Del Viento Hip Shot Instructional Video

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how's it going guys Dalton Darnell here with 310 ranch life in this instructional video we're gonna walk you through and break down the del viento Hipshot [Music] just real quick I want to tell you about the rope that I'm using for the video this is a Cinco Trial ed poly it's our heaviest poly rope and it's also got a ton of life it's really great for these big draping fancy heel shots I've modified the Rope just a little bit so you can see some of the finer details throughout the video and what I've done here is about 16 foot up the rope I've started placing little pieces of electrical tape and what that's for is so when I release my loop you'll be able to see how much rope is coming out of my hand as the spoke slides and my loop travels to its destination so maybe that'll just help you get a little idea on how far the shot is how much spoke is is sliding out during the shot alright let's jump right into the del viento video I'd like to start out by saying that I know that there's a bunch of different variations of this shot and a lot of different guys get along with it in different ways what I'm going to show you in this video is what I think is most important for me and how I've been successful with this particular shot I'm going to break the video up into two separate sections the first section is going to be the general shot details and this is just a couple of different things that I think is important to keep on the front of your mind when you're delivering this loop the second part of the video is going to be the actual mechanics of the del viento all the little details that go that go in to being successful with this shot we're going to break all that down and I'm going to show you step by step how I get the job done with this particular hip shot okay so starting with the general shot details we have three of these it's going to be smoothness spoke control and the actual position of the calf you're trying to rope so the first on our list right here on the general shot details the smoothness now what I mean by that is just being fluid for smooth throughout your swing release and while guiding your loop through the air once you start once you get out there and start throwing this loop you'll you'll understand what I'm saying about being smooth if you're jerky or too fast when releasing your loop it just wads up in the air and it doesn't really do right so I constantly tell myself when I go to deliver this shot to be smooth and fluid throughout my swing and my delivery and then once your loops in the air being fluid with your spoke sliding through your hand and guiding your loop into the hip all of those things are very very important for this shot to one look really good and to make contact with the calf properly the second detail we're going to talk about is spoke control and all this is is allowing your spoke to run through your hand with little and no friction as your loops traveling through the air and what this does is it it it allows you to maintain constant contact with your loop throughout the entire shot so you have a lot of control over where your loop goes and when you're gonna bring it back in to set the trap your hands already there on the spoke now on a little side note you can deliver and set this trap without holding your spoke you can throw the del viento up over the calf and as it comes into position in the air catch your slack and snatch it through set a trap I do find that there is less room for error when maintaining constant contact with your loop so I prefer to let the spoke slide through my hand and maintain that contact with that loop at all times it does take quite a bit of practice to get really good at allowing that spoke to run through your hand freely just work at it and and keep that on the the front of your mind as you're throwing this shot to let that spoke run freely so the last general detail we're going to talk about is the position of your calf can all I mean by that is you want to make sure that your calf is in a favorable position for your trap to get set so you need to be paying really close attention to the calf's feet making sure that they're far enough apart that your loop can come in and and do what it needs to do if they're not you just need to communicate with your header back and forth make them take a step see if he'll walk backwards or or whatever you need to do to get that calf in the right spot for your loop to have enough room to slap under the animal and try to catch two feet okay so now that we got that covered let's get into the mechanics of the del viento what we're gonna go over here is loop size splitting your spoke the angle of your swing point a delivery your hand motion through the release what to do while the loop is traveling when to bring your loop back your loops flight path and creating the flop and then picking up your slack and reaching for two so we'll start with loop size here when I'm going to throw one of these big draping heel shots I'm going to start with a three to four four coil loop then I when I start to swing I'll feed one or two coals into my loop depending on how big the calf is or how small I guess so the important thing to remember with loop size with this shot is that the bigger the calf is generally the bigger your loop needs to be to really come through on that trap so just gauge that based on what size cattle you're roping if they're really small you don't have to have such a big loop but just gauge your loop size based on the size of your calf and then what feels good to you another side note on loop size is it seems to me when throwing this shot the bigger your loop is the further you can throw it so obviously that can get out of proportion so if the loops too big you're not going to be able to deliver the shot anyways but if I'm going to throw del viento a long ways I'm gonna have a fairly large loop it just the momentum of that swing is so much greater with that big loop and you can really feel that tip good and it allows you to get some good distance on this shot so the next thing we're going to talk about is splitting your spoke and all that means is that when you let go your loop you let go of the spoke to your wrote the way I'll get that done with the del viento is I've put my pointer finger in between my spoke in my loop that way when I release my loop into the air I always have contact with that spoke and I don't lose it throughout the delivery once those three fingers released the loop they just fall right into place on the spoke and you never lose contact with your loop alright so that's going to bring us to the angle of our swing when I'm throwing the del viento I'm gonna use mostly a sidearm swing with a slight overhead angle all that does is it allows to throw just a little bit bigger loop without your loop hitting the ground near as much so when I'm swinging this shot it does hit the ground some but you just don't want your your loop plowing into the ground every time you swing it makes it really hard to deliver a smooth a smooth shot so putting that little tip in it over your head will allow you to get the loop size that you need for bigger calves and still be able to deliver the loop correctly okay so let's talk a little bit about the point of delivery and what I mean by that is how your arm is going to finish as you're going to release your shot not necessarily the point of delivery on the calf but but where you're going to release your rope my point of delivery is off the side of my chest with my hand inning just forward of my body the release point is just as the arm becomes fully extended so as you are swinging you're going to be swinging your loop like I said sidearm with a slight overhead tip and as you bring that loop in and go to deliver it the way you get your loop to fly through the air at the appropriate angle is you're gonna bring your your loop just how you are swinging it and then as you go to finish you're going to extend your arm fully out to your right or your left depending on if you're right or left handed but you're gonna finish it way out with your arm fully extended and so what I'm talking about with the point of delivery is is how my arms go to finish when I go to let go of the loop and and like I said it's going to finish out off the side of my chest with my hand ending just forward of my body okay so let's talk a little bit about the hand motion through the release as your hands going to come forward through your swing your knuckles are going to be pointing towards the ground and your thumb is going to be facing your target so your palm is going to be kind of pointed at your side a little bit as I approach the release point my thumb will roll towards the sky and and as this happens the weight of the tip of your loop will almost pull the loop from your other fingers as you gradually open those three fingers your loop will leave in a smooth motion starting your rotation so what's important about all this is being smooth in you don't necessarily throw the rope it's more of a using the momentum from your swing to let that rope fly out there past your target so you can bring it back in to set your track which we'll talk about all that in just a minute but what we want to focus on right here is the hand motion through the release so if you can just feel for the tip of that rope and when it gets it at its heaviest point and as you're you're extending your arm out that's what's going to give your rope it's going to start that rotation that you're gonna need to get your Honda in the correct place to bring it back and set your trap okay so once your loop is released you let your spoke slide through your hand while guiding your loop into position and the way I'll do this is by following my loops flight path from right to left with my hand I feel this helps guide my loop into position a long way always keeping me in a spot where I can bring the loop back once it gets in the right spot so with the del viento the goal is to throw your loop past your target and then to bring it back on the Kass hip to set your trap and and letting that spoke slide through your hand and keeping constant contact with your loop at all times allows you to always be ready to bring that loop back to you're traveling so with that being said when do you bring your loop back for the trap as your loop flies through the air it will be rotating clockwise you want to look for your Honda's to make almost a full rotation it's a little more than 3/4 in my opinion so there's a there's a point there where it's best to bring it in and the more you throw it it'll almost become a feel thing like you can feel that ok my Honda is in the right spot I'm gonna bring my loop back in for the trap so when you pull your loop towards you to contact your calf your Honda needs to be positioned over the calf's back so you're definitely going to want to wait for that Honda to rotate to a point to where when you bring it back it's going to be over the top of the animal has your Honda reaches this point in the rotation you will need to pull your spoke straight back to give your loop the momentum it needs to slap under the animal this is a really big timing thing so the way you get good at this is you practice it a lot and you know you you have to watch your loop watch your Honda watch the calf there's a lot of things going on and so the more you throw it the better you're gonna be at time in this shot coming back in and setting that trap like you want it to so it's just going to be practice practice practice right here when I first started throwing this shot I watched my loop a lot now I don't necessarily have to do that I usually keep my eyes on my target now but in the beginning I really watched and paid attention to that Honda and where it was at in the rotation and when I brought it back what set the best trap so I would really pay attention to your Honda making sure you have enough rotation in your loop if your loop rotates really slow you need to throw it really high if it rotates really fast you can throw it a little lower so just playing with those speeds and loop sizes it is going to greatly affect when you bring it back but in my opinion your Honda being over the back of the calf and then almost making a full rotation is it's usually the perfect way to get that trap to slap in there good okay so now we can talk about the flight path of the loop and then creating the flop so when I deliver this shot and it leaves my hand it is going to fly behind over and pass the calf cannot stress that enough it has got to go past the calf because if it does not go past the calf and you bring it back it will never set a trap so you need to know how far you can throw this shot before you go in there and throw it because if it doesn't get past the calf you're just going to rub the calf's rear end and not catch anything so on a shot where I'm going to maintain constant contact with my loop at all times I'm going to deliver the loop in a way that it goes behind the calf and is going to make contact in a backwards to forwards motion from the calf's rear end to his head now the reason I do that is because I feel like that backwards to force motion gives my loop a bunch of momentum and and it really drives the tip of that rope under that cap to set the trap so when I'm talking about creating the flop really all I'm talking about is is your rope flopping in there under the calf or really slapping under there and making a good solid trap and in a couple of things are important in my opinion for that especially with the del viento I like for my top strand to hit pretty deep on the calf deep on his rear end is what I'm talking about so that way the trap does not fall off there's a lot of moving parts to this shot you're pulling your rope and there's a lot of stuff going on so if it really ropes the rear into that calf really well and it's coming in from that backside angle and hits deep and then the second part of that is your bottom strand making contact with the calf's legs or the ground right behind his legs and what that really does is it really drives your rope underneath the calf and it really set a nice trap so that's all I mean by creating the flop is is really having a specific destination for that rope will really increase your percentages solely based on the fact that the ropes gonna go in there better if it hits that way so once the trap is set I like for my hitter to be watching for me to get all my slack off the ground if your header leads too early it's very hard for you to get your slack out of your rope and catch two feet so in that situation sometimes you'll lose a foot and and sometimes your trap will just fall off all together and that can just be an absolute heartbreaker so communication is key at this point just make sure that your header knows what you need to be successful with all that being said sometimes the calf just leaves when the loop hits them as you approach to get your slack off the ground sometimes they'll run off the header also needs to be looking for this if the calf goes to leave he can hurry the calf along and try to help you get as much slack out of your rope as you can at that point I'll normally just reach as far as I can backwards with my slack to try to pick as much rope up as you possibly can this is where it's really important for your header to be short to be on a short rope to have control of the calf and control the situation while you're delivering shots like this him being short and paying close attention to how the calf is responding to you and what you're doing can be the difference in a high point shot or a heartbreaking mess so just really communicating and talking back and forth about what's going on is really gonna help you your header out and most likely your score all right guys that's gonna wrap us up for the del viento instructional I sure hope you got a lot out of it if you have any questions feel free to message us or call us we love hearing from you we love feedback if you haven't checked out our Facebook and Instagram go check that out and give us a like and a follow there and then go check out the membership page if this is something that that you've really enjoyed we have a forehand turnover video on the page and we're also working on a backhand turnover for the instructional site and tons other stuff on there tons of their content so if you haven't checked that out check it out and let us know what you think we sure do appreciate you guys watching the videos and we sure enjoyed making them you all have a good one [Music]
Channel: 3:10 Ranch Life
Views: 70,822
Rating: 4.9100204 out of 5
Keywords: Del Viento, Ranch Roping, Roping, Fancy Roping shots, Backhand Roping shot, Cowboy, Buckaroo, Big loop Roping, Big loop, Ranch life, Roping instructional, how to throw a del viento, pat puckett, martin black, ranch horses, roping cattle, cattle, calf roping, team roping, doctoring cattle, learning to rope, vaqueros, vaqueros roping, california style roping, buckaroo style, californios
Id: ie1uxqoWA_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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