coffee logs vs sawdust briquettes

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hi it's Rob the frugalist here and today we're going to be comparing a sawdust briquette versus a coffee log now these have been made almost identically except this has the coffee in it but we're still going to be comparing as many things as we can including how long they've burned to see which one's better and how they're different so how are we going to compare them well we're going to look at just looking at them right um in fact straight away I can tell you this feels a tiny bit more spongy this feels a tiny bit more firm and compact but what we're also going to be looking at is pH okay someone once mentioned that they're a bit concerned about the alkaline nature of coffee could that damage the stove so we're going to look at that we're also going to look at the moisture differences between them using a moisture meter we're going to look at the weight using these scales and we're going to take a look first though under a microscope to see what it looks like super close up [Music] foreign log looks a tiny bit smaller maybe more compact than the sawdust briquette we're going to weigh them now so let's have a little look uh that is approximately 220 40 260 grams you can see there okay zoom in 260 grams okay and preparing this one is coming here have a little look 220 40 60 280 grams so this one is ever so slightly heavier than the other what we're going to do now is just compare the moisture content to see if there's any other reasons for it obviously if it's wet it's going to weigh a lot heavier so let's have a little look here and this is comparative it's not absolute so got a reading of 11 point about 11 10 between 10 and 11 percent of moisture in this one and this one is yeah 11 11 and a half maybe one percent more moisture so they're roughly comparable uh both under 20 so obviously good for burning Okay so we've got some Universal indicated paper here and we're going to now um these have been soaking for some minutes we can now take some measurements and dip these both in quickly and we can have a look at the differences so straight away what are we looking at we're looking at eights and nines maximum not ten not too strong and uh we'll leave them to dry for a bit so we've got somewhere between seven and eight maybe a little over an eight but for both I'll give you a little bit darker for the coffee so maybe your coffee's a little bit more alkaline but not as much as you might think just waiting for the fire to get going and then settle down and we can put these two guys side by side that's what we're filming with uh GoPro 9. and we'll do a time lapse and see how they fare all right ready to go a coffee coffee on the right and the sawdust on the left let's see how they get on a quick start they're both absolutely going for it at the moment about 15 minutes in both going pretty strong not much detail between them [Music] so these have just come up to about an hour just under an hour maybe 55 minutes and they are they're roughly the same so um not rather call significantly different this particular experiment didn't really produce any significant results they're about the same so if you're wondering if it's going to be a real world changer having coffee logs versus briquettes then you're probably not going to obviously know a difference now what we didn't measure was the literal heat output have no way of doing that and the calorific burn now my suspicion is there's a bit more in the coffee logs because it was heavier however are you really going to know the difference so is it probably worth going ahead with sawdust logs sworders briquettes yeah I think so I think you'd be fine with them so don't forget to like And subscribe and also if you have any ideas that I could do an experiment on stick him in the comments I am willing to discover more about this world of burning your own homemade logs okay have a great one [Music]
Channel: Rob The Frugalist
Views: 8,419
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Id: kg3AeByshII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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