Char Siu Bao 叉燒包 (Chinese BBQ Pork Bun) Recipe - How to Make Tangzhong Milk Bread!

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[Music] so I recommend that you make your cha su Bao filling first that way has some time to cool before you fill your bow so go ahead and lob off about a quarter of the onion or so and just peel it and finely dice it until you know you have a fine dice so at this point you can add some celery you can add some shiitake mushrooms water chestnuts none of those things are traditional but you know feel free to add if you like then once that's done set it aside and just take your one pound of cha su or chinese BBQ pork I'm using as you see here store-bought ciaossu and I just you know found the best quality barbecue pork that I could in my neighborhood and I do like a leaner cha see you if you've been trusted before you know some pieces are super fatty but I personally like a leaner cuts but you know of course that's up to you if you want to be super extra of course you can make your own choice see you and Chinese BBQ pork butt yeah either way just go ahead and finely dice set up and set that aside [Music] then once you have that done you want to take a small saucepan just add two tablespoons of any sort of neutral flavor oil like a grape seed or canola avocado oil even if you're being very fancy in hipstery so then just go ahead and add your onion I just mix it around and your heat should be about medium or so you don't want to burn it but a little bit of caramelization is okay now at this point you just want to add your liquid so I'm using a homemade low-sodium chicken stock here but you can use water you can even use vegetable stock I mean if that's the case I would just recommend using water these are not vegetarian buttons because you know obviously as Tatsu so you want to add some molasses for sweetness along with some hoisin sauce that's a little bit sweet and salty as well as one tablespoon of oyster sauce which definitely is salty so be careful here it does how a little bit of that oyster flavor but it's more like umami I would say it's not like overtly seafoody so once it's bubbling away and again your heats about medium-high you want to add your cornstarch slurry which is simply just a combination of some cornstarch and water that way you can really thicken up your mixture and just let that cook for about three minutes until it's super thick and shiny and glossy looking just like you see there [Music] once that's done go ahead just remove from the heats and add your Chao su and just stir it around so everything's nicely coated in that nice barbecue Chinese barbecue sauce so now let's get to the fun part so we're gonna make the Tang song for our bread dough so you're gonna need 39 grams of bread flour along with 195 mils or about three to three quarters of a cup of milk you're just going to whisk that in a small saucepan just till it's nice and smooth and then just take it over to your stovetop and heat it up over about medium heat until it is and make sure you're whisking all the while until it resembles a very thick white paste just like you see there and this mixture may seem a little unusual to adds bread dough but trust me it helps to hold onto that moisture and your bread will be fresh for days so that's the secret to any Chinese or Asian type vows or bread things like that so then straight into the bowl of a stand mixer you want to rip the remaining flour so it's gonna be 351 grams of bread flour along with 50 grams or a quarter of a cup of granulated white sugar for a little sweetness and two and a quarter teaspoons of dried yeast or one package of active dry yeast along with one large room temperature egg and one large egg yolk or of one egg yolk of a large egg I suppose and then a little bit of salt and a remaining amount of milk and just go ahead and pop it into your KitchenAid mixer don't forget your tang song which is that flour and milk make sure that you cooked earlier which should have cooled down by now then just go ahead and add your dough hook attachment and start it off on low speed and just let it need for roughly 20 minutes or so or until it's a very soft smooth ball dough in a while it's kneading you do want to add two tablespoons or 26 grams of butter so after about 20 minutes of kneading and trust me it really does need all that time because Tang song dough does take does have a tendency to take very long to knead and you want it to look like something like this where it still has some stick to the surface of your counter or whatever using a pastry board or something like that so still adheres to it as you see there but overall it still sticks to itself so if you lift it up even though it's adhering to the surface if you lift it up it does come off in one large mass so and it should be nice and smooth on top just like you see there and if you stick your finger in it should leave an impression it would end and slowly spring back so you know you're done kneading when that happens then go ahead and place it into a large cleaned lightly oiled Bowl for it to proof for about two hours or so mungus [Music] they see you see but intention was not to have it for the small or is like way past double in size this is just fun this is just better will science people [Music] [Music] so it was voluptuous no longer so let's do eight buns and great scale in theory I should have like weighed out the whole dough and then just divide that by eight but you know I want to make it more complicated for myself so here we are 86 even the a for take one of our little baby balls of dough give it a quick roll around using that foaming pumping method I don't know what you want to call it basically you want to roll it around use your two hands roll it like that so it's nice and smooth and I like to flip it over this is going to be inside of our bond this isn't me the outside I like the smoother side to the outside trust me I learned that the hard way like your rolling pin roll it out [Music] so you roll it over in the center but try to make special efforts and make the edges a little bit thinner and you'll see why in a moment so okay that's it I have my filling over here my chassis put the barbecue sauce Chinese barbecue sauce use chopstick use spoon whatever was easier to basically get about 1 tablespoon heaping tablespoon as for us ciaossu so then this is super easy great one edge over eat it up with the opposite edge do the same thing a sign on the right side basically just pinching all that just together it should seal itself with no issue there it should give it a really good pinch all around to make sure it does not you know let's just spill it leaking out then just flip it over and gently pop it in between your hands between your palms that just rotate it rock it left and right like a clockwise motion and that way you get a nice sealed edge on the bottom nothing's gonna then just place it onto your baking sheet so I got two buns here my first one I should cover it actually I should cover it while in rolling recive ah but you do want to give us some space to grow up because they're little now but they're gonna grow up so we're going to eat them [Music] maybe like 2 inches or so yeah where should I put a third one out there risk it you know [Music] so once you've rolled filled and shape their little buns and place them onto a lined baking sheet that's either line the parchment paper or silicone mat like what I'm using here you want to cover them with a lightly greased prop it's a plastic wrap or a damp towel just so they could stay nice and warm and cozy so they can grow up and double in size and once that happens you want to brush them gently with some egg wash which which is just a mixture of egg and either milk cream or water and then just bake them off at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for about ten minutes or so just until they're nice and beautiful and golden brown just like any bread lover's delight they look so glorious okay so we got our chopped soup out here and it look awesome oh my God look at that they're pretty large but you can make them smaller if you like these are meal size Schatzi boughs there's light as air poked up enough filling in there but we'll see but the bun itself is super soft I can just feel it by touching it it looks awesome so I should have to take I'll take the small one here and you can just smell that trois you let's break it open it did kind of leak out a little bit like you know when I was spilling it maybe I could have done a better job with with sealing it then let's see okay mmm look at that oh my god that bun has so much it's just so fluffy there's so much air in it super soft oh my god it's kind of like those tens on note breads that you see online but just take to taste the breakfast right really good it has that I don't know it has that tenderness to it hard to describe other than this is very similar to like those Asian buns that you get at the agent bakery let's try to filling with it broke up a little bit of salt to a little bit sweet you know from the bond and also from that billing Chaucer's kind of sweet and saucy so really good just like something you get from a Chinese bakery or even like a dim sum house you know when they're wheeling around the cards sometimes they got chastity bow so now you know how to make it cooked it's really cool oh yeah it's super super soft you can't beat fresh bread you know and when it comes to town is on bread you know when we mix the flour and the water together it really helps to retain that moisture in the bread and it should stay soft like this for a number of days so I have to try that theory but yourself feel like you know a store it's an airtight container and all that stuff too so just keep that in mind but I'm gonna finish this off but make sure if you liked this video make sure you give it a thumbs up as well as hit that subscribe button for new recipes every Tuesday and Friday I'll see you back here next time bye sure Murphy with a cup of tea [Music]
Channel: In Shannon's Kitchen
Views: 267,239
Rating: 4.8974147 out of 5
Keywords: char siu bao recipe, chinese bbq pork buns, chinese barbecue pork buns, pork bun recipe, chinese pork buns, chinese baking, chinese cooking, bao, bao recipe, tangzhong milk bread recipe, tangzhong milk bread, tangzhong, tangzhong bread, buns, bun recipe, bbq pork, barbecue pork, bread recipes, 叉燒包
Id: bN0Hixe1jH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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