DAVID PHELPS AND GUY PENROD It Is Well With My Soul Reaction
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Channel: Patrol Gaming
Views: 6,353
Rating: 4.9898734 out of 5
Keywords: patrol gaming, david phelps, patrol gaming reactions, patrol gaming reacts, bill and gloria gaither, gospel music, gaither vevo, vocal band, beethoven, moonlight sonata, piano sonata 14 beethoven, aussie reactor, the australian reactor, moonlight reaction, resonate high notes, patrol gaming reaction, brethren, just as i am, music video, amazing grace, david phelps amazing grace, squire parsons, battle hymn of the republic, it is well with my soul, guy penrod
Id: JTVF2__smAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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