice is just kind of oozing out from the top man these look delicious now before we dig in let's make some sauce for the buns i like just a little bit of soy sauce a little bit of chinese vinegar sesame oil and definitely some hot oil so there you go guys let me just take one of these babies out of here piping hot absolutely beautiful and like i mentioned if you just used all-purpose flour from a western supermarket your your buns are probably gonna be a little more yellowish than mine but just remember the taste is all it matters let's see how this tastes dip it in my sauce a little bit i think i put too much oil in this sauce [Music] cheers that that is delicious oh my goodness i'm not wow oh my god the pork that melted into the bun so the bun itself is just like it's just beanie with flavor let me just open this for you guys so you can see what's inside a lovely pork filling on the inside see how see how juicy it is if i squeeze it just a little bit you can see the juice coming out of that filling even the bun itself without any dipping sauce look at that that's all fatty porky delicious juice soaked into that bun don't even need any dip sauce this is good on his own you see all that juice that's in the bun right now this is why i love using ground pork that's either 70 30 or 20 80. you're gonna get a lot of this fatty goodness but still with the dipping sauce you guys don't even need to make the dipping sauce all that fancy if you can't handle the spice just put a little bit of soy sauce a little bit of vinegar or if you don't want to mess with this whole thing just dip it in a little bit of sriracha that's all you need i already finished two of the buns in like a minute this thing is seriously ridiculously good so there you go guys the first quasi-dumpling tutorial video on this channel and please go home and try this because a lot of you i know don't have access to maybe restaurants that make pork buns and trust me if you follow the recipe it's gonna taste just as good as any store so go home and show off to your friends your girlfriend your boyfriend your parents whoever it is they're really gonna be impressed when they taste this all right guys all the ingredients to this recipe is in my description box i try to find links on amazon to ingredients that you might not be able to find so easily in western supermarkets so hopefully that's helpful definitely go try this recipe like i always say if i can do it you can do it let me know how your buns turn out and until we eat again i'll see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 3,002,270
Rating: 4.9144006 out of 5
Keywords: strictly dumpling, mike chen, chinese bun, chinese buns, chinese baozi, chinese dumpling, chinese dumplings, chinese baozi recipe, how to make baozi, how to make chinese buns, how to make dumpling, how to make dumplings, bun, buns, baozi, baozi recipe, chinese buns recipe, chinese dumpling recipe, dumpling recipe, recipe, dumpling, dumplings, how to, recipes, pork bun, pork buns, chinese pork bun, chinese pork buns, soup dumpling, soup dumplings, cook, cooking, kitchen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2017
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