High Profit Wood Project that sells but you'll want to keep it for yourself. DIY Woodworking

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stick around and I'll show you guys how to build this for your next barbecue or you can sell it online and you won't believe how much they're charging for these online now let's get to building so here's your cut list as you can see it's not going to take a lot of wood to do this the bottom dimensions are approximate because they're going to be based off the actual dimensions of the wood you're using and I'll show you what I mean later the 1x4s I got at my local Big Box store were trash as usual and uh so I had to rip down a 1x8 then my breaker blew while I was cutting it so luckily I was past the 4T Mark then I forgot to adjust my roller stand and it was too short to catch my pieces if you're not making mistakes you're not doing wood workking not to toot my own horn but I finally got it right on the last cut go me then I cut my two 1x4s and my two 1X sixes down to their final sizes of 4T now I'm going to lay out some decorative curves into the sides of the two 1 by sixes we'll start by marking 8 in from the end of one board then we'll mark a line 1 in in from each side I probably should have clamped them to keep them from moving but hey I like a challenge now I'm using an 8 O can of stain to mark this curve and no I am not mcgyver but if you know who that is leave it in the comments if you don't have a jigsaw to make these curves you can always use a coping saw and if you don't have a coping saw you can change it from a curve to a 45 or whatever angle is you're comfortable with or you like and just use a hand saw and if you don't have a Handa just chew it off like a beaver now I cut off the remaining 1 in on the world's weirdest table saw notice there's no miter slots okay so to cut the four 1x4s that I need I need to make sure that they're the same width as the 1x6 usually a 1x6 is 5 and 1/2 but that's rough so you got to make sure that you check it like I just did okay now using your same trailer park Compass make a circle on the top of that 1x6 that is actually looks like a 1x4 now because we cut one inch off each side so it pretty much is a 1x4 on the top and a 1X six on the last 8 in so the last piece I need to cut is the bottom piece now I originally cut it 4ot but I'm adding up all my side pieces together so I can subtract it from the Bottom's total length this will make more sense when you see it all come together and then after I cut it to length I had to trim down the width of it to match the rest of my side pieces this is the second one I had to make cuz the first one I cut it to length on the wrong side of the line my bottom board had a loose knot in it that I filled in with CA glue and sawdust if you guys want to full tutorial on how to do this just let me know in the comments and I'll make a video on how to do it now that we got all our pieces cut time to start sanding as much as I hate sanding this is where I get to clean up all those hacky jigsaw Cuts I made now you don't need one of these bench top Sanders you can sand these with anything but if you do a lot of small part sanding these are well worth the money but they won't work on a double chin so learn from my mistakes the rest of the sanding I just did with a random orbital sander and a sanding block oh whoa sorry that was from my only fans okay time for assembly first thing I do is I'm going to screw one of the little 1x4s to the bottom 1x6 I just clamped the 1x6 to my workbench and then I left a little lip for the 1x4 to sit on you can use screws here because this part's going to be covered the rest of this is going to be all nails and then just repeat that step on the next side now apply some glue to the first 1x4 we just screwed onto the base then you can nail or screw those together then glue clamp and nail the last 1x4 on now just flip it around and repeat that whole process on the other side we're getting splinters all our life living in the Woodworkers Paradise J Go remix okay so now it's time to put on the front and back 1x4 make sure you put the nicest side facing out I'm using tight Bond three glue because it's going to be outside then clamp it on nail it in place flip it around and repeat the whole process once you get it all nailed up now it's time to get it ready for stain first thing I need to do is fill in all these nail holes with some wood putty good Lord my head looks like a butter ball turkey caught in a net okay now that all my wood putty's dry I'm going to sand it all down round over some edges just double check everything uh make sure it's all ready for stain here's me flexing my vacuum remote like it's made by Ferrari and I didn't get it from Walmart so after good sanding I like to vacuum it all out make sure I don't leave any dust behind wow I am really proud of this thing like I just cured Dunlap now I'm putting down some paper so I don't mess up my Gucci workbench Gucci workbench okay I'm using this bare premium oilbased wood stain I really like this color provencial it looks really good on pine pine is really hard to stain especially when you get it from The Big Box store it's usually either overdried or not dried enough but this really makes it look good okay here's Vana wide showing you the Spar urethane that I used to clear coat this I chose a Spar urethane because it's going to be outside and it's going to be in the element so this is going to give it that much more protection now I'm using a waterbased Spar urethane I I would have went with an oil base but I already had this and I I didn't want to go buy another one some people say you shouldn't use a water-based clear coat over top of a oilbased stain I haven't had a problem as long as I give it proper time to dry even on a stain that says it's a 2hour and then you can clear coat if you're putting water base over top of it you should give it at least 48 Hours okay after you let that clear coat dry for a few hours come back and hit it with a 320 400 grit sandpaper then reclear coat it do that a couple more times so you get about three coats it'll come out so smooth and nice when you're done okay so I got these hooks from Amazon I'll put a link in the description they're about 20 bucks you can find different hooks if you want if you if there's something you want to use that's cheaper I just really like the way they look like railroad spikes I put it 3/4 in from the top then I pre-drilled and screwed the top hole leveled the bottom and then pre-drilled and screwed the bottom hole okay now you need about a 6t section of this sisle rope uh sisle Cil however you pronounce it you get it from Home Depot you can get it on Amazon I got mine from Home Depot was like 72 cents a foot or something like that then you need another 1ot section you're going to use the one foot section we're going to make Hoops out of it and you're going to use the other section to like wrap around here and I'll show you how we're going to do that okay now you're going to make a hoop in your rope somewhere about like that and if you use these same hooks that I used with this little thing on the end you want to make it so this kind of clicks on there so it doesn't easily just plop off you see where you got to kind of got to like pop it on and then it kind of holds it in place now that you got that you could put a piece of tape on there to hold it you can put a string and then I'll show you the next step okay so here was my extra piece that I got what you're going to do is you're going to untwist it then you're going to cut one of those twists off is what I did then from that twist there's multiple strands you're going to pull one of those off uh thank you for holding that for me no problem and uh thank you for cutting it for me no problem so then you're going to take this first you want to put a little bit of hot glue in between here or you can use uh CA glue um with an activator and it doesn't matter how this looks cuz you're going to wrap some twine around it anyways then put a little dab up in the top in between the two ropes and push your string in there with a with a nail to get it start started and then just keep wrapping and putting a dab of glue wrap put a dab of glue until you get all the way down now you're going to have a lot of flyaways as my wife calls it when it's in somebody's hair and you're just going to trim those off at the end doing this rope is the last part and then I'm really excited to show you guys all the different ways you can decorate this thing it's very versatile so to finish this off just do the same thing you did to start it pull the string up through the middle put a little bit of hot glue hold it there with a nail for a second till it cools and then cut off the extra now just get some scissors and cut off all those flyways like you're doing a little manscaping before a hot date okay so now take the Rope you just made hook it on the one side and we're going to look and see you want to have a bit of a droop but not too much I'd say probably about right there looks like you might have almost been able to get away with a 5ft piece a 5 foot 6 but rather have 6t and have too much is not enough so about right there you want to have a bit of a a hang in it about right there and then you're just going to repeat that same thing on this side to where you have two Hoops okay so now I'll show you some different ways you can display this either in your backyard or for pictures online and then I will reveal how much these things sell for online and you won't believe it all right so here's some different ways you can decorate it I got these I know it looks a little funny cuz this one's heavier and it's pulling it down but when you have all the same one on there it doesn't do that these are some lanterns I got these from Hobby Lobby if you don't have a Hobby Lobby by you I got these bottles from the dollar store you put a little l lanterns in here little lights you could put I've seen people do fairy lights you know it starts getting at night 4th of July oh Fourth of July speaking of Fourth of July got my American flag boom you can do that with a regular bottle you don't need these little bottles but they're only $125 I think they are now I think it's really a dollar St anymore and then in the bottom part you can put whatever you want you put fill it with oranges apples fruits all different fruits you can even do something like put some candles in there with some flowers these are from uh Walmart these are the food prep containers they fit in here perfectly you can put different foods in here you could like you don't have to worry about it messing up the wood or the wood contaminating it I've seen people fill these with watermelon I also have some fairy lights that I put around the whole thing we dim the lights a little bit there you go you set the mood at uh the holidays or at whatever barbecue and it makes the perfect centerpiece there you go that's barbecue Vibes right there playing some old school 9s jams okay so this is what these are gone for online this is Bed Bath and beond they're gone for almost $500 it cost me less than 50 to make this that's a 500% markup
Channel: JASCOgoods
Views: 189,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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