Earlywood sawdust briquetter

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Hey this is Brad from Earlywood here. I am taking  a minute to show you guys one of our new sweet   tools we got as an effort to lower the amount of  sawdust we end up throwing away and do something   good with it. Let's take a look here, there's  the machine right there it's called a briquetter,   and there's the rest of the machine.  This little carousel I built over there.  As you might know, we get our wood in and it looks  like this, just big, long, rough pallets full of   wood. We make our products out of them if there's  anything left over of any size we make these guys,   which are pen blanks that people make wooden  pens out of. These are only three quarters   by three quarters by five inches so if we have  anything bigger than that it gets turned into   one of these. So we don't throw anything away  any bigger than that. With everything else,   we make a ton of sawdust, we've got our three  big dust collectors over here and they've each   got three bags on them so we make a ton of dust.  Here's a bunch of planer shavings from the other   day. So we use this guy here to a make our sawdust  way smaller and actually make something usable out   of it instead of throwing it away. You can see  in the hopper here it's just full of sawdust   and what this machine does, there's a big auger in  here you can't really see it but it spins around   and mixes up the dust. It funnels it down into  this little cylinder down here and there's some   hydraulic oil and a just a big hydraulic ram  down there and it knocks the sawdust in there   and then it just pounds it into a puck. Those  little pucks go along this little feeder here   and it's kind of hard to tell what's going on  here but I've made this carousel that's got six   bags in it of a size that you can actually carry  when they're full. Because they are pretty heavy   when they're full and every time a briquette moves  through there it turns this carousel a little bit.   It evenly fills these six bags we got here and  it they come up the little chute here and they   drop out right here into the bags. We've  just been packing these bags up and we've   been giving them all away so far. Everyone was  using them for heat in their house this winter,   they're going to be great for camping this  summer and we've also got a girl that's been   picking up two or three pallets, she's starting  a mushroom farm around here somewhere. So she's   using this to add a bunch of carbon to  her soil so uh let me turn it on for you.   Right here you can change the size of the  briquette it makes and all you do is hit start. You can see the briquettes coming out right  here and every time one comes out you'll   notice this thing turns just a little bit.  These bags are about full so I'm gonna have   to stop this and dump them here real soon. So  this is a pretty sweet way to use our sawdust   for something other than just filling the  the garbage. We're going to be heating a   lot of houses and having a bunch of sweet  campfires with this stuff this summer.   All right, thanks guys for  watching, hope you enjoyed.
Channel: Earlywood
Views: 25,163
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Id: CfCowIyn-qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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