Early June Garden Tour - Weekly Walkabout // Suburban Oasis June 2021

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[Music] hey everybody welcome to my suburban oasis so today i'm going to take you on a nice another early june garden tour there's a lot of new things that are blooming and going on in the yard so i thought you'd enjoy that if you're enjoying my channel so far give me a thumbs up and like my channel subscribe and even hit the notification bell to get notified next time a new video comes out all right let's take a look so we're going to start over here in the fountain gardens today and as you can see my geraniums are blooming blooming gorgeously my two salvia i have here which is the crystal blue and the azure snow here are just on fire i mean they look absolutely gorgeous don't they those are both from the color space spire series uh proven winners and i think i'm definitely going to divide this one when it gets bigger loving that and then as we look over here at this fountain we have the gorgeous wagyula still flowering it's starting to go out of flower now but it will sporadically flower throughout the rest of the season and then the gorgeous allium gigantium look how big they are now they're like as big as my hand you guys they just keep getting bigger and my dusky violet penstemon down here are starting to bloom and my roses are putting on their buds but nothing's coming up yet as you can see my clematis is starting to have a bloom there and several bugs are starting to open and then i have a gorgeous bordeaux um supertunia there which is starting to fill in and there is another one over here on this side those are some of my favorite petunias i just love the color and the deep fading on them alright well let's take a look at the long border over here first i just want to show you in the corner over there that clematis is still going strong isn't that pretty that is um called crystal fountain i think i thought it was called crystal falls but i double checked and that is a crystal fountain one the dianthus everywhere in my yard right now is really um getting full of blooms and then we have these pink diamond bleeding hearts and these are different than the other ones because they have blue foliage and they like the sun and here's what my sun hanging basket is looking like now the geranium's starting to bloom and things are starting to fill out and my quick fire hydrangea here the buds are definitely getting a lot bigger and this salvia this is this is just one of my favorite ones and it is the rose marble and uh the the flowers on this again they're just so incredible i'm really happy with the way that my japanese maple here is filling out after it got such severe damage it definitely is going to be okay that makes me happy these mediterranean bow which someone informed me is their common name they're still going and uh someone also told me they're called allium nectarism i think that's how i'm if i pronounce it correctly so thank you to all the viewers who commented and helped me out with that the coral dianthus is looking great still look at all the buds at the top of this trellis on my clematis i don't know how well you can see them against the green but there are just about 15 of them up top there i am absolutely loving these fruit punch dianthus right here the color is just awesome and then look at my little devil nein berg those blooms are just starting to open up and they're a nice little pink against that maroon foliage love it here's the other hanging basket this one's a little bit further along in terms of its blooms but i think it's going to look really lovely that bright pink against the chartreuse these violet riot color spider salvias look really nice the barberries i just trimmed um so that they are a little bit neater i do like to have that kind of structure and clean lines in the garden to help set apart um some of the more free-flowing parts of the garden all the color of the different hoopers here are looking lovely with their blooms starting to come up see those they're all different colors so they're nice to mix and match and down here you can just see how the chives have um really filled out this garden for this time of year and they look stunning against all of the other different types of plants that i have here including the blue sedum which is the autumn joy and against the magenta of those dianthus and also against the blue purple of the geranium and if you're wondering about when to cut the chives back i am just about ready to cut them back you can sort of see the tips of them starting to turn a darker almost a redder pink rather than purple and that's when you know they're starting to dry out and go to seed so i like to cut them back right around that time to ensure that they don't seed themselves all around the garden unless i was looking for some nice new ones all right well let's look down this way at the woodland garden it is just um great we got some rain finally probably about a quarter of an inch which has just been really great and you can see that has really made these geraniums come out and become much larger and flowering i also did a little trimming on this barberry right here so it will as it grows out start to put on some more of the um deep purple maroon burgundy color i think this area is looking so pretty right now with the pansies that i planted out here and that gorgeous norway spruce that's weeping in the back and the hostas that have filled in around it so i'm really enjoying that someone asked me a little bit about how my boxwoods were doing um this one's doing fairly well you can see it's got a lot of new growth happening in there a lot of live leaves behind some of the browning so i do need to trim off a little bit more from the outside of this one but the one on the other side that i planted definitely got hit again much more significantly and has very little green growth on it so um we'll see i'm going to give it a little bit longer and see it it might take a really long time to come back so i may have to pull it out of the garden but it is in a sheltered place and i'm going to keep it well watered and fertilized and maybe it will reward me with some nice growth i put some of my um fruit punch dianthus over here as well so i think those look lovely next to that new tower box wood that i got and these striptease pastas are really full now and this blue angel hosta at the end is gorgeous absolutely gorgeous i love the lines on that it's like a very elegant one this here is just such a lovely scene in terms of the elderberry and the gorgeous japanese maple next to the bird bath that i have that's surrounded by the striptease hostas and the mermaid bowl and this is the bed that you just saw me mulch if you watched my last video and this sun guy this was one of the guys that i got from that concrete vendor at the art show that we usually go to every year i've been hoping starts again next year fingers crossed over here we have the shade basket which got hit by some cold weather so it got a little bit crispy on the edges but it's doing okay i mean the other ones over here as well so that they're hanging on either side of this cast iron it's actually a bird feeder but i don't feed the birds with it i just put it out for decoration you can see the longworts are starting to put out the pulmonary lung warts are starting to put out their new leaves rapidly and this diablo nine bark has got a little bit of some flowers coming on it my hydrangea here is getting lots of buds on it you can see this garden that is starting to um fill out it will probably be much more full by the end of the month as those long warts come back in and these uh salvia here the blue dimension salvia flush out i planted those three salvias last year so they should really get to a nice full size in about a month and my flocks are starting to bloom here but um they're not open too far this is a first blush i believe is what this one's called but i have to say that the plantings on either side of the shed are just looking so nice isn't that pretty nice like the colors and then if you look down this way and try to ignore the pool pump heater look at that all the colors and the way that they meld together the peonies are coming out these are the bowl of beauty peonies and that cat meant the nepeta walker's low is just glowing by that chartreuse dianthus i don't see any buds on this clematis yet this is a pink mink i'm waiting to see when i get we'll get those um my potato garden is in incredible shape right now it is also just blooming i've got some fox gloves that are starting to come out as well i always just love the beauty of each one of those little blooms now the nine bark that is the autumn jubilee is blooming just starting to bloom and the other ones are now going out of bloom you can see my purple smoke bush that i'm kind of trying to train into a tree form is looking glorious and my kale i mean that's like monster kale you guys it's like two feet tall it's crazy here we are in the side bed and i'm excited to tell you that this hakona cloak grass is pushing through magnificently at this point and my elder berry is flowering and i love it i'm so glad i got this highly recommend the black lace elderberry guys and this one's in a part shade um so um i will show you the one that's out in the front in just a couple minutes that is in full sun and it looks a little bit different and the geranium in this bed i have one on both sides and they are both starting to bloom and i just think it looks quite magnificent right now my garden my garden makes me really happy when it's blooming like this and it fills out like that and again all of my geranium macroism are definitely blooming right now and so those look really nice because they bloom when not a lot of other things will bloom in a dry shade area and this hosta bed with the japanese maple is also looking really lovely right now look how big the hostas got after this last rain i mean i think they jumped up several inches and i have cut back the bleeding heart in this bed as well to give more room for the hostas to fill out and the ferns to fill out on the helibores they will not get any bigger at this point they're pretty much at their max the chives are still blooming up front here and the pink sparkler back there that is a virtually sparia pink sparkler and that one is really doing well as well i i like that one again a nice little blooming touch in a part shade area it gets a little easterly sun in the morning i wish i could remember the name of these hostas there's just so many different varieties but i really like them we have the liatris right here that is spiking up now it's probably going to put out flowers in a few weeks and this plum pudding hooker oh my gosh the leaves on these are so big you guys but the wii has to behind it and i think this planter is also looking really pretty right now this is a tuberous begonia and i think it's starting to get a bloom that's exciting will be the first one look at this container it's not pretty it's got a boxwood and a pasta with some pansies and i just love the colors of it and my front porch is also looking very cheery still all the pansies and impatiens and the japanese ferns okay in the front sun garden bed here we have more dianthus around the bottoms and i just am loving the way the allium gigantium are coming through these boxwoods it was just an idea i had last year and i was wondering how it would turn out i was kind of wondering if they would even come up above the boxwoods but they did and it's pretty glorious this whole front bed right now i mean everything it's june is my favorite month so we're coming right into my favorite time because i feel like everything in the garden is still fresh and beautiful and everything's green still the grass is still green and so it makes the garden look even more lush um the veronica here has come up isn't that pretty blue with the teeny tiny flowers i've got some over here as well and hopefully i can pronounce this allium correct now i believe it's cara toviancy all right well i did my best guys i have a bunch of liatris piccata up here which is also known as gay feather that is a bright pink one we have cone flowers on either side of this oakley hydrangea this is the whirlwind um lantana i think that's what that is lantana lots of different kinds of salvia and different colors of salvia in in this bed so we have like a dark pink and a light pink and almost a blue purple and then the really dark purple and i'm again letting my uh purple sensation alliums just go to seed here so they're creating their seed heads which are really interesting to look at they look pretty much like a firework in on the fourth of july and i will do my best to collect some of those seeds because i want to make that half circle around the bed a little bit more distinct i'll just walk around this tree to the front of the bed and for those of you who are wondering this is a weeping cherry it's been in my yard for about um probably 10 years maybe a little bit longer it was very small when i first planted and now it's to the point where it has an understory uh in plants that grow in its shade and now i love these geraniums i cannot remember the name of those and i cannot find a tag for them so i'm gonna have to try to do some more research to figure out what they were again and this is another geranium i think it's called dreamsicle or dreamland you can see the blossoms on the dukesie there and the hot pink mini vista petunias are in there that i planted just kind of filling in some of the gaps again i really like to have my beds nice and full so i'll scoot back a little bit so you can see it from far away this is some blue veronica over here so in full effect right now and let's go look over here at the mailbox i know some of you really liked these garnet or really deep red blooms that were on this clematis i'll show you those definitely is quite stunning and still lots of blooms yet lots of blooms yet to come and something else that's exciting is my viburnums my blue muffin viburnums and the blake black lace elderberry in this bed are blooming so i'm really happy with that um next year this show will definitely be even better on those but here's what the flowers look like on that they're almost like what we would call a queen anne's lace and then as you can see this has much deeper and darker foliage here in the sun it almost has a blue tint to it and then here's some buds on this flower and then this one is open so it's a very light pink and just gorgeous and there's lots of buds left so i'm excited to see what that looks like in full bloom and i have cut quite a few peonies that we're getting ready to open but there's still a ton i have no idea why they're so happy this year i just don't know but there's a lot and they're about ready to bloom they will smell amazing when they do i have more of the different kinds of salvias that i've got i think these are the merlot rose ones back here and then this bed also i think needs a little bit of a backup so you can see it from how it looks a little bit more from far away um just so you can get an idea of the design of it the baptesia the two false indigos that i have along with all of the purple salvia and so it's a really nice sun garden here and then i want to show you the tiny wine nine bark as well because those are also blooming right now and there they are tucked in there cute as can be and there's another merlot rose salvia right there and the calyx on those is like a deep pink as well so it's really really pretty even when it's not blooming and then we'll look over here at the row of boxwoods this is looking uh much better i did have some cold damage on these and i put in some pink pom-pom dianthus in front here just for a little bit of color um as these woods are growing out and behind them i have planted a row of liatris so that is what is on the inside row here which forms a really nice sort of short hedge during the summer and this is the pink liatris picada and then my royal ferns here if you're ever looking for a really beautiful fern that doesn't spread too much or at least it hasn't in my opinion this royal fern is gorgeous it does like water as well um and then i have this uh pg hydrangea standard and it's getting some buds on it and things are just looking really good everybody um i hope that you have enjoyed this tour and i hope that your gardens are doing as well as you would like them to be and if not remember there's always tomorrow okay well thanks everybody for joining me today i hope that you enjoyed this tour um i'm sure enjoying my garden right now so i hope you are too and are able to get outside and enjoy it in some nice weather i know our weather has been very odd this year but um definitely plants are very resilient all right well i hope you enjoyed this tour and i will see you next time bye
Channel: Suburban oasis
Views: 17,156
Rating: 4.9711714 out of 5
Id: dluFdgDN2a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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