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[Music] hello everybody patrol gaming and welcome back to another reaction video well easter is upon us it's already that time of the year can you believe it this year is just flying past so last year we did an easter special it went down really well so i thought we'd do another one this time so i've got some more david phelps obviously but i've added a few bits and pieces into it as well so we've got actually a funny david phelps in the middle just to kind of break it up a bit and then i've got another group called celtic worship so somebody turned me on to these guys they're a scottish band so i thought okay well you've got my interest right there so let's just jump in it's about half an hour for this special so go and grab some snacks grab a drink whatever you need to do but make sure you come back and enjoy this so let's jump in and this is going to be our easter special 2021. can you already believe it's 2021 i don't know where the time goes it is terrible terrible we're all getting older every year so let's jump straight into this [Applause] [Music] [Music] already [Music] is oh i believe [Music] that this life with its great mysteries one day we'll come to conquer the darkness and death and will lead [Music] the christ who was [Music] has the power to change lives [Music] today [Applause] that is [Music] oh [Music] surrendered [Music] oh oh hey guys here we are at the barn we are rehearsing for our mother's day live concert celebration and uh it's gonna stream at davidphelps.com go to davidphelps.com and we hope you'll join us for this we're going to have a great time but we gathered everybody here uh together in the barn here and here's the band here y'all say hi y'all say hi you got to one of the cameras that you don't know which is working but we thought we'd we were rehearsing here so um this is one of my favorite ones that we do i thought we would record this for y'all and i hope it gives you comfort during this time you know what i've i've never heard david speak before um his accent does not sound anything like that when he sings oh my god i didn't realize he had such a strong accent so um so what i've done is to explain a little bit i've just got a whole lot of clips that i thought would be good for easter put them all together i haven't seen any of them actually that's technically not true i've actually seen one of them which we used last year which is my favorite side i'm using it again so don't hold it against me um but what a way to kick it off oh man what a powerful song to kick this special off so let's jump into this next [Music] song where are the signs which way should i go i plan each step but now i don't know tomorrow is a chasm uncertainty but i will go there if you go with me [Music] gentle save yourself [Music] lead me on hold me close keep me safe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why can't i walk away from my regrets and why is forgiveness so hard to accept my past surrounds me like a house i can't afford or would you say come with me don't live [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my way [Music] hold me close keep me safe lead me on gentle safety and when i reach the valley every so much journey through i'll remember then how well you know hand in your hand like a trusting child would do [Music] and [Music] lies [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me close keep me safe [Music] lead me on [Music] gentlemen save [Music] all right it's good wow wow wow we're only two songs in it [Music] the night was so different from all the rest and the silence covered the earth the stars have no glimmer and the moon tries to hide for in death lies the man of their [Music] in a room filled with sorrow a mother cries for jesus her son now is gone [Music] her child sent from heaven [Music] was taken away heartbroken she feels all alone [Music] a little boy cries saying mama i don't understand [Applause] [Music] i remember the look of the love in his eyes that i saw [Music] when he touched my hand [Music] then the king of all ages the giver of life for a moment lie silent and still [Music] must bow [Music] [Music] stops crying her mother is filing for [Music] death [Applause] the earth [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] donnie sumner why not praise the lord just good then a stone moves and the earth shakes and the bird starts singing sun shines the earth warms a new light is bringing and the little boy stops crying and the mother is smiling for death could not [Music] [Applause] hold oh it's been a great night [Applause] wow wow i mean okay um what a great song what a great song david hits that note and it's just ah just melt your heart just melt your heart oh this is tougher than i thought it's gonna be jeez every song every song hits you right in the spirit oh my god oh my god oh all right let's keep going unbelievable i yeah let's just keep going uh [Music] my goodness [Music] as i [Music] [Music] and the burden of my heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] i'm happy [Music] was it [Music] for crimes that he grows [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] entity [Applause] grace degrees [Music] i [Applause] [Music] [Music] i received [Music] and i [Music] am oh god [Music] the harmonizing ah just so superb so superb so this is um as i said this is celtic uh worship i've never actually somebody as i said somebody sent me the the link and said they were a scottish worship band and i should check him out so this is me checking them out i've never heard him um when i was putting together this together all i heard was that three seconds of bagpipes and i thought oh yep i'm in so we'll listen to this together for the first time [Music] [Music] so [Music] i hear the savior say thy strength indeed [Music] jesus paid it all all to my own sin had left a crimson stain he washed [Music] lord now indeed [Music] the heart of stone [Music] [Music] and [Music] jesus died my soul to save my jesus paid it all [Music] i like them they sound very good [Music] oh praise the lord [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh praise the one who paid my debt and raised this life for from the dead oh praise the lord who paid my debt and raised this life i liked it i liked it um i mean you can never have enough tin whistles and bagpipes and songs and the views of scotland were breathtaking um such a beautiful country even if i do say so myself so i'm definitely going to check out some more that was um celtic worship yeah they sound really good they sound really good definitely check it out you know after we finally decided on russ we just go on to the next no no no no we found out press play no no no no you know just like we talked about earlier we know we no we didn't no i'm serious i mean after we decided nobody wants to hear this nobody nobody nobody wants to hear it no we found out that russ has earned five grammy awards the rust [Applause] had russell's got five grannies russell's got that green this guy's got six kids russell's got five grammys guys got six kids left every night was that out loud [Applause] guy good guy sweet loving fertile guy oh guy i don't have six kids because i've got a hobby and russ russ dear sweet trying to get away from me russ dear sweet pentecostal russ russ where'd you get those uh alleged uh grammys for well they were you see nobody cares nobody cares and you know i just take night after night just driving it home to the audience i've got five grammys i don't know if i can ask nobody cares nobody cares and you know i just hate night after night just driving it home to the audience i've got five grammys [Music] talking about five grammys and it just it just makes me just a little sad and and a little nauseous um but uh you know i don't have five grammys for us because i've chosen to to store up my treasures in heaven oh [Music] that's hilarious that was hilarious that was hilarious that was uh oh jeez [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hang out the banners and shout the news blow the trumpets and forms till there is no one who hasn't heard we shall not die anymore i'm here to tell you that jesus lives as he so shall we dying in fear have all passed away they've been swallowed in victory has broken the courts away there's no reason to feel why seek the living among the dead [Music] jesus [Music] come children [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] and three in celebration for what he has done jesus the christ sets you free you free [Music] jesus [Music] what a what a message in that jesus the cross sets you free [Music] now we know this song this is the one that we had in last year so this is one of my favorite songs so this is why it's in here for this year um all right let's get ready for this one this one is um the gates and doors were barred and all the windows fastened down i spent the night in sleeplessness and rose at every sound half in hopeless sorrow laughing fear the day were to find the soldiers breaking through to drag us all away [Music] then just before the sunrise i heard something at the wall the gate began to rattle and a voice began to call i hurried to the window i looked down into the street expecting swords and torches and the sound of soldiers but there was no one there at mary so i went down to let her in and john stood there beside me as she told us where she'd been she said they've moved him in the night and none of us knows where oh the stone's been rolled away and now his body isn't there so we both ran to the garden then john ran on ahead and we found the stone and empty tomb just the way that mary said but the winding sheath they'd wrapped him in was just an empty cell and however they taken it was more than i could tell [Music] oh something strange had happened there just what i did not know john believed a miracle but i just turned to go circumstance and speculation couldn't lift me very high because i'd seen them crucify him and i saw him die back inside the house again the guilt and anguish came everything i promised him just added to my shame when at last it came to choices i denied i knew his name so even if he was alive [Music] then suddenly the air was filled with a strange and sweet perfume light that came from everywhere drove shadows from the room then jesus stood before me with his arms and wide and i fell down on my knees and i just clung to him and cry oh but then he raised me to my feet and as i looked into his eyes love was shining out from him like sunlight from the skies guilt in my confusion disappeared in sweet release and every fear i'd ever had just melted into peace [Music] is [Music] he's alive [Applause] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow wow what a way to end out our special i cannot believe that was already 42 minutes it went by like that oh my god that was actually more emotional than i thought it was going to be um and that bitten that clip in the middle i've not seen that people have been telling me about it that one from the australian homecoming with the the the grammys i've never seen it i thought i'd put that in there just to kind of break it up and man that was hilarious oh my god that was hilarious nobody cares but as i said you know that is our easter special what a um great time of the year i thought i put this together obviously we did it last year great reaction from it last year um i think in this kind of crazy world that we're having at the moment we kind of need to be reminded of stuff like this and i definitely loved celtic worship i'm definitely going to check them out some more too so i've never seen them before somebody sent me the link and as i said you know they said they were a scottish worship band i thought okay i'll check him out for sure so i'm a sucker for bagpipes you know being scottish anything bagpipes i mean so that's it so ah that was fantastic that was fantastic great great songs great messages in all of them and just beautiful beautiful singing um just a way to express their love for jesus and the lord and everything else and at this time of the year this is the time to do it um that's just fantastic fantastic but i hope you enjoyed it as i said you know everything has got to come to an end unfortunately that is the end of our easter special don't fret though obviously we'll have continue our weekly dose of david for sure and i'm definitely going to check out some more celtic worship too if you have any other songs that you'd like me to react to put them in the comments section definitely put them in there if you've got any other kind of bands that you you listen to as well put them in the comment section too but but all i want to say is this time of the year just make sure you stay safe wherever you are crazy crazy world out there at the moment with everything that's going on in the world make sure you look after yourself and others around you but guys make sure you stay safe yourself so ah that was amazing that was an amazing special i'm very glad i'm able to put these together and people actually watch them so i'm very very thankful for that and guys for all the support throughout the year as well you guys have been amazing you know who you are but guys definitely stay safe and i'll definitely see you in the next reaction video
Channel: Patrol Gaming
Views: 11,734
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: patrol gaming, easter specials, david phelps, celtic worship, jesus, easter, 2021, easter 2021, he is risen, patrol gaming reacts, patrol gaming reactions, patrol gaming easter special, music, music reactions, gospel, gospel music, gospel songs
Id: sq1vLprDJGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 41sec (2741 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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