6 More Woodworking Projects That Sell - Make Money Woodworking (Episode 31)

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what is up and welcome back guys to another episode of Smalls that sell and making money with woodworking so for those of you that are new to the channel and wondering what this is all about it's all about being able to recognize what's hot what's trending what items can you move and then being able to break that apart in your head so you can put your own twist to it and build a version that you can sell I have several different builds to break down so let's go and hop into it so while doing my research on what is hot and trending in the big box stores right now I came across this and I thought that it was is pretty cool okay so like I've mentioned several times before anytime that something has been a bestseller and popular for a long time the stores just change something about it they just change it up make it unique in their own way or just call it something else and that's exactly what they have done with these cutting boards so obviously the traditional cutting board is on its way out as far as popularity but these big box stores want to capitalize on the popularity that they had because they know that the market is huge for these and they came up with this a set of nesting cutting boards so people love anything that nests anything that goes together kind of like the old school nesting dolls they have nesting baskets they have nesting whatever they can go inside of something or connect to something like a puzzle piece they make it and they sell it so that's exactly what they've done here they've taken a previously hot item and then they've mixed it up with a hot concept nesting but what I really liked about this is just how easy it is to make so this particular set is 15 in wide by 15 in tall and it's only 5/8 of an inch thick so 5/8 of an inch thick seems a little bit thin to me even if you were to oil this really well if you get any type of moisture in this at that width it's going to end up cupping so if you decide to make this go with a little bit thicker material just to be on the safe side so I know what you're saying I do not have a solid piece of wood that's 15 in wide well check this out so you can actually see the glue joints in this where they just glued up their 5/8 material so to start with whatever material that you decide to use you can glue it up to a square of any size and another thing that I really like about this is that they are focusing on handmade actually in the title in the description there's actually even a little handmade logo there so since this company is focusing so much on the point that it's handmade obviously they have seen an uptick for people wanting handmade items and that's where you come in almost everything that you're going to make will be handmade so take a note from their marketing Playbook and anything that you sell make sure that people know that it's handmade you would think that it would be obvious that they know that it's handmade but it never hurts to remind them okay so they're focusing on the point that it's handmade they have actually zoomed in on shots of mistakes or wide areas where everything doesn't Nest perfectly they want to prove that a laser did not cut this out and even the holes in the handles at the top you can see that they're kind of misshapen and not perfectly cut now you can cut these perfectly with a hoos saw but I would actually go back in with a jigsaw and kind of make it misshapen and roughed up a little bit again they do not want the perfect pristine cutting board look they want this primitive Americana hand made look and as far as making this two-piece set well actually it's just one board and you can see that they've just cut this curved profile out using a jigsaw or a Banda so this is super simple to do and to prove it I'm going to make a set real quick this is just a square piece of glued up material mine's a little thicker it's 3/4 of an inch thick and it's only about 12 in wide so it's going to be a little smaller than this but you'll kind of get the point and the neat thing about this design is you don't have to do it exactly like the pictures that I just showed you let's say that if it's close to Valentine's Day you could actually do a heart and then make your cut down the middle and then when they're pushed back together it's nesting so you can really make pretty much any type of design that you want if you like the style and you want longer boards let's say for bread or something like that then just simply add some length to your material before you sketch it out so sketching it out I know a lot of people say I can't draw I can't do this I can't do that I cannot draw like at all so no excuses there the cool thing about a pencil is that it has an eraser so you would just roughly kind of etch out the shape that you want and then you can go back in and erase like areas that you didn't like and sharpen the corners or loosen them up or however that you would like until you can get you know something like this just a look that you want but once you get that put onto your board I'm going to go ahead and remove these circles for the handles first then we'll dive into the jigsaw and if you're still not comfortable actually sketching on the piece of material that you're going to be using then do it on a piece of cardboard that's the same size as your workpiece just sketch it out if you don't like it erase it burn it do whatever you want but you won't have to worry about wasting your wood however you want to do it that's completely up to you but why do I have a pencil in my hat and also in my hand I have no clue but what I was getting at is do not let your lack of drawing skills keep you from doing something like this if you think it's cool do it you have to believe in yourself with pretty much everything if you can see it in your head you can Mark out enough on a piece of cardboard or your piece of wood to get the results that you want that's all that it's going to take is try and get once and then once you have proven to yourself that you can do it then next time that it comes along you're going to have no worries and if you always want to be ready for anything whenever it comes to this then keep an extra pencil in your hat even when you have one in your hand I'm going to start off by cutting my two holes then I'm going to rough the edges up just a bit after I have my two holes cut time to crack out the jigsaw first I'll cut off the outside outline and then I'll make my cut to separate the two boards once I have that done I'm just going to shape the edges of these then once I get my desired look I'll apply food saf finish and it's as easy as that that's why they are selling a set for 56 bucks on a site that normally Jacks everything way up because the cost of the item is so low and the time to make it is so short so one last Quick tip before we move on to the next one let's say that you're wanting to batch out three or four with the exact same design at the same time so all that you'd have to do is stack your material on top of each other sketch your design on the top board or if you used cardboard use that temp plate then you will be able to make all of these cuts on several boards at the same time making you even more money so this next one I thought was super cool because pretty much every woodworker or DIY out there will have this type of material so check out these hanging crates for plants and then we're actually going to take this one and build onto it for this next one but what do you see here okay so I see scraps I see cut offs I see the little edging strips that we all keep and you know that you do then you have this bundle of 3/4 of an inch cut offs piled up in the corner of your shop and you're just wondering what am I ever going to to do with this or your significant others actually asking you what are you ever going to do with this well this is what you're going to do with it and also let them know that there are other people that are worse than that out there like me this is actually quarter of an inch and it's not even perfectly square but I keep a bundle of this this actually was what was left of a rabbit joint that I was cutting for some frames so I'm pretty bad about throwing away wood there's got to be something that I can make out of these so if you have any ideas drop it down into the comments and I'll make it cuz if not the only thing that I can come up with is Chopsticks but anyway way my point is that most people will have this type of material laying around and even if you don't 3/4 of an inch material is probably one of the most popular thicknesses of material so you definitely have some shorter pieces of that laying around and the cool thing about these is you can make them pretty much any size I can't really tell by these pictures how large the plants are that are in those but it's really besides the point they're all made the same way so I'm going to say 3/4 of an ex material and if you want to make small ones let's say 6 or 8 in then you would just cut all of your parts the same length or you could do a large lger one and do a 12 in and build it the same way so this whole project is kind of put together like Lincoln Logs so to build this I would actually put the bottom on last so picture this without the bottom on it lay your two Edge strips down and then just stack your next two pieces on top making your perfect square I'll throw a little bit of wood glue between each one of these and throw a brad nail into each Corner i' use a speed square for the first couple just to make sure everything is square and you could just repeat this process adding exterior wood glue brad nails all the way up until you get to the top however High the you would like to build this thing and at this point there really is no top or bottom I was just kind of giving you that as a visualization doing away with the bottom but without the bottom everything else is the same then just choose which side is going to be your bottom use some wood glue lay your bottom slights across and then I would actually use screws to attach the bottom boards guess this wood glue can hold a lot of weight but these bottom slats are actually holding all of the weight so just to be on the safe side I'd throw a screw on each side and then as far as hanging this you could use twine twisted up burlap chain whatever that you like looks like that they've just used some nylon cordage here but it's a super cool look and you could build this for next to nothing keep all of this in mind as far as building this boxes and that leads me to this next example and that is going to be this cleat wall system with do those boxes look familiar and this is also showing you that those boxes do not have to be perfectly Square I mean these are rectangle and it's a super cool look so even if you just wanted to build one long one to actually hang like they have at the very top of this you could do it and it would look super cool cool so that's what I mean whenever I say see what others are doing and then get an idea from that to put your own twist to it and make your own version so none of these rectangle boxes are actually hanging boxes but they would make awesome hanging boxes but if you wanted to do this cleat system that's all that you would have to do is to make the boxes just like we talked about a minute ago so for this setup you would probably make them a little bit larger so you may want to increase the size of your material to 1 in x 1 in it's up to you so since we already know how to make these boxes this French cleat wall will really be the only difference and it's pretty cool you could actually make these walls and sell them in sections that way it' pretty much fit anyone's living space so I know that most of you know what a French Cate is and how to make it in case you do not real quick you can take any size board I'm going to oversize my example here but essentially you can rip any board in half at a 45° angle or you could take a single board and just cut a 45° angle on one Edge for this one it looks like the cleats on the wall probably 3 to 4 in wide and then whatever with the actual cleat is they've used the exact same spacing in between then they have just fastened these cleat to a couple of boards that are fastened to their wall so in this case let say this is our backs slat they've actually fastened the cleat just like this okay you see how this side here is actually sticking out that's the way that you would want it okay so this is what it would look like from the front that's what it would look like from the side and again this is our wall slat the reason why we would want this angled down towards that wall support is because the mating board to this will actually be fastened to the back of your boxes now just imagine this piece with a box attached to the front and then with that attached and your cleat wall in place that's all that you would have to do is slide your box over the section of the cleat wall and it locks into place okay so that is your general French cleat system I actually use it on several walls of my shop it's an awesome system because nothing is locked into place if you ever want to move things around or rearrange it then you just lift up on it move move it over raise it up bring it down do whatever you want but they have taken that exact same concept it's a super clean wood look none of this ugly pig board and all that stuff they have integrated that concept into this wall of plants so now picture this without any plants on it at all what if we wanted this to just be a big shelving system and you could easily do it using French cleats so again take something that you see like this I love this decorative French cleat concept and change it up remove those boxes and add something completely different so you could add shelves like we talked about or you can mix it up and actually do some of these boxes and shelves pretty much anything that you could build to hold something you can attach a cleat to it and stick it on a cleat wall so a quick cut in here I know this is not the right video but since we are talking about Smalls that sell how about a mediumsized build that sells if you did not get a chance to check out last week's video on the transforming shelf make sure to check that out like I've always said in order to generate sales you have to create something different and this is definitely different so this next one caught my eye because I was actually going to make fun of it at first then I got to looking at it and it's actually pretty cool again we've talked about this before go out to the firewood pile get a log and turn it into 200 bucks that's how much they're selling these things for and they are super simple to build especially if you can use a chainsaw and even if you can't use a chainsaw still easy to build so the more that I looked at this and I'm thinking 200 bucks 200 bucks for this log with legs and it's because it is made to look super primitive and I've actually seen original antique pieces like this where people would put legs on something like this and actually use it as a chopping block and they're awesome so one of the things that really got me here just like one of the items that we talked about earlier is they are pointing out all of the flaws they want to prove that this is handmade so if you look at the joinery they're wanting this to look like it's Dow joinery look at the placement of the Dows they're all off nothing's measured nothing's perfect it's just wherever they decided to drill a hold most like those are caps and it's actually put together with screws but besides the point okay so now check this out look at the top Cuts here you see how the top Cuts go out past the legs so the notch that this leg is sitting in was cut out with a chainsaw or at least made to look like it was cut out with a chainsaw which really doesn't fit into the whole primitive Americana look because they didn't have chainsaws back then but regardless they are pointing this out and actually highlighting it look at how much of that brown wood filler that they've had to use in all of these cuts and and again they are wanting you to see this so make it these things are cool these things will sell and you can make them different sizes if you have access to any type of wood like this see if you can find something that's 12 13 in across the center and then the same measurement for the height so then once you have your block of wood that you're going to be using for your stool and that's what they are calling this is a stool but when they have it staged up they have it staged up with lamps books whatever so you could actually raise legs make in tables I mean especially with the right kind of wood people are going to buy these so what I would do is cut my legs first these legs are only about an inch and a half 2 inches thick and then if you notice the part that's actually inset into the log that is perfectly square at the top so let's say that that is a full 4 in honestly really doesn't matter as long as it will hold the weight of the wood so you could even use a 5- in piece but then once it drops down about 4 in so there's about a 4x4 section that's inset into the wood it starts to gradually taper just a bit so this is only like a 2 or 3° taper say that you decided to make your leg 18 in long you just measure down that leg 4 in make a mark then the rest of that 14 in and you just take a straight edge and make your taper now to cut that taper the easiest thing to do would just be to use a circular saw everything about this is rustic and primitive so I'd use a circular saw cut those out now on the legs I'd make sure to leave them all a little bit longer than what you're actually wanting the end result to be and the reason why is because most of these logs firewood whatever will not be cut perfectly Square it's just almost impossible to do with a chainsaw so once you get these legs installed say your Wood's kind of sitting at a little bit of an angle you can actually square that up by removing material from the bottom of your legs so if you leave a little bit of extra length even if your logs cut a little bit crooked you could easily make it level at the top but as far as installing it into the side of this log i' take that full 4 in by 4 in side or 5 in x 5 in whatever width of material that you decided to use place it onto the side of the log bring it up to where the 4in depth of square with the bottom right at that taper and then just Trace that out so you know that that's where it's going to be and then use equal spacing from that point to mark your other two legs the exact same way now the fun part if you're using a chainsaw start at the Top Cut and then use a plunge cut you're just plunging the blade straight into the material until you're to the width of the mark that you have made and then for these sides following your marks just use the tip of the Chainsaw to go straight down connecting your horizontal cut and then if you wanted to make things easier for removing that chunk you could actually turn it over do another plunge cut from The Underneath then another cut right in the middle and you probably just knock those chunks out with a hammer for some reason if they're still a little stuck that's where an old wood chisel come in handy another option if you do not have a chainsaw or if you're not comfortable using a chainsaw for cutting this out is you can actually do it with one of these so this is just a circular saw with a 4-in blade you can make these exact same Cuts plunge this in from the back turn it to the side plunge on the right side plunge on the left side and you probably just have to cut out a couple of strips in the middle cuz again this material is only an inch and 1 half 2 in deep so if you're not comfortable with chainsaw no excuses if you have one of these use that if you don't have one borrow one from your neighbor but regardless of how you cut this Notch out even if you decide to use a Handa and a chisel for the whole thing once you get that material removed go ahead and Slide the leg into place again it can fit very Loosely and look at all this filler that they've had to use once you have it roughly into place then you could drill your Hol for your Dow joinery add some wood glue and then hammer in your Dows if you want to connect the whole thing with Dows if you actually want to use screws counter B in insert your screws then your Dows cut them off flush and then you get this look then just give everything a good sanding I would actually Contour over these legs a little bit kind of make them look like they're following the arch of the seat itself and you're done this is a $200 stool that honestly I underestimated from the beginning because this would look good sitting out on a porch or as a coffee table or an end table or a stool I actually like this idea so much that I think that I'm going to make one just for the heck of it so if I end up doing that I don't think that it's going to be a video that everyone's going to want to watch so I'll at least make sure to post it to the patreon community if you're interested in this type of behind the-scenes content and the community aspect of the channel then make sure to check it out I'll throw a link on my website and in the description this next one caught my eye because it was kind of interesting abstract wall art like we've talked about in the past and they're winning $4,250 for this thing on sale okay so they're doing you a favor get them while they're hot I mean they have to be flying off the shelves don't even try to make this for that kind of a price but it is cool and you can make this thing super cheap using scrapwood so we've seen stuff like this before but it's always had a border and that's one of the things that caught my eye was there's no border to this so that is what's making this different so they realized that people are loving this abstract wall art and they decided to take that and change it up by removing the borders so actually by doing that you can pretty much make any shape that your material comes out to be and honestly I like this style better than the ones with the actual traditional borders so yes this is super expensive but this particular one is a giant piece this monster is over 4T deep at its wide as points and 12T long okay so obviously you can kind of see what they've done here they've taken random pieces of wood they've drilled holes in them they've cut notches in it and then they've stained it all up to look old they've used different species of wood and tons of different shapes so they're actually onean thing this to look like that it is cut off from pieces of wood like scrap pieces if you were squaring something up the between us and them in order to sell quantity they have to replicate this over and over so they're actually having to make scrap pieces we as creators and wood hoarders we don't have to make our own scrap pieces we've got a big pile of it so get into your scrap pile take a jigsaw cut out a bunch of notches make some weird looking shapes stuff like that lay it all out onto a table until you get a design that you like then take scrap pieces of plywood paint it all black because that is the backing for all of this so any of those notches holes anything like that it's just just going to show up as black regardless of what you decided to do with your plywood again after it's all painted black set it on your table then lay out all of your pieces on top of that piece of plywood till you get the abstract design that you like so with all your parts in the place and just carefully trace around everything so you're tracing Your Design out onto the plywood then you would just slide this off onto a table kind of like what you do with a puzzle and then jigsaw out what you have traced once you get that done go and paint the edges that you've just cut black then you'll put all of your pieces back into place using wood and then if you wanted for extra support just flip this baby over throw in some bread nails and some screws and you're done no you will not be able to get 4,000 and whatever dollars that they're trying to get out of this but with the right market and the right marketing you could easily sell a cool project like this as abstract art throw some cash in your pocket and decrease your scrapwood pile thank you guys so much for watching as always I hope that you were able to take something from this even if none of these projects Spar your interest take away the aspect of looking at things from a different perspective so seeing one idea and then recreating it to make it your own that is called creativity and thinking divergently and you can do it till next time we'll see you
Channel: Matthew Peech
Views: 77,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking tips, woodworking hacks, compilation video, beginner woodworking, learn, how to, peech, matthew peech, matthew peech woodworking, matthew peach, peach woodworking, make money woodworking, how to make money woodworking, money woodworking, earn money woodworking, start woodworking business, woodworking projects that make money, how to make money, making money woodworking, starting a woodworking business, getting started woodworking, woodworking projects that sell
Id: KbeoqOozji0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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