I QUIT Being A Nurse Practitioner Now I Make $60,000 PER MONTH On YouTube | My Story

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so I went from working as a nurse practitioner I quit that job I started working YouTube full time and a lot of people thought I was crazy by the way but I am now making over sixty thousand dollars per month and yes I will show you the proof so this is not to brag y'all I just want to inspire you and let you know that you can also do this too so today I just want to share my story with you I want to share my journey to entrepreneurship because it is my mission to help as many people as I can to also make this type of money and more [Music] what's up guys this is Monique and welcome back to the channel I am back with the news that you can use but first if you are new here hello bonjour Hola Aloha konichiwa wagon Shalom assalamualaikum Namaste thanks for stopping by but don't be a stranger hit that subscribe button and join the family now I know for some reason a lot of people like to tiptoe around this topic they do not like to share how much they are making but like I say I do this for inspiration because I know when I was younger I used to look to YouTube videos to see how these people are making all this money and guess what it pushed me and it let me know that I can do this too so I have been hustling since I was a teenager but not a lot of people know this my very first YouTube page was in 2008 and yo I spoke to myself I would never let anybody see this Channel or these videos I would never talk about it again but I was like you know what we gonna lay it out all on the table today we gotta be transparent because a lot of times people think that people just arrive at a certain place but no it's a journey to get there it is not all pretty so at 18 years old I decided for some reason it was a good idea for me to try to be a singer and put some videos on YouTube hi everyone my name is Monique this is my first YouTube video yo did you see that show the movement I just knew I had it going on okay but that didn't go anywhere so I've been pretty much making videos all my life and I never wanted to do like the normal things for instance my 20th birthday it was Michael Jackson theme and instead of sending people a regular invitation I went on ahead and decided to make a video foreign yo I have always been a character okay so this is me but this passion for making videos have always been there and I just didn't realize it until later in life after I spent a whole lot of money on some degrees that I'm currently not using I went to college I thought I wanted to be a doctor so I majored pre-med in biology and on the side I picked up a couple of jobs that's one thing I always had is a job I always found some type of way to make some money but about two years into my pre-med degree I was like you know what I'm ready to start making money right now this is going to take too long because in order to become a doctor it was going to take about 12 years so 12 years just was not looking that great to me so I changed my major to something I feel like that would help me make money quicker and that's when I went into nursing I felt like I got some decent money out of it and I still got to help people so I changed their major and ended up graduating in 2013. [Music] [Applause] I went on to work as a RN in Telemetry I worked in Inpatient Rehab I did a little nurse liaison while ago from hospital to hospital and still felt like I was not satisfied I did want to be my own boss I wanted to be an entrepreneur but I just didn't know how yet so I started trying all kinds of stuff me and my mom flew to Indianapolis we took a course and became Certified International life coaches so we're trying to figure out what we can do with that I started creating courses that I can upload online to try to help coach people through life and in the meantime I was still editing videos for people and I still was not satisfied I was like this can't be like so I went back to school I ended up graduating in 2017 and I became a nurse practitioner but when 2018 rolled around I still felt like God had more for me I felt like something was still missing I decided to get back on YouTube I created this channel Channel and the first video I put on here was my wedding video at that time I wasn't really serious about YouTube I was just trying a few things and seeing what would bite but a year later I went on ahead and decided to do another video my weight loss journey I had lost about 50 pounds in three months my name is Monique Hinton and I've recently made the best decision of my life and I uploaded that to YouTube and I was like okay this probably gonna do good and guess what it didn't and again I was not that serious about YouTube so I was just like it is what it is and that's when 2020 came around at this point I was really trying to work on being a life coach while I was also still working as a nurse practitioner hi this is Monique Canton family nurse practitioner and Certified International life coach but my weight loss video had actually started to you know pick up and get views so sometimes you could put a video out there and it does not get any attention for an entire year so that was around Feb February of 2020 and you know what happened the next month covid-19 can be characterized as a pandemic my boss decided on about a Friday morning it's this long beautiful email saying that we are basically lato so at this point I'm like what am I going to do I remember my YouTube was starting to get some views I put up a few more videos one being my credit repair Journey because I was in a process of purchasing a home I had brought my score up from the 500 to 700s I know many other people needed help with that and I just wanted to share my story so I put that video out and it to go and so I had the weight loss and I had the credit repair video going up at the same time and two months after the layoff I actually reached the goal to be monetized on YouTube which is 1 000 subscribers and 4 000 watch hours and so my first check on YouTube for only 11 days because I was monetized towards the end of the month so for 11 days I made over three thousand dollars and yo I was like if I could do that in 11 days imagine what I can do in 30 days so that's the point where I really decided to start taking YouTube seriously and I started uploading videos consistently and I started really trying to grow the channel and about a month after I reached that 1 000 subscribers I hit about 18 000 or 20 000 subscribers me and my husband were getting a home built so that means that by that time they were gonna need some updated check stubs and guess what I didn't have them because I was now working with YouTube and I definitely could not use that income because it was new so I had to go and find a job and that's when I started working the covet trial and many of you may or may not know that story where I shared a video about me quitting that I just walked out of like literally just one thought I got my uniform on here as you can see and I had to go and it was because of all the drama that was going on with the people that I was working with and I was like you know what if I'm gonna work this hard for anybody it's gonna be for myself and I'm gonna do it at peace so I quit that job and ever since then I have been working full time on YouTube and that was in December of 2020 when I quit that job now let me tell you this YouTube Journey has not been all rainbows and butterflies when I first started out I was trying to figure out who I was in this YouTube World which means I didn't really know what this Channel's identity was so I was all over the place me and my husband changed the name from Monique Hinton to Journey with the hints and we saw couples out there doing videos so we were like well let's try some pranks and challenges and do all of this other stuff that they're doing and then on the other hand I was like okay my first video that was going good was weight loss let me try to do something with that and then I'm like well I had the credit repair going on too so let me do something with that so yo I just had all kinds of stuff going on and the algorithm was like girl this is not gonna work nope so my subscribers started to slow down my money started to slow down So eventually I made my way back to making Finance videos and it was simply because I was just trying to figure out how to make money how to be successful how to become financially free and guess what I wanted to help other people too then my subscribers started growing again I had started getting about twenty thousand dollars every month and that's when Brands started reaching out to me I never called the brand or reached out to anybody and in the beginning I didn't want to do brand deals because I just felt like when people did that that was fake they were actually lying to people just to get them to buy a product that they never use but I realized that I can do brand deals but only do it with companies that I believe in and stuff that I would actually use or do myself and so I accepted my first brand deal and for that brand deal I was paid about three thousand to four thousand dollars and now I've actually had brand deals where Brands paid me anywhere between Thirty to forty thousand dollars for one video and I also started doing affiliate marketing a little bit where I would share links to products again only products that I would use or that I believe in and for some of those products I will actually get a percentage if anybody signs up I also started expanding and trying to sell merchandise I created some T-shirts with the slogan I used to use all we do is win and I put it on mugs fanny packs all of those great things and I made a little bit of money with that one it's not as much as the others but I did get some income from that but the bulk of my money the majority of what I am making comes from YouTube placing ads in my video and my highest month so far has been over sixty thousand dollars and y'all that's just from the YouTube ads that's not even including any brand deals or any of the affiliate get links that I may use and a channel still growing I'm at about 343 000 subscribers and I thank you all so much for all of your support you guys are so awesome y'all really keep me encouraged and motivated to keep going and keep trying to put out good content y'all I never in a million years thought that my career would be on YouTube but it is and it actually is almost every kid's dream to be a YouTuber so this is a growing field and it is definitely worth it and Medicine being a nurse or even a doctor was never my passion it was me helping people that I was passionate about and here on YouTube I actually still get to do that but I do it on a larger scale so I'm really grateful for that you get a lot of people that come to YouTube just for a check and I'm not gonna learn to say that I don't like to get paid because I definitely do but it's actually about more than that and it's about giving back and that's why this holiday season my husband and I are going to be giving a lot of way to help as many people as we can we're going to continue to help you guys on here through these videos please don't forget to like this video also subscribe to the channel if you have not done so and other than that I thank you so much for watching and until next time we are out peace [Music]
Channel: Journey With The Hintons
Views: 287,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K4pp45j8CEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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