Easily Improve Your Soldering Skill / Soldering Game Changer

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] hi everyone and welcome to latest solving video and thanks for tuning in now this video I wanted to put out for quite a while so I feel it's so important it's probably in the top two most important things in the world of sold in personally to me this is different sized soldiers basically different thicknesses so I've got a few .25 millimeter ones down the left hand side got a couple of 0.5 millimeters in the center and over here I've got a 0.7 millimeter and a 0.9 millimeter now you can imagine a lot of hobbyists probably only got one size for instance say 0.7 and if you're trying to do fine pitch work you're really going to struggle it can be done but obviously to make it a lot easier if you've got a 0.25 for example don't really really gonna age you so I'm going to show you a few demos on the way through where I use sort of certain sizes for certain jobs hopefully by the end of the video you'll sort of see the worth of uh yeah maybe getting two or three sizes also talk about where I get my soldiers and uh yeah General sort of stuff like that so hopefully you enjoy the video hopefully you learned something and yeah it's going to be worthwhile and it really ate you in the future so we move on now I'll do a few demos like I say on the way through showing you a few applications where we use certain sizes and uh yeah hopefully you enjoy it and uh yeah hopefully you can really hate you so we'll move on to them now moving on to the first demonstration this one's going to basically just demonstrate how important 0.25 is when you're doing your fine pitch stuff it's just going to make your life so much easier basically I've got this IC I've already tacked it on sort of all four sides in certain positions I've actually attacked the first pin on there which probably should have done one down the centers because I'm going to start with that PIN basically with about first 10 joints with a 0.25 then I sort of show the larger sizes how difficult it is with them basically you can feed the 0.25 in as you go you don't need to feed it in every joint you probably do two or three joints please or need to feed some more in but by it being so small you can basically feed the perfect amount into your iron before you load it onto the join so first thing I do as always I'm going to just run affiliate of flux along the joints basically always do this in sold in flux is vital when you're soldering so yeah get yourself some good flux and that'll really Aid you as well spicy you just want to fill it flux right along all the joints place a lot of people asking what I use I just use basically a cable Tire plastic cable tie now these joints actually look soldered already but yeah basically I can assure you they are loose as you can I just nudge a few as you can see they're sort of all all loose they sort of do look decided but yeah definitely not it's basically yeah this is a about a 2.25s sort of a godsend when you're doing your fine pitch stuff once you get a little bit sort of loaded onto your iron tip and basically you can just start feeding them in so you probably do three or four joints with the amount you've got on there then you can just basically sort of load some more on if you get short don't you can sort of pull it off quite easy just add a little bit more just do two or three at a time just add a little bit more this is where it's great because you basically just add the sort of right amount just go to about there just go back over them so you get a lovely so we'll finish over right down sort of right down the sides around to the back and I'll try and blow this up just to give you a base or view of the joints it's job to see this because they're actually really small joints job to see this I'll get some photos put them up later and you should get confused there right so that's basically about the first or dozen joints down to about there so what I'm good there now I'm going to bring in the larger size solders and this is where this basically life becomes harder so I'm actually going to just bring in a 0.5 I'm just going to lay it on there as you can see if you were trying to solder with this how you could be really difficult to feed that into your iron tip get the right amount now imagine a lot of hobbyists probably only got one size solder in there in their collection possibly a 0.7 or 0.9 so if you're trying to sort of uh yeah basically work with this one to do a fine pitch device you're really going to struggle so you can imagine bringing that in and trying to load the right amount on there you're just going to get a giant amount you're basically going to short everything going to be pretty impossible to load the right amount yeah as you can see it's rather rather larger than the joints so that's where let's say the 0.25 is vital for this sort of this sort of work so you get yourself a ruler like that and uh yeah you're sort of really enhance your soldering skills so this 0.9's sort of vital for other jobs larger jobs which I'm going to show some demos later that's where the 0.25 is no use because you're going to be feeding it in all day so yeah we move on to a few demos uh after this one I've also put a few photos up places to get the stuff and get some sort of the sort of codes on the reels that I use I've got a great leader sort of lead free sold I use from a company called BLT circuits in England they're a great company I get on my soldiers from them so yeah if you're looking for good supplier in England that's the company to go for I'll put all their details up later I've got no ties to them so yeah I'm not a I'm not an employee I just love their products yeah basically what they'll move on to a few more demos and uh yeah hopefully see the worth of getting some different size soldiers right so before we move on to larger soldiers I just want to show you this quick uh IC here now this is slightly larger pitch than the last one this is one where basically I can feed the 0.25 in on every joint as I go along I'll probably do so 10 or so joints unlike the last I see where I sort of fed enough to sort of do three or four joints this is an example where the 0.25 is perfect do so whatever your joint as you go and I'll then do a few of the 0.5 and we'll see if we can get it you know fairly similar 0.5 is probably okay for this pitch but the 0.7 and 0.9 so it will be too large I'll bring them in at the end and we'll try one with that so I'm going to use a SN 100 SB lead free for this one it's another great solder from BLT it's my favorite lead free solder so yeah if you uh if you like what you see maybe you could contact him and uh try and order some so we'll move on to I'll get this tacked in position then we flux it up and then we move on to do the soldering so we're going to start this IC basically by all beta flux right along the whole length I'm going to do a cable tie dipped into a little flux pot I've spoke about the fluxes I use Etc in other videos it's basically what you do first we take the Kents on one to the end of a plastic cable tie just run a small bead right along the front that Flex is vital and soldering always use it even though your sold it's got fluxes in it that tends to burn away too quick it's basically what we're going to do here we're going to do half the joints roughly down to about say that point there with 0.25 just feeding it in as we go one one leg at a time so this is this perfect pitch for 0.25 and we do the second half with 0.5 and I'll sort of show you the difference in a sort of standard joints with the first half of 0.25 this place you're on and there just feed it in one at a time so these joints are the perfect size for this sort of solder do roughly 10 of these we do a couple more let me do that that should do that we've got about 10 joints there nicely as you can see got consistency right along them you still see the outline the front the pin and that's what you're aiming for so basically from about that point there I'm going to now do these one to 0.5 and you'll see I won't be able to quite get the same sort of amount of solder on there as these 0.25s so basically we load these others up with 0.5 and see what they look like so just Tim get some on the end of my iron tip to start with as per the last sort of little clip again we're going to go in these one at a time no matter how quick you are you'll always get more solder on these because of the thickness of the solder now these are going to be fine for obvious but if you want to get to smaller and smaller stuff there's going to be too much solder on these so as you can see they're rather bulbous compared to the first sort of tin so really ideally to enable yourself to improve in the future this is what you want to aim for that sort of size these are a bit too bulbous so they'd be fine for your hobby sort of hobbyist uh ICS but if you want to sort of get to smaller and smaller and more bit more serious about your soldering try and aim for the sort of the amount in the first pins so yeah hopefully that sort of showed you sort of where to use the 0.25 I'm going to move on now to some larger soldiers where they come into play then after a couple of demos on that I'll just talk about a few more sort of positions where sort of the smallest holder again can come into play so move on to the first of the uh the largest solder demos now foreign [Music] [Music] right so moving on from the Phoenix gauge sold 0.25 and 0.5 come to a perfect example where 0.9 is really handy and I've got this cable to solder to a board here really in a sort of strands coming through it's quite a quite a large sort of cable quite a large sort of strand inside base if you're using 0.525 which I've seen people do the danger is if you feed your sodiums or where you'd be feeding it all day for a start so I wouldn't use this but if you was feeding it in this sort of size okay I've seen it where about an inch of this can go through and form a tail on the other side it gets soldered off on on the top side around here you'll end up with all the tails you know and you're in sort of danger of shooting things out on the other side So to avoid that if you ever do if you have to use really narrow solar which you ideally don't want to try and feed it in flat so it can't go through the Highlander and form this tail so basically yeah so this is where I'm sort of 0.9 is really good for a larger much larger sort of soldering area than the last videos again I'm just going to add a tiny fillet of flux to show you until this one works out don't really need too much on this to put a fillet around the base and I've got a larger soldering iron tip here and I'm going to go around from the back normally I'll I'll normally hold my iron tip on this side so I'm sort of right-handed but just for sake of the video I'm going to take it round and back and try and try and do it from there so this is like so this is a lead leaded solder it's a Loctite 362 60en it's basically available in fire now RS Components or general sort of Distributors Mauser so digikey so be able to also do all these leaded soldiers so yeah just hunt around try and find a good deal for yourself and uh so you'll easily pick these leaded ones up now because there's quite a lot of sort of fumes come off of this it's good if you've got an extractor of some kind so basically yeah you'll see the uh you see where this 0.9 is really handy and coming in the area quite quickly go through the strands fill up the whole round of Base whereas if you were doing this at 0.25 you'd be there yeah a long time it's basically got about the right amount on there now it's gone right around the base right up the strands just going to lay a little bit on the top so it sort of runs down fills the strands up they've got a nice amount now I'm just going to give that a quick clean sort of flux is a masking sort of what the joint looks like I'll try and get some of it off I won't get the sort of hold of it actually it's probably quite difficult to clean this I'll probably block it on the video so probably clean this up and take a photo then I'll put that for the end but as you can see you've got a nice fill it right around the base it's gone right with strands into the top but say if you're doing it 0.25 you'd be their ages and you're in danger of getting that tail going through the other side so yeah so every someone's got its use and uh just finding out so what scenario I need to what solder so I'll just do another one of these sort of largest holder demos and then uh like I said earlier I'll do show you a couple more sort of places where the 0.25 is Handy then we put a few photos up after that so uh yeah move on to the other demo of a scenario now where 0.9 or 0.7 sold is really handy now this is soldering reworks that's good for that as well at certain times now I've got these five joints on the top you can see coming through to hold it through the whole joints then they belong to this gold connector that's underneath it's basically the way I could get this out I'm going to sort of join all five pins together with uh one Big Blob of solder I've got a quite a large tip on and that component should you should see it drop out underneath the connector now if you try to join all M5 pins together quickly with the 0.25 or 0.5 as you can see you're going to really struggle you're going to sort of Feed in for a long time and you don't really want to sort of have the iron on there too long so that's basing so not much use 0.25 whereas I'm going to bring the 0.9 and we used in the last video and as you can see I should be able to sort of short all these five pins together pretty quickly you should see the Gold Body underneath sort of drop out so again it's good for summary works I say you sort of get to know What scenario requires what solder so basically I'll quickly show you how to drop this out it's a good way of dropping sort of connectors out like this just put your flux around the base again there will be some fumes because it's sort of leaded so that's the same soldiers using the last one let's basically what I do here just short all five pins together so you're going to be there a long time if you do it 0.25 just keep feeding it and feeding it eventually you'll get all five joined I'll join on top you should see it drop out the bottom the heat will go through there you go so that's falling through all we got to do now we've got five pages got Wick the solder out of the holes and basically fit a new connector if that was your problem so I say you'll be feeding 0.25 in there for a long time whereas the 0.9 done it fairly quickly so again that's a good scenario we sort of required a large solder all this stuff on Top's just burnt flux so yeah there's no sort of damage the ball is just sticky fluxes sort of turn brown so so yeah basically what we do now I'm going to go back to the sort of smaller solder I'll show you so a few more places I won't do much so now I'm just going to show you a few more places where the sort of smaller solder sort of wins the day and uh I said earlier we'll put a few photos up I'm putting some coats up these soldiers and here hopefully you will find some useful information that can help you out so we go into the small ones and then I'll do the photos after quickly following on from the large solder demonstrations and move on to this sort of General board now I'm going to skirt across part of the board just to talk you through what I'd use on this now the pads haven't got anything fitted there I'll probably do so 0.5 millimeter the two caps you can see in the middle 11 and 12 probably do 0.25 they're 0603 size so just bringing it across the board slowly I've got U6 so that's a sort of icy bit like the pictures I did earlier so I'll do 0.25 on them they've got more capacity to Crystal on them corner pads 0.25 or 0.5 they get a large these are 240 pin fine pitch IC that's a bit like the pitches from earlier so I'll do 0.25 on them so again skirting across the sort of General 603 805 so the sort of size I do 0.25 and all them it's a game around the other side you've got more sort of similar components you've got resistor Network there that'd be 0.25 even in test points probably 0.5 they're sort of through hole pins on the other side now coming up here got another Network so I gained 0.25 and then there's that sort of a large connector so that probably be a 0.5 so the general sort of information from this video is there's not many times when I'd use 0.9 most of the sold and I'll do is 0.25 and 0.5 so they're the two sizes I'd definitely recommend getting so anyway sort of wrapped the video up here so hopefully you sort of found some useful information hopefully it can help you in the future so yeah until the next time thanks a lot for tuning in and uh yeah if you need any soldiers like I say BLT circuits basing a great company guy called Greg get in touch and uh here help you out so anyway until next time take care and uh yeah I'll see you soon [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr SolderFix
Views: 14,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soldering, soldering tutorial, smd soldering, solder wire, soldering rework, how to solder, lead free solder, improve your soldering, easier soldering, how to solder correctly, IC soldering, using solder wire, different solder gauges, smd soldering tutorial, how to improve your soldering
Id: 17VmfE3CavE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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