Early Californios Skills of the Rancho

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hello everyone.this Bruce Sandefur the California Brown Horse Association want to take a moment kind of explain a little bit about what the California bridle horse Association and our event the early California skills in the ranch it was kind of all about we started this organization with a little bit different idea it was people that enjoyed bringing their horses along in a way that was kind of right for their horses so we planned on bringing this association along the same way we're here to promote the traditional California style of riding from pack more to rein and bridle horses and the way that smooth efficient stock handling those are kind of the things our goals to promote we allow people to ride in the hackamore until they feel like their horse is really well prepared to go into the bridle and that's one of the things that we really we look for and so each event is kind of geared for that our hackmore classes are set up to promote a horse going smoothly through the hackamore and develop a really well-balanced sound horse by the time he's gone through the whole process [Music] up into the terrain the horse is going on a little bit better he's learning to balance building his collection and self carriage that's kind of things we're looking for a nice smooth handling horse as a horse progresses into the bridle this should be the finished product of a California style bridle horse you should be a smooth one-handed effective working partner balanced and easy to maintain our a band is set up with judges that are a little bit different than some these were all ranch cowboys and ranch Foreman's that worked in large ranches and crews and still do to this day these guys judge things as they would outside after the war from a crew so they may judge the roping shots and the horsemanship but they're also going to judge the way that the stock is handled and they want to see them handled the way you would if you owned them that they were your cattle and that the pounds left on those cattle or is money out of your pocket that the safety of the crew those are all important aspects of our judging we're very big of promoting our youth events our juniors and youth are a big part of this association it also allows us to continue this on into the next generations one of the nice aspects of this association is all our junior youth novice and intermediate events get help from open writers they will help these people through the events coach them to be the best they can be and try to help them along in any way they possibly can our open writers do this out of the goodness of their heart and their love of this style of writing and so it makes for a really nice community and family of it we're really trying to keep this going in that correction we like to have a festive yes--that's type attitude in our event and everybody working together and everybody cheering for each other we have some of the finest horses and horsemen and ropers that you'll find the open roping is Reata only and so we're trying to keep that aspect of the California tradition alive as well but most of all we like to get together and have a good time as we all learn and progress together this is done a lot through our sponsors the support of our sponsors our prize donors are a very big part of this as well as our volunteers and staff for the California bridle Horse Association none of us are paid this is all volunteer work and we do it because we really do love this style of working and the camaraderie and that it promotes we can't thank these people enough for being behind us our vendors are another big aspect of this our vendors are often our biggest prize supporters they we have the most fabulous craftsmen in the whole country and world that donate prizes to our event and I'd like to think that we have some of the best prizes out there of any event you'll ever go to these vendors and sponsors make this possible they also make it possible to keep our costs down so that we can keep this a family-oriented event where people can afford to bring their kids to come with their spouses rope together and have a good time a good weekend while doing something they love to do and promoting the California system all the people that are involved in this are pretty amazing people and if you come out we'd really like you to to visit with folks everybody's pretty friendly and do a lot of shopping because you won't find better gear and equipment available anywhere custom boots and hats the saddles bridles leather gear anything you need you can find it early California skills of the ranch it's also just a very good time lots of friendly people all having a good time one of the nicest things about it too is you're gonna see some of the best and finest put together horses we're not a breed association we're not geared towards the future teas or anything like that we bring horses along how they need to be brought along for each horse individual any breed and so you're gonna see a lot of different types of horses and everybody doing their best to do the best for their horses and the cat livestock here is protected we really take a lot of pride in how humanely and effectively we handle our lifestyle and so we really try to promote that a lot and this event but what you mostly see is people having a lot of fun doing something they love and you can come out and enjoy this at no cost it's a free event for spectators you can come out watch some great rode roping and riding and also get to do some fabulous shopping there's some good food available and beverages so just a nice way to spend an e with your family it's not gonna cost you an arm and a leg unless you do too much shopping [Music] so we hope you come out and really enjoy all the effort that have been put into this event by participants by the CBA board and all the people that are behind this there are the really people that make this happen and we hope you come out and join us we like to remember our past members members that have gone across the Great Divide one of those is Jay Carney died in 2013 just an excellent guy and an inspiration to all of us last year we lost David Morrison David was taken too soon wonderful father and family man this year we're gonna try to do a little fundraising for the David's family and hopefully can come out and do what you can to help them so come see us it's the home ranch July 13th through 15th starting at 8:00 a.m. every day go until we're done you're gonna see a lot of great vendors horsemanship Stockman ship well we hope you come out thank you very much [Music]
Channel: Bruce Sandifer - Riding with balance.
Views: 35,817
Rating: 4.9172416 out of 5
Id: cRH5pMbVxa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 05 2018
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