Earthbending is The Future and The Most Progressive Element in Avatar!

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hey how are you moto and in the Avatar world progression is the name of the game with bending commonly being used as a martial art things such as techniques and tradition tend to be passed down from generation to generation and what executed properly may lead to a more prosperous and plentiful future and there is truly no better example of this than in the case of earthbending between the lights of Avatar Aang and avatar Korra earthbending has progressed more so than any other bending discipline and as far as I can tell isn't stopping anytime soon metal bending metal bending metal bending tops contribution to the art can never be understated as we all know Toph is an incredible earthbender and arguably the greatest of all time but the moment she became able to bend metal she entered an entirely different league and is one that she has never been assert from even at the age of 86 as far as we know top still remains not only the greatest earthbender alive but also the greatest metal bender alive upon seeing her despite her elderly state even the merciless great uniter kuvira stood down immediately but even with top levels being virtually unobtainable metal bending is surprisingly quite accessible not too long after the end of the hundred year war Toph opened up the Bey thong metal bending Academy with intentions of sharing her knowledge with others at first she found her students by using her meteorite bracelet as she'd noticed slight vibrations in it whenever certain earth benders would be in a heightened emotional state however she now firmly believes that any earthbender can learn metalbending although it's difficulty may vary from person to person so even though Bolin gave us the one and a hundred metalbender statistic it all just comes down to proper training and perseverance with earth by default being the most stubborn of all the elements and metal bending being something extra a bender would have to seek out it's no wonder why this is the case but I'd argue that that statistic is only going to shrink more and more as time progresses because even with the one in a hundred figure that is a major accomplishment for only 70 years of existence and at this rate metal bending will more than likely be similar to the bending of ice and that the settling of water benders in the northern and southern poles greatly influenced their waterbending making ice bending second nature to the vast majority of them another similarity metalbending shares of waterbending would have to be its versatility from the republic city police to architecture to even interpretive dance the applications of metal bending are endless and with the world of avatars rapid technological advancement such a convenient ability will only become more and more desirable and with the likes of places like xiaofu a metal bending metropolis on the cusp of innovation a bright future for the art is all but secured so for the sake of including mech suits into the Avatar continuity earth bending was effectively nerfed by the distinction of platinum Hiroshi Sato the inventor of the original mecha tank made these suits of platinum as to make them immune to metal bending as he even notes that not even Toph beifong herself could bend such a pure metal and I get the concept of a vehicle company possessing a lot of platinum as in our world more than half of the yearly production of platinum is used in industrial fields but platinum must not be a rare or expensive resource in the Avatar world because in ours all of the platinum ever mined in the history of mankind is set to only be able to fill a basement of less than 25 cubic feet yet with Korra we see an absurd amount of things made of pure platinum being made and destroyed in excess and I know The Legend of Korra for sure introduces some balancing issues but this to me just felt really excessive however I will argue that each generation has his earthbending prodigy we had earth King Bumi and later Toph so a metal bender that can bend even platinum is entirely possible a fight with an earthbender can vary quite a lot depending on the type of Earth they have at their disposal you have sandbenders who very much adapted to the terrain being able to traverse earth Kingdom deserts like none other the affirm mentioned people of xiaofu who used metal bending quite a lot throughout their daily lives and even the creeping crystal triad of Republic City a criminal organization formed around the original creeping crystal genomite this is a mineral in the world of Avatar that grows exponentially when in contact with organic matter it may also be used as a light source and even eaten as rock candy making it quite the versatile little rock so an earthbender carrying even a small amount of this on their person could be a major difference maker and this is only one mineral it's crazy to think how many other types of crazy forms of Earth there may be out there and how they may be used by earthbenders now to be honest with you there's a lot I would like to discuss about this form of bending but for the sake of staying on task I'll save that for another video however although lava bending is incredibly rare right now I do believe this will gradually change over time maybe not become commonplace but a higher degree of prevalence and as it stands I'm very interested in where the korra comic series will take it next as Bolin has most recently left his temporary job with the Republic City Police with such a rare ability it'll be very interesting to see a proper application for it to come forth although when it comes to destruction you have to admit that it is pretty absurd with it even just a single person can break through the walls of Ba Sing se a feat unobtainium something that not even the dragon of the West Prince IRA could accomplish with a sizable force over the course of six hundred days and I mean even just being able to add heat to earth is incredible and opens the door for even more exploration of the discipline the people of the earth Kingdom are probably the least spiritually inclined people in this series which to me makes sense based on their element an earthly tether and certain stubbornness isn't exactly what I would call spiritually well endowed but I think that with the spirit world now being more accessible than ever before earth vendors have a chance to change this I know we had the whole Cuvier spirit vines debacle but I don't think things necessarily have to be that malicious or blasphemous the bending potential of the spirit world has been largely untapped for the vast majority of the world's known history so keeping the concept of variety in mind there's just so much that could be done and contrary to what may innately be believed about earth bending these days it seems to be an element of change and progression as of the end of the Legend of Korra animated series the earth kingdom is going to make a major change going from a monarchy to a democracy and really such changes to the earth Kingdom will certainly have an impact on earth bending and its subsequent culture the Korra comic series intends to cover these developments and I really wonder how they'll go about it will we see familiar faces like suyin beifong running for office or end up with some random new character's name on the ballot and if it's the former what sort of involvement may we expect from xiaofu going forwards and if anything establishing a sort of economic rehabilitation or reform has to be the primary objective for any candidates in the running allora ring of Ba Sing se and the state of various towns and villages have very much been left in deplorable conditions for generations upon generations for decades the fire nation profited most from the industrial progression sparked by the hundred year war but it's clear that this is no longer the case being a Capricorn my elemental alignment as imposed by zodiac signs is said to be earth and as a kid Toph made it the coolest element around and it seems like that ton of you agree with that because when I asked which one you would like to see first on the community tab between Earth and air there was a bit of a landslide the support enthusiasm and engagements have been incredible these past few videos so thank you so very much and I hope we can keep this train going we've had quite the influx of new people joining in and subscribing so welcome welcome welcome to our little slice of the nation if you've yet to see our coverage of either water or fire do yourself a favor and change that thank you all so much for watching and have an awesome day I love you [Music] [Music]
Channel: SliceofOtaku
Views: 1,563,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar, avatar the last airbender, avatar the legend of korra, earthbending, earthbending explained, earth bending, metalbending, metal bending, earthbending is the future, earthbending future, earthbending toph, earthbending avatar, earth bending avatar, earthbending korra, earth bending korra, avatar earthbending, avatar earth bending, metalbending toph, metalbending avatar, avatar metalbending, toph beifong, sliceofotaku, slice of otaku, earthbending fight, earthbending op
Id: 7RVx6ptBh1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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